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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. yes you can cancel subscriptions anytime, its a feature from paypal actualy its not depending on me so you are not bound in any way. Just if you do so please let me know before so i wont consider you are trying to cheat the subscription system. Any amount is helpful, i appreaciate it.
  2. well i found a server! ... its about 550$/mo but its the server i need, also speed seems faster than with the current one , so combined with the much higher speed of the server i think it will be much better overall. Now the money... i am setting up a new payment plan, please check it out, this will satisfy your needs for bonues http://magicduel.com/pages/info.serversupport.php If you plan to buy credits more often please use this page, it will offer you much better discounts and also it makes us know exaclty on what money we can count on for the server. At this moment the page is under work, the subscription links work , however the system is not fully automated, so i will activate your credits manualy within a few hours after you subscribe. Also subscribers get a medal for supporting, the medal is not available for regular credtis purchase. More changes will be made to that page in the next hours but all players subscribing there will be afected be them, so there is no need to "wait for me to finish it" I can only hope for the best. Anyway, i dont forsee that there will be enough funds to do this within 48 hours so espect the game to be down for at least one day
  3. he was talking about placing ads on the game to cover the hosting costs ... i think that having ads on the game will make it load slower and also will look UGLY, we have to search for a better option, i want this to be good looking game, without annoying ads, pupups and stuff
  4. well, as you all knwo we recently moved on a new server, but it seems that this hosting company sent us the warning that they will close us down too because of to much CPU use .... i am going crazy with this, after setting up the server and losing countless hours of tweaking the site to work on this one now i have to move it again. Instead of working on actual features i stay after the damn server, this is frustrating. The best solution right now is to finaly get a dedicated server, not a reseller account, not a virtual private server liek this one, but a DEDICATED server where we wont care if the site is consuming 80% of the CPU. Unfortunatly i can not cover the costs of such a server, they are not that much but they still are. One possible option would be to switch MDShop to 1Euro instead on 1USD items that would give a 30% increase but i am very sure this will give a bigger drop in sales so i better dont do it. i dont know actualy why i am writing this post, but maybe some of you (the oldest players) will think of soemthing, maybe others jump in. I won't turn this into a payed game even if i will have to close it,..its supposed to be free and will remain like this, and i do everything possible NOT to give the mdshop buyers huge advantages over regular players but just a touch of quality to the game (premium creatures, features etc) The server costs about 5-900$/month, depending on what we will get, this can be more ore less. I am aiming for a dual quadcore with 4-8gb of ram so that we will never have this problem again. There are almost 7-800 active players that are constantly playing, with more joining in each day, such a cost divided could be almost nothing for each one, but unfortunatly its not happening. I am planning to add a something like a "support the server" subscription where each can contribute with whatever they want but on a monthly bases. 1$ for you means nothing but gathered monthly from 700 players means the server for all to play. Like i said there wont be so many people to pay, in fact things look totaly different, there are some loyal buyers that pay a lot and most use the free credits and wait days for their credits, so i can to the subscription thing either , not at 1$ at least .... also maybe some of you have experience with some good hosting companies? i am full of experiments..Any info is useful. i am waiting for a sugestion/ answer , whatever .... server is closing down in 48 hours.
  5. Do you like the new side bar? Does it fit your screen? We could use this new sidebar to display aditional information like current ritual, extra stats, adventure log, news log, and many more.
  6. you are welcome to join and help us translate it
  7. how does the game load for you in general since the server change? There is a 10 seconds time limit , if it takes longer lo load the server drops the connection and you see that page, that might be a reason. Also if you keep more browser windows open with the game you might be on the banned list and experience these things too. Do not over refresh, it will only make it worse. hat country are you, what connection speed?
  8. ok so it looks we will have a italian team assembling? if so please talk to eachother and email me when you decide that you can start. The more people helping with the translation for a language the faster and easier it will go. Like i said i would love to have italian version too, i am sure there are many more italians out there playing the game so you will have to see who else is in for this. English spellcheking will come too at some point, but for now i cant allow access to the english version and also i dont have time to implement the changes you will send for english as i better work on new features than spellcheck old ones. I will go over the entire game and fix things once we reach a new milestone or something.
