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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Image Now Approved, So now people can actually see it
  2. Well done whoever thought of this idea, Its a good one. To Mur: You will never know how much we all appreciate the game and respect you.
  3. Happy birthday to the both of you!
  4. Chewett


    [quote name='dst' date='31 October 2009 - 04:20 PM' timestamp='1257006034' post='46213'] Starting from tonight 23:40 server time I am officially on vacation. That will mean sporadic response to PMs, bitchy remarks (not that I don't do that even when I am not in vacation) and almost no help coming from my side. If you desperately need something talk to No one. I will probably log in every day but just to get my days. If I find a decent quest that I decide is good enough to waste my time I will try it. Wish me lots of sun and and a nice tan So...have fun and behave [/quote] At the moment im trying to think of a sarcastic/rude/funny comment tying in Halloween, Witches and dst going away... Oh well, The forum will run around and i might even get some work to do people side. Have fun!
  5. Closed for inanity If mur wants to fix it, all the info is here.
  6. Rj, you are being unclear, what toolbar are you refering to now? If there is nothing apart from a small graphical problem i am closing this topic.
  7. Comeon Rj, its a minor display glitch that doesnt even warrent a post...
  8. its a minor display issue that has been around for ages... with the amount of bugs in the game do you think that this one needs to be fixed?
  9. Suggestions how to avoid: Log out in areas with little or no people Log out in a Sanctuary (with 6 or less heads during the head contest) have a "dummy" ritual up, including just one creature (with more than 301 vitality) so that when you get attacked you only lose one creature, Have a couple of these dummy rits up
  10. [quote name='teufelhunden' date='31 October 2009 - 08:39 AM' timestamp='1256978387' post='46168'] I think you were not bet and did it on your own....... [/quote] Correct! first one to guess it right lol
  11. [quote name='Grido' date='30 October 2009 - 07:15 PM' timestamp='1256930131' post='46152'] 3 is ''Default Player'' (which i think has been around a while) and 4 is ''Mur..'' (which is more recent) Yes, i tend to pay attention to random things like this [/quote] ah, dont spoil it, i love the description of Mur..
  12. good question. i would say leave the key there, but im not sure about the garbage collection thing. lets see what Ren thinks
  13. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='30 October 2009 - 06:07 AM' timestamp='1256882872' post='46113'] I would like to see a way to limit what we can do(won't hear that often) so that I(and others) can sleep soundly at night... [/quote] Thats already in place, Its not php its MDScript, Its run through a parser that checks the functions and it will only allow the ones MDscript has been programmed to understand. The language is Php, but there is a big Chunk of it missing You cant access variables from Md since you can only use pre-allowed ones, so no session vars or anything, and only certain functions have been allowed, So no database operations for us. Its 99% fullproof, And i make this point. Anyone who can access it will not want to drop the entire whatever table. They are smart enough not to do that. Magicduel has survived sql injections and the users responsible were not banned because they then helped Mur to fix them. There has only been once incident in the entire history of MD where something was done maliciously and that was to the previous forum. I think there is no reason to worry about the MDScript
  14. Very offtopic: But can we have a poll as you did say anything can be voted on Ontopic: I will ban ya all for being offtopic, So, Mur, you are on your last warning, as am i actually
  15. Chewett

    Free Creds

    The Error seems to have been fixed now Currently Memory is away from Magicduel Due to RL Any more Links please post them here or email me (chewett (at) magicduel.com) and i shall send them to Mur
  16. [quote name='I am Bored' date='29 October 2009 - 07:25 PM' timestamp='1256844306' post='46086'] oh and just so you know, there is only 1 id that is under 100, and that is king manu, the next is muratus del mur...... or wait.... did live help survive? if live help did then it has id 2, but there is no account with an id of 62 [/quote] 4 accounts under id 100, you might want to check them out, they are intresting
