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  1. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Firsanthalas in Several Alts Having Roles In Different Lands?   
    I think that what Chewy is really getting at, is having a situation whereby a player has an alt in multiple guilds, especially if it is one in each land.
    As the guilds are not combative and are neutral in that sense, then there really isn't an issue of conflicted interest as such. Although there could be if a person was more willing to sell or give materials to a member of their main's land or indeed pass things on to their alts for their alts to benefit from.
    I for one have no issue with someone that has an alt in Golemnus or anywhere else having a character in the Woodcutters. I would have an issue with said alt passing stuff to their alts or chums though, or dealing unfairly with people.

    I also don't want to see a situation where essentially the same person is turning up in every alliance/guild in MD. That is a personal viewpoint, but there it is. It is my impression that some people that joined the Woodcutters had no interest in joining Loreroot as a citizen and indeed may have held some animosity towards it. I find it galling to think that people will just jump into the guild simply because of what it is and no other consideration, like where it is. I hope I am wrong in this and apologies to anyone that feels I am being unfair, but it is my personal view on the matter. I already feel that citizenship is not treated properly by many people and some people think of alliances as nothing more than frat/social clubs. That is part of the reason why I don't always reply to people that want to join the Guardians, sometimes I let them do the chasing. If they don't, then perhaps they were not that serious to begin with. Personally, I'd rather one committed individula in the alliance than any number of Johnny come lightly types.

    Late note: I would also like to point out that at least one person wanted to change who was in the guild (by that I mean their alts). To me this instantly screams of having no regard to keeping alts separate and distinct. You may disagree, but that is how I see it.
  2. Upvote
    Ivorak got a reaction from Kafuuka in Several Alts Having Roles In Different Lands?   
    [quote name='Chewett' date='11 August 2010 - 11:29 AM' timestamp='1281540584' post='65779']
    I am Currently worried about the many conflicts of intrest that people are going to have if you are going to let people with multiple alts and multiple affliations into these NEUTRAL guilds.

    I agree that a conflict of interests will certainly arise with a number of alts spread through the resource guilds. However, I'm not sure if there should a be a strict rule against it, or if it is possible to run the guilds based on trust between the members.

    But the main reason for my reply, is not what I think, but what I don't know. Are these guilds really neutral? I am aware that the guilds are traditionally neutral, but then again, the traditional guilds were centered in neutral lands because of this. If the resource guilds are expected to be neutral, I see one of the greatest benefits of the new gathering/crafting system, that being the intrigue and craftiness of politics, going out the window.

    So, could you point out to me where it is said the new guilds are neutral, if such a statement from Mur exists? (I'm not saying it doesn't; in all likelihood I missed it among the spread of new threads on the topic.)
  3. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Darigan in Mining Guild   
    [quote name='apophys' date='11 August 2010 - 02:12 AM' timestamp='1281510747' post='65720']
    This is how I see it:

    Loreroot - carpentry
    MDA - agriculture
    Underground - mining (gems, gold, coal, etc)
    Necrovion - metalworking (iron, copper, and other metal ores)
    Golemus - masonry (marble, granite, etc; quarries)
    Tribunal - ceramics
    Marind Bell - fishing
    Labyrinth - weaving
    No Man's Land - animal products (could be moved to MB if you don't want a No Man's guild)

    Gardening in MB
    Fishing in Loreroot
  4. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to That Other Guy in Mining Guild   
    [quote name='Ratsplat' date='10 August 2010 - 08:42 PM' timestamp='1281487347' post='65694']
    There should be a mining guild, or some way to mine, to go along with the recently added woodcutting guild and woodcutting/resource gathering.

    Forest like areas wouldnt be very good to mine in, though places like golemus, necrovion, and hopefully the underground tunnels under MB (since my role puts me in that area).

    You would be able to mine different types of ore of course, maybe fossils, lost equipment... anything youd think you can find in a chunk of rock. This stuff would be used to make equipment, enhance your creatures, stat boosts, etc...

