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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Here is a collection of comments made about the new item scripting while i was helping him, and he wished me to post the ideas on the forum. Item Scripts will be used for anything from quest items to anything cool that you want to add something onto your item. But they have to fit in with the current item, so the effect of the item must be believable based on its description. Multiple Items per Script Some items will all be linked to one script so that each item will behave similarly. This group of items will be editable by one person and when the script is edited all of these items will change. However depending on the scripting each item can do something slightly different. An example of this is the various usable alcohol Bottles. They are all different items, but use the same MDscript. However the difference between them is when you run the script is that each bottle will last for a different time. The script has a list of times for the “drunk” effect to last based on which item ran the script. So when one bottle runs the script, it checks the item that is running the script, and then takes the appropriate action. Abuse of Item Scripts Due to the fact that the items will have more functionality then the normal Clickable MDscript there will also be a much greater Punishment. Scripting Items You will be able to later script items without activating them so you won’t need to script them on clickables, but there will still be an issue of testing the code to make sure it works, there is a possibility of making a “sandbox” so you can test it continually without having to wait the cooldown.
  2. I would believe so because thats how the WP shop works, once you have spent a certain amount of Wishpoints you see more Wishs. Mur did say it takes a lot to get it. Shadowseeker would know, he bought it. But as so far, only 4 people i know have it, so it will be very rare indeed.
  3. Happy Birthday Indy! i hope you have a good one.
  4. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='08 April 2010 - 10:10 AM' timestamp='1270717827' post='57827'] Sure it hasn't? For me it did, 11am, no trouble. [/quote] yeah, for me it still says its 9AM,
  5. [quote name='Shemhazaj' date='08 April 2010 - 02:04 AM' timestamp='1270692274' post='57809'] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#696969"]the thing is, the time I see as posted is NOT my time.so I have 1. game server time, 2. forum time and 3. my time.as this is the forum I chose to use it's time.[/color][/font] [/quote] just to be infomational, forum time is based on the timezone you set in the settings. So i could be any time. EDIT: and hasnt applied DST correctly. ARG STUPID THING!!!
  6. [quote name='Kamisha' date='07 April 2010 - 10:36 PM' timestamp='1270679764' post='57797'] Idea number 2 as Chewett has pointed out would only be really useful to LHO's. [/quote] I have only posted once in this topic and that was to point people at the poll. So i dont see how i can say something about an idea. You probably mean grido. I Dislike idea number 2 because it encourages laziness, spam and general "oh i cant be bothered to type 5 words again" Its hardly difficult to formulate a sentence.
  7. NOTE: there is now a poll at the top, as it seems that most people use the View New content button, they will not see the poll because it jumps down to the latest post. So, if you have not voted, its right at the top of the post.
  8. [quote name='awiiya' date='07 April 2010 - 08:10 PM' timestamp='1270671000' post='57788'] And I'm not an LHO anymore, so that leaves just Grido.Awi [/quote] *cough* i rescued him and since im a Lho it cant just be grido Closed. The issue has been resolved, open another one if you think its nessary. [color=purple]....and Akasha is as well - Grido [/color]
  9. Because no one else was kind enough to teleport you out, i have done so. Please only go into the Labyrinth when you are sure you have someone who has said they will remove you.
  10. [quote name='awiiya' date='06 April 2010 - 06:20 PM' timestamp='1270578027' post='57742'] I hate to say it, but I really don't think anybody can gather 2 musical instruments and gem stones in 7 days. 15 silver is generally the cost of a RAW item, but instruments are far more valuable. People generally are attached to special or interesting items, and musical instruments fall under that category. If someone does manage to acquire the items, they will likely have sacrificed a lot more than a GG's worth. Good luck. Awi [/quote] Yes, Lightsage and i had some fun saying this. But you might as well let this continue. Since its only for 7 days, and we all know it wont happen.
  11. [quote name='Elthen Airis' date='06 April 2010 - 07:19 PM' timestamp='1270581587' post='57744'] I don't know what you did, but i hardly stand a chance against the computer. Perhaps you could think of balancing the difficulty for each MP? After all, MP3 and MP4 doesn't have the best of cards so they could win without losing a card. I have fricking Barren Souls, although i removed them from the deck and they are MP3's cards. It's quite strange in fact. [/quote] There is a lot of stragity involved in the game, and as long as you play with always picking the stat which has the highest "ranking" (based on the other cards) then you can win most of the time.
  12. Chewett

    Wps Gone Bad

    [quote name='Grido' date='05 April 2010 - 08:50 PM' timestamp='1270500618' post='57689'] I cant speak about the other WP's, but why should anything happen to Mya for my asking her to reward Cutler a WP?(Which was a WP code that i had given her to use) [/quote] if you read what i have posted i said it needs to looked into. its quite obvious that no one has a clear view of what is allowed and isnt, and there is no point us arguing about it since only Mur will be able to clear this up. His word will be definitive and will also set a precident. As i said in my post, "Something needs to be looked into this..." and im sure that Mur will be able to tell us whats right and wrong and sort this issue out once and for all.
  13. Chewett

