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  1. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    I believe we got bored of your posts and of the hole subject, that's why you do not get any answer (and I am merging all your posts).

    Actually, I wanted to point out a new issue:it seems there are some players that grab the items put in Wasp Totem then never return them. And you IAB are one of them.
    I even seen a player that actually doesn't play (just logs in for his active days) that have 2 of the items on him. Why do you people keep the items after you use them? Let them go so others can try them! Shish!
  2. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tarquinus in The Asteriks   
    Asterdai sprinted up the stairs to the Hall of the Sun Balcony.

    “Innocence!” he gasped, his sides heaving. “dst has been taken prisoner by the Blue Meanies and is being held in the Land of Joyless Text!”

    “So?” Innocence replied, arching his faun’s brows. “And hello to you, too, Asterick.”

    “We’ve got to help her!”

    “I’m sure she likes it there. Sounds like a job for a mercenary, anyway.”

    “Where… who… what do we do?”

    Innocence sighed with exaggerated patience. “I haven’t done a place in, oh, I don’t know, feels like a long time. As for whom I do, that’s none of your business.”

    Asterdai spluttered, starting to protest, but Innocence held up a hand.

    “What do you do? Send out a notice. Offer a wish point or a useless creature or something silly. Have you thought about asking asterisk?”

    Asterdai blinked. “Ask myself?”

    “No!” Innocence cried. “asterisk, not Asterick!”

    A very short, moustachioed blond guy wearing a winged helmet bounded up the stairs. “Je suis arrivé!” He shouted, sweeping off his helmet and bowing elaborately. “Astérix le Gaulois, à votre service!”

    “No, no, no!” Innocence snapped. “Not Astérix… [i]asterisk![/i] Please.”

    The little man’s shoulders slumped and he shuffled back down the stairs.

    Asterdai blinked. “Well, if that’s not asterisk, where do we go to find him?”

    “Him?” Innocence demanded. “How do you know it’s a he? Isn’t that just a little sexist to assume asterisk is a he? Or that Dusty wants to be rescued by a male?”

    “O-Oh,” Asterdai stammered. “Sorry, I…”

    Innocence laughed. “I’m just kidding. asterisk is totally a he.”

    Asterdai flushed with embarrassment. “I… I see…”

    “We go to the editing room,” Innocence told him. “All the punctuation marks hang out there.”

    Asterdai started to speak, but Innocence brushed past him and swept down the stairs into the Archives lobby.

    Passing into the empty room in the east wing of the MDA, Asterdai frowned in confusion.

    “This is the editing room?”

    Innocence ignored him and clapped once loudly. “Dot, Sticks, Queerie, Curve… C’mon out!”

    “…What is it?” moaned a sleepy-looking question mark, who blinked uncertainly at Asterdai. “Who’s this?”

    “Queerie,” Innocence said, “meet Asterick.”

    The question mark blinked and narrowed suspicious eyes at Asterdai. “What does he want?”

    Asterdai explained: “The Blue Meanies have taken dst prisoner and are holding her in the Land of Joyless Text!”

    “So?” the question mark asked.

    “That’s what I said,” Innocence muttered.

    “It is no harm! Pay no attention to it!” roared an exclamation point, bouncing around vehemently.

    “So… I came to ask asterisk for help,” Asterdai said, looking somewhat taken aback.

    “dst hates asterisks!” the exclamation point exclaimed. “Pay no attention to it!”

    A period looked askance at the exclamation point and advised: “Stop. Wait. Listen.”

    “Oh, Dot,” Innocence said, shaking his faun’s head. “You’re almost as bad as Sticks.”

    “On the other hand,” a comma yawned, “it is conceivable, though barely, that dst does want to be rescued, even if the solution is temporary, and would welcome your help, she would greet you with gratitude, but she might seem a little surly, she is very temperamental, while intellectually acute, and is not given to displays of affection, you may have to approach her with care,” and sighed.

    “Why can’t I help?” the question mark whined.

    “You ask too many questions,” Innocence said. “asterisk is the best punctuation mark for the job.”

    The period said, “Wrong. I am. Period.”

