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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. LOL, you are right, but it was not intentional ))) unless Valy wanted to put some clues of his own there )
  2. i need just players that experience problems in chapter 3 with the unattackable guards and closed loreroot. I am looking to fix the cause of this error , once i do so i will start fixing each player that run into this. PLEASE keep the first post updated (edit) witha list of playernames, also if you hear them complaining in game not only posting here on the forum (some dont use forum), but just about the errors described above. Thank you
  3. situations is like this.. hosting gave us a bad ip (i cant even send normal emails from it because they are marked as spam or returned)..they say its a new ip and they didnt knew it was blacklisted ...whatever.. We are still on the temporary server and the serverparts didnt arrived yet so i dont know how long it will take, maybe a day or two more. There is a downtime for some of you because i added some new secondary nameservers and they take up to 24 to register , but there will be an other downtime for all once hosting will change current bad ip into a clean one. its a whole mess.. i sent them a final email asking for fast solution to this problem, if they will provide it its cool, if not i will start searching for an other one. This one is a good company, i read reviews about them and everything looked fine, i guess we just had bad luck i don't know what to say. few more days, hopefully not that many ..
  4. what do you mean you cant login there is a huge difference from not beeing able to login and from not beeing able to access the site
  5. i think here we should say about what this game has unique, and point out some unique gaming concepts that make it stand out, like the balanced fights for example. I agree such an article needs to be written very well to be allowed into wiki, and we may also be to small for now, but we can try
  6. This poll will help me decide what to do with the story next. I am running out of patience to wait for others to write story and such, so i am planning to torture you with my stories from now on, in my bad english way ...if you cant stand it anymore here is your chance to shout it out . I am no writer, but the ideeas behind a story have nothing to do with writing as a profession. I sure enjoy to abduct players and place them in dreams or send them on impossible quests so i will keep doing that, its just a matter of how the story is presented and that will change based on your feedback. Story also will have a greater impact on the game itself but about that i will write a different post ... no spoiling now. Please vote so i can understandd what you think about it and change what can be changed.
  7. never believe when it sais "END" on the adventure log
  8. well if anybody could do that it would be excelent, also include images and stuff if possible. I dont know to write articles
  9. "ALL READY" ? ,,...there is no ALL ..there are allways more to come I think this post is quite old and most things here are allready done of if they are not there is a reason to it .. like chapter 3 for example.
  10. Well probably you think i am getting rich with this or something , so i will answer you.. game brings in money, about 40%-60% of how much it costs me, an i am talking strictly about money i have to spend on server and advertising, not my time or ocasional payments i make to artists or other non periodical costs. I am not rich , if you think i am, lol. I just love this project and put as much as i can in it. Think that i developed it over 4 years with no income at all (paypal option was added few month ago), and when i was employed i used to give my entire salary to others to make drawings and write thigs for this game. Now i leave from side projects i do except magicduel ...I am actualy having a very very dificult time working on both game and other projects so that i have some money too, but game has priority for me. Since paypal has some kind of stupid regulations in my country i cant withdraw paypal to have it as cash here, so all money that is coming from players goes back in the game on different things, from ads, drawings, better server and so on. If i had money i would have pumped it into advertising and make this game have 1million players by now I can only hope the game will bring in more money in time , because that only means i can stop working on other projects and focus fulltime on this one, ....you realy have no ideea what i can do when i focus fulltime on a project ..you will have to login 5 times a day to keep up with the changelog LOL I am so so happy that we managed to get this server for the game, i couldn't do it without your support, and i am not talking about buying credits in general , but the extra effort you put and subscribed even if most of you allready had plenty credits available. The server means a big step for me, and will mean a big improvement for you as players also. Having our own server its like beeing independent from hosting rules and limitations...i could say NOW we are professional
  11. main url should point nwo to the new ip based url. I expect new server to be ready on monday so we will move again then let me know what you think of the speed of this temporary server..its not a small server either
  12. its almost done, it will take some time to become available in all corners of the world, anything from 0-24h ..but transfer is ready and game is functional right now, i will post back with a temporary url as soon as i finish testing.
  13. death is close any moment but we all think its far. we could die any moment by mistake or live a long life ending in death eventualy. Ones fear [of death] is the other ones war [death's war aganst you] death is eventualy hunting us down in a way or the other , you could say it has a personal war against each one
  14. New server is not yet ready unfortunatly, it will be ready on monday i hope so untill then we are moving on a temporary backup server , that i dont know much about so it might be a terrible experience but its better than nothing at all.