    Its nice that you are trying to come up with ideas in regards to the new "feature". But seriously use some common sense and at least give Mur some credit. This is just one of the very basics that will be made (DUH). At least Pamplemousse did come up with something outside of the box as an expansion to thing that would there, IE: advance alchemy.
  5. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to pamplemousse in Idea For Resource-Based Guild   
    I don't know whether the new Resource-Based Guilds have all been decided upon, but if they have not, I would like to offer up an idea.

    It is my understanding that the guilds will be, in a way, hierarchical.
    For example:

    1. Primary (wood cutter, ore minor)
    2. Secondary (carpenter, smelter)
    3. Tertiary (wooden handle, metal blade)

    I thought it would be interesting to have a [b]Farmer/Gardener[/b] (primary), [b]Herbalist/Apothecary[/b] (secondary), [b]Drugs/Poisons/Elixirs[/b] (tertiary).

    Considering the resources available to us in MD, the Gardeners could tend (or receive items in relation to) [b]animals, herbs/plants, minerals, shells, fungus and even bees[/b]. They could be recruited to create totems, which could have healing properties but also a symbolic and spiritual significance, as well as the drugs, poisons, elixirs, etc.

    The Lands of the East, in my opinion, could be a great place to house this Guild. ([i][size="1"]Again, these are just my thoughts and suggestions, I'm [b]not[/b] suggesting that I know what is best for any land or group.[/size][/i]) They have [b]trees and gardens and fields for planting, a kitchen for mixing as well as a pub for dispensing. [/b]

    Also, the temple is a source of healing (ancient cultures used "sleep temples" to induce trances and meditation, or to present sacrifices and fasting for healing and purification.)

    I think it is an idea that could lead to revenue and increased interest and roles in lands and individuals.

    I'm sure there are those of you who know much more about this subject than I do, and I would love to hear your constructive criticism.

    P.S. At this time, I have no interest in being in charge of something like this, but the idea is intriguing to me, nonetheless.
  6. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Firsanthalas in Woodcutters Guild   
    [quote]I hope I am not offending anyone of I post the woodcutters guild under LR, if so, your king should tell me (based on your complains of course, if any).[/quote]

    Well, I am as much in the dark here as anyone else really. Does the guild reside in a particular land? Will it be part of Loreroot and therefore its members citizens, or will it be a non-land entity that merely happens to harvest the resources of lands? How does that place the land whose resources are being harvested?
    If the guild is supposed to be part of the land, then perhaps its membership should only be open to citizens? The reason I say this, is because I am getting the sense that it will simply be seen as the next shiny thing for the magpies to want.
    Not to sound negative, but currently there seems to be an impression that alliances and citizenship in general are just clothes that can be changed or discarded when a person feels like it. Guilds or groups which suddenly seem to offer a new skill or ability are obviously going to draw attention and to me at least, it feels that people with a sense of loyalty are the ones that will be let down, while the magpies will simply move on to pastures new with more exciting shiny bits to feather their nests. Again, it may sound negative, but it is at the very least something that could be considered for the future, which can have a positive outcome.
  7. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in Sparring Grounds.   
    [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='08 August 2010 - 07:23 PM' timestamp='1281291796' post='65417']
    I would like us, the community, to list here all the problems SG makes or might have and good things it does or can do, and then act upon it however.

    After spending some time in SG to have a look about its "issues" and talking to several of the new mp3's i dont actually see any issues.

    They complain when one person comes in, shouts a bit at them and sometimes the attacker runs off, and sometimes they will apolgise.

    I dont think that someone attacking now and then is a bad thing. It means its not a sanctuary like place, where you will never get attacked without you wanting to. It means that people can train with less than normal amount of attacks.

    The Way its currently set up, people uphold it themselves. I like the fact that the people using it are the ones "running" it.

    We can all go "this is wrong" "that is wrong" "it should be run this way" But we dont know because we dont use it. Some of you may entertain the foolish notion that you know "best" for something. But for an area that you dont use, thinking you know best, is probably a little close to fantasy.

