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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. Hello, As i allready said , the publication of these docs is a big step from my point of view. Not so long ago i was imagining that these docs or the outer magic (special actions) will be part of the final game version, but in time i realised that it will probably never be a final version because the game will always evolve. With the publication of the docs i realised that the game passed a stage that i was thinking it will be beyond Alpha stage. A lot of you are probably confused and dont quite understand what these docs are about or what their use is... well i wont explain that here. For the time beeing just enjoy them as they are, a simple collection of "things" These docs were build before the game was conceived, they are not made up for the game, but i dare to say the whole game was made up for them. When i think of these docs i think about a part of my life that i put aside for a very long time because i got into computer/webdevelopment business and i sware one day i will stop looking at a stupid monitor and get back to the things that i realy enjoy doing. Who remebers Adi?, the genius that wrote the storyline texts ... well everyone has its own personal interests and i can not blame him he stopped beeing part of this project. He translated the texts from Romanian to English. I have to say it was a dificult translation because the original texts i wrote in ro contained several subtle parts that a normal translator usualy omits or skipps. I stayed on the poor guys head for every word he translated to keep the meaning, and i dont think anyone else except him could have translated these texts better. In same cases the english version sounds much better than the romanian, but i am afraid in some other cases the romanian still contains traces of info i could not put in clear words and i left it there for those that know where to look...oh well , sometimes you need to make small sacrifices to achieve a greater goal. The english version can be read by many more people than the romanian and thats most important. I am a bit afraid in a way. This is the second time i try to make this texts part of the game. You wonder what happend the first time? ..........well my explanation wont be very objective and you might think i am not a realistc person, and i am not. I go both on logic as well on intuition, and when it comes to the inner magic docs, its all about intuition. First time i tried to post this in a public form , computer crashed, Adis computer _burned_, my papers went mistriously lost, and on top of all the sever had a permanent failure. for one moment i realised all the work on the game was lost, but it happend that i kept them on a usb stick when transfering them to Adi when he needed them for the translation. Of course .. a coincidence ..but a great one. Oh i almost forgot to mention the nightmares and weird dreams i had....and i hope Adi wont see this anytime soon, but i fear the problems he had in that period were becasue of this too..i had to say it one day. I actualy stopped completing the texts because of all the weird problems that appeard and i focused on the pure game development hoping that one day i will be able to create the proper virtual world for these docs. One day, maybe not that far away, i will resume the work on them, untill then there are plenty docs to give to all current rpcs and future rpcs. Work on principles stopped in the same period. Btw the number of principles is not the final one, i still have to add a few more to complete the series.....one day. When writing the docs i realised they mirror my way of beeing and they can not cover all the needed areas. The docs about healing and such are way more simplistic in information and have less levels than the offensive magic docs or the misc category. I needed someone else to help me with that part of the docs and i contacted someone i know to be familiar with this but unfortunalty that person was not so exited about the ideea of making such knowledge public in any way, nor did he posses the ability to put the things he could do in a written form or to teach them to others....so i am on my own in this, except maybe one day this whole project will do its purpose and spot that person in a million that fits the profile. You know where is the best place to hide something? there were everybody can see it. A lot of people and organizations try to hide fractions of the things i have to say, but whats the point to do that if you can write them in such way that only those who should know them understand them. What do i mean? ...exactly, those confused after reading the last words are the type that have nothing to do with what i am refering at no offence, you are still the best gaming community i have ever seen. I said enough. Thank you all for playing this..game..and i will continue to provide you with state of the art gaming experience as best as i can, because games, books and movies are the main ways to send this kind of ideeas to the general public and this game covers the "book" type also in a way
  2. To embrace the inevitable i will open this topic so that everyone can see the current distribution of the inner magic docs. Please do not keep public records of all docs. This will be considered the same as making puzzle solutions public. I realy realy want those docs private for those that manage to get them, if you publish them on your page or on forum or anywhere else you will ruin the whole point of collecting those docs and discover their levels. RPC/PWD holding inner magic docs: .Muratus del Mur. ............. Invisibility LVL 5 .alche. ........................... Invisibility LVL 4 .Shoeps. ......................... Seduction LVL 6 .Morgana Le Fey. ............. Seduction LVL 3 .SmartAlekRJ. ................. Lightnings LVL 5 .Metal Bunny. ................. Lightnings LVL 3 .Bootes. ......................... Lightnings LVL 2 .Nelya Setesh. ................. Cures LVL 4 .phrog. ........................... Cures LVL 3 .Khalazdad. .................... Black Water LVL 4 .Jonn. ............................. Black Water LVL 3 .Braiton. ............................. Black Water LVL 2 .Renavoid. ..................... Leader Spirit LVL 3 This list will grow in time when i get to talk to each rpc and decide what spell doc it will receive. If you think this list should not be public please let me know your opinion. No level over LVL 6 will be distributed to RPC's as level 7+ are secret levels that will be found in a totaly different way and only for some, based on my _subjective_ decision. How a RPC should pick his desired spell doc. Even if most of you desire high level docs , the levels are all important. Its just a matter of how complex the information in them is. Lower level docs can be distributed more easy to players so if you have simple quest and want to give the doc many times to many players pick a low level doc. If you have a realy dificult quest and want to reward just a few players , pick up a higher level. Players will search all levels with same importance so that they complete their document collection. More interface gizmos will be available in the future to see and manage these docs. In most cases i will decide whats the spell i will give you to grant to others. I will need to know just what kind od leel you prefere and if the spell should be offensive, defensive or one of the fency misc spells. Do not ask for a full document list to pick from, that one is secret.
