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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. its worth less than a windy, but about the same price as a rusty and a GG drac.
  2. The logs that prevent you were obviously not fully reset then, But i do question that he is not your friend but an alt you stored the ctc of.
  3. I dont paticipate because there is no point, MB currently has the worst total because it is the closest land and people are farming torches, so we lose more points There is no point, as we cant score against any other land easily. So i dont participate.
  4. Because i took this picture when it snowed a week/ish ago, i have taken another one with the required "MD" in it. Hopefully you can see its from the same plant/location (in my backgarden) Here is the one with MD in it [attachment=1426:100_1251.JPG] And here is my submission during the week it snowed. I was surprised that this plant still had this flaring red color wheras the rest of it had started to die. [attachment=1427:100_1168.JPG] EDIT: it seems these pictures are a little large, to view them properly it might be easier to save them and view on your comp.
  5. The K doc is a knowledge doc, Everyone can make one, but it will only show if you are part of a knowledge group. Its mainly to show stuff like things you have researched and stuff.
  6. If md is down again, repost. Closed
  7. Currently up for me also
  8. Go to the bottom of this topic, there will be a blue bar with something like "Currently viewing xxxx posts. Change threshold?" press this, and change it to view all, Then you will be able to see posts, no matter how badly rated they are
  9. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='13 January 2010 - 07:28 PM' timestamp='1263410888' post='52669'] Clutter? I don't understand what you mean. Those topics are put from newest to oldest in the search. I dont see how they can clutter anything. There may be more posts this way, but the topics remain up to date, and if the the poster forgets what he is posting, then the offer gets lost. [/quote] bumping will produce the same effects, with fewer posts.
  10. This topic is about dst. If you want to talk about your forum demotion them make a new topic or PM me. I will contact mur asap.
  11. Removed bumping threads from the complaint about dst, since demotion was not something that dst personally did. My view is that bumps show us easier what forum topics are open and closed. Topics that haven't been touched for ages show that the user probably doesnt want them anymore, or isnt checking the forum. And posting a new post every month would mean that topics are easier to see if they are still open, but it would fill the forum up very quickly and perhaps add more clutter.
  12. [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='13 January 2010 - 10:41 AM' timestamp='1263379309' post='52638'] If I may be so bold I'd like to make an observation and a suggestion. In the real world, employees generally have reviews and warnings before dismissal. I understand that moderating a forum is a bit different, but if someone is not doing things the way you feel that they should, would it not be better to sit down with them and discuss where they are going wrong? [/quote] Each one of these points we talked to him about it. on either yim, ingame or via forum pm. For example, one such one i hadnt deleted. And this is what i sent to him. [quote]Fenrir i dont think you should have closed the topic. And i have unclosed it for a few reasons, One was that in that section closed topics are finished. Secondarily, xxxxx was not bumping the post, merely replying to a person that posted an offer and didnt pm it. And Third, xxxxx complained and he thinks that you did this because he didnt send you a shade, and also he claimed you spammed him and called him an alt abuser, but ofc that is just gossip. You cannot let your opinions about a person affect moderation. If you wish to argue how it should have been closed you can reply to this and we can discuss it. Chewett [/quote] This pm was is related to "closing topics with reason" the second one on that point. [quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='13 January 2010 - 01:36 PM' timestamp='1263389811' post='52647'] but on the other side: have you ever been warned about this? have they told you you where wrong on it and gave you advice on how to do what, and what not?for me I most certainly believe that people who work together, as the moderators shoulden't let their fellow mod's down, but on this subject it looks like fenrir has been dropped, and for which reason I don't know. But I know chewett, and I guess it has been a good reason, with good prove. I just wish this to be publiced to now, since everyone is starting to discuss this now. or is it possible that the moderator's, and fenrir open up a own location, start discussing until everything is clear for everyone, pur rational, no offending and no pointing fingers. as far as i am concered no one is wrong, just lacks the knowledge and the insight. it would do much more good than discuss it here, because all happens now it that you all( not concerned for myself:P) will get a bad name, and not in as 'he's bad, more other ways..well, I hope I diden't offend anyone, tried to reply as rational as I can be, if any objections are made to what I said, or if I lack the insight, just tell me and I will rewrite it:) [/quote] As burns said, on post 6 i have posted my reasons, and above i have posted an example of the warnings that have been give. Please read what is being posted before posting since im not going to reiterate what i have already said. And as i have said before, fenrir was given a chance to complain, he asked me for a few things and i have provided them. I also gave him options to complain agaist what we did, I said he could talk to any moderator about it, or talk to mur (and i offered to ask mur to talk to him if he wished), or even take me to "court" (remember the thing mur talked about ages ago) if he wanted. All of the issues currently i see fenrir complaining about are nothing to do with dst. They are to do with me and his demotion. If you want to talk about that more. open a new topic. Because this has nothign to do with how dst is a cruel witch