  9. yup send them to me, if they are at least good, or better than the current ones you will have constant work to do.
  10. i initialy intended for fair loses in real fights not spam attacks indeed. but i cant realy see what would prevent this from happening. the honor penalization for losing its not that efficient. the target of this system is to get self balanced and to allow new players to attack and win against old players. The mp stages should not be a problem because if they all merge there will be just the same, a huge mp level for all. I understand your point of view, i am playing myself without cheating and i can notice how dificult it is to keep the fights balanced (i am at -513 honor right now), BUT i also know players that manage to do that and not by luck. So i think that the main chaos created is because most players dont understand this and even if they need lost fights they keep strong rituals as defence and players that need loses dont bother to ask and they just spam. I could make an indicator like black/white thing to show if a player needs wins or loses and reward more the players that attack players that need the oposite. This will probably make them to self balance, but for that i have to almost cancel the definition of a fight and consider them more like "matching ritual". Losing is also a strategy and as you can see its often much more dificult than losing, itr true but you are not accepting it.
  11. you should think how the game would be if there was no limit in winning ... imagine players with huge armies attaccking nonstop others ... believe me , it will be much much worse then having to fight for getting losses. getting losses has its advantages , it helps out new players that realy want to win , and it helps to the overall game balance. ITS A CHALLENGE TO KEEP FIGHTS BALANCED It should not be easy! you are percieving this like a curse, and losing is just somthing you do in order to keep honor and win later, but actualy keeping the fight balanced is more of the purpose than anything, and its not easy at all. Players with a balanced fight profile will gain stats and xp much faster than unbalalnced players, this allows new players ro gain better stats than old players ... this is a MAJOR feature of the game, and allowing players to recover days and days of playing and overcomming ancient players is something that usualy no other game does like that. Its tru that having to avoid spam fights for loss farming is very annoying thing. ..but i have no solution for that yet. The solution is communication. If you only knew waht type of fight the player needs maybe you could just farm for losses the ones that need wins and the oposite.
  12. player cleanup will come soon too, it will be based on time since last login compared to toal active days. There are players like Actraiser for example that had to go away for like 4-5 month , and they are active and even work on the game....so deleting them after a month or so is defenetly out of the question. Maybe 6 month of inactivity will trigget their deletion, but for that ...we are not running for 6 month yet ...lol
  13. hi, the lottery type of thing is not something i like very much, i prefere to make different contests better than a lottery, something to have the players fight for it in some way not just see who wins... but i will keep in mind you wished for it, if i find a good way to implement it i will.
  14. i could use someone on text, but your skills have to be realy good. And you must have a good imagination as well, because i am planning to expand the story with more branches. Send a sample text on email please and i will decide if you can handle it or not. Thank you very much.
  15. Sorry but i asked Valentina not to post new artworks untill they are released in the game, Right now people start to select their avatars right from the forum and then push me to give them or make custom avatars for them, this is totaly unacceptable, you will have to pick your avatar from the mdshop and all players that reach that shop stage have same right to pick the best looking one in order they reach that shop level. This also causes confusion because if you like an avatar here but you dont see it in the shop you will start asking questions and maybe that avatar is sheduled in a later release wave. Until later when it wont be such a rush for avatars there wont be any avatars posted on the forum untill they become officialy available in the game. Thank you for understanding, ..and Valentina, later on if you keep up the good work, i will setup a private page where you can exibit your work , not only avatars. I want to make something like a gallery for each artist that worked on the game so far, like a personal web, but right now i am extreamly busy and this thing can take time. This also goes for other type of artists , not only drawings, but more info about this later when i will start work on it.
  16. Well thats very nice to hear. I cant make you a live support while you are still relatively new, but if you keep heling newbs at the papercabin and close to the first creature encounter i will notice it (me or the mods) and you will be recomanded to be mod, this goes for all of you that want to help ... i know you all realy want it and are honest that want to help with the game, but i must keep this hierachy to avoid confusion and missinformation among new players and such. I have mods that i put as mods because i was thinking they are realy devodted to the game and they ended up as inactive player ..so first you have to prove you are worthy of it and then it will come by itself. I want to keep the mod team as a very high quality group of people and not a bunch of poeple that just want but actualy do nothing...so first of all stand out in the crowd and i will ask you myself if you want to be part of the team.