  3. yes of course, anyone regardless of level. but when it will coem to their use i will value more regular player docs collections then rpc collections because i am sure rpc will exchange docs between them. and thats ok if thats what you wish, but you shoudl at least try to give them as reward een to rpcs, afterall they are rpcs because they enjoy role playing so they should be able to get it the normal way
  4. Hi everybody, Inner magic docs are finaly public. I tell you a small secret, these docs are way before any game planning was made, and for me the fact that they are public means a great deal. Each rpc will be able to give any of you just one of the docs, and they will do so based on their criterias, such as quest, puzzles, special assignments, trade, or why not based only on friendship. Please do not beg for docs, some rpc could get very angry on this and never give you their part of the document. Your target is to gather all the collection of documents. What will happen when you do so ... well if you ask yourself this question you are in a great risk not to understand the whole point of these documents, so better consider them just as a collection of things and value each one of them individualy. Read more about them on the inner magic page. There are a lot of docs, but they will be realeased bit by bit as more rpc's are accepted in the game. Secret levels, lvl 7+, will not be available as simple rpc rewards, i am keeping them for a special use as they contain realy secret information that i do not want so easily available. Enjoy, and remember, if things sound too weird for the reality you know, you always have the backup in remembering its a fantasy game...or is it not?
  5. the checking system is very permissive. I want to spot out just those players that are realy assholes and never vote. If you act as a normal user and vote the game after you open the link normaly you should not have a problem. Also if the vote is not accepted because its same ip there is no problem because the system is only counting the fact that you voted not the result of the vote.
  6. can anyone confirm this is happening to tvix link pls? as for the other issue, i have no controll over the offers there, unfortunatly, some give credits only in 24 hours.
  7. try to use a proxy to make the us offers work for you... and my advise is not to put your main email in there, you never know when your inbox gets full of spam later. I do not manage the offers, they are selected by the company that takes care of this survey system. I removed some that were _realy_ annoying.
  8. next/prev creature could be usefull, but if you want to reach creature 23 and you are at creature 4 for example, and you go all the way to creatuer 23 then i prefer to get back to cr page and click the right creature. The feature you describe is saving serverload only in the situation you describe, but i dont think most player check their stats on every single creature. ps. someone please keep a list of good ideeas, like development sugestions, and update it as needed. I will take a look at it from time to time and see what i can solve from it. Thnx
  9. where there is no voting link, it means just opening that page is enough, the vote will be recorded automaticaly because the click comes from magicduel.com server, so dont worry about those. thnx for telling anyway.
  10. i am not talking about those stites that have no voting link , if it has no voting link there is nothing to vote about it, just vote on the ones that ask you to vote, for the rest just enjoy the credits and powerup
  11. its ok to make multiple resolution layouts, especialy for higher resolutions, but now i focus my time on adding new thing to the existing layout. having more versions of layout only means more debugging and i prefere.for now.. to focus just on one. actualy in the future i plan to have selectable layouts with thematics like "loreroot layout" or wide screen layout ..and so on. the game is allready designed to support that , its just a matter of time when i will get to that point of implementing such options.