  17. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='28 October 2009 - 11:11 AM' timestamp='1256728278' post='45941'] Offtopic (to be moved?)I am open to suggestions regarding the distribution of the ability to edit clickables. Currently only 16 ppl can edit items, thats too low. What should be increased?wp price - means more smart pplactive days - more loyal, active and constant pplconsumed wp - ppl with a strong bgOn what other base should this ability be given, considering it can change the realm a lot and i plan much more for it [/quote] Surely anyone who can prove their worth with such items should be able to code for them? Having someone like Ren who can validate someones skill, would be useful for people like me (yes big headed) Who dont have time to quest and do other things for the game. Or perhaps give it Quest doc style, Free for anyone who asks but only if they make a really good use of it. It seems unfair to not give people who could use it the ability just because they dont want to gain 7 wishpoints [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='28 October 2009 - 11:55 PM' timestamp='1256774143' post='46016'] (To be moved in a poll maybe if you think its important)Should alt check be availabe in script?Something if(is_alt('id or playername of main')){...Alt checks could have a few points of accuracy, like no way, might be, defenetly ...Consider someone could collect data with it and display a Alt list for public review or for his own. Alts as you know are allowed, but using them to boos your main is not (meaning you can use them though but within decent limits and only for the purpose of playing an other character/personality)I am sure this is useful for preveting quest cheating but its also a serious threat to privacy. [/quote] Alt check eh? Bring on the data scraping. It would be much too easy to pull data from this, By using a script, it could be done automatically, And if its php... there is no end to the data that can be pulled from the system Assigning keys to each player, will mean they will at least have to complete it twice, Perhaps also by generating a code for people to give you, so you can check and talk with them and see if they are an alt. Just providing a function would be a little invasive, and also considering that many players have "leant" their account to others for active days (*cough* grido), and it would consequently show as an alt
  18. [quote name='Burns' date='29 October 2009 - 04:03 PM' timestamp='1256832209' post='46069'] uhmm... i know i'm not supposed to post here, but you have a little mistake there, you have @vh once where it should be @vd [at least i think so O_o] [/quote] Thanks Burns, i changed that [quote name='Rendril' date='29 October 2009 - 04:16 PM' timestamp='1256833008' post='46070'] Nice code Chewett, but I think you mean @vh [b]+[/b] 10 * 60 Otherwise it would be checked in the next 6000 years or so [/quote] and perhaps i might want it to be checked within the next 6000 years changed also, thanks Did anyone test it? since i cant actually check as i have no access...
  19. Something i pointed out when the game was in initial alpha (limited testers) and i was told they would be put up "soon" but yes i agree, really we should have them by now
  20. [code]// first object @vd = time(); // gets time in seconds and sets it to a variable store(@vd); // stores the variable into whever ------------- // object two retrieve(@vd); // Gets the time we stored in object one if((@vd + 10 * 60) < time() ){ // first it gets the first time, and adds 10 * 60 onto it (which is 10 minutes) then // compares it with current time. If current time is bigger than the sum you calculated // then it will be over the 10 minutes and it displays the apropiate text echo "sorry you are too slow"; }else{ echo "you win the game!"; }[/code] time() will retrive the current time (for more techincal people its actually a unix timestamp) Basicly in seconds from a certain event. This is not easily readable by people as its returned in seconds but for this example its great. NOTE: i dont have mdscript, nor will i ever since i dont quest, so this is all vague guessings from documentation and my knowledge of php. I know php, so techincally it should work... Any questions or if someone wants to test it, Go ahead This is just an example, You will need to make sure that @vd is set already from the first object but i left that out as it clouds the example
  21. [quote name='Rendril' date='29 October 2009 - 02:01 PM' timestamp='1256824864' post='46057'] @Udgard: I haven't seen the /safe place/ keywords, could you post the link? [/quote] i believe he was refering to escaping the * in lho's names, this does work overall udgard
  22. Normal php will preserve the capitals, Which means its a mdscript Bug. Also burns try and format your code a little better, new lines for example [php] echo ""; If (uv('heads')>6){ echo "You are in danger, get rid of your ".uv('heads')." Heads!!"; }else{ echo "This is still a sanctuary place for you, enjoy the benefits while you can^^"; } [/php] This makes debugging easier as you can check for all those semi colons that you might have missed and such. perhaps try this to make sure safe isnt being used incorrectly [code]echo "This is still a Sa" . "fe place for you"[/code] i would check, but have no access to mdscript...
