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  1. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in TK Take Over Attempt   
    And a warning to those who wish to follow in their footsteps.
  2. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Seigheart in Seigheart's Auction   
    You keep making these assumptions. I DID distribute the silver amongst the slaves. You deny that? Or are you blind?

    I never said that ALL of the gold would be distributed amongst the slaves.

    And I STILL have no plans, and have never said that I will use the other silver for myself.

    I think you are all just bored stiff, and need something to bitch about. So when it's not Eon, or Dst, it's me.
  3. Downvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Sephirah Caelum in Recruitment Flier   
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Name: Ivorak[/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]MP-Class: MP5[/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Age: 1329 active days[/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Main Principle: Element[/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Reason for applying: To reintegrate (since some seem to think I've been inactive, though I've really only been treading different paths) through servitude, as well as ideological similarities. [/font][/color]
  4. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Peace in Recruitment Flier   
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Name: Ivorak[/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]MP-Class: MP5[/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Age: 1329 active days[/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Main Principle: Element[/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Reason for applying: To reintegrate (since some seem to think I've been inactive, though I've really only been treading different paths) through servitude, as well as ideological similarities. [/font][/color]
  5. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in The Grail   
    To continue the discussion from here since phantasm wants to hide the dirt under the rug.

    Last post from phantasm in that topic:

    [quote]sorry DST, but facts remain the same. Duxie won the quest, through much hard effort and work. You tried to win the quest the first day it became active with no work. Quest was mine, and run MY way. You are just upset because YOUR way didn't work, due to there were more variables in the quest. All part of a quest don't have to be listed, especially ones that reveal spoilers, like saying you have to "convince the thief" before there was even known to eb a "thief". You could not have even know the grail was not at the site, because you never visited it. The first person to visit it was after all these "pm evidence" you have. If you don't like it, sorry you don't always get your way. This matter is closed, as the winner has been announced, and the quest has ended. You were never disqualified, you simply didn't complete the quest. If you have such an issue with it you are more then welcome to not compete in my "unfair" quests.[/quote]

    Let's start with this:
    [quote]you are more then welcome to not compete in my "unfair" quests[/quote]
    I never said your quest was not fair. I said YOU are not fair. That's a huge difference.

    [quote]Quest was mine, and run MY way.[/quote]
    So now I have to guessyour thoughts? Because again, you stated NOWHERE that you wish the quest to be solved in a certain way.

    [quote]You are just upset because YOUR way didn't work,[/quote]
    No, I am upset that you are unfair and you try to find loopwholes to avoid admitting I solved your quest in the first day (as you have said).

    I said I do not want the WP or the gold. I still don't want them. But I want that nobody gets them either. I was the first one that found samon and the grail. Not duxie. Not anyone else.

    LE: I just saw that you already gave the wp. This is your second ofence of giving WPs without a good reason.
    First one is giving WP as a gift to mcvities some years ago (in case you have forgotten).
  6. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Ravenstrider in Necrovions coat of arms   
    Maybe a skull impaled by a black-bladed dagger, with it's eye sockets bleeding liquid dust.

    Something like this:

    Ok, just realised it looks a bit too much like the Caretakers badge... So, maybe a skull with a black/white mask, which is made out of two separate skulls... Something like this:

    Edit: Third idea: The skull, with the b&w mask, impaled on 3 daggers, bleeding liquid dust.
  7. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in Land Loyalty   

    Also, noting a point others seem to have missed, Its intresting to note that in the announcements its refered to as "Land Score" which i would say it fits better than "Land Loyalty" as it shows the "proportion" of your character that belongs to each land.
  8. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to DarkRaptor in Land Loyalty   
    side question (again): would it not be more correct if you only could benefict from that land loyalty [b]if[/b] you are still loyal?
    i can understand the loyality benefict as some kind of reward the land gives you.. but if a conflict arise and you are against a land that you were once loyal to, should it be correct if the that land keeps rewarding you even against herself?
  9. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in We want them back - Declare war to Death   
    [quote name='Sephirah Caelum' timestamp='1329344778' post='104399']
    The dead should remain dead. Move on and lets them enjoy their new state of existence.

    Mean caretaker! Let's make a deal: you take fenrir's corpse since he's East Lands and keep it like this until you get bored with it and we'll ressurect the rest. How's that?
  10. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Laphers in Water   
    I wouldn't mind seeing water able to be used to replenish depleted growing resources like lumber, branches and herbs faster.
    Like if a depleted area receives water it will replenish to .5; if it's at .25 it will replenish to .75 and if it's at .5 it replenishes to 1. After .75 it would have no effect.
  11. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to ChildOfTheSoul in What is a Slave?   
    By its' very definition, a slave is the legal property of an owner, forced to obey their wishes. If this were the singular definition for a slave in MD terms, wouldn't the idea of "buying" the rights to someone, from that person be impossible?

