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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. [quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='23 January 2010 - 07:51 PM' timestamp='1264276307' post='53301'] to see that here, what WOULD be a good idea is that all the places of md and creatures can get stored on your computer, and run it trough a sort of 'game, so it will even have to load less images(only players and clickable will have to be loaded) and everyone could even make their own scenes when entering somewhere.., make a christmas tree at the GoE for example(woulden't know who would want to do that, it's silly:P) [/quote] Hideous idea Orlando. Were you ever thinking what you wrote this? You know how much spoilers are hated by mur. Giving everyone all images of all the places AND creature images... The biggest spoiler of all. This will never work. Nor would mur ever implement this monstrosity
  2. that is another problem with it being not annoymouse. it means people rep others because they have seen others do it. I like it annoymouse and as i have said before, if you think you have been spammed i can check. But I think that it might get pretty messy. With it being hidden, you can tell how overall people think of your post. I know a lot of people who will +rep if someone has been improperly -repped. This means that normally anyone who gets -repped wrongly since someone will come along and +rep you.
  3. I will investigate the possibility to see if people have +repped or -repped you. But i kinda like it being anonymous, It makes it fairer. And any cases of suspected spamming i can check by looking. But unles i think there is a serious case of spamming then i will not check.
  4. One bump every couple of days please
  5. All posts here will not increment your post count. So there is no point trying to get posts from spamming this section.
  6. Pimped Grasan - Age 361 - [blooddrop1] Pimped Grasan - Age 293 - [antifreeze] [s]Pimped Grasan - Age 361 - no tokens[/s] Pm me offers.
  7. Try finding Udgard or Kragel, as they are able to create items and will know exatly what you need.
  8. So the passes are used for LR and Necro to get in... But you need one to get out of GG? Doesnt this mean GG will recieve even less visitors as you will need a teleport spell to get out unless you have some papers? So any quests in there will be ruined since no one will want to go there unless they have a surefire means of leaving. Seems like the prision to me tbh
  9. [quote name='Unch Hjar' date='20 January 2010 - 03:20 PM' timestamp='1264000845' post='53115'] The timers will be client-side like the timer for regeneration. I guess the timers could be done in JavaScript and will synchronize with the server only a battle is done or the page is refreshed. The rest of the time they would work like the regeneration timer, and count on the client side for display purposes. If you let the regeneration timer run for a while without refreshing the page you will see when you actually refresh that it's not accurate I was thinking the timer could go next to the name something like X:XX, it's small enough not to be a problem I guess. Also you don't need to display for all the players, only those recently attacked. And to add to this, the name of the players should show the MP level, MP3 cannot attack MP4s and vice versa. [/quote] Additional serverload would be increased because it may or may not need to do a sql query per person to check the time remaining depending on the table layout. Even if it didnt need another sql query the javascript would just add to the ever growing length of the page, For some players MD is already pretty slow because of all the http requests and javascript it uses. [quote name='Unch Hjar' date='20 January 2010 - 03:20 PM' timestamp='1264000845' post='53115'] It would lower because the constant switching between the main display for creatures and the detailed display is more demanding than loading once the stats. One picture alone(the one in the detailed statistics) probably takes more than 100 times the numbers for the stats. I was thinking of having 5(?) bars of different colour next to the pictures (left, right, above, and below) to show how far from the need value is the creature. Gold for VP, red for VE, gray for age, blue for xp, some other colour for AP .....Age...... VE...........VP .....pic.......AP .....XP....... [/quote] To be honest, i think this idea will just make it even more "busy". It will mean that unless you scale down the already small page the bars will add padding all around it. And clutter up the area. If you look at a criture with tokens, add in these bars. it will make it look untidy. But this is ofc my personal opinion. [quote name='Unch Hjar' date='20 January 2010 - 03:20 PM' timestamp='1264000845' post='53115'] This one, I guess, is a matter of opinion, as a newb I was confused by the multiple layout Another issue that I have with the current setup is that if I make a mistake I have to redo the whole thing back from selecting the creatures which annoys me to no end. Using checkboxes you do 6 clicks maximum for selecting the creatures. Using the dropdowns you do at least 12 for selecting all the creatures plus checking that you have not selected the same creature twice. With the checkbox system this is immediately apparent (and impossible ). Name field (btw, why does this appear in the defense selection screen ?) (maximum?) 16 Checkboxes 4x4 grid, the creature abilities dropdowns are enabled when the creature is selected 1 slider for attack VE 1 checkbox for defense 1 slider for defense VE (appears if the checkbox for defense is selected) Attack Cancel Doesn't seem to be a lot of information.... 5. The combat report makes my eyes bleed and want to murder fluffy kittens. I keep trying to read it and giving up every time... A little structure would go a long way.... [/quote] Checkboxes for crits! how many creatures do you have? because i have around 60 and it would just make the page massively longer, meaning i have to scroll down to check everyhting. Otherwise those are just a matter of preference, and btw, If you used a "good" browser (note: im just kidding) the back button will take you back one stage if you get it wrong...
