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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Love the idea, its a really good one, But what happens if someone is totally unbalanced, and someone who is perfectly balanced? they get no bonus? I love the fact that the unbalanced statfarmers will now have to balance so their tokens work. Great idea!
  2. Happy Birthday you to, And i hope i see many more of your birthdays!
  3. Chewett

    Open Mind

    This has been brought up before, And i believe the common answer was "haven't you got enough things like Christmas and such?"
  4. Crome would work fine with Magicduel (99% Sure) mur wanted people to test different browsers and im sure he gave a link to bypass the page (but i cant currently find it) if you can get a browser header for chrome he said he would allow them, but im too lazy to go google one right now, So perhaps later i might. EDIT: Mur: [quote] the browser check is there because some features don't work well on other browsers than the major ones. Its true this is like that for a very very long time and things both in game and in browsers changed a lot since last time i checked. I can remove the browser restriction and attempt to do a test again to see how some browsers perform..but i run only ff , ie and safari so if any of you is willing to do a complete test on a different browser, i will need the exact browser headers to allow them for the test. [/quote]
  5. [quote name='aaront222' date='01 February 2010 - 11:13 AM' timestamp='1265022824' post='53677'] So my in game reputation can be restored by unspamming..............Time to invent unspamming!(uh oh! that likely means logical RP) [/quote] as grido said, it wont restore your reputation, just not make it worse To restore it you will need to do something good...
  6. [quote name='Sandra Klien' date='31 January 2010 - 07:38 PM' timestamp='1264966737' post='53664'] How come Shoeps isn't GM anymore? Didn't he do a lot of the coding? XD [/quote] Shoeps never did ANY coding, he just organised things for Mur sometimes.
  7. Much has changed, Some for the better, others... not Welcome back to Magicduel!
  8. Again, we misunderstood you. Your ingame reputation is easily explained. I have never spoke with you, but i have seen what you do, You spam peoples PL's with rubbish, So my opinion of you is that you are a stupid spammer, Want to fix this? stop posting stupid PL comments and remove as many as you can.
  9. Bad spelling and grammar will for the most part not get you bad rep, Unless it it totally non-understandable (otherise my rep would be bad as well) the posts you make, are the the most part, rubbish. Next time you make a post, think, is this adding to the topic.
  10. Deleted Posts, Updated topic Title
  11. The idea is hideous and pointless. Wow you can ridicule someone who can just log out... This is just rubbish, Not a real suggestion. If anyone wants to make a suggestion like this, Here is a tip. Use sentences and explain why!
  12. As to the Mobile MD suggestion. I dont see this being Practical. Just think of all the time it took to Make MD, Now imagine converting large chunks of the battle sytem, movement system and such over to a non flash mobile version. It would take a lot of time, and i cant answer for anyone else but me in this, But i dont want mur poncing around to make it easy to alt using a phone. I would like things being fixed. And Lady Dawn brings up a point i had not considered last time this was brought up. It would be much too easy to abuse this. I dont like this idea, nor want it. I want the current features fixed.
  13. Currently all special actions will also not come out the correct color, That includes spells, Actions and brackets.
  14. All sold. closed
  15. I think that you are allowed to vote on two accounts, You are not allowed to do things where one account is used to profit from another, so as long as you keep them seperate try the different paths Magicduel has to offer! There is no limit to amount of creatures per account. But remember there is a max 16 creatures without buying additional ones from the MD shop.
  16. [quote name='Fabelart' date='25 January 2010 - 06:22 PM' timestamp='1264443721' post='53396'] So it is one of the unresolved issues, it is not a big deal. Soon there will be more question to come. ^^ [/quote] just a little change on what i said, "we" are not working on it, Mur is. Anything you find like that can be reported in the bug section, but since its a graphical thing it wont have a very high priority
  17. Yeah it was, But there were also some people who didnt participate that got one.
  18. Hey, welcome to the forum and welcome back to magicduel!
  19. 1 - those items obviously dont work on the personal page... strange 2 - Look around, there are lands that you have yet to access that hold more intresting things 3 - there was a "reindrac" in the shop previous. Mur gave out Morphs to people he likes 4 - It is a completely new creature 5 - Requirements Days:7 , Honor:3000 , XP:50000 Item price 1$ Honor:3000 This means you will lose 3000 honor when you buy it 6 - alliance page 7 - Dont worry, you wont miss new quests or lose the current ones, once you have finished you will be able to continue 8 - The compass on the right hand side under the "live help operator" sign will show you your loyalty. However you may not be able to see this depending on how far you are on the story.
  20. Bump, and one pimpy sold.
  21. [quote name='I am Bored' date='25 January 2010 - 12:31 AM' timestamp='1264379490' post='53353'] we don't sell them for massive amounts. [/quote] And have you tried to buy some? i got a quote for some raw materials, just one gemstone, 35 silver... And no as Yoshi posted, Mur is trying to make them more common. If i were you i would sell quickly at a high price before the market drops. Otherwise you might have bought a load of stuff at a high price that you will never recover.
  22. Currently MB is the open land, It has No gates for people to be allowed access. But it does have some areas that a normal person cannot access. I Propose that MB get some Land papers so that people that have them may visit some of the more secret locations in MB. It would be fairer so that MB has papers similar to the other lands. It would allow access into sages keep, the press and several other "storymode" locations. What does everyone else think?
  23. top 5? it would be very hard for me to name a top 25, a top 55 would be slightly easier for me. Really, i think most people will name Mur, and a couple of other characters key in their development. But i personally couldnt name 5 people because no 5 single people have helped me. The people who are my friends, you know who you are. You are the ones i admire. And i thank you all for all you have done for me.
  24. This topic wont ever give everyone full happiness because of the key split in people. There are the hoarders that bought really low and sell for massive ammounts, they want to keep owning the market. And then there are people who actually want to use them, Who want it to be cheaper. Since it is a RP game surely it is clear what party should be appeased. There needs to be some way to destroy the item monopoly so that everyone can get a few raw materials if they want so they can make their item.
  25. A new file format is impractical, It would have to be readable by the html since it wouldnt be stored on the server and the php couldnt "decode" it. Unless you have a program that will decrypt them from the file as and when you need them and communicate with the server so it knows when to decrypt it. A lot of work all in all. And Orlando, in time you might relise that Mur cares very very deeply about spoilers, And your proposal to track where you have visited and what you have trained and then allow you to download those images? Firstly thats another load of data that needs to be accessed and saved and secondarily Mur doesnt want you to be able to save the images, Hence the image protection. Im sure Mur knows how to improve serverload, And im sure the community could give some really good ideas. But the downloading of the images pales in comparision to the queries, calculations and general php processing that is done.
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