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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. If this is the new one: I like it!
  2. Chewett


    I have always felt that getting to know your neighbours, either in road, town or country is always a good thing. Understanding the differences and why people do things do wonders for acceptance. A lot of racism stems from not understanding why certain things are done in a different way and the cultivation of an idea that someone else is unlike you and unworthy.
  3. If the contest gets more than 3 participants I will sponser the most recent MD birthday creature if Ungod agrees. If there are even more, maybe I will sponsor more (again if Ungod agrees)
  4. I will put in a submission today
  5. VE and AP is quite important to see at a glance. Value is important when fighting to make sure you arent too negative, it would be bad to suddenly realise something had happened and you were a couple trillion in negative value.
  6. I like it a lot, thanks! (Image taken on 1920 * 1200 screen)
  7. It only displayed 12 but you could have a lot more. Thats probably where the confusion is coming from.
  8. My blog gets a decent number of hits per day if you wanted some organic traffic?
  9. Yes, but each model was generated from all the pieces dynamically. Check the code it’s amazing.
  10. No clue what you are looking at as I didn’t? Send me a message and link me to it
  11. It can still be visible and not clickable no?
  12. Using a basic slider with a little CSS would probably do wonders Again, see email, Im assuming you want me to wait until you have finished and written up a design document so I can follow the "old mur style PHP"
  13. Hidden private and secret stuff:
  14. That wouldnt be too bad to convert to HTML5 either FYI
  15. Breaks the page if lots of long text is used:
  16. I could make that HTML5 if you wanted.
  17. If you want, once you have finished your work like we talked about on email?
  18. Oh yeah I wasnt commenting about that
  19. If you had the tree every year, you got to around 19 or so. But you can buy erolins in the shop atm, so thats why some have a lot more.
  20. Dont think I have every used "LoadScript" but I have used $.ajax() and json(). I dont understand what you mean by that. Probably easier if I dont work on MD for a while
  21. Should it say logout?
  22. Needs colour change or background?
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