    “We know you’re a period, Dot,” Innocence snapped. “We came to see asterisk.”

    “Well,” the comma continued, “I suppose the period is the most experienced of us, and could do a good job, he’s a bit blunt, or maybe I could, I am awfully versatile, and popular, cute, and technically useful,” looking at Asterdai hopefully.

    “Curve, you slow things down,” Innocence told the comma, “and you do tend to run on.”

    The asterisk somersaulted into the room and bowed to Asterdai with a flourish. “You need a hero; I am he. These other punctuation marks are insecure because of their youth and a certain desire to prove themselves.”

    “Pay no attention to it!” the exclamation point roared.

    “Exactly,” the asterisk agreed.

    The period frowned at asterisk and said, “No. Not youth. You’re younger.”

    “Nice try, Dot,” the asterisk rejoined smugly. “I am as old as writing itself, and at least two thousand years older than you. In the days of ancient Sumer, I was a glyph called a [i]dingir[/i].”

    “Yeah!” Innocence said. “He was a thinger! Or a thingie." Innocence begain bouncing around with the exclamation point. "Hey, Sticks, a thingie!”

    “And as for versatility, I am by far the most talented,” asterisk continued, smiling superciliously at the comma. “I am a query wildcard; I can be used in multiplication; I can indicate corrections, footnotes, and relative insignificance.”

    “Do I really need a wildcard?” the question mark wondered.

    “Shut up, Queerie,” Innocence suggested.

    “It is no harm! Pay no attention to it!” the exclamation point roared again.

    “Don’t you have anything else to say?” the question mark asked, shaking her head at the exclamation point.

    Warming to the subject of himself, asterisk talked at a louder volume. “In the land of MagicDuel, I am even more powerful,” he noted. “I can turn text blue, denoting actions, wishes, and emotions. Clearly,” he told Asterdai, “I am the one for the job.”

    “Well, I suppose so,” Asterdai said, looking at Innocence, who nodded with approval. “Come along, then.”

    “The Land of Joyless Text is more a state of mind than a physical location,” Innocence observed as the three headed south from the MagicDuel Archive lands. “I think we’ll probably find Dusty at the Gazebo of Equilibrium.”

    Sure enough, they encountered dst and Mur, who was clad in Roman platemail and clutching a long pole topped by an eagle and a placard bearing the letters SPQR. dst stared at Asterdai, Innocence, and asterisk as they approached, and Mur hastily concealed a copy of [i]Rome: Total War[/i] under his blue cape.

    “Yes?” dst asked.

    “We’re here to save you from the Blue Meanies!” Asterdai exclaimed. “We brought asterisk!”

    But dst recoiled in horror. “asterisk?” she moaned. “He’s their best weapon!” She pointed at a group of people pretending to fight using text.

    “Of course!” Asterdai said, slapping himself in the face. “The Blue Meanies…”

    asterisk bellowed malevolently. “I have you now!” he crowed, leering at dst.

    Innocence rolled his faun’s eyes and wandered away. Asterdai looked around for help. The little blond guy leapt onto the scene, swatting asterisk with the flat of his blade and turning on Mur, who swore and drew his Iberian gladius. Asterdai scurried away as dst set a drac-heavy ritual, and a huge fat guy with a red moustache and pigtails ran up shouting “Sono Pazzi Questi Romani!”* He and the little blond man ran away while dst’s ritual eviscerated asterisk, and dst sighed, relaxing in asterisk-free serenity.

    *Italian for “They’re crazy, these Roman(ian)s!”
  3. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to awiiya in The Asteriks   

    That is my submission. It is a pointless (notice the lack of period at the end of the story above) and dumb answer to a quest of the same nature.