  17. ok new rules to become a mod are to be active on the forum, and by active i dont mean to flood with "yes thats nice" type of messages...actualy posting irelevant messages will ensure you will never become a mod. smartalekr you are to new to the forum for that, i might consider you fo ingame livehelp if you keep up what you are doing there. Reven, i know you for a very long time here, but do you think you are active enough to become a forum mod?
  18. so, .. the story is unbalanced , regarding some points, but the overall game experience is balanced. This might confuse you even further The only things you can do wrong in the story is to DIE, or to chose same path as last time. The story presents a world from different perspectives, so following the same path on each mp level is something you dont want to do. Considering this, regardless if the outcomes are unbalanced, a player experience over multiple mindpower stages should be balanced. Some outcomes are defenetly better then others , but keeping on that path wont benefit you on the long run. Diversity is the key. Chapter 3 will splitt things even worse, all the ends in chapter 3 are unbalanced, and becasue they re "all unbalanced" there is a overall balance to them ... sory but i cant explain better what i see from up here
  19. Yes italian is greatly needed. If the player lacks players from a country that only means the translation in that language is much more needed. However there is a problem, the game is h_u_g_e and if you are not ready to translate several hundred pages , it will go nowhere. I would greatly apreciate your effort but i have to warn you its not an easy task to do at all. plase contact me in-game if you still feel you are up to it and we will talk about it. There can be more people working on a translation but someone has to coordinate it, someone with a lot of free time available.
  20. i just realise i have to put a explenation about this ... the spells right now in the game are mopre to test their functionality. some will remain like that, but some will be like the sample spell on the main page,with texts to describe the technique , and a special way to learn them. even if its now up and running, the magic system still has a lot of changes pending, but i have to take each one step at a time.
  21. Hi, yes please provide some samples of your work. Pm me a ymsg contact pls so we can talk. (better us in-game pm, as i read it more often then forum)
  22. Hi, as the Dutch translation is almost complete, we need someone skilled in Dutch that can translate rhymes from english. You know the motto lines that apear in each location on the map, that is what we need it for. If anyone out there think he can help with this , please pm a sample of a motto translation to Shoeps (he is in charge with the dutch translation) , you cna contact him here on the forum or in the game. Thank you in advance for your help.
  23. music was stoped because its a to big traffic problem right now and it had serious bugs on mozzila. I will add it back in a different form and limited long background songs as a mdshop feature (traffic costs you know), and simple thematic loops as default , with a close button.
  24. as i said in an other topic related to magic, from my point of view this game choses its players not the players choose this game. who doesnt like the story or the way the games forces you to play it bit by bit will eventuay leave because he will think the game is not playable, but who fits the profile of player i am looking for will love the game and the game will seem amazing and very friendly for him. because of the very different player types out there, and the very different concepts of this game, there is no way in the world this game will become a commercial thing that will target 80% of the market like other games do....plain stupid games in my view. My target is that playergroup that value quality and the oportunity to explore a new thing more than the plain addiction to allready overused game concepts. I've been accused that this is a private game only for some players, yes it is, it is a private game for the players playing it , all of them and as you get more active days it gets even more private to you The most dificult part in its development is to keep focus and filter out of all your opinions those that can improve the base ideeas this game was founded on, apart from the ones that only try to change the game in something you are more used to. If you play other online games you will see they all have similar standards and even similar engine most of them, its pathetic, same like strategy games that are now only variations of the initial game successes, rpg games are no longer adventure games are only "play by pattern" games. I assure you that as long as i will be able to walk and talk and type, this project will turn into a differen type of adventure than you are all used to. To most important gameplay changes and the real adventure will come when the game will be running with enough active players, until then i continue to update it with engine update, story update, bug fixes, gameplay changes and so on, to make it better and better, but the real game experience you will have later when it will be bigger. unfortunalty i dont have the required manpower and finance to raise this project quicker, so it will probably take some time for this to happen.
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