    Overall i dont think there are any issues with the current system, and from the people i spoke to, they really liked it as it is.

    You said you were repeating what you have said because people were just saying "no its not" well surely the lack of people giving you ideas to improve it, means its fine as it is?
  8. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Mourn the Leper in The Path   
    [size="4"][b]Mourn acquired this story from a travelling writer, who no longer needed it.[/b][/size]
    [i](the following is entirely fictional and inspired by Ailith's contest. However, due to my lack of reading the fine print, didn't quite meet the parameters of the quest.)[/i]

    [u]after downloading [/u]
    -click view>slide show
    -left click to move to the next page

  9. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in Role of Legend Speakers   
    Of course you will need to speak to Kyphis about this, But i believe your primary role is the first line. Then he lists things that he thinks you might be able to help with. I dont really see an issue with other people doing similar things.

    And i wouldnt agree with because an alliance does something, you should merely let them do it. I havent seen the LS do any "help with papers" yet have seen a lot of others help their friends with it, would you propose stopping them also?

    Even if your primary role was to help with papers, there is nothing wrong with comptition? And anyway, who in the LS is helping people with papers currently? if that is one of your main roles why arnt you posting a forum topic similarly.

    On another note, your guild role should probably be posted in the forum for others to read.
  10. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in Role of Legend Speakers   
    [quote name='Curiose' date='06 August 2010 - 06:00 PM' timestamp='1281114007' post='65271']
    [u][b]Primary Role [/b][/u]

    The Legend Speakers are the Storytellers and Keepers of Traditions in the realm. We work with words and art, as well as movement, to entice crowds, teach morals, and aid the youngsters.

    [b][u]Some of the services we offer[/u][/b] include Story, Poetry, and Music writing, [b]help with editing your papers[/b], crafting character roles, and providing encouragement. We can also be contacted to work with Quest Creators in terms of NPC roles, on top of any normal lyrical works.

    I think these two Key parts are worth remembering.

    Firstly the help with editing your papers is not one of their primary roles. And secondarily help with editing your papers is something that is a service being offered. And like all services, there are numerous competitors. However if i am wrong and Kyphis is claiming sole "right" to be helping people with papers, then he is being foolish.
  11. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Blacknights in Personal Heads Accusation From Wolfs   
    You have just sat in the one location people are competing in a contest where you fight to be the best and because you got attacked you have just accused me of being greedy, cheating and targeting you and not only that but then you ran off. These are very serious accusations you made - and i find it extremely offensive.

    and now you offend the very game itself and expect me to feel sorry for you.

    If you had just taken the time to say Z could you stop attacking me because of [insert reason] then it would have been fine, but instead you decided first to ask me to attack you one more time and then to get annoyed and insult and accuse me when I did.

    You're not in a good mood? well, well done because now neither am I.

    No not whatever. I havent done anything wolfs so i have nothing to be guilty about.

    I was GOE ... I was interested in heads contest.. Oneday, i will be a winner of the contest
    I was in the park..
    Someone come to the park, I couldnt understand what he is saying ...

    he was talking about alt abue and cheating...

    I couldnt understand what he is talking about ??

    There is no excuse, that is why i want you to put it into public. You have a forum account - use it. If you don't, I will.

    I don't have to prove anything to you. You are the one making accusations with absolutely 0 evidence do you realise that?

    You still havent actually said what people at the dojo have apparently accused me of? Who has said i have done something and what exactly have I done supposedly?

    I have attacked everyone, noobies, vets, friend or foe.

    Im sorry if you want to quit, I don't want you to quit, but you cannot call me a cheat and a liar and expect me to ignore that.

    Here is the forum post:

    If you want to call me anything at all, you can call me it there.

    The Phoenix is his friend... What do you want from me ? and i gave up the head contest I told you The Phoenix will know ...
    I just had 19 scores ... i didnt care about heads.

    I was there to talk....
    You were too offensive ..

