nice idea but there are a few ... problems
imagine an event, there will likely to be a lot of rpc's at the location, now unless the avvies are extremely small then they will overlap or whatever. Many rpc's will state their location as (for example) GoE and when there is an event there it would be chaos
It will clutter the location even if there is just one character. It might be interesting for rpc's such as Calyx or Pample at the dojo and archives respectively like it was done with Wodin but I don't think the fact that it would be cool would be actually beneficial. If you look at some of the locations they are already busy enough. Imagine fitting one avvie onto GoE, you would have to cover something up.
nice idea, in theory. but in practice I don't think it is very feasible, but please disagree with me since i like the theory of the idea, if you have any ideas to circumnavigate my proposed problems go ahead