  4. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to aaront222 in Cerimonian Exacution   
    How it works-
    1-Somone breaks rules
    2-They get to have a lost words
    3-They get banned
    (is that good)

    Step 2 of Evil plan:Complete
  5. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kafuuka in Nwt (Yet)   
    It seems that every time I happen upon something rare, I get these really lengthy private mails:

    [i]Untitled - Wrong Label
    Hi, are you willing to trade your ....?[/i]

    Except that half of the time there is a spelling error in this one sentence. I can somewhat understand why these inquiries arrive and I am not really overwhelmed by the amount of them. But seriously, [b]if[/b] I wanted to sell something to just anybody, I would have announced it in the appropriate channels. If you are not going to bother making an offer, I am not going to change my mind either. I haven't had much time to play the game recently and I simply deleted most of these pm's, without replying, so I thought it might make more sense to make some sort of announcement:

    [*]I am not willing to trade "Kafuuka's signet ring" EVER.
    [*]I am not able to trade those special creatures on that one account I got as a reward, because technically they are not mine. Even if the probability that the last one will be claimed by it's rightful owner is near zero, I am not selling something that isn't mine.
    [*]I will trade or gave away my pass papers once the changes to the items are more final. Yes I did say trade or give away: if I don't find anything that makes RP sense for my character to have, then I'll give them away to someone for whom it makes more RP sense to have the pass papers, ie. a citizen. Otherwise I'll use it to bargain with, obviously. Consider this weird/generous/opportunistic if you want.
  6. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in The Sisterhood   
    Oh no! Over my dead body maybe! The imagine of myself running around MD smooching everyone I meet...yuck! makes my stomach hurt! Although...if I haven't succeeded in alienating everybody so far then that would do the trick.
  7. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to I am Bored in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    but how many had agiens? there are many more who have raw materials than those who had agiens, and the agiens still had value, they had age, age is value, they were more valuable than the new agiens, there isn't any current way of showing that our's was one of the old raw material, as there was with agiens.
  8. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Azrael Dark in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    The sheer rarity of particular "raw materials" is indeed a problem since no one is completely how to re-acquire the item once they have parted ways again. I do believe setting a standard and constant way of reacquisition of raw materials is the solution to these woes. I've read the previous posts and it seems we all share the same predicament as to how to treat these materials. In general, items are still a rarity and having one of anything is a source of some excitement. I for one believe it is better to have than have not, no matter the value or worth of the item you have in your possession. But like others have expressed a strict economic control must be applied to avoid flooding the market with raw materials while also maintaining the scarcity of said raw materials. To wrap up this long winded post, I just want to post some brainstormed solutions to this item problem. I don't necessarily agree with the points I bring up, but I believe they each bring about a fair balance to raw material acquisition. each bullet point is independent upon the other ideas:

    [list][*]For the mining / lumberyard idea, with a specific place meant to gain wood/ore, anyone should be able to do this. The two caveats to this idea should be 1. The process of mining/lumberjacking/etc. should take the entire day, so you will not be able to move or attack (or be attacked?) while working, only live chat until you are done with working to get 1 wood/ore. Having an axe or pick would increase the amount of wood/ore you get per work day (say 5 wood or ore per work day).[/list]
    [list][*]Make finding raw materials a luck factor. Just as the luck stat attributes to finding gold coins occasionally (in the form of value points), a (very) small percentage should be devoted to randomly finding a raw material. Also, what material you find is dependent upon which land you are in (example: you are far more likely to find wood in Loreroot, ore in GG, bones in Necro, fabric in MB) Having/crafting axes or picks or needles increases this chance.[/list]
    [list][*]Have raw materials age like creatures, with some depreciating in value and some appreciating. Examples include:[/list] wood -> aged wood -> petrified wood -> rotten wood -> mulch,
    stone -> hard rock -> cracked rock -> fragile rock -> dust,
    coal -> dark coal -> hardened coal -> pressurized coal -> diamond

    [list][*]Should there be a limit to the number of items you carry? And should this inventory system be weighted with each item carrying a weight value, or slotted with each item occupying one slot (coins not included in this inventory system)?[*][/list][list][*]To avoid alt abuse, a similar system as the trade advisor should be applied to the transfer of items as well.[/list]

    These are just some ideas I wanted to share. I know I haven't really addressed the issue of tools like axes and picks, but without a set way of constructing purchasing these tools, I don't know myself. Like I said before, this is just some brainstorming I've done. I apologize if I have infringed upon someone else's idea and feel free to think these ideas are just dumb.


