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[quote name='dst' date='17 September 2009 - 06:12 PM' timestamp='1253207539' post='42001'] Don't be so excited. If you ask me they are the worst thing that happened to MD... [/quote] Im not sure, Im sure the worst thing was letting people play it.
Happy Birthday even if its a little late.
[quote name='Jester' date='16 September 2009 - 12:33 PM' timestamp='1253100788' post='41894'] Your idea would take a lot of coding and switching the game around, whereas my idea just involves me declaring war on you annoying pacifists. [/quote] actually it would only take a couple of tweaks, just some more validation about working out the outcomes of the fight, Relatively little in comparision to a new feature or adding a creature. I like the idea, we need to keep players in and any way that can be done and something like this that will help the battle system i like it, even if it isnt the most polished ideas yet
[quote name='Jester' date='16 September 2009 - 05:05 PM' timestamp='1253117117' post='41911'] I haven't gotten any information from Khalazdad or Mur, as Khalazdad left unexpectedly. Would you rather I go based on what he did, and not move forward? Khalazdad himself said that people must adapt and shift as the desert. I'll be managing this alliance my way instead of looking over my shoulder for Khalazdad's Ghost. [/quote] I wish you the best Jester and i know you will do a good job, I am just voicing what i think and reminiscing, BUT i would definitely ask people what K and his dynasty is about, If we do not know our past we cannot know our future.
[quote name='Jester' date='16 September 2009 - 07:36 AM' timestamp='1253083004' post='41856'] You still don't understand the true purpose of what I'm doing.Also, there are no warmongering alliances. Everyone is neutral or dedicated to peace. Name one alliance who has actually declared war within the past year and gone through with it, or one that is offensive as opposed to defensive. [/quote] No one has declared war, Yet there have been many occasions where near war has been declared. And some people like war a little too much... I just dont see why necrovon, a reflection of us all, would start a war when there is little war at the moment. It seems contray to what K would have wanted and he understood necro more than anyone really, And played his role excellently.
[quote name='Pipstickz' date='16 September 2009 - 12:25 AM' timestamp='1253057119' post='41829'] I believe it has been said that Necrovion is a reflection of all other lands, and therefore has no "rival", but instead makes an enemy with all other lands, or remains neutral as it chooses. Correct me if I'm wrong? [/quote] You are entirely correct, It seems to me that war has become a cheap gimmick as there are many who are always too eager for war. I feel that K's image of the alliance should have continued as it is the Dynasty. Yet even if they do not want to continue it i feel there should be someone who should carry the flag and keep the "Real" Necrovion alive. Like MB i am saddened to see Necro fall into another one of the warmongering alliance.
Pip For President! Moved to Offtopic
Well it seems the veterns have no problem with Raven being the Leader wheras the newer people like Fenrir would prefer someone knew. Its the simple politics of that the people who dislike the idea of raven going ahead and having the alliance are the people who are newer and want the alliance If i was running i would likely say it should be an rpc, Yet i am not and think that as long it is someone who is trustworthy enough that has proven themselves to be a calm player and not have any, for example silence offences, then go ahead. Even if fenrir had proposed the idea that raven has i would like it, since it is the idea and not the player. Its a good mix of the old unknown and something that would sit sidebyside with Granos' Alliance
[quote name='Raven' date='15 September 2009 - 03:32 PM' timestamp='1253025163' post='41799'] [font="Courier New"]Caretakers as a group live in four ways. Three arts: demonology, witchcraft, occult. Each one of those arts presenting their purpose, their task and their role. Demonology as knowledge of the people, beings and any other strange phenomena in the land connected with it. Witchcraft as irrepressible style of living as it promotes simple, practical way of living amongst the ruins and most importantly stimulating intellect. And as last art, Occult, simply meaning "hidden" presenting the way certain activities will be held and referring to all unreported or unsolved crimes that can be regarded as occult. Opposite to the three arts is worldly-minded way of living of mercenaries in which best and most reasonable offer will receive services.