    I believe The truth always comes out . in the case, One of us will feel guilty ... but im not.

    what's the point of the topic?

    I wasnt kind any veterans here. because i didnt like them..

    I'm really bad guy? you guys criticized the press' witch-hunting reports.. What?


    in the park someone who talk about head contest.. alt abuse & cheating

    I couldnt understand them...

    I was GOE for 2days to look around & study about how to make effective rituals from veteran users.
    When i had seen nad-- & sis-- etc, I couldnt understand they have enough vital & heads against Z
    for 2days~

    just get Mp4 cant win any contest if this kind of abusing work .. it will make us that not interested in game...

    So i got mad at him.. I sended the message.

    Sorry for English grammer ...
  12. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Yrthilian in Puzzle At Goe On Day 212   
    Sorry Mur

    I was working on the answer but i only had my Ipod on my for net access
    internet is not good on it to be honest and a bit slow.
    I am not finished my writings on it but if you wish i can still send it on
    later just for though.

    Note i am not a colladge persion or anything like that but
    sometimes one does not need to be for a good answer
  13. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to No one in Negative Rep'   
    I disagree with Pipstick and phantasm.
    Negative reputation is all about what you write in that specific post.

    For example,
    - if you write stuff that is offensive, you will get "neg rep".
    - but if you write something interesting ... and ppl like it ... you might notice a positive reputation for that specific post.
    - I think that it was a months ago when on the same page, for the same player, I gave a positive reputation and a negative one. There were 2 ideas, one good and one stupid (in my opinion).

    So ..

    Consider that giving a reputation point (+ / -) as your own 2 cents on his/her post.

    In the end, if you notice that you have a lot of neg rep ... you should ask yourself why.

    Consider it as the fastest feedback you can give / get.

    (that if you really care what others think about you)
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Novato in Newbies, What Upset/scare You All?   
    I hope it's the right place to start this kind of topic.

    The issue is that there is a lot of veterans talking about what scare the newbies, but few (if any) newbies talk about that. By another hand, maybe it's normal newbies give up the game before even read something in the forum. Again, it's just a theory.

    I don't want to offend the vets, but if a newbie want to give up the MD he/she opinion is better than an MP5 theory. Of course, if a newbie don't understand the game mechanism, he/she could talk about foolish things (probabily it will happen a lot). But, even in this case, we will have the chance to learn how to teach them. Please, avoid sarcams. It's ok, in my opinion, attack without mercy someone ideias (the ideias change), but not the person himself.

    If just one or two newbies write anything on this topic it's enought for me.
  15. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Fyrd Argentus in The Glass Is Half Full.   
    Half full, half empty, or as the engineers would say -- the glass is the wrong size. This is about expectations. If your expectations don't fit what is in the game, change them! MD is a unique game in that the players create the game as they go along. If you're not happy with what is going on, remember that you have the power to shape it -- just like in real life.

    I don't know any other computer game where players can create games within games (quests) for other players.
  16. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tarquinus in The Glass Is Half Full.   
    I was talking to another MDer in the hated YIM just now, and it really struck me: there's an air of mournfulness, of negativity, that needs a balancing opinion. Since I am an active vet, I'd like to add my two bits. Some may want to accuse me of being two-faced, or cowardly, or obsequious, but whatever. This is my honest opinion.

    It seems to me that MagicDuel is in many ways a much better game than the one I joined two years ago. There are more creatures, a slicker combat engine, a wish shop that lets you buy spells and get into cool areas, and more things to interact with. Some people say, the wrong people get rewarded and there's no way to get ahead. I'm sorry, but I just disagree. I think MagicDuel is going through some growing pains, but I really do believe it will come out stronger and better than ever if we can all just [i]hang in there.[/i] Mur has shown every sign that he listens to the players, and I can't think of any other developer I've met on-line that can say the same to the extent Mur can. Is it fair? Not really. So what? It's fairer than it once was by an order of magnitude. Is there backbiting and gossip and bullying? Yes. But show me the community of human beings that lacks those things. The fact is that MagicDuel offers more opportunities to [u]players[/u] to impact the game than any other MMOG I've ever seen.