  13. [b]As i have said in my previous post. This post has nothing to do with your demotion. This post is about your issues with dst.[/b] The demotion was a whole moderator thing, we all voted and all came to the same descision, so if you have an issue with that, then you can make another topic and complain against me. dst was merely one person who areed with demoting you, but there were 3 other people who also agreed with it. So as i told you in your pm, there are many different ways you can complain with your demotion and i will arrange talking to mur directly if you really want to. But dont blame dst for something like this. As i said in my PM to you fenrir, You can open a topic about how unfair I am, because this has more to do with me than dst. You are merely using something that she was part of, and blaming her entirely for it. [b]So i will not comment anything to do with your forum demotion, for that has nothing to do with this, and i ask no one else to comment on such things, i have given fenrir the chance to complain, and have provided him with things he asked for, but it seems he wants to blame dst for something WE decided on.[/b]
  14. I purposely didnt post on the forum that we demoted you because i would have thought that would have ruined your reputation more. But if you dont mind i shall post why we removed you here and now. Here is the story on that front. Then i shall comment on other such things. This is directly copied from the post i made in the moderator section about fenrir. With no omissions, the comments made are my own initial ones and are only the first post. I will not post what moderators posted after for it was Chatham House Rules. They can post if they wish to. [b]Closing topics without reason:[/b] This is about one specific topic. I received a complaint from a user that Fenrir was moderating his topic unfairly. So i investigated and cleared the topic up. here is what i found in that topic. After The user bumped the topic, where the last post was around a week old, he posted. [quote]Please do not spam your own topic. Use the edit function.[/quote] Now i dont believe there was anything wrong, and it was just a plain bump. Considers some users bump topics daily... Then after a different user asked the question and the person who complained replied he posted: [quote]Stop spamming topics to get them active again. If people want any of your creatures, they will use the Search Function and find all the topics related to that criteria. I am closing this topic, as it has no need to be open.[/quote] I was uneasy with this on multiple levels. Firstly he was merely answering a question, something about accepting silver or something (since it wasnt stated in the post) Also, in this section, all the closed topics are finished, which would mean it would likely be forgotten. Overall, i felt this was just fenrir being a little too officious. But after talking with the user it seems that Fenrir didnt like him because he didnt sell his shade to fenrir. When i asked his if this was the case fenrir said it was most not and that he didnt want a "alt abusers shade" and then proceeded to rant about how the user was an alt abuser and it was against his morals. Which made me believe that it was more likely he closed it because he didnt like the user. [b]Reposting Someones WTB offer:[/b] He reposted someones entire "WTB several crits" post, and even left the title of the post the same. More than that, he also then edited his post when the original user edited his. To me this is something that is just plain rude and not something a Section Mod should do. [b]Thread Hi-jacking:[/b] [quote] I am offering any/all my creatures for the Hidden Creatures as well. If you don't like xxxxx offer. PM me. ;D[/quote] As a moderator he has deleted such posts, but here he makes them, I removed it but i dont think that moderators should be hijacking threads when he deletes posts of other people that do that. [b]MD Auction:[/b] He removed a tonn of posts from it and then posted under it: [quote]I have gone through the thread and deleted posts with no value(Ie offering to delete your stats for a creature), and I will continue to do so when I see other offers such as 1 silver for the Dark IV.[/quote] While he has every right to do this, and was probably helping. We all know that any topics that Mur is organising should not be changed in any way. Removing posts may also be considered an abuse of power as he may have removed posts from people he didnt like (i didnt check before remerging it) Mur posted two posts above that he was unsure what to do, whether to delete low bids, or something else. From this i would have hoped he would have left it until Mur had decided. As you can see there are the reasons we demoted him, amoung others such as general attutuide, And the investigation into his moderatorship started a couple days *BEFORE* the argument with Dmik in GGG. This investigation was made after several people complained how he was running the section. And i shall just quote one small section of the pm i sent to him. "If you wish to see a collection of posts and comments on them, you can ask for them, for it is not fair to know what we have judged you on, But i will ofc remove the names, under Chatham House Rules." If you want to discuss this. Then as i told you, there are many ways that you can discuss your demotion. But unless you want to make another topic, your demotion is nothing to do with your problem about dst. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Now lets look at your post[/b] [quote]For as long as I can remember, dst has been just as much a nuisance to the general MD public as certain other individuals. The names Death Ray, and redneck come to mind. She may not be a nuisance in the same way, but she is still a nuisance none the less. I use the word nuisance as a kind substitute for other words which could be applied.