  23. This is only for official Manual posts and documentation Any new posts made will be moved to a more appropriate forum. Replies are allowed provided they are useful and ontopic
  24. Here is a list of PHP functions avalible in MDScript: Below is the Initial Post Mur made: If anyone spots a possible abuse with any of the functions, let me know, i didnt checked ALL of them so i might have missed some with issues. //math 'abs','acos','acosh','asin','asinh','atan2','atan' ,'atanh','base_convert','bindec','ceil','cos','cosh', 'decbin','dechex','decoct','deg2rad','exp','expm1',' floor','fmod','getrandmax','hexdec','hypot','is_finite', 'is_infinite','is_nan','lcg_value','log10','log1p','log' ,'max','min','mt_getrandmax','mt_rand','mt_srand', 'octdec','pi','pow','rad2deg','rand','round','sin' ,'sinh','sqrt','srand','tan','tanh', //string 'print','echo','count_chars','crc32','crypt','explode' ,'chunk_split','htmlspecialchars','htmlspecialchars_ decode', 'get_ html_ translation_ table','printf','implode','md5','number_format','ord',' chr','chop','lcfirst', 'similar_text','str_pad','str_ireplace','str_repeat','str_replace' ,'str_rot13','str_shuffle','str_split', 'str_word_count','strcasecmp','strchr','strcmp','strip_tags', 'strcspn','stripos','stripslashes','stristr', 'strlen','strnatcasecmp','strnatcmp','strncasecmp','strncmp', 'strpbrk','strpos','strrchr','strrev','strrev', 'strrpos','strspn','strstr','strtok','strtolower','strtoupper' ,'strtr','substr_compare','substr_count', 'substr_replace','substr','trim','ucfirst','ucwords','vfprintf' ,'vprintf','vsprintf','wordwrap', //arrays 'array_change_key_case','array_chunk','array_combine','array_count_values' ,'array_diff_assoc','array_diff_key', 'array_diff','array_fill_keys','array_fill','array_flip', 'array_intersect_assoc','array_intersect_key','array_intersect', 'array_keys','array_merge_recursive','array_merge' ,'array_multisort','array_pad', 'array_pop','array_product','array_push','array_rand','array_replace_recursive' ,'array_replace', 'array_reverse','array_search','array_shift','array_slice','array_splice' ,'array_sum', 'array_unique', 'array_unshift','array_values','array','arsort','asort', 'count','current','each','end','in_array','key',' krsort','ksort','list','natcasesort','natsort','next', 'pos','prev','range','reset','rsort','shuffle','sizeof' ,'sort','uasort', //variables 'is_array','is_binary','is_bool','is_float','is_double',' is_int','is_integer','is_null','is_numeric','is_string', 'is_scalar','isset','serialize','unserialize','unset',//var_dump //date time 'date','time','date_add','date_create','date_diff','date_format' ,'date_interval_format', 'date_modify','date_offset_get','date_parse','date_sub','date_sun_info' ,'date_sunrise','date_sunset', 'date_timestamp_get','date_timezone_get','getdate','gettimeofday', 'gmdate','gmmktime','gmstrftime','idate','localtime','microtime' ,'mktime','strftime','strptime','strtotime', 'timezone_location_get','timezone_name_get','timezone_offset_get','timezone_open' ,'timezone_transitions_get', //encrypt 'mcrypt_ecb','mcrypt_cfb','mcrypt_cbc','mcrypt_ofb','hash', //url 'url','urldecode','urlencode','base64_decode','base64_encode' , //country 'geoip_country_code_by_name','geoip_country_name_by_name','geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region' , //regular expressions 'preg_filter','preg_last_error','preg_match_all','preg_match','preg_quote' ,'preg_replace_callback','preg_replace','preg_split', ps@awi plenty of time features to play with, some are realy creative too Btw, MD day is given by echo date('z');
  25. It Is recommended that you read [topic='5494']Variables[/topic], Before reading this. Copied From Murs initial Post (no code changed) [b]User Vars[/b] Properties of the user accessing the script are available to the script. Don't worry, private info is not available to the script. Function to read user vars: [php]mds_read_uvars(var); uv(var);[/php] The uv() function is much shorter and easyer to use. What it does is actualy call the mds_read_uvars() function in turn. Parameters: var = a keyword that indicates what value you want to know about that player. Available vars: 'id' = player id 've' = vitality 'vp' = value points 'xpl' = exploring points 'maxve' = maximum vitality 'maxvp' = maximum value points 'land' = land id, 'alliance' = allaince/guild id 'age' = active days 'loyalty' = loyalty points 'honor' = honor points 'name' = playername 'mp' = mindpower 'heads' = heads 'won' = won fights 'lost' = lost fights 'avatar_level' = avatar level 'avatar' = avatar id 'xp' = experience, 'kills' = kills during torch competition 'illusion' = set if player in an illusion 'location' = current location of user 'stored_heat' = amount of heat player has stored in their erolin device [php]if(uv('ve')>10000){ if(uv('heads')>1000){ echo 'Run, hide, protect your head..sss'; }else{ echo 'You are alive, but you don't have so many heads with you '; } }elseif(uv('won')-uv('lost')>300){ echo 'Well you are wery weak but you won a lot of fights so...'; }else{ echo 'get lost'; }[/php] [php]echo "Hello ".uv('name')." ";[/php] This function can not be used to change user variables.
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