    So what I want to say is this: thank you.

    Mur, thank you for a great game. You're crazy and funny and imaginative. We don't have to agree on every little thing, but my life is better for having met you.

    Loyal veterans, thank you for still playing. Yes, even you, dst. You are a huge part of the experience of this fantasy "world," and it would be the less without you. Stories gravitate around you, as does the sense of the game's "reality". Any loss from your ranks diminishes us, and while others will come, no human being can really "replace" another.

    Regular players, thank you. Your interest and intelligence constantly hone the experience of MagicDuel. You are the life's blood of the game.

    Newbies, thank you for your interest and enthusiasm. Stick around... things keep happening, and just when you think you've got it all figured out... something new comes along. Hang on. You're in for a ride.

    This is not to say I think people have no valid complaints. I think a lot of people have valid complaints. But you know, you can dwell in the problem, or you can be a part of the solution. I encourage you all to be part of the solution. When a fellow player releases a quest, take notice. It was made for you. Be glad, and always keep in mind that the next quest might be written by [u]you[/u], because you have that freedom.

    Freedom is only free as long as people fight to keep it. See you on the dueling mat.
  17. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to I am Bored in Xp Bug   
    First off, [size="7"][color="#ff0000"][b]
    your complaining because people know more than you[/b][/color][/size] because [b][size="7"][color="#ff0000"]they've been here longer than you[/color][/size][/b].

    Second, why are you trying to stay MP4? You should be [size="6"][b]TRYING[/b][/size] to get to mp5, and shouldn't be complaining about being capped.
    Finally, why did you bug [size="6"][color="#0000ff"]King Numa[/color][/size] with this? He's a busy person, so [size="6"][b]stop complaining[/b][size="2"],[/size] [b]get over it[/b][/size] and ,[size="7"][b] life's tough[/b][/size], and [color="#ff0000"][b][size="7"]if you won't learn[/size][/b][/color] that [size="7"][color="#ff0000"][b]GO AWAY[/b][/color][/size], and stop bugging us.
  18. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in Xp Bug   
    So basically you have no idea what happened but you jump to conclusions and accuse us (the other players) of capping you. You have no evidences but you scream and yell on the forum.
    IF indeed someone did this to you with no reason and you have no idea who did it what do you want? What do you want us to do?

    And how did you reach the conclusion this is a bug? Do you know at least what a bug is?

    LE: your totally unfriendly attitude gets you negative points so stop blaming everyone cause you'll solve nothing
  19. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Watcher in Selling "your Own Md Wallpaper"   
    [quote name='Kafuuka' date='19 July 2010 - 02:34 PM' timestamp='1279564465' post='64179']
    How do you conclude that it is for quest purposes only? I'm not an expert on English grammar, but a comma can be used to list multiple possibilities which need not be inclusive as well. "can be used for quest purposes or mixed together or altered etc." versus "can be used for quest purposes, eg by being mixed together or being altered etc". In a further quote, Mur states personal use as another acceptable use, does he have to list all things allowed one by one?

    It's funny how you go after single words, yet fail to provide quotes which are interpretable in only a single way.
    Your interpretation of what has been stated completely disregards copyright law. If one is to believe you, Muratus del Mur is saying "you can do anything you want with my property" and there is absolutely no indication that he has given such freedom to use his artwork in such a way.

    I based my conclusion on what was actually said, much like how laws are established. When something is unclear, when a law has different possible interpreations, courts get involved to determine what has actully been said. To keep oneself safe, and to keep Muratus del Mur's porperty under his control, a narrow interpretation of what has been stated is called for. Your interpreration allows anyone to use his property as they see fit. That makes no sense.

    Furthermore, "personal use" never includes the reproduction and sale of another's artwork. How do you conclude that what was originally proposed--profit for a man who is using another's work--is somehow "personal use"?