[/quote] What "nuisance" are you referring to? do you mean she does things you dont like? Please be more specific [quote]I would like to bring to light her constant hunting of "prey". Those she considers weak, stupid, or different. For no other apparent reason other than for her own self satisfaction that she is better than others. Whether or not she is, is up for debate. Not only does she hunt these "prey" she chomps down on their hind quarters until they can do nothing but limp on for months. If they are so lucky as to be able to walk after the initial attacks, she then sinks her teeth into their throats. For instance, her attacks on Shoeps. I do not care what he did, or why she attacks him constantly, but it is not acceptable to see these instances brought up every few weeks when she can't find another prey to attack. [/quote] How little you know. If you knew anything about this issue you would know that both of them are equally to blame. Dst is angry at shoeps so she berates him. shoeps is angry at dst so he swears at her. Please dont assume that because you dont know what happened, means it doesnt matter. You are taking it massively out of context. And, when was the last time you have seen her bitching about Shoeps? Every couple of weeks? have you even been playing the last few months, Shoeps stopped playing so it seems a miracle that she has been attacking him. [quote]She made it her life's ambition to see his game life ruined, and unfortunately, it appears as if she succeeded. That may or may not be the case, but the fact remains that her goal was to make Shoeps hated by the general population by making a personal conflict public because she could not win otherwise. Again, unacceptable. He is not the only one she constantly harasses. I have a list of people she makes regular attacks against, and it isn't right. [/quote] May i see the list? will you publish it? And again, since you know nothing of Shoeps and dst do not make general comments that show your ignorance of that topic. Find another more apt argument that fits. [quote]Her attitude towards anyone that does anything but tread lightly around her is deplorable. If you so much as argue with her, she will call you a coward. If you so much as win, watch out, for you will be put on her "black list". [/quote] Now im getting worried, im probably going to be on her blacklist because i said its half her fault, you know what? i dont care because she is merely one person. I dislike a few poeple in MD, but since its a GAME they cannot do anything to hurt me. And if you are a insulted by her calling you a "coward" then she has won, and you are letting her have her saticfaction. [quote]I had recently posted something about her comments of calling an individual a coward on the forum. What happened? She deleted and removed the post because she found it "insulting". As well as threatened to have my warn level increased to the point that I will have a Moderator review everything I post. [/quote] oh, i see, you mean this post you made? [quote]Speaking of cowardice, dst. You have the bravery to sit behind your computer in a warm comfy home and call others cowards. Have you ever been fired upon by others who wish you dead? How about fight for your life while several people decide whether or not they should kill you? You are nothing but a cynical woman. The is another word for it, but I already know you will ban me or something out of anger(like usual). Deal with your problems, stop projecting them onto others. Oh, and You would not have the testicular fortitude to do any of those things, let alone say that to my face. So basically, keep your yap shut for once.[/quote] It was made on the Topic of what is "sexually explicit". And your post was rude and offtopic. that is why it was deleted. And again, if you had an issue with that, you could have brought it up. Not kept it as "blackmail" material as it seems you have now. [quote]I believe dst is once again at hand. The night prior, I was having a heated debate with Dmik King(If forget exactly what the initial topic was about but towards the end Dmik King was claiming I was claiming the Holocaust did not happen... when I wasn't talking about it. Tried clarifying it but he would not listen because he was so angry.) and a few others. [/quote] i was there fenrir and your ideas were clouded, and it did seem like you were claiming that, So i am not surprised that Dmik thought you were saying that. Although i hoped you weren't. [quote]And as an attempt to attack me once again, she decided that I was no longer fit to moderate the CTC Section. (I really don't care if I am the CTC Mod or not. It does not bother me.) So, dst and Chewett, notified me several days ago that I was demoted for reasons still unclear. [/quote] As i have said in the pm i sent you, and i will publish it if you wish to portray that i was not crystal clear that if you didnt understand i could send you infomation if you required it. I also did send you what you asked for, but you didnt even bother replying. again, i will requote part of the pm i sent you [b]"If you wish to see a collection of posts and comments on them, you can ask for them, for it is not fair to know what we have judged you on, But i will ofc remove the names, under Chatham House Rules."[/b] You did not ask for them, so if you were unclear then it was your fautl for not asking for them [quote]I am here to call dst out. Make a valid arguement. Do not spew insults and insinuations. Make valid arguements as to why you seem fit to do this. Anyone else is welcome to comment on it, after dst has responded. [Mods: Please notice that there isnt a single insulting word, swear word, and this is not a heated response to something she did recently. I let a few days pass before I decided to write this so I could write it without being rash.][/quote] And as i said in my pm to you, You can post what you want as long as it complies with the rules, However the lies you have posted need massive corrections.
