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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. [quote name='Yoshi' date='08 March 2010 - 12:03 AM' timestamp='1268006598' post='55975'] I still don't understand what's so wrong about having "insanely powerful" MP3's and MP4's. There's always going to be a top person in anything. Leave them alone? Anyways, I am not bored either. I always find something to do or someone to talk to. If your bored, set a goal or two for yourself. Once you achieve them, make the achievement greater and push yourself farther. [/quote] insanely strong MP3 and 4's are partly what drives people away, Previously you could normally kill someone by thinking up a good stragety, but now these Alt mp3 and 4 are unbeatable by a new player, Its rather discouraging being beaten at every turn. Previously i remember Mur forced some people up to mp5 as they were so powerful, and i think some people need this push.
  2. Please only post images for the contest, Because Z only wanted pictures you took, and ones that you were entering for his contest.
  3. 1 36
  4. row 1 35
  5. 1 34
  6. 1 33
  7. 1 31
  8. [quote name='aaront222' date='06 March 2010 - 01:21 PM' timestamp='1267881691' post='55849'] The GGG is too full of people. All mp4s are there. It is almost impossible to train in the SG or strategise in the GoE. [/quote] You dont like GGG? you dont have to use it. From the people iv talked to about GGG, They all are there either because its a safe place to idle where they can HELP others, or that they are very weak and just are training a few creatures. There will always be the super Uber players using it, But would you prefere them running around killing everyone they see? or being part of a community run thing? GGG has brought a lot of people Together And also, I cant see how you "hate" GGG when you make statements like this "aaront222 I am quitting MD temporarily. Only to protest the GGG. Switich MMOs for awhile." and then Sit in GGG farming like those people you hate...
  9. 8 18, someone anyone get the stupid pimpie...
  10. Happy Birthday, And Remember, A tomato doesn't grow overnight, But MD is getting there
  11. 8 17 as i want this to finish asap...
  12. [quote name='Kamisha' date='05 March 2010 - 04:09 AM' timestamp='1267762155' post='55760'] Is there anybody we can assign to this. As time progresses this is going to get worse as sites change domains and methods of voting to stop bots from voting. There are going to be more and more broken links. [/quote] actually currently most of the sites are down because of database problems, All it takes it someone on their side to come and fix said problems and the voteing works again But i agree that someone from the advertisers probably needs to either have access to be able to disable links, and/or mur keep an eye on this topic a bit more often since currently he is the only one who can remove these links and replace them
  13. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='03 March 2010 - 04:00 PM' timestamp='1267632057' post='55681'] Yes, because honestly, what I think would help, is usually good. I have bad ideas every once in a while, but I'm only human. I think that the GGG should be used only by MP5 players, and the Sparing ground for MP3 and 4. But wait. Noone cares. [/quote] Is there anyone who finds this hilarious? Fenrir Greycloth that spent a good week sitting in GGG unset so he could break as many people as possible, Wants GGG to continue? Offical Support of the MR's has been Withdrawn, However i am still enforcing the rules, As are many of the people that frequent there. With any fraction of the community behind it, It will continue.
  14. Its relatively simple, Log in, Have fun, Make friends. Since much of the game is broken (combat) there isnt much point trying to be "great" in that respect, Just Make some good friends and have some fun! And if you are looking to be "great" by reading such a topic, you have already failed by looking for greatness.
  15. Do you agree with the idea of making AL story to force players into a situation, considering this will be done by Mur and in the spirit of MD , to continue its legends? Isnt the AL about things people do? or at least that was the initial premise of the AL Currently i see it as merely a fanciful story that things that we do dont really currently have any effect on it because Mur will write it as you want it written. If you are forcing Situations that makes it even less about what we do to "change the world" as you have always said we could. Personally i was annoyed when you posted on the previous AL "[This adventure is presented with a few days offset to allow it to develop without outside influences and spoiling] " Because since you always said we can influence and help the Adventure log along then post something saying completely the opposite. Im going to drag some history up But when BigC was in necro, people came and influenced the story, But in the AL before the pause you explicitly told us you didnt want us to "interfere". So what i wonder, What is the Adventure log? Is it a story woven around the players in MD, who are picked by Mur to continue the story? or is it a story about what we do ourselves in MD?
  16. [quote name='Jester' date='02 March 2010 - 05:34 PM' timestamp='1267551275' post='55628'] Sorry, I didn't mean that sign. I meant the thing that pops up for new players the first few times they enter a scene. On the screen before the Labyrinth it says something about "Do not enter here, you will get lost", and on the entrance it says wait to enter until you have friends who can teleport you out in case you get lost. I was suggesting that get edited for the new players so it says "Do not enter until you have friends that can get you out, if you make it to the end you will get trapped". This isn't something players can do, but I imagine at least a few people have quit MD because of getting stuck in GG. [/quote] I agree, there needs to be something that they will know that they shouldnt go in without contacting someone first...
  17. Issue fixed and closed Thanks Mur!
  18. Perhaps we can have a party around bob! Happy Birthday Ledah!
  19. Chewett


    And how can we trust its not fixed? There is NO way of showing its actually random
  20. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='28 February 2010 - 05:01 PM' timestamp='1267376465' post='55494'] Wait, because I said that... does it mean I am now known to hate the HC? >.> [/quote] Nope, you merely inferred that from my post, If i had said "you can post your hating on one of the HC disucssion threads" then i would be saying you hate HC But I said "That can be discussed in one of the old HC hating topics if you want Fenrir" If you didnt know, the HC hating topics are the ones suggesting changes so that its more intresting and such, in line with what you are suggesting. Make sure you read posts carefully, You could totally misread a post and be offensive to someone who is complementing you.
  21. That can be discussed in one of the old HC hating topics if you want Fenrir, This should not have happened, its a bug that his score was carried forth.
  22. This IS an issue, Because Otho didnt get 50k score this time around, and it means that The top of Mp3 wont get their first. I think this needs to be fixed so that score is removed so mp3 isnt bugged.
  23. Chewett


    What are you basing it on? the normal lottery? If so then only "lucky" people will play since i dont fancy the massively small odds Well, good for you Junior, you will make a lot of money, and since there are so few players you might never have to actually give out any prizes. Definitely a sure "con" money maker.
  24. Dont post errors when they are not continual. Everyone got it, and it was gone a moment later. If something continues to occur post it, otherwise its just another small bump
  25. Right, i have an obscenely old aramor that i am selling It will be older than most of you guys ID: 26892 Age as of Day 57: 831 If anyone is intrested in such an old creature, Send me a PM Current Price: 10 Silver by Dst NOTE: i am selling this FOR someone who doesnt have a forum account.
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