    If the property of a slave becomes the owner's at the time of sale, how can any slave turn a profit from selling themselves? Or is slavery in md just control of a person's free will, save giving away their items and such?

    Maybe slavery changes to a certain degree, depending on how a person was sold. A slavery auction is supposed to be fun, where you have your slave perform certain tasks, slavery by Mur's definition is having a leash around your throat, Hedge's definition is having ownership to a person permanently, etc.?

    Is there a way to define slave in MD terms that encompasses the opinions of everyone? Please share your thoughts and opinions.
  12. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Phantom Orchid in Pact with Necrovion Renewed   
    You argue valid points and hypothetical concerns - but they do not take into account that the CoE has had a defensive pact with Necrovion allies years. We have witnessed the disbandment of the Sentinels and 'takeover' of the CoE, and felt it prudent to solidify and reinvigorate this pact - one reason being the significant shifting of alliance members.

    And doesn't any mutual agreement and consensus-based decision assume an inherent 'faith' that all parties will abide by it?
  13. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Why I'm mad at Child of the Soul   
    I disagree vehemently with Libs definition.

    If someone in the real world joined an organization with the intent to destroy it, it doesn't matter how long it takes. They could wait 10 days and then make their move, and they would have betrayed the trust of the organization for letting them in. Or, they could wait ten years, building the organization up, helping it to succeed, before finally betraying them.

    Their actions and intents, the time they spent there, what they where planning all along, they are all immaterial to the argument. If trust was placed in you, and you betrayed that trust, then you are a traitor (or responsibility, faith, etc, whatever you want to call it. It is all still betrayal).

    The facts are simple: Cots Joined an alliance. Joining an alliance is a matter of trust. He sabotaged the alliance, whether intentionaly or not it doesn't really matter, it is still clear it was his doing, and thus he betrayed that trust. Thus, traitor.

    If he lied about his reasons for joining, and lied when making his oaths, so what? He is still a traitor, he betrayed their trust that he was being honest.
    If he was doing it because he is loyal to Pip, and not to Loreroot, so what? He is still a traitor, he betrayed Loreroot and the trust it placed in him.
    If he was doing it because he didn't know what Pip was planning, and tried to make things right, so what? He is still a traitor, he betrayed Pip, and the faith that he put in him.

    Cut a slice of bread any way you want, it is still bread.

    Now personally, I don't care too much. I find this to be a pretty good roleplay event, and like what has happened (even if some language does need to be kept in check). But don't split hairs like that, its just stupid and makes you look stupid.
  14. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Liberty4life in Why I'm mad at Child of the Soul   
    oke so we know he was told by pip to enter coe and then to hand it over, thats fact #1 which furthermore leads to conclusion that his pledging of fealty to coe never was true for him, ie he didnt mean wut he was sayin, so thats fact #2 which also means he cant be betrayer of somethin he never put his true loyalties in, ie he cant be betrayer of coe

    now we have assumption, that inviting neno was just a setup planned to fail in order to show back some good will towards loreroot, if that is true then he aint betrayer to pip, meanin he aint betrayer to anyone, he is just a spy that did well on his mission, but if this assumption aint true then he is only betrayer to pip and only an hostile agent to coe
  15. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Princess Katt in Seigheart   
    Maebius has done something to help the cause-- a place we can store heat permanently.

    Please, as you are wandering by, click the plant in front of the left stair and say "For Seigheart", it will store your heat for Seigheart's behalf.

    I will continue to hold vigils, tomorrow again at 22:00, until Seigheart is back with us.
  16. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in Resource Depletion   
    No Yrthilian, you are sooo wrong and also hypocrite in your comment.

    You hate Eon so you take any opportunity to put him in a bad light. Should I remind you the time you used your own tool to harvest Loreroot's resources when only the Wood Cutters had the ability ?
    Again, it comes down to game mechanics. EVERY SINGLE TIME someone doesn't like what another person does using the mechanisms offered by the game you start yelling BUG ABUSERS (when it's NOT the case -see the illusions issue) or THIEVES (see current issue).

    When Eon took over TW and Peace got it back through illusions, nobody yelled BUGS! RUN! No. Everybody was happy.