  12. ok, lets see if it will work ...so again...credits page up
  13. so you say you lose and gain honor like a normal player? if not like a normal player then HOW? can you give exact numbers or describe what seems to you to be the rule of this? I cant fix anything based on rumors. also please dont copy paste a batllelog, just tell me your conclusions so i can check if they make sense. Thanks
  14. what seems to be the problem? thats not a bug, alliance fights are not related to the win loss count and to the honor system. you get rewarded for every won fight with loyalty , as llaince member you can attack everyone without carign about honor penalty, its separate gameplay from the rest. if you have things to settle with your honor or your ballance then do so outside alliance, if you dont enjoy alliance mode then dont play it, there are 10 seats in an alliance nobody asks you to stay there. Alliance is about beeing more relaxed about getting attacked and attacking without fear of losing honor or getting unbalanced
  15. i was aware of such things but not related to those guards. As long as its respecting game rules and does not use other ways to access things or trick the system its not a bug but. If players will go wild using it all the time i will stop it but so far it seems to me a too dificult thing to do by all players. You need to know exactly how to attack to achieve that, and thats not cheating.
  16. alliances will not be the way they were tested first. most important change in alliance mode is now that they can attack both allied and nonallied players just that with different rules and restrictions. There si a score counted for alliances vs alliance fights. Alliances will be used only in relation to adventurelog events and other PLANNED things, no more custom made alliances or alliances made just for fighting. You will see soon alliances with GUILD roles, such as alliance of story tellers, or things like that. Alliances will be shifted slowly towards something like social classes / guilds/ clans but in a very cool way, i hope. Leaders will have much more important roles than just fighting.
  17. yami, i sugest you keep them organized into small complete stories with a title and date and a lsit of involved characters (playernames). I am thinking to make a space for each story teller (depending on its exact role) in the MagicDuel Archives, with search so that one can search for players to see their previous involvement into the game and legends about them. Please remember that all legends you write must be based on real things that happen in the game, do not add fantasy events. There are plenty of things happening to allow you a lot of things to write. Date is also very important, and adventure log quest (like wizards quest, or shade ballance) may be added as a history reference point to know in what context the event happened (you can also reference the adventure log page number if you want to) And i will make something like Yami no Sakura public Library or something
  18. the tree does that, its not photoshop trick ..just letting you know, dont ask me more
  19. its a slip, i'll fix it asap, sry
  20. i'll look into it, i found its doing the same on one of my old laptops. it might be also because of the current serverload, please when this happens take a look on how many players are online, that info may help me figuring out whatis causing it. right click on the missing spot and refresh will display the page untill its fixed
  21. yes...testing patience actualy ... let me tell you the way i see these things from my poit of view ... this is ..like someone accused me long time ago..a very exclusive game. While in papercabin there are all types of players , later on in the mp4/mp5 group there are very high quality players, intelligent people, that can be patient, and that will probably be arround for long time. The story , as you say, its both a way to test a players patience AND also make him actualy look on the other things in the game and not start asking too many questions allover. As you know, in storymode you can only look at the other things in the website, and that its realy helpfull, as there are many usefull things to read about the game there. the time you stay in story you can pick for yourself, so its a personal conflict between playing or waiting for better stats the problem actualy is in mp5 where players dont have anything to wait for and play continously, and the general reaction i am afraid of is saying something like "i spend to much time with this game, i wont login" ..and this happens a lot with many games. In time its probable i will a more integrated way of reading other game info while in story mode but for now thats it
  22. people that won the contest are allowed to interfere. They wont win anything but they are allowed to play the contest too . THIS IS A CONTEST, not a charity party ... you have to fight well for your place in it. Also as you probably noticed the rules and heads distribution changes as the contest progresses. THe rules are the same for all, so everybody has same chances. At mp5 things are indeed a bit different, old players have indeed much more power because there is no mp6 yet, but that still does not change the fact that the best player wins ..and best does not mean powerfull, but most able to hold the heads as much as possible regardless of the way they do that. So far you did good dst, i dont know why you complain. Good luck
  23. i had a way for both branches of the story, both with akasha finding a way to reveal the book both with her giving up, both ways end up very different , i guess you will find out the other way...anyway, in this story both ways are very very interesting...and you will always wonder .."what if" i have to say this path is much more uncommon and interesting than the other ...also the fact that the wizard died while akasha searched for the book changes things a lot and was not predicted forgot to mention that one of you actualy found the answer in one of the posts here, regarding to what will happen next, but i cant disclose it now ... you will see when story is updated
  24. Very nice thoughts, i have to say you are a _wicked_ group of inventive and intelligent people, simplyzero agrees to that too. I wonder how many games have such a great player community, ..nice
  25. can someone explain me exactly with details what the problem is, because i cant seem to understand it. the new skin is not loading the entire page? for me it works fine so i cant get what prevents you from posting in this skin. thnx
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