[center][img]http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn57/Raven47Pro/struct.jpg[/img][/center]The facts in nature are the foundation out of which all consciousness and knowledge grow. Science is the outgrowth of these facts through careful investigation and study. Revelation is facts derived from the inner-consciousness—intuition—which is allied to the cause-world and is cognizant of the mind from which it originatedRevelation united with science gives a substantial foundation for philosophy which is the proper outgrowth of science and revelation.Rituals that are to be studied and in most cases preformed are: cultural, spiritual, sexual and psychological rituals; which can in many cases overlap. Any new rituals (customarily-repeated act or series of acts) in the lands themselves will be documented and kept by Caretakers. Few examples of rituals are rituals of personal cleansing, calling and satisfying the dead, shielding, and sacrificing and many others. Ranks (each rank will be occupied by two people and depending on various situations single rank can be given to most of people. Example: In case of war there can be more people for fighting and more people dedicated to gathering information. First nobody would have defined rank but would need to prove himself/herself that he/she is able to do task of that rank or at least present past deeds that confirm their words.): Dark Night of the Soul (warriors, defenders, military strategists) Dreamer (rituals, researches and other various tasks) Black/White witch (fully dedicated to rituals) Lost Soul (bard, a poet, one to write chants) Banisher (diplomat)This alliance would be linked to tribunals because lands of the east is a land with plenty of marks by an older civilization, many terrible deeds had to be done to ruin such a city and city as such is perfect to be inhabited once again by people that don't see only spiritual value but also material.[/font] [/quote] I must have missed this, I really like the idea and i think Raven would be a good leader PLEASE NOTE: i said think. meaning its my opinion and you cant attack me for that. And as we have all agreed my opinion doesnt matter so please dont start calling me pompus, arrogant and a nazi again.
its working fine for me, that i believe is the traffic moninitering, And as long as the script is placed at the bottom of the page it should load fine...
[quote name='Raven' date='15 September 2009 - 07:34 PM' timestamp='1253039663' post='41811'] You're talking like Peace is dead.. [/quote] or at least more dead than before
[quote name='Leucretia' date='15 September 2009 - 02:05 PM' timestamp='1253019933' post='41790'] Okay...I admit it, I am pretty touchy when it comes to criticisms...forgive me. But when that is all you hear or get from the same critics, who can blame me. A pat on the back can go a long way. Anyway...this is all getting off topic. I look forward to hearing what Mur's final say is when the time comes. When he does make his choice, it would be prudent for all of us to rally behind the winner and not let this become an ego trip. A new alliance is a chance for everyone to get together with their ideas and make it a great one. [/quote] If you get alliance leader, i recommend learning to deal with critisim a little better, No offense but really insulting someone back isnt a valid response. And you will get critisim as a ally leader. [quote name='SageWoman' date='15 September 2009 - 02:23 PM' timestamp='1253020993' post='41792'] I agree. The decision is now out of everyone's hands. Getting behind the chosen new leader is more productive than nay saying it here in the Forums. Good Luck and Best Wishes to whom ever is selected! [/quote] Well its not really lol, Mur asked for our opinions, i say we should keeping giving them [quote name='dst' date='15 September 2009 - 03:31 PM' timestamp='1253025089' post='41798'] Oh...and stop asking for Chew's approval. Sucking up is not a challenge! [/quote] And sucking up to me has no benifits, As everyone have already said i dont play nor do i have any power
Have a great birthday Unbe, you deserve it
[quote name='phantasm' date='14 September 2009 - 10:07 PM' timestamp='1252962475' post='41745'] What about me chewy??!! As far as experience I have shown fairly extensive amounts and could go into alot more detail, but I see no need for it. I'm sure my RP style is much different than others and I will in no way compare myself to Lucius RP. I slip out of RP same as alot of others, but I feel my role is very well defined in who I am [/quote] well i would give you my opinion but it seems that some would prefere to insult me for it and not respect my views... everyone has one, some are braver to say their true feelings than others, however wrong people see them
