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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Yes! Ban Lib please. Then i can have a reason to ban him from the forum
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. actually i thought the instruction was to learn to use it as its not a normal feature, being both buggy and strange.
  4. Happy Birthday Dont get too Merry.
  5. I like Polls, Polls are nice. Good hard numbers. The question would be. Who would vote, people? if so it will be outweighted against rpcs, or just rpcs and we could decide for ourselves
  6. So, What will you actually talking about? i would be intrested in listening but if it isnt intresting...
  7. MD without Mur or someone of his calibre devolping it makes it worthless With Mur its priceless
  8. [quote name='Burns' date='19 August 2009 - 08:16 AM' timestamp='1250666208' post='39833'] hey there... why do you always quote the last post? kinda pointless, ain't it? xD i think we already met in the Cabin... good luck^^ [/quote] What wrong with quoting the last post? Merely someones preference to do things differently Welcome HanHan, Tis great you have returned. I wish you a good one and hope that (too many) people dont attack you.
  9. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='18 August 2009 - 02:17 PM' timestamp='1250601430' post='39771'] so everyone can run to bunny bar and get free carrot juice or other drink, its all on me also extend celebration for 5 more days since in 5 more days it will be my md forum b-day [/quote] You wernt on the forum first? How disgraceful.
  10. Its the heat device on the top right.
  11. Also if the interface is in your language and the papers are in (if so badly translated) language, Why do they have to speak English in chat? suddenly the game becomes your language yet you are forced to speak English in chat...
  12. Happy Birthday Lib, Not that you actually read the forums
  13. and it doesnt work in the best browser ever, OPERA!!!!
  14. moved, One cant read and one cant moderate pff
  15. If you wish to make a complaint About Ravens behavior Make another post If you wish to continue debating this continue here http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4912-rpcs-and-the-hc/ The Arguements going back and forth do not help as both people believe they are standing on "the high ground"
  16. What do you think? Should they be able to collect heads? should they be able to fight? or even should they just be stopped from it altogether No making a point of specific rpcs but clear concise points.
  17. [quote name='I am Bored' date='16 August 2009 - 08:47 PM' timestamp='1250452072' post='39647'] hmm..... i think that the dream joker may be worth 1 normal drach...... i think that the 2 rusties for it is decent..... [/quote] Ha! You may think it is worth that but how many people would do that trade? Based on the fact you actually have to do the deal for it to be worth it i would probably say its vaugely equal to a BP or Joker. Or any tokened aged crit. It isnt really worth much and is really just for collectors
  18. No, you dont understand. This is a stupid creature because it is so powerful.
  19. it was mainly a flash displey issue and the layers not correctly being laid
  20. i was just asking if this still is a problem...
  21. You do realise that 99% of ideas directed at Mur wont get anywhere since only he will be likely to reply to them. and since he doesnt read the forums... Ask Us what we think of the idea. I like it in basics. care to explain more?
  22. i actually had a bet with a friend that something like this would pop up while i was away. All i can say about this is i won £10 And also you are a little obsessed
  23. that might be some form of the bug but this is vague and old. If you have more infomation repost it
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