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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Basicly, i want to know what your screen sizes are for forum related stuff And also i want to know if you want a static or Flexable layout At the moment we have a flexable layout. This means that it will always fit your screen no matter how large the screen is. It will also mean that there will be long lines of text We could have a static layout so that everyones posts look the same length. This sometimes makes it easier to read as it will be approximately between 1000-900 pixals long. This will not effect people with smaller screens but anyone with a screen larger will see the forum in the centre of the page. Please vote so i can do some tests!
  2. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='17 November 2009 - 03:45 PM' timestamp='1258472702' post='47698'] Yes they may well do but so far i have not been able to find a good combination to activate the pillars. i might be missing something but i do keep giving them ago from time to time [/quote] They are disabled, When mp2 stage was up noobs were getting of the island!
  3. It seems he has changed his display name to observer to incriminate Observer, The previous display name was Muratus Del Mur.
  4. [quote name='cutler121' date='16 November 2009 - 04:01 PM' timestamp='1258387293' post='47629'] Giving someone (a script moderator) the ability to add a keyword to these types of problem scripts would at least allow them to be hidden so they don't bother people. As someone who has made many clickable scripts both visible and hidden, and has a bunch of quests both running and no longer in play, I would strongly strongly be against doing any kind of global delete of clickables. That is a very bad idea. [/quote] I agree that a full clean is utterly wrong! I think we need some script moderators that can A) see who made the script and [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img] who can make some scripts as "hidden" and have the ability to delete scripts. This would allow them to contact the creators to see if it is being used and also able to hide scripts that they are unsure about
  5. [quote name='I am Bored' date='16 November 2009 - 01:12 AM' timestamp='1258333944' post='47589'] chewett, do you do many quests as it is? if you had access to them it wouldn't change much, as, as far as i know you don't do many quests, and you shouldn't be able to edit other's scripts, but you should be able to view them, and delete them if required, basically acting as a mod of the clickables [/quote] I wasnt the one who suggested being able to edit others scripts, Nor did i suggest me acting as a mod! But i do have several quests lined up, in full php ready for mdscript...
  6. Death bell, do this again and you will get your penultimate warning, Along with a weeks ban.
  7. I have a special forum section for your *useful* scripts Its called the "Trash Can" you can post all the useless ones on ONE topic, but dont make tons of different posts or i will move them to your special secton
  8. [quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='14 November 2009 - 04:21 PM' timestamp='1258215718' post='47445'] you say pm me the answer..., the answer of what? or should it be: just pm me and start the quest? [/quote] Read the quote you quoted [quote name='Indyra' date='20 October 2009 - 07:49 PM' timestamp='1256068156' post='45304'] [b]To begin my quest you must first read my papers and find what I'm seeking.[/b] [/quote] Read her papers, Find the answer then pm her it to start the quest
  9. while cleaning this topic i relised that i didnt put my own principles down that i gained, Principle of Light Principle of Cyclicity Principle of Balance Element Principle Transposition Principle
  10. [quote name='Burns' date='14 November 2009 - 01:11 PM' timestamp='1258204273' post='47421'] how about that: instead of erasing all items every now and then, we should start with erasing the things scripted by people who lost the ability recently, and then delte items as the need comes up? like in, someone like Chewie or Rendril get the ability to edit all entries and delete things that are _really_ useless? [you need to keep in mind that a lot of scripts out there would look useless if you don't meet the requirements to read them, empty pages are not always empty] [/quote] The problem is is that it would involve someone being able to see the code, which is totally wrong. Since the code may contain many things wanted to be hidden. Perhaps being able to tag each entry with a "comment" so that someone can view that and see if its just random or actually a quest. I see many objects in Necro that are utterly useless
  11. Happy birthday Storm! May it be a good one
  12. [quote name='Chad' date='14 November 2009 - 06:50 AM' timestamp='1258181441' post='47402'] Oh how'd you know I was smiling? Wow you've got some skills... Sure thing I'm talking about eigger and the SG, can't you read? And I'm not spamming, I should not to be silenced, yeah I'm ranting about the SG and others, cussing maybe, but it's not as always to deserve to be silenced.Don't say that I wasted your time because wasting time is obviously a part of your job, don't blame me for it. [/quote] Mur said the silence spell could be used when it was nesscary, this may have been a little extreme to have used it on you but it is also mainly your fault. There is no abuse and it will not be punished, This is the end of the matter.
  13. [quote name='Phantom Orchid' date='13 November 2009 - 02:33 AM' timestamp='1258079602' post='47334'] Is it so hard when you accept coin (and keep them) from questors and then decide to stop the quest? [/quote] [quote name='Pipstickz' date='13 November 2009 - 04:12 AM' timestamp='1258085541' post='47340'] And, Fenrir, will MRWasabi be getting his reward for your pain festival quest any time soon? He STILL has no creatures. [/quote] If you have Issues with fenrir about how he runs his quests then talk to him privately or make a new topic so we can all talk about it. This topic is about quests generally.
  14. Its working fine, thats what its meant to do. Tokens dont always help you
  15. Happy Birthday Rendril! Have a good (mdscript free) one
  16. It does this to me on firefox, i logout, but no matter how long i wait or whatever, it still logs me back in magically. still trying to reproduce with a real answer of why atm
  17. How many differnt "types" of creatures do you propose? Mulitiply that by the current amount of cretures in the game and you get a massive amount of art, concepting and balancing that needs to be done Some of the crits dont even work! i dont want more crits when the current ones dont work!
  18. also take a screenshot if you see it, then we can say if it looks like a bug or such
  19. ok that sounds like a good idea but it would need a seperate credits and credits that you got from codes
  20. As long as you have activated them and not kept them as just codes, they will not dissapear, Mur is refering to the codes that some may have kept
  21. What about the alters *cough* grido/Lib and transfering credits? its pretty easy to get a rusty by having 25 accounts and transfering them?
  22. [quote name='Wolfmist' date='09 November 2009 - 01:40 AM' timestamp='1257730819' post='47030'] I'm new. I guess I am lucky to have gotten through those gates when I did. Would you be interested in hearing the words of a noob about this game? I have a few things to say, some of which I have already said and perhaps hurt the pride of those who love this game so much in doing so, but I have yet more to say. The question is, would you be willing to [i]listen[/i] to me? [/quote] Even if people are intrested in debating what they are known for, i want to hear and i will list. What do you think Wolfmist?
  23. Now the code works, thanks all the people who DIDNT! test the code i managed to get access to debug it all
  24. [quote name='AqlBeast' date='08 November 2009 - 08:55 PM' timestamp='1257713715' post='47004'] What do u mean by "friendly creature" is that the creature on the same team? [/quote] probably he means friendly to that creature, so your foe, which would fit the description
  25. If it happens again, post, the update probably fixed it
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