    Wps Gone Bad

    and the other one was given to culter for something that he was already given a WP for So, what does Mya say? "i dont have to explain myself to you" Something needs to be looked into this...
  14. For Elthen: [quote][2010-03-28 17:24:34 - Alpha 9] Free credits links are now shuffled. It looks a bit messy because you will have to look at the entire list to find what you have voted and what not, but it distributes the vote better across the entire list and not just to the first positions. [/quote] I dont really notice the ad's so more or less dont really effect me.
  15. and opera users cannot even use the asteral plane... its not very standards compliant.
  16. When you are a "New Member" (under 20 posts) you cannot give or take Reputation away Unless you have a really good reason to be able to give or take away reputation, you will have to wait until you have reached 20 posts If you dislike this or have something to say about it, Please pm me. NOTE: If you have more than 20 posts and still cannot give or take reputation you need to PM me and i can fix this issue.
  17. [quote name='Grido' date='29 March 2010 - 12:10 AM' timestamp='1269864600'] [quote name='Akasha' date='03 October 2009 - 11:10 AM' timestamp='1254564649' post='43575'] [color="#8b0000"]sample art will be sent to [b]art(at)magicduel.com[/b][/color] [/quote] [/quote] the avatar bounty is NOT currently active, please read the entire topic before posting stupid comments such as "is this still running?" As akasha and then grido have said. If you make avatars, send it to the above address EDIT: thanks akasha for correcting me and grido
  18. lol Frosty! I liked his avvie. tried to make him gimme it at one point.
  19. what is actually wrong with it? why cant the competition go now? (i havent seen if there is anything wrong with it lol)
  20. This link should be removed, the website has been hacked {removed link Do not try and visit the site}
  21. [quote name='Darigan' date='01 April 2010 - 01:13 AM' timestamp='1270084399' post='57289'] how is that possible...*checks his calculator(which is actually someone in game that's better at math) there's over 3000 combination's unless your a speed clicker there's no way you could have done it that fast. and i've discovered the combos for the PC roof and the one of the archives rooms [/quote] [quote name='Yoshi' date='01 April 2010 - 01:35 AM' timestamp='1270085728' post='57291'] you? or a script? lol I got through about half of the codes, got bored and just stopped. [/quote] scripts obviously. But that doesnt matter. The way i did it made sure there was definately one or not. IAB way would have given a little... Error sometimes. Since certain conditions have to be met.
  22. Currently, im not entirely sure the current "playerbase" works. Although MD is a "ROLE playing game" there are few roleplayers and people intrested in MD itself. I think that a change of playerbase would be a good idea. The current "Core" players complain about how boring MD is and we all love Stat Grinders. Lately i have only seen more and more Stat Grinders playing, and fewer and fewer people that look to the secrets of MD. Whatever the extra words add to the ----------------------------------------------------------------- OFFTOPIC ----------------------------------------------------------------- [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='31 March 2010 - 08:10 PM' timestamp='1270066257' post='57264'] Are you kidding? Just because I didn't list the many forms of vitamins and nutrients in meat does not make it distasteful. It was an example. Get over yourself and your imagined insults. I'll just state how your post adds nothing to this thread and I would like it removed. Vegetarians can't survive without Proteins and the other vitamins provide. It's a fact. They have to take supplements and eat large ammounts other sources of protein to to make up for the loss of nutrients meat provides. I know more about physical fitness and fitness training than you could ever think of lightsage. So before you open your mouth again, and spew how distasteful you find somehing think. Then don't say anything. [/quote] Protein Protein intake in vegetarian diets is only slightly lower than in meat diets and can meet daily requirements for any person, including athletes and bodybuilders. Studies at Harvard University as well as other studies conducted in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and various European countries, have confirmed that vegetarian diets provide sufficient protein intake as long as a variety of plant sources are available and consumed [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarian#Protein"]- From Wikipedia[/url] and Fenrir, we all know you know a lot about stuff we have no idea about. But this isnt the way to say it! patronize us but dont confront. And no its not a fact they have to take lots of Supplements, My best friend is a vegetarian and she takes care to make sure that she has an appropriate diet to have the correct intake of foodstuffs. She regularly also visits a Dietitian to make sure that she has enough of everything (she is a diabetic so keeping the balance is a life threating issue) and because she includes the relevant foodstuffs, she doesnt need to take supplements. Its no point really comparing knowledge as we can all say "I KNOW MORE THAN YOU ABOUT X" but really we cant compare what each knows. It only accomplishs to annoy each other. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='31 March 2010 - 08:39 PM' timestamp='1270067992' post='57268'] I joined MD when I was 18. I'm twenty now, and lots of things have changed with me. You forget what I used to be like, then what I became and now what I am. [/quote] I kinda liked that fenrir, The fenrir i could have a nice decent talk about the lore and general MD. Im still have some hope that the good ol fenrir will return.
  23. Mur is just aiming at a different audience. Instead of aiming for lots of users, he is perhaps looking at a user who isnt just pulled in by great graphics, and has a certain level of intelligence to read and be enthralled. He even states in bold that "MagicDuel is not something for anybody to master, but for everybody to experience." Which i think is also good, it shows that not everyone will "get" MD and if people can understand that then they wont leave the game so confused, merely not intrested in the type of game. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='31 March 2010 - 06:10 PM' timestamp='1270059006' post='57257'] For example, think of the front page as a human. We need Meat, Grains, and Vegetables to survive. We had the Meat and Grains in good supply, with small servings of Veggies. A healthy diet in other words. Now, the front page has become more of a Vegetarian. Vegetarians can't survive without the proteins and other vitamins that Meat provides. [/quote] Thats why we see all these Vegatarians dieing every day because they cant force themselves to eat meat... Oh wait a moment, they dont Actually, your example is unwittingly rather good. Mur has just changed the "diet" to attract a different type of person aka a "vegatarian" if you understand this example.
  24. 20 silver for all crits
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