    P.S - Is this even the right place for this topic?
  9. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kafuuka in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    [quote name='I am Bored' date='22 January 2010 - 11:13 PM' timestamp='1264198401' post='53260']
    if we do impliment a way of gaining raw materials, then those who currently have raw materials should be compensated, because the value of them would drop a bunch
    They were never meant to be valuable, but as soon as they were released, people saw the potential to corner the market and control the supply-demand ratio. From the start those people were asked politely to refrain from doing this and now you want to be compensated? For what? For thinking of the obvious plan everybody thought about but only a few decided their own gain is worth causing trouble to all other players? I wonder what is more sad: your sheer opportunism, that you think people are silly enough to agree with you, or that you not so long ago tried to see if the average MD iq is significantly different from 100 in a vain attempt to feel better about yourself but now seem to hope people are stupid so you can profit from it?

    Besides MD is a perpetual beta game, things will change and there'll be no refund. You know that when you sign up.
  10. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Czez in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    My char Czez has a lot of inventory items. Many of them were created uniquely in response to RP events she was involved in, or are specific to her role as a navigator.

    She also posses a number of 'Raw' items. Almost all of these were gifts from people as she was fortunate to celebrate her 200th AD the day many were introduced to the game. One of them I bought. They are not for sale or trade, and certainly not for profit. That is not hoarding. I've long wanted to comission special items for her role, and use some of the items she has in quests. Currently, she actively employs almost all of the items, [i]including the Raws[/i], in RP.

    Why must I feel pressured to sell these to other people? I don't want to. I have plans for these items, and I do actually use them.
  11. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to cutler121 in Recent Events In Md   
    The only reason I am posting this is because I truly don't understand why MD seems to be heading more and more towards being all about punishment and trying to catch people doing bad things.

    Surely Mur set the tone with the Festival of Pain, but is this really the direction we the people (I speak for everyone who thinks this is a sad direction for MD to go) want to support MD to head.

    I know this is not what interests me at all in MD but I basically try to ignore all the c**p. There are so many positive and interesting things going on in MD. Even if this tone is mainly being set by veterans and people with longstanding dislikes of each other, you should realize that there might be a few new people around. Why would they stay if they can't respect the people who are here?

    Not everyone in MD is as petty and small minded as these squabbles make it seem. It's just a shame I have to keep reminding myself of that.

    So I am going to keep on doing my thing and try to ignore this sad direction MD seems to moving.

    Not much Cheer here,

  12. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to awiiya in Dst   
    Whether or not dst does in fact harass people, I don't know, and don't attempt to make a judgment on. She has never harassed me, but that likely says little about whether she harasses others.

    I think it's incredibly safe to say that dst will not change her ways with a forum post by Fenrir, someone whose opinion I am sure she has little to no respect for. If one truly wanted her to change, a more effective medium would be sending her a private message, or engaging in a mature discussion, to which I've never seen her disregard and be unreasonable of. The only thing involving the entire community does is give dst even more motivation to hate people, and feel attacked. Attacked people turn hostile. This is a fact.

    So, whether or not dst does harass you, there is only one viable option that you have in response to her behavior: ignore her. If you want to take away all of dst's power over you, do not speak to her, of her, or around her. If you want to increase her level harassment, do the opposite: start a forum board about how you wish her to change.

    Fenrir, in my mind by making this forum board you are following the example you suggest dst has laid and causing turmoil and unhappiness in the realm. I think it's time that you take the advice you offered to dst. "Please change your ways." You have good intentions, and that is clear to me and others. I don't consider you a bad person. The reason that no one listens to you is not because you tell the truth, but because you assault others with your opinion. If you truly want dst to change, perhaps setting the tone with a promise to change your ways would do more to avoid conflict, and she would be more willing to take your entreaty as a serious and calm wish for change. At the moment you stand steadfastly assuaging dst as the solitary culprit, while the true issue is both players.

  13. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Dst   
    For as long as I can remember, dst has been just as much a nuisance to the general MD public as certain other individuals. The names Death Ray, and redneck come to mind. She may not be a nuisance in the same way, but she is still a nuisance none the less. I use the word nuisance as a kind substitute for other words which could be applied.