  15. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=s8MDNFaGfT4 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=1TMyb8uBPoU&...feature=related ))))))))))))))
  16. nice Ruin. Good answers everybody! you were an excelent support team for STF:) ..and the name of the topic, i think it should become a standard name for "support groups" in adventure log situations.
  17. current hosting agreed to keep us until 9 may so that we have time to move on the new server. ..but i noticed the game is slower so i supose they put some kind of restrictions. Playerlist is not loading well, other things work terrible, i know, it will be soon over. New server should be done tomorow so expect a downtime in the next 2 days while we change nameservers and migrate to the new server. After this migration i will start a very intensive optimization work on the game so probably there will be several interuptions , server resets, things like that. After this server issue is solved, i will get back to regular development with new features, more things to the side bar, and a lot more, like usual, but until then i wont be replying to your emails regarding translations, xp resets, avatar drawings or whatever that will be, thank you for understanding. I will however continue the adventure log .
  18. i am talking to a phone payment company now but things dont look so good, their tax is a huuuuge percentage of the payed sum (all do it like this) so even if i receive 0.5$/credit i still have to charge players more per 1 credit so this is weird, you have the feeling that you pay 10$ but actualy i get 3 ... its not that efficient and i think it will drain players and only to benefit from this will be the payemtn company. I will keep searching for mobile payment options but this remains right now something for later. What other payement ways can you think of, what you use or saw in other games?
  19. yeah advertising on forum i agree. anyway i have to change the skin to make it look better and like the site. about sponsorships, well we are not big enough yet, there are games out there with milions of players (web games), we have to grow bigger first, but once we will we wont have this server problem anymore:)
  20. for moneybookers i have to receive the payment and manualy add the credits so it might take a while, if its check it takes days untill they reach my account, anyway, please email me if you pay by moneybookers so i can update your account as soon as they enter. i have to say that having such a great community here its amazing, i could never cover the server costs myself and the game would have never grow without a good server and good speed. After i finish moving it to the new server i will spend more time optimizing stuff so that this server will be able to hold many many more players.
  21. mmm, we have something that is paying much better than google ads, the banners on the free credits page are throu a game advertiser that is paying double than google ads, but people dont click them and its about one click every 24 hours per ip so clicking them licke crazy it will only ban us from that advertiser
  22. llaaaaaddiiieesss anndddd genttleeemannnn, we have a winner.... 2U SR-R010 Rack-mount redundant power supply chassis server Dual Xeon Quad Core E5440 2.83GHz 4GB RAM HD 320GB 100 Mbps port 1.5T traffic i just bought it ... will be setup in about 2 days so i still think game will be down for a while untill its ready, hopefully not, but we will see. Anyway keep a link to the forum because forum remains up http://magicduel.invisionzone.com I am not sure how i will pay it next month but i realy hope for the best and this time i will get ads after i pay the sever first. I think this is excelent news, thank you all so much.
  23. moneybookers is allready on the credits page, but moneybookers doesnt support recurring payments unfortunalty..you can still use it to purchase credits the regular way. Paypal works in ireland as fas as i know, they ARE from ireland. and there are several players from belgium using it allready. It can go both with checks, credit cards or transfer, it just takes longer for the transfer like it does with all systems. One of you sugested to actualy put home address public so that ppl can mail me direclty cash, well its not such a bad ideea but i am not sure how many will use it, and i dont know if there are any legal issues to receive money like that by post so... untill i find out more i wont do that . If you know more tell me pls.
  24. we currently have 383$ (there were 250 allready there) ..still plenty to go until 550 p.s.@gaconkzk, i found your payment , and fixed a small issue on the payment page, check if everything is ok now and pm me if its still somethign wrong
  25. we have ads ont he credit page people are not botheering to actual vote (one reasen why i will remove that page soon) ...so NO NO NO ads , i want it to be a clean game, to look like premium version for all players, ads just make it ugly . Think that i almost have no space in the interface to put all things that are now, and i want to add more and mroe features, so ads realy have no place here. Maybe some well integrated ads for sponsors if ti will be the case , but now , its no way i will put ads on the game. you should be happy for that.
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