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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. why is that??
  2. well, what do you think ?
  3. BUG FIXED, you should be able to attack those guards now. pm me if you still cant.
  4. can you access shop? did you die in story? (upset marind a lot), if so that explains it
  5. topic closed. test will begin shortly with the players on the list so far. Let me a day or two (maybe more) to set up whats needed. I will pick random alliance symbols for this, dont start complaining you dont like then its just a test.
  6. it was a problem with the settings, now you can see how powerfull this monster realy is .. at least for me that i am on the other side of the globe, the game is loading much faster than many sites hosted here. it takes less than a secodn to enter a scene, and there are 135 players online right now, all running on fastforward settings. if this will continue in the next days i am planning for new features
  7. yes , starting today we run on the new monster hosting was realy kind and gave 50% discount on next month and 2 140Gb SAS hdd's for extra speeed. the extra money i had reserved for hosting will now go to advertising, you probably saw allready the hords of newbs comming in
  8. sry for the size of it, here it is
  9. well its about having 200 any moment. Anyway, more than 20k accounts are "dead" because confirmation emails were never sent away, i hope from now on i will be able to fix all problems in time and achieve a much higher activity rate. Game is better overall so that will also make players more active and stay longer...and with the new plans i have in mind things will go realy wild
  10. please provide in-game playername, not just forum name. all players that for whatever reason will miss to specify _exact_ playername will be left out , sorry but its not that dificult ot follow. Test will take place within a restricted area, i am not sure if i will teleport you to a new map location or just close a big section of the md archives for that, we will see then. I am still waiting for the new server (((((( once its up, next day the test beginns, untill then everybody is welcome to join, even mp3 if they are aware of the "dangers"
  11. that will be something indeed. anyway untill that "checkpoint" an other one is approaching and that one is the 200 online players
  12. ok keep posting and a mod or topic starter please hold an updated list at the first post. Thank you.
  13. deciding if a player is strong or weak its much much more dificult than you can think of, there are too many factirs , like profile, creatures, time the player needed to upgrade his profile, the rituals he has, etc . Having this decided based on the total number of fights its like analizing the player results not his actual strength. maybe its not a good word that the player is stronger, but i dont know any other, and this one is enough for now.
  14. exploiting the voting system this way will lead to one thing only...removal of the voting page, or at least canceling the credits reward there. I think to many exploit this. Voting is something that players should do because they like the game, if i provide the voting links and i also give reward for voting at least you could do is to click the damn vote button in the opened page. "Its Free"
  15. hahahahha ..i forgot about this post ... but its a good place to tell you that there are now 40000 accounts
  16. good point, will do
  17. first of all ... there will be ALWAYS a number of players to complain on ANYTHING. Consider me ignorant, but your complains or compliments dont influence my decisions regarding the game engine and overall game balance. What does influence me, are your tendencies to play. For example, if players farm losses and by doing that they turn the game into a boring thing, there will be more limitations or changes to that. The equaly ballanced fights win=losses had a huge flaw in the practical application. In theory, it was a good thing, but when it came to how players actualy use it it turned out that losses were much more easier to get then wins, you all know that. That lead to a hunt for losses, turning the entire thing upside down, with too dificult strategies to follow and understand. The new system is far from perfect of course, but its a system that will grant you the benefits of winning without unbalancing the win/lost count in favor of wins. That should be like a counterweight to the currently unbalanced way of play. The actual results we will see in the long run, at least a month from now, and based on that i will do further changes to adapt the system as needed. If you remember, other changes raised voices among you , such as the honor penalty for losing, and you now live with it and its doing well. Anyway, if there is something to change later about this, it will be to shift the -500 limit to be something else (maybe no more combat reward) and to make a millitary rank based on wins...this is a small plan for the future but dont count on it. And regarding your remark that new players will be scared by the many policyes in this game , my vision about this is that the game should have MANY policies, very very complicated ones, so that you quit on following them, but the overall ggameplay should be stable and easy in a natural way. Thats a reson i dont disclose many of the internal values, triggers, caps etc, you dont know about them but you know things "dont work in that way" or "they work better like that". As an example: low vitality rituals, i prefere to tell "do not use rituals with very weak creatures or other creatures will be autoselected for the fight" than "use over 299 vitality for your creature to avoid auto ritual triggering" The "policies" of this game are more simple than you think if you dont start to take one and every "rule" individualy but think at the whole picture.
  18. i guess the clue part in that quote would be "....and even if there was....arghhh!"
  19. she is climbing the stones to get near the fire because YOU sugested she might find something out if heating the papers ...how many times should i tell you ...you actualy change the story!
  20. bad news ... in a way ... hosting is havign some problems with a lot fo servers they ordered and they are sending back the whole lot, including ours. I dont know if its a madeup story but this is what they said. New server will be delayed untill next week. i was almost about to cancel the deal with them and search for an other one, but good new is that they are not charging for the time we are on the temporary server and its moveing quite well for now. also they said they will make me some kind of deal for beeing so patient with them (lol feels like i am in story mode) so i gues its better to wait here more than to start chasing for oher providers that could have similar problems. I think i will remove the site announcement for now because most wotn understad why its still there and also they wont read this topic. I will announce it on the changelog asa server upgrade later on when it will happen. i'll keep you informed on this topic on how things go on if i have more news.
  21. Weaver Gared and Gjinja are rewriting the story with more detail and insight based on the events in the adventure log.
  22. mettal bunny, you just got a "puzzle master" medal for starting and writing in this topic. I see other candidates around here too but it will depend on how they will do in the future...and i am not refering just to this topic
  23. i think writing about exact numbers is a bad ideea ... there are 2 puzzles NOW, but that will defenetly change, timer is 10 min now but its actualy depends on land and will also change, .. i think we should talk about the different gameplay ideeas in it more than specific details One thing that i plan to do ...its not the topic to talk about it but it might help here ... its to call the dev stage "Perpetual Alpha" instead of "Alpha" ... it means game will continue de expand and change at it exists and there wont be a FINAL version, or beta or whatsoever ... its a daring concept that many wont understand but if you think it good, its a great thing. One other very very important thing are the mindpower levels that are like progressive xp levels from other games but actualy are not, in fact gameplay changes completely at mp6 and plans to include mp7 will change it even more. I also plan to make a shifting possible from a superior mp to a lower one, ..ideea is mp levels look like but are not xp levels (knator has mp1 and players start at mp3) the fighting ballance is a unique concept that i dodnt saw anywhere so maybe its a good ideea to talk about it too. there are plenty more but each time i get to read the forum i am very tired, like now. I think talking about different and unique things will present the game as somesthing worth mentioning and not advertising. I dare to say and you may quote me on this, that MagicDuel will change several gaming concepts if it will be well understood by players. Untill now i could not determine if the majority of players like to play classical archetipal rpg/strategy play or they have 'an open mind' to new , different, things. i wish i could say more p.s: again, wiki page is extreamly important, even more important as the site front face , its not just one more place to advertise
  24. system was fixed today, i made a mistake yesterday just before announceing it and i didnt tested, now it should work fine. Just as a note, if both players regenerate more than 20% (-20%) thats also good for a vitorious fight
  25. yeh thongs are indeed not well .... i dont know if they are moving it allready without teling me or what the hell is going on
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