    I would like to bring to light her constant hunting of "prey". Those she considers weak, stupid, or different. For no other apparent reason other than for her own self satisfaction that she is better than others. Whether or not she is, is up for debate. Not only does she hunt these "prey" she chomps down on their hind quarters until they can do nothing but limp on for months. If they are so lucky as to be able to walk after the initial attacks, she then sinks her teeth into their throats. For instance, her attacks on Shoeps. I do not care what he did, or why she attacks him constantly, but it is not acceptable to see these instances brought up every few weeks when she can't find another prey to attack.

    She made it her life's ambition to see his game life ruined, and unfortunately, it appears as if she succeeded. That may or may not be the case, but the fact remains that her goal was to make Shoeps hated by the general population by making a personal conflict public because she could not win otherwise. Again, unacceptable. He is not the only one she constantly harasses. I have a list of people she makes regular attacks against, and it isn't right.

    Her attitude towards anyone that does anything but tread lightly around her is deplorable. If you so much as argue with her, she will call you a coward. If you so much as win, watch out, for you will be put on her "black list".

    I had recently posted something about her comments of calling an individual a coward on the forum. What happened? She deleted and removed the post because she found it "insulting". As well as threatened to have my warn level increased to the point that I will have a Moderator review everything I post.

    I was also demoted from my job of being a Section Moderator for the CTC Section. The reason being? I closed topics that were inactive, and merging posts without notifying the poster when they were spamming their topic with bumps. Why is this a reason for demotion when I had been faithfully maintaining the most active section in the forum for nearly 8 months?

    I believe dst is once again at hand. The night prior, I was having a heated debate with Dmik King(If forget exactly what the initial topic was about but towards the end Dmik King was claiming I was claiming the Holocaust did not happen... when I wasn't talking about it. Tried clarifying it but he would not listen because he was so angry.) and a few others.

    Dst intervened and started her usual act of trying to prove herself superior to others. I, in no way, claim that I am better, nor worse. When her arguments were being questioned, she resorted to her childish behavior of name calling and dismissing my questions about her arguement as being "stupid".

    And as an attempt to attack me once again, she decided that I was no longer fit to moderate the CTC Section. (I really don't care if I am the CTC Mod or not. It does not bother me.) So, dst and Chewett, notified me several days ago that I was demoted for reasons still unclear.

    I am here to call dst out. Make a valid arguement. Do not spew insults and insinuations. Make valid arguements as to why you seem fit to do this.

    Anyone else is welcome to comment on it, after dst has responded.

    [Mods: Please notice that there isnt a single insulting word, swear word, and this is not a heated response to something she did recently. I let a few days pass before I decided to write this so I could write it without being rash.]
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Grido in Allow Other People To Edit Your Papers   
    When i was RPC, and we could edit other people's docs, for either offences, or because they asked us to do something, other people found it helpful for us to perhaps do something on the papers that they couldnt.

    Now obviously RPC's arent around anymore, so there arent people that can help out with papers or whatever.

    My suggestion would be to have somewhere where you can enter the name or ID of another player that you allow to edit your papers, this would be helpfull for players who want html on their papers, but perhaps dont know how to code it themselves. They would be able to add the name/ID of a player that does know html and that player would be able to work on the code on the papers for them.

    This all make sense? Would other people find this a good idea?

    LE: Suggestion would be on a tab like where the AL/Top lists etc are
  15. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Firsanthalas in Sparring Grounds   
    Actually for me it has nothing to do with power. I never became a dojo staff member, but I used to spend a lot of time there to help out. Indeed at one point, before Jazira arrived I was often the only 'dojo'(even though officially I wasn't) person there. I have told you why I won't stand around there now, before. Under your current rules anyone can walk by and mash me and repeatedly so if they feel like it. Im not interested in any response along the lines of 'set a better def rit'. I simply don't see the reasoning or logic in being a target for people while trying to do a service.
    Im sorry if you think this seems selfish or silly. I have no issue with people attacking me, but I really don't see the point in having a situation where people can decide (and they will) 'hey, I'll pop over to the sparring grounds and hammer Firs' every 25 mins. The fact is, for me fighting is not a big part of MD, but neither is stat loss. Because I don't fight as much as others it simply means that Im going to be heading for stat loss because I choose to try and help. Call me old fashioned, an idiot, lazy or whatever you want, but that is the way that I see it.
    Im not looking for any special powers, but if you can tell me that people won't start attacking me and hammering away at me then I will go there and help.
  16. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Pipstickz in Want To Buy Tokened Normal Heretics, Aramors, And Water Beings.   
    So, you want to just get him the archers, and he'd have to pay you 15 credits, AND the credits for the tokens?

