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Everything posted by Chewett

  1. Ann. 4456 - [2018-04-18 01:06:15 - Stage 13] - Permalink - Posted By Chewett 0 likes Like The Mystery Tournament 3 - Experience the illusion rework for yourselfBeing able to run a tournament requiring specific creatures has always caused issues for those who do not keep a stock of them. Therefore for a long time now I have been planning tournaments using the illusion system. Before these were impossible due to the poor state of the illusion system. After the rework that has occurred over the past months I have been able to get it into a stable state where you can be given a number of creatures to fight with, preleveled to whatever you need.It just so happened that Sunfire appeared at the right time with his tournament and has graciously agreed to help test them out. If you wish to use them and want to participate in Sunfires tournament you will be put into an illusion mode and be given a range of creatures to use.A small reminder: This will be the first large-scale test of the illusion system since I have reworked it. I have done extensive testing locally and so far had no issues with it. If there is an issue with your account after the illusions please contact me and I will endevour to fix it. I have taken numerous backups to ensure I can restore any lost data.This first test will only be giving you illusionary creatures, the second steps will be to modify stats however it is not currently safe to do so. I am going to need to disable access to the illusion system after the test so I can safely remove people from illusions they are currently in. Until this is done I cannot push out the next illusion changes.For those participating, you might notice a new creature in the illusion setup, cid 65.
  2. Chewett


    except they can be given by anyone. If you changed them then they could act as papers, say you buy some for X days to act as your item.
  3. Chewett


    have you guys forgotten about land papers?
  4. You never mentioned to me it was your birthday while I was slaving away at coding for you! Happy Birthday!
  5. Oh no! Link me the bug report with images please -- Do you need sponsorship?
  6. For those that need help getting an image of this scene please post here and I can arrange transport.
  7. I have some plans
  8. I have signed up with no clue about what creatures I have that are untokened. Not saying that will change your, or other peoples minds, just saying.
  9. For those that question,it has been resolved privately
  10. Sorry Aia I was not aware this was an issue, I will see if I can look at that this week.
  11. Pardon? I contacted you directly Fang after I posted the following announcement to see if this resolved your issue. https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/4421 Given that you are now talking to me, and told me this would only occur once I performed all your demands which included this. I was to believe this was sorted. Is this not the case? As far as I was aware all was resolved.
  12. Happy birthday Mr Miq!
  13. Any specific reason why you want to know?
  14. Yes.
  15. Fang I appreciate your attempt to reply but it doesnt actually answer the question at all. Please do read the question properly if you are attempting to answer something.
  16. My mind appears to have forgotten this crucial fact at this time, How bothersome!
  17. My post was equal parts sarcasm and truth. There is a crack in it which is important (why however I'm not going to say).
  18. I heard during that process it got cracked :S
  19. As some people have pmed me asking, please note that unless some kind of evidence is linked or whatever, all things stated here are opinions and not a statement of legitimate lore in MagicDuel.
  20. How can you know there is a connection if you cant think what they are? Im a bit confused because that justification could work for anything. How do you know? ---- An example is: Personal opinion with no fact: I think angiens are linked to necro Personal opinion with fact: I think angiens are linked to necro because on the gate you can clearly see an angien carved. The difference is one is a guess/theory (And theories are good, so no issue there) but it isnt backed up with anything. The second has a backing, it doesnt actually explain much more than the first but shows you have thought about it and did some research (and found something). I think these kind of posts, if they are to work, need to start with "Here is something I believe, here is some reasons why I think its true, Do you have any opinions" because it shows you arent just asking for answers and opinions (which may have taken much research and time to reach).
  21. What are your thoughts? I dont mind sharing quid pro quo
  22. You dont have the MD toolbar do you?
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