So I have a week off and I’m looking to do a couple things in MD. However part of the problem is is that I have many messages on various different things and some of them have been lost in the deluge I’m getting.
Over the past years I have tried a lot of different ways to organise these but haven’t found something that I have gotten on well.
Recently I wrote up a list of things I know I really need to do and it was a whole page in my notebook before I even went though my various messages from you guys.
One of the better things was actually a bug/issue tracker which I used for a while. Actually the things mounted up pretty quick but I did have a list of things.
Maintaining a physical notebook isn’t feasible as it quickly becomes a mess of things I have dealt with, am waiting on, and such.
I could possibly use a forum to keep track of things and then everyone can see it and I can keep you all updated. However anything private would need to be hidden.
Does anyone have any suggestions? At the moment the sheer task of keeping track of everything is actually taking more of the time than I spend actually coding.
Although some of this is expected as I distribute work so that’s on some level ok.
Being the main person doing things here is pretty hard on me organising it all, and I will admit because of the various ways things get reported to me (email, forum, forum pm, game pm, Skype, discord) it’s hard to keep track of it all.
If anyone has any suggestions or what might work, might not work, hasn’t worked, please please please let’s talk. Because at the moment there is a lot of space for improvement.