    Bad deal. Real bad deal.
  17. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Jubaris in Land Winderwilds.   
    well, I was just goofing around, but, I think Mur said creatures are in your head... so it doesn't matter where do you recruit them, they don't simbolize the land (except maybe Lorerootian Archer, cause of the name but that's it...)
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Jubaris in Editing Calendar   
    I proposed this to Akasha, cause she wanted to continue the work on calendar, but I got no reply, so I want to ask community what they think of this and will there be any voluenters (except me )

    I would love to see that the calendar has dates of MD former events, anniversaries if you want, for example: that day and month - creation of Necrovion Sentinels, Crowning of King Lifeline, peace-treaty of whatever... Festival anniversary... anything really

    so the goal is to have MD calendar full of MD events, not of RL mythology, cause what makes Greek mythology more important to realm of MD then, I don't know, Slavic? So calendar is a great thing but I don't like it showing events from Egyptian, Greek, Roman culture, I want use to make it MD-like
  19. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Jubaris in Editing Calendar   
    to be more specific, what I meant was not to post events like "dismissal of the RPCs" or any system feature, but something showing political state of the players in the realm, creation of organizations/guilds/alliances, wars, peaces, (ok, I'm repeating myself)

    it would be perfect to "dig up" information about realm's history, where else will you find it? reading every forum post, MD archive article and yet still having to speak with other people?
    like Rendril said, Master Core information would be stored also in a clickable...
    to decide what goes into the realm, well, you should have objective people on it, to post every event that had great consequences, and to ask community (public vote) for posting others...
    it can be worked out easily, we just all need to agree first to start this
  20. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Firsanthalas in How Many Rounds Do You Usually Fight?   
    Ok, I think some people have hit the nail on the head here. A fight imo, is when two people actually exchange blows. This happens let me see....never.. against certain people around. I don't call getting wiped out before I even strike a fight. That's shooting ducks in a barrel as far as I'm concerned. If your one of those people and that's what you get your kicks from, then good luck to ya. Personally I couldn't care less.
    On a practical note though I don't actually see the point. I'm not sure what a person learns by such an experience except perhaps the power of fully token critters or certain players. I'm also intrigued at how a game that is not supposed to be about the fighting system seems somehow to constantly revolve around it.
  21. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Rendril in Editing Calendar   
    I woudl like to see MD-related dates in the calendar. Even if a land changes 10 kings in the next week, why not remmeber them?
    A simple noting of the event could be placed in the calendar, while full-length description would be located elsewhere, MD-archives, forum, clickables etc.

    Not every event needs to be noted, as Chewett said the problem lies in which events are to be selected. I think a public vote, or paying a wishpoint to add to the calendar would be suitable.
  22. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to LadyDawn in Post Delivery Service In Md   
    Since I did mention the creation of special post ofice in that previous thread I demed it correct to suport this idea in here also.

    1 silver for paying would be way to much and basicaly only new players would realy badly need a post office, so ap (maybe with combination of ve and vp) could be enaugh.

    A postman for "big guys"? It might be, but new players or those who are not the "big guys" need this one.

    A spell called localate? Is that a wp shop spell or something you get when you start playing? I for one dont know and I am very sure that none of those who starts to play this game has no idea about it.

    This "function" could very well also be used only for mp3 that are seting the first steps into the game or maybe also for mp4.

    The friendlist is handy, yes, but the space there is limited and you first need to aquire one so again. As second, friends list is for friends but sometimes you need to send a message to the one that you dont hold in such high reguard that you would want that person in your friends list...

