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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Pretty rude. Thanks for the clarification however
  2. Im assuming this is me, but iv had a good look and cant find any message, so maybe not? Im going to assume the vitriol is aimed at me so no one else can take offence, Thanks!
  3. I will deal with all rewarding and sponsorship as BR doesnt appear to be in a good place to do so. Please PM me your quests. If someone can tell me what it was sponsored, I will find the items. Thanks.
  4. This has been resolved.
  5. No worries, glad it’s fixed
  6. Thanks, Azull is fixing some of these, we will update this thread when fixed. @DARK DEMON I think this is the issue with the new lab.
  7. Please detail any scenes where the background image is missing.
  8. Wiiya is something that is important in MD and in time will become more important. The question is, why is it important? This quest, which will run for a month or until an undetermined number of submissions have been received, In this post you should reply with a submission of up to 1000 words which explain what you think Wiiya is both to you and MD. Expanding on its importance and how it fits within MD's lore. The answers can reference other knowledge, other answers or be exceptionally personal to you. Please post all answers on this thread. Others are welcome to ask questions of your reply, which you are also allowed to answer. Any answers to questions put to you will not count in the 1000 words but will be judged as an appendix to your post. Rewards The winner of this quest, Judged by myself and Mur (if time allows), will be given 1 Wishpoint and 5 gold coins. In addition to spend the time working with me on the new Wiiya related plans. Other good points, replies and others will receive various rewards at my discretion. In addition those asking good questions of each other will also little somethings. (maybe even Wiiya itself!)
  9. 67.0.1 seems good too.
  10. Seems to work for me on 66.0.3 What OS is that? Are you able to upgrade to the latest version and see if it still does it?
  11. What browser is that?
  12. Ann. 4704 - [2019-05-30 22:31:23 - Stage 14] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett 0 likes Like The great Anni creature reshuffle...After some questions on the latest Anni creature I have looked into it and find nothing else amiss. The age was a mistake originally when Mur created them which I have confirmed with him. They have slightly different stats to last years one which will stay until we do a rebalance.At some point we will probably tweak the Anni creatures to be different, more interesting, etc. At this point all bets are off as to how useful they will be. But for now this announcement is to confirm no further changes will be made for the time being. Thank you for all your reports.
  13. Thanks Syrian, I didn’t set it up so I will have a look over all the settings thanks, might need to reset them all.
  14. Same creature and same level obviously
  15. I will look at it tonight but there is no way two of the same creature can have different max ve’s
  16. Yes there was a mistake when Mur created it. Anni creatures should be born at the start of the festival.
  17. Did you make the stones? If so do you have the item id of another heat stone?
  18. Obviously excused yeah, spam away! Thanks for your help, If there is an easier way you can think of we can discuss it. Some of them I can probably pass you direct texts to modify yourself if thats easier?
  19. Iv upvoted a load of ideas that I think sound good, no indication that will get implemented, just means I dont have any questions
  20. So, what do you think is an appropriate amount of time before re-application. I assume that once every 5 seconds would be rather short, so what do you think a minimum amount of time that would be "manageable"?
  21. How long do you think temporarily should be? Obviously it should scale to the effort of production
  22. Are you able to write a thread explaining the issues and what you would do to fix them? Or point me to said thread?
  23. The concern here is that they bypass a lot of restrictions. How do you imagine this would be protected?
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