  15. Happy Birthday Aeoshattr! I just got home! so you cant blame me for not posting
  16. If you really want to do this, start it, set up a location and start giving people victories, there are many people who need victories However if you are going to listen to a load of stupid veterans, then you surely dont want it that bad. If you want something, Do it! There will be people who will follow.
  17. Not considered, Definate alt abuse, and you will lose a lot of honor from them as they will gather so many losses.
  18. Currently on the base of the GGG Globe there is a "banlist" After asking around, no staff member posted this. It is also inaccurate and doesnt include real members who are banned. Whoever placed it there please remove it. Thanks Chewett
  19. it wont work practically Look at GGG for example, lets just look at mp5 There are normally around 10 mp5's there, of which normally 2 or 3 are active. If you are attacking everyone every 8 minutes with those 2 people the 20 ideling rits will be broken in around 80 minutes. Then once they are broken they will start going random and you could get anything, aramors to Rusties. Now as the exchange for loss to vic, is one to one, then whats the reason to idle? to get more losses? which is exatly what you didnt want So unless you can get a lot of people, with a lot of ve, healing themselves constantly, then how will you keep up the rate needed to sustain something?
  20. It would be useful, as i need tonns of victories to get balanced, but i dont think its in the spirit of MD, im weak, so im training up my dracorns and such. And slowly im getting victories.
  21. As both have said before, This is hideous. Victories are something that are earnt as both before me has said, and if you have easy places to get them also, Where next? You already have a place to stat farm, cant you get victories either? This is not a game where everything is given to you, you need to use strategy so that you can get victories. its easy, even if you do lose 100% I am sorry to say this Battila, but it wont work, nor do i wish you luck in this, because it is against what the game is.
  22. Meh, same difference. But can you in TC?
  23. [quote name='Shantu' date='10 January 2010 - 07:59 PM' timestamp='1263153599' post='52449'] You can go through the Gates of Ages, you don't have to go the Maze route. Not sure which one is faster though.. [/quote] can you get through the front gates during hc? i didnt know that Anyways, that would still be around 30/40 steps which would takes AGES. maybe longer than the maze since maze will drop you right outside it.
  24. [quote] [2009-03-07 03:25:41 - Alpha 8] Public role request. Someone is needed for a dedicated RPC role that will be responsable with enhancing, editing, improving and customizing personal pages on request. The person selected for this will reeceive requests from other players for such personal papers customizations and will have a dedicated role as an "Document Editor" and they must be ready to fully dedicate to this role. This person won't be able to mix this role with an other one, at least not in the official description and tag. Candidates must present their personal pages to prove their skills to customize them. The uniqueness and beauty of their pages will be the main deciding factor for this role, next factor is personal reputation. This will be a full featured RPC role like any other, with wishpoint reward capability, quest editing and so on. (The editor will only edit the look and feel of the pages, not the content. The content will be provided by the charcater requesting the modifications. The Editor can deny requests based on any reason, but must have an overall constant activity in helping others with this)[/quote] Most of you wont have been playing when this was asked for, but i remembered Mur asked for something like this. I cant however comment if mur still wants such a person still, considering the massive changes that have taken place.
  25. Good idea, i second this. And there needs to be a way of removing obscenities or spoilers from a players pages if they wont themselves.
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