    Finally, would it be best if Muratus del Mur spelled out exactly how he wants his property used? Or would it be best for those who want to create MagicDuel-themed [i]anything[/i] to use [i]their own creative abilities[/i] instead of constantly appropriating someone else's property?
  20. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kafuuka in Selling "your Own Md Wallpaper"   
    [quote name='Watcher' date='19 July 2010 - 05:46 PM' timestamp='1279554406' post='64170']
    [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='07 June 2010 - 11:30 AM']
    Images FROM MD, can be used for quest purposes, mixed together, altered, etc, as long as they are not creating confusion. No image should be used that could be considered a spoiler, like premium creatures, remote locations, achievements colored art, etc.
    How do you conclude that what you are proposing is allowed? This is not a quest, for a quest, or is in any way quest related. Because Muratus del Mur has said one thing--that images from MagicDuel may be used and altered, with stated limitations--you come to believe that his statement applies to something else entirely? Your use of "logic" is astounding.
    How do you conclude that it is for quest purposes only? I'm not an expert on English grammar, but a comma can be used to list multiple possibilities which need not be inclusive as well. "can be used for quest purposes or mixed together or altered etc." versus "can be used for quest purposes, eg by being mixed together or being altered etc". In a further quote, Mur states personal use as another acceptable use, does he have to list all things allowed one by one?

    It's funny how you go after single words, yet fail to provide quotes which are interpretable in only a single way.
  21. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Watcher in Selling "your Own Md Wallpaper"   
    [quote name='Pipstickz' date='17 July 2010 - 05:14 AM' timestamp='1279358052' post='64059']
    this is artwork from the game, and the only money being made is the money in the game. The court it would be handled in, if it were to go to court, would most likely be in the game. Blackwood does not claim to own the material that he uses, nor does he claim that they are official in any way.
    Your ignorance of copyright law is apparent. The point is not whether he is getting "real" money for his productions, but that he is altering and distributing artwork that is not his. He has no rights to any of the artwork he has ever used for any creation I have seen him produce. He admits that he uses other's work, manipulating it, for his "artwork." While he may have innocent intentions, copyright laws do not care about how something is [i]intended[/i], but the [i]actual use[/i] of it.
    By distributing artwork that is not his, with [i]his[/i] name on it as [i]the creator[/i], he is violating that law.

    As I stated before, if Muratus del Mur does not care, then this conversation is moot. However, Blackwood Forest has made no indication as to whether he has contacted the actual owner of the artwork or has a blanket permission to use what is not his.

    [quote name='Darigan' date='17 July 2010 - 05:46 AM' timestamp='1279360016' post='64061']
    Perhaps if someone would have a private conversation with Blackwood about his designs or authenticity instead of blasting him here
    Your capacity for hyperbole is amusing. No one has "blasted" Blackwood Forest here about what is happening, he is merely being questioned again. As for the conversation component, I would have thought that Muratus del Mur had made his thoughts clear the last time this was brought up.

    [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='17 July 2010 - 03:26 PM' timestamp='1279394804' post='64085']
    please people, leave Blackwood alone, and if Mur doesn't like what is he doing, he will tell him so?
    I have seen a statement similar to this on several different threads over the past few weeks and it makes me wonder about those who ask it. Are these individuals five year-old children or adults? Do any of these people have the capability to know right from wrong? Is an authority figure truly required to come by, slap the person on the wrist, and say "No! You are being bad!"?

    While I know that some of the people who play this game are younger teenagers, many are easily in their twenties, if not older. Do these people need someone else to keep an eye on their actions and tell them when they do something wrong? Can these individuals not judge situations for themselves? When one says 'Mur would stop me if he didn't like what I was doing,' it makes the speaker (or writer for this particular medium) sound as though he or she were a toddler, completely lacking in the concept of morality. Muratus del Mur is a busy man and cannot keep up with everything that is going on in regards to this game and all associated with it, nor should he have to.