    I don't even know why I bother....EVERYTHING Eon does is frown upon. That's why I will keep helping him as much as I can.
    Also, start hunting me: I plan to gather some Lumber soon. And I don't intend to leave 2/3 of the resource in place.
  17. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Udgard in Resource Depletion   
    Last I checked, people belong to a land, not the land that belongs to the people. I never remember Mur saying "once you become a citizen of a land, the land and all of its contents are yours, no one else may do anything there without your permission". As much as I prefer if people do not deplete and leave resources at 2/3rd. calling them thief and stuff seems wayyy overboard.
    Just my 2 silver coins.
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Esmaralda in Resource Depletion   
    I will keep posting the depletors i find, as this forum topic will help me decide who I will trade with or not. My rule is simple. If I find that you depleted more then 10 times (any land, not just my land), I will not trade with you anymore. Once you depleted over 20 times, I will not trade with your alliance. Once you depleted 30 times, I will not trade with your adepts. I will lower my counts if the person stops depleting.

    Perhaps this will change behaviour of some people. Perhaps it won't. Time will tell.
  19. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tarquinus in Why I'm mad at Child of the Soul   
    Well, actually, I'm not. Tarq is, because CotS betrayed his trust. But Tarq is just a character. As nearly as I can tell, and Tarq's flak at him notwithstanding, CotS seems like a pretty nice guy. I've told CotS OOC as much twice: once during his giveaway, and once at his joining the Treasure Keepers. Tarq may be judgmental and grudge bearing as all hell, but let me emphasize - [i]I am not Tarquinus,[/i] and Tarq is not I.

    Now, I confess I'm annoyed that CotS's attempt to help the CoE didn't succeed, but as the leader (now in exile) of the CoE, I have to bear responsibility for that failure. I do know how to take an alliance and I know what went wrong, but the blame for the failure of internal communication among my group has to lie with me.

    There's one other thing - it's been said that the (now exiled) CoE's comments in CotS's PL have been vicious and judgmental, e.g., "[i]Traitor - not to be trusted.[/i]" I'm sorry if that comment offends, but it happens to be true. CotS seems like nice guy, and I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, but he [u]is[/u] a traitor, twice over (he betrayed Lord Pip by inviting Neno). It does also annoy me to be condemned, along with my crew, for stating obvious truths. We can all be courteous OOC and have a good time in MD, and there's no good reason not to. I don't see anyone having the moral high ground here.
  20. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Yearly Artwork Quest: Cyclicity   

    The Christmas tree artwork is a fractal. The cuts and folds are made as per a simple rule, that could be repeated endlessly, were it not for the limitations of the paper.


    “Mister, what are you doing?”

    The wizened old man put down his cutting implement, glanced for a moment at the creased paper in his hand, then looked at the girl. He hesitated and then spoke “I’m giving this leaf of paper back its form. I’m making it into a tree again.”

    “How will you do that?”

    “Watch.” The man folded the paper again, and then made a straight slice with his blade, along the width of the paper, but not to the edges. He folded the paper again, and repeated. The girl looked on puzzled. Soon the old man was done. He took the paper and deftly poked at it. As if by magic, a tree stood out from the rest of the page.

    “It’s a Christmas tree!” exclaimed the girl.


    “I miss Christmas…”

    “Well, I’ll let you in a little secret. Christmas is forever. It comes but once a year, but every year it comes. Soon enough, we will be celebrating it once more. That is why I have made this tree, to remind me that Christmas is always coming.”

    “Christmas is forever?”

    “Yes, forever.”
  21. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to phantasm in Complaint against your BHC Organizer   
    As an organizer of an event, doesn't Eon have public points like Grido and the Kings had? If enough complaints come in about an "unfair" leadership of the event, he should be docked a public point. Besides that there isn't much to be done besides blowing air around.
  22. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Pipstickz in Complaint against your BHC Organizer   
    [quote name='Kamisha' timestamp='1328502850' post='103594']
    Unless he says he is not going to attack competeing players in his original post that can not be your reason for suing and from what I see I see that knowhere.
    So you're saying forum posts can't be used as evidence? The only difference between the original post, which people seem to think is "official", and any other one he makes is the length. The facts are:
    Eon is not on the leaderboard for BHC, and has stated that he is not competing, therefore it is reasonable to believe that he is not competing.
    Eon has attacked nadrolski multiple times, as shown by the screenshots provided in the other thread.
    The question is whether or not Eon has taken heads from nadrolski. If so, the court is the perfect place to settle this. If not, there is no grounds for a case. Either way, I will remind you, too, that the evidence does not need to be presented before this is made into an actual case.
  23. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Pipstickz in Liberating Knator Commander   
    Since you brought it up, the official Eclipse at this time is neutral in this matter.
  24. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in Liberating Knator Commander   
    It took quite some time to think about Knator Commander. He's been trapped for months but you only thought to free him now....why is that? And why only CoE? GoTR is not also interested in KC? Or this has a deeper reason? Like....maybe somehow you think KC will give you back the ally? Or at least help you to get it back?

    Hum? What's the real reason behind your "altruistic" actions?
  25. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Dragual in Water   
    What if it's made so that you cannot go past your AP max with water?
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