[quote name='Leucretia' date='14 September 2009 - 04:38 PM' timestamp='1252942694' post='41736'] How very pompous, arrogant, and narrow minded of you. [/quote] Perhaps, but apparently i also have "nazistic behavior", it is merely my opinion. We are all free to say what we wish, I just feel that you leu, nor fenrir has very much experiance of what i call "real Rp" for example like Tarq's Roleplaying. And Guy i dont really know you but assumed the same. So i would take it back about you generally, as i dont really know enought about guy yet i dont feel you (leu) or fenrir has enough real experiance. Please flame me and report me to mur but it is merely my opinon. And i felt that Mur was asking for everyones opinion. I am merely one of many others, probably the only one who feels you might not do a great job, but it is my opinion nonetheless
[quote name='Handy Pockets' date='14 September 2009 - 03:32 AM' timestamp='1252895556' post='41711'] I see the new land as a new stage in our lives. There is a serious side to these lands. The Tribunal is any group who has authority to judge. When you walk through the gates into the Tribunal lands, you notice the buildings are built higher than any other structure in the land. Could this 15th century. Old French< Latin tribunal "platform for magistrates" be what we see. Could it be one of governing and truth. Do we judge with power in mind or do we judge with understanding. Leader--The leader would provide guidance and understanding, to the Adjudicators, and the MDUI. This position would watch for the traditions, the stories to be recorded and have spells to support this new land’s people. Adjudicators-- three seats--Disputes from all the lands would Be discussed behind closed doors to see if a trial could be fairly held in public. This would help set up trials for Mur. Bones--two seats--The burial of our fallen. Be they alts we can not care for anymore (hope to speed up eliminating excess alts this way), or when the sparks fly from battles and innocent players are killed. MDUI--two seats--MagicDuel Unit of Investagation: This unit will investigate crimes and and report findings to the Adjudicators Cultural attache-- responsible to promote our culture of our homeland. This position also be one of a cover for spy. Someone who wants to write all day will find this Seat to his or her liking. Horticulturist--the appointed would care for the vast land area. I do not claim to be leader material. I would like to see differnt ideas,as The Tribunals are more modern than the rest of the realm. [/quote] I like this idea but do not think anyone here who has volunteered for leader is right to lead an alliance yet, Everyone seems a little experianceless at the moment.
[quote name='Deatznce0' date='13 September 2009 - 01:36 PM' timestamp='1252845372' post='41672'] As a side note: As with the "experienced" players complaining about the rewards of Angiens, 4 months is a long time to wait, WAY TOO LONG to at least reap any sort of benefit from them. [/quote] Need i point out that iv been on the game for a long time and 120 days is nothing really, They are really good rewards for my laziness
Age matters nothing, Experiance does. I consider some people with Less Active days much more experianced than others, For example look at Unbelievable Power, He started the game and quickly learnt how to play it. He for example was much more experianced in his first month than redneck is now with 300 odd days I may be older than everyone, yet i am much less experianced than most, and have been told recently by redneck that he knows much more than me. So obviously his 300 days is greater than my... 685 or something
So i repeat, isnt this just more (free) creature slots? Or more creature slots for people who have money to afford everything in the game?
[quote name='Deatznce0' date='13 September 2009 - 01:59 AM' timestamp='1252803546' post='41643'] As absurd as it sounds, yeah. I actually have 2 slots left, I personally just prefer to leave creatures in one account and never them transfer back. Just a quick question though, has anyone actually tried something similar to the spoiler above? I wouldn't really need them back if I could get answers. [/quote] well their ability does something, Be patient and find out when you get them, Which seems it wont happen on your alts since they had angiens on them...
Happy Birthday, May the Dynasty continue
it can stay here, But you do relise Mur doesnt read the forums? He glances over the intresting topics, reads the ones i or anyone else points to him and leaves promptly lol
You sent to many this ... hour? probably. wait for another to send more.
[quote name='Deatznce0' date='12 September 2009 - 04:33 PM' timestamp='1252769595' post='41608'] They were never meant to be shown to the public and were only intended to be mules for battles so I could understand and learn the concepts of the game As a side note/question: Is there a head/leader for No Man's Land? [/quote] That is a bannable offense. That is another reason why you are not likely to get them back There is no leader for No Mans Land nor will there ever be. Mur has been clear on this point. The clue is in the name
They already had 50 ish people sign up and closed it ages ago. Do you think they will allow even more? Anyways i dont know if this is even going to go ahead? it seems really long ago they said it would be "very soon"