    Would it not be wiser to think about what one is going to do [i]before[/i] doing it? If the thought 'Would Mur ask me to not do this?' occurs even once, thinking longer on the course of action would be prudent. It takes maturity to be responsible for one's own actions; statements such as the one quoted above display a distinct lack of development.
  22. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Yoshi in Sparring Grounds - Evolution   
    [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='10 July 2010 - 06:23 PM' timestamp='1278800611' post='63776']
    ....the idea about starting this was to listen to constructive feedback of people, not sentimental complaints and biased conservative, political posts. in the meantime I noticed I ain't gonna get what I was expecting so went on to the testing phase....

    You just didn't like/accept the criticism you received. The sparring grounds were awesome, I don't even know the rules of what to do now, there's no direction, no basic rules that are easy to understand. The sparring grounds was an easy concept, easy to grasp and understand. What you did to it, I don't feel was for the best, but for the worse.
  23. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Burns in Sparring Grounds - Evolution   
    It won't work.

    People don't stop using their best rits just because you ask for that. Neither will they stop using full influence.
    It doesn't pay to risk losing while you still have something to gain from winning, and it doesn't help any newbie to have people with lol-defences like the people who formerly used ggg.

    You need either people who see a future in that and want to help you, or have an incentive for people, like rewards for sticking to your rules.
    You also won't scare people too much with your spells, they are not permanent enough...

    Also, whatever you plan as lesson will turn out to be a spoiler. Grido won't agree with spoilers of such scale in a location as public as the park.

    I haven't been around to see things myself, but if what you put on the signpost is your actual plan, you probably want to consider burning the blueprints and start over... Else your building might crash, and who wants to listen to architects whose structures fail?
  24. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Prince Marvolo in Lib Mp5   
    [quote name='Yrthilian' date='07 July 2010 - 04:44 PM' timestamp='1278513885' post='63583']
    Sorry i have to point out when one askes other for help
    what is provided is more alt and not a [u]REAL[/u] player
    so there really is no diffrence in the bot/player

    So because it is 'already done' it is ok?
    Is it, because Everyone jumps into a river, you should do it also? And make it public as 'a good thing'

    [quote name='Yrthilian' date='07 July 2010 - 04:44 PM' timestamp='1278513885' post='63583']
    This is only for MP5 so learning to depend on each other
    has already happened and this would not be an option
    if everyone could find a real player to help them.

    "I learned how to communicate, so I guess I can stop doing it now" thats what you are saying
    This would indeed not be an option if people were not that lazy...

    [quote name='Yrthilian' date='07 July 2010 - 04:44 PM' timestamp='1278513885' post='63583']
    The fact is many other use bots/alts to help lower their xp
    so the libs in turn would be no diffrence really. Well in my view
    that is.

    thats like giving a pyroman a flamethrower
    "He's already doing it, so, it'll make no difference"

    [quote name='Yrthilian' date='07 July 2010 - 04:44 PM' timestamp='1278513885' post='63583']
    I would feel this would make the proccess quicker and in the long run
    help but if people are very agenst it i wont do it. But since there has
    been very little responce i will take it as a go ahead. Unless i see a
    bigger responce agenst the idea.

    Is it supposed to be quick?
    And maybe you need to wait a little bit - it has been barely 7 hours since you posted this.


    As a reply to Apophys; Indeed - Another issue: Alt Abuse
  25. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Yrthilian in Lib Mp5   
    Sorry i have to point out when one askes other for help
    what is provided is more alt and not a [u]REAL[/u] player
    so there really is no diffrence in the bot/player

    This is only for MP5 so learning to depend on each other
    has already happened and this would not be an option
    if everyone could find a real player to help them.

    The fact is many other use bots/alts to help lower their xp
    so the libs in turn would be no diffrence really. Well in my view
    that is.

    I would feel this would make the proccess quicker and in the long run
    help but if people are very agenst it i wont do it. But since there has
    been very little responce i will take it as a go ahead. Unless i see a
    bigger responce agenst the idea.
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