    Besides of that, a "building" as that would actualy made the world more real.

    Anyhow, I wish to have a post office and I wished so as I first step in this world.

    Thank you.
  23. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Liberty4life in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    prison is in necro if i remember right, isnt it? so i guess prison is under peace's rulership... mur stated about those ability usage... so i guess thats right too, but it wasnt ever said that for roleplaying one can be sent to jail, ofc in real situations, if ya dont belong to any land ya wont get protection from it, and then if ya act against some land that land will enforce its laws over ya, if ya are doing damage they can do anything thats in theirs power to stop ya, then if prison belongs to necro, then necro is only one that can jail ppl, other lands cant do it, in rping problem is when somebody does something against ya, ya dont have real power to stop them, in this case..peace didnt had her own power to send him to jail, but obviously she had right to do it... but then if she managed to do it then every land should be capable of doing it, also sending him to jail wasnt rped as much as i understood, and even if it was... why would police always succeed? i mean if every king of land gets spell for jailing, land can jail all its enemies by spell, and there wont ever be anyone that can do anything about it, it will be always land without conflicts and it will be peaceful and boring game, then wots the point of doing it? in real situations as i said kings have right to jail ppl, but they wont always succeed, prisoner can escape etc, this is just unrealistic, and also... grido has his jail spell for administrative use, not rp use, so i would call this as misuse of his powers in area that isnt in his jurisdiction, nobody has right to moderate roleplaying although rp shouldnt be extended to god moding
  24. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Watcher in 6 Month Jail - Adam Riddle   
    This has set quite a poor precedent for those role players who wish to portray characters who behave outside the norm of society, whatever that turns out to be within the game of Magic Duel.

    First, the character of Adam Riddle has been punished in a [u]real and tangible[/u] way for [i]role playing[/i] his actions. This is extreme and uncalled for. Had Adam Riddle been crude or coarse in his language in a public area, had he attempted to or succeeded in the abuse of various bugs or exploits, or had he acted against the rules of the game in some other way, I would support the character being banned. However, Adam Riddle role played [i]two[/i] lines of text, one indicating that he "destroyed" the gate and the second stating that he ran away. Peace, the character, [b]ignored[/b] his actions and stated that the gate was, in her word, "intact."
    Just as those who 'chop down,' 'burn,' or otherwise 'destroy' the tree located on the Path of Loneliness role play their actions, they, along with everyone else, know that their actions will achieve naught. Nothing will happen to the tree because the tree is part of the scene. The same applies to anyone who wishes to "destroy" any part of any other scene. It cannot and will not happen unless Muratus del Mur wants it to.
    A role played "crime" with a very real punishment does not make sense.

    Furthermore, for Peace to state that "all mentally ill people should be locked up" is completely uncaring and ignorant. While I realize this is a game, attitudes like that do far more harm than anything else. Mental illness is a [u]real illness[/u], not something that one should be locked away for and punished because of it. Mentally ill people should receive various therapies and treatments--including medication if needed, yes--but not "locked away" and cared for poorly because they do not behave as another believes they ought. Whether it is Peace or her player saying this makes little difference: it is ugly and thoughtless in either case.

    Finally, let it be known that I have absolutely no love for this player or any of his obnoxious and substandard characters and I do not care whether "Adam Riddle" is banned for six months or permanently. Yet, actions like these certainly call into question the judgment and critical thinking skills of those who institute a [i]real[/i] punishment for a [i]role played[/i] crime of this nature.
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    Ivorak reacted to Kafuuka in Wp For Days   
    I don't really care much about the number of WP/year, the WP codes are likely to cause inflation anyway.

    As for alt abuse there is one relatively simple method to make it impossible: change the way items are made and don't add useful creatures to the WP shop. Afaik everything else in there cannot be traded and I don't think it's a secret that I disagree with the item creation process. As I said in the market debates there needs to be a creative and a destructive flux of items if you want to sustain circulation. If WP abuse for items would lead to larger creative flux, that might actually be a good thing.

    If you however want to check alts, I don't believe there to be a 100% efficient system and manually approving "good alts" is going to be tedious at best.
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