  10. [quote name='stormrunner' date='19 January 2010 - 08:22 PM' timestamp='1263932565' post='53067'] it is strange that I'm the one who is going to say this, more so when I agree with your point but.... are you all newbies this week, contests in md have never been fair, in fact they have always been outright unfair. and why did it take so long for this to pop up I would think since skilled in md at times seems like who can find a flaw and abuse it the most. it would have happened a long time ago. so please don't whine it is annoying p.s. it may take a while for me to reply but please bring the comment on, I am bored this week and have a point to make [/quote] Heh, the age old adage, You are ofc perfectly correct Stormrunner, But it seems that This particular unfairness has caused a lot of problems, causing entire lands to become "evil" and enemies, Personally i think that this is more of a problem than of a couple of points. Since MD is nothing without the people within it.
  11. ha! im going to stop posting here, showing that i know nothing about HC
  12. So, now with murs most recent change, its worse GG cant be hit at all now basicly. Since once you have hit them once, you are now stuck OR unless you have the papers (which only work at once a week!) and these papers are given to GG people... So, even if you can get the papers, you can only give them two torches before you need you get stuck. Now this is super unfair... If it wasnt unfair enough...
  13. There are many people that would sponser a good quest, make a post and see if anyone would. i know many who have sponsered quests before.
  14. [quote name='MRnegative6' date='19 January 2010 - 01:35 PM' timestamp='1263908124' post='53024'] I guess we can only join an existing K group or be given one to edit by mur as a part of your role playing etc. [/quote] K docs can be requested if the person has 4 wishpoints.
  15. [quote name='MRnegative6' date='19 January 2010 - 01:39 PM' timestamp='1263908371' post='53025'] Btw using photoshop to make your pics look extra "nice" is against the rules right? I dont want to submit a pic without using photoshop when everyone else is <.< [/quote] If you cant take a nice picture without photoshop... A good picture shouldnt need adjustment, Maybe a slight exposure change but apart from that photoshop can dramatically alter a picture... it because less nature and more art...
  16. This is a slightly more obsurce question. But i believe no is still that answer. Here is an example. You age/do all the free credits and get good crits, then give them away as prises your main should have given away. It isnt affecting your main account, but also is at the same time as your main would have had to give them out. For this question, im not going to say fully yes or no, But that you probably shouldnt.
  17. No you cannot, this would be alt abuse and is punishable. If you do the coins must go to the account you sold them off
  18. 4 gold
  19. [quote name='Esmerelda' date='18 January 2010 - 06:25 PM' timestamp='1263839156' post='52979'] Loreroot back entrance opens up when you are carrying a torch. You don't need a wishpoint. Loreroot has two entrances for a Torch carrier. It is equally vulnerable. [/quote] ha! what a noob, ofc it is... thanks Esmerelda for point out my lack of knowledge, oweing to the fact of actually having the wp access.
  20. Another one leaves, Tis sad I cannot say i knew you well, but from what i heard about you, you were a really nice person. I will miss the oppertunity to know you. Goodbye and Good Luck Btw: Linkin Park FTW! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBTXNPZPfbE[/media]
  21. [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='18 January 2010 - 11:21 AM' timestamp='1263813675' post='52951'] Secondly, defence. MB and Loreroot in particular have two access points into them. [/quote] Actually, MB always has two access points into it. Wheras LR only has one unless you have the wp abililty, which makes MB the worst positioned land in regards to movement and other statistics.
  22. [quote name='phantasm' date='17 January 2010 - 09:17 PM' timestamp='1263763074' post='52910'] "You must include in the photo the letters "MD" on a piece of paper or on your hand to show it is an original." Must be original photographs of something after this quest started. While a nice picture it will not count, because you didn't have the MD in it. [/quote] is that offical? because the first quoted line seems that you just have to prove its your own And the second i havent read anywhere, have you talked to Z? if so its a shame, but perhaps we can have a good photo topic? Since everyone posting old pictures here
  23. [quote name='Firsanthalas' date='17 January 2010 - 08:05 PM' timestamp='1263758737' post='52906'] When I feel that I can make a comment without every second word being an expletive I will. [/quote] i know, its really annoying when all these noobs abuse alts to get tons of points and score against your land...
  24. its not what's an alt and whats a main, its that any of your accounts cannot trade or attack any other of your accounts.
  25. [quote name='Redd' date='17 January 2010 - 05:44 PM' timestamp='1263750257' post='52895'] Just want to clarify.. Are saying that a rein is worth a rusty plus a GG? I think a rein's value is greater than rusty and GG separately, but less than the two combined.. [/quote] to clarify, i think that it is worth a rusty OR a GG, as usual i blunder through the English language passing out confusion to all i meet.
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