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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. Thank you all for your offers, both here and the ones in private... but i changed my mind :( Somehow i started to feel realy terrible for making this post. I won't die without that knife..and if you are willing to help with money, then you better keep it for fund raisings that help MD in cases when it needs or buy credits with it. if you want to make someone a gift, then find out what chewy could want most and i will help too, he is the one that really deserves a gift in here, and he would never dare to sell md goods for getting something nice, like i did here. Sorry for this :( So consider this topic closed ps; Dolomich, If i manage to get this gift myself i will post pictures with it for sure..but you can see it here http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fallkniven-FNFNGP-Knives-Folder-Knife-Gentlemans-Pocket-Knife-Laminated-Cobalt-S-/380804055564?pt=US_Knives_Tools&hash=item58a9b0c20c
  2. Hi I'll be honest, don't see it as rude please I want to buy myself a nice gift i put my eyes on :) Its a really expensive pocket knife i got obsessed with, its about 250$ ..so i am putting up for sale some of the rare stuff i keep on my account. Normally i keep this stuff for rewards or for fundraisings in case MD needs it... but this time it is for my own selfish reason, you should know this before making your offer, this won't help MD it is just for me to get a Christmas present, really :)) Make your best offer for one or more of the following. All are naturally aged things on my account, stuff i am running out of slowly. I will wait a while to see if ny better offer comes in then i will pick those offers that summed up reach the ammount i need to buy this gift. - 7th Anniv. Aramor 635 days old - Aramor - 8th Anniversary Edition 253 days old i think these are among the very last ones i have (i will keep just one for my collection) - Creature ID 401 ..for the collectors! It has 2338 days (King Many account) And some things on my account i have too many, offer for the entire pack: - A pack of 4 History of Elucubration items, 4 acoustic remains stones, 20 silver, 4 Halloween surprise boxes (i do not know what they do or if they are functional, ask arround!), One "Forbidden Tomato Soups" Cauldron recipe book, unwritten This last item i used for testing the cauldron when creating it, You will get it as it is, and you are welcome to fill it later with your own recipe names (but won't be a smooth process to do). It is more for historic reasons and for collection, don't consider it usable (however it is a real recipe book and would work as one if configured properly later) Lets see ... pm me your offers, maybe i get to be the happy owner of this awesome knife :) Thank you I WILL UPDATE THIS LIST AS NEEDED TILL I GET THE NEEDED AMMOUNT, OR CLOSE IT SOONER IF I GET IT SOONER.
  3. I must add this is a very smart and interesting sort of quest to do :) Cultural differences are unavoidable sadly...but why not to seek for equivalances and accept those? (ignore me if i am not making much sense). BFH please contact me about any sort of sponsorship you might require..i might have ideas about possible rewards that exceed the normal kind of rewards :)
  4. probably they don't need to justify it, some people feel bad to ask anyway so lets not put them belly dance for this gift. I will check their account and decide myself, Ofc it helps if they would give a reason but its not mandatory i will check this topic a bit later in a day or so, and pick some of you. I will announce who, but not why. Prince Katt said she doesn't know who she should select and left me do it, but if she changes her mind please post here directly (would be faster than private message to me :)) )
  5. its 7 x 50, i asked for who needs it not for suggestions how to get rid of these credits, please read what i asked
  6. Princess Katt decided to donate her current available credits to 7 people. Each will receive 50 credits. Neither me or her can decide who should receive them so I am making this a public topic. This is NOT a contest, she wishes to make these credits as a gift to whoever needs them most, preferably people that have no way of getting credits but are active and enthusiastic. Please tell me, here, public, who do you think needs these credits.. or simply ask for them if you think it would be a nice gift for you more than for someone else :) (i will check your existing purchases and will give more priority to people that don't have credits already, i hope you understand, this is a donation afterall) Thank you Princes Katt for supporting MD even if not actually needing the credits!
  7. WOAAAAAA...oh my.... i wrote that?? :))))))) i must have been very very angry. I still remember the forum going down, but not this message, so i guess i was indeed very angry. I don't think i can still swear like that nowdays, i was better before ..now i got soft:))
  8. Drachs will be then I will leave all 3 options, maybe wp will be more valuable for some than drachs, or the opposite, having an option is always good.
  9. This is an other _PERMANENT_ quest. Its purpose is to motivate you to build stuff, not just virtual but actually create things with your hands, use your imagination and dexterity and so on. A permanent quest is designed as a way to provide a constant and guarateed flow of rewards. While they are simple to do and have high rewards, permanent quests can be done only once per player. This is intended to motivate a player to complete all permanent quests and also to give equal chances to all players to aquire certain things that should be rare but still available (like drachs and wishpoints). This one is based on "Drach's Fall" quest initially created by Burns. It is basically an official version of that same quest, with his approval, but with small changes so it fits with a permanent quest. -------------------- What to do? Build a Drachorn out of anythig you can imagine, from paper to stones or potatoes..even mud, doesn't matter what you build your drach from, as long as it looks like a Drachorn and its 3D. Drawings of a drach are unacceptable, it needs to be an actual 3d construction. Example: View pictures from Burns Drach's Fall contest: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/gallery/album/282-drachorns-fall/ (IMPORTANT: These example pics are from the initial contest, read below what you need to write on the note next to the drach) Judging of reward Try not to repeat ideas others used, If i see the same idea repeated too much i might void your entry. Try to be creative and original, regardless what comes out, its more important to be yourself than to copy others. From time to time, the best entries might be selected for an additional award. Keep in mind you can participate ONLY ONCE, so do your best! What next once done? Once done, make 3 pictures of your creation, one of your hands must be seen in the picture and a put a note with "MD, playername, year" written on it, next to your drach. Post it here, state what reward option you are aiming for. If your drach is original and acceptable in terms of "build quality", you are granted your reward, no contest! It might take several days for your reward to be given, maybe a month, maybe same day, but as long as your entry is posted here public, it will be. -------------------- Reward option 1) 1 Wishpoint from me, ranked from 4 to 8 depending on how cool and well done i consider your creation to be made. Reward option 2) two wish codes so you can award two wishpoints for your quests. Reward option 3) A fresh drach egg Good luck
  10. i feel actually ashamed that someone "new" said such realy wise remarks and we, including myself, almost enjoy diving into any "drama" reason instead of understanding those things Jorana said. thank you
  11. I find it sad (not to mention offending too) that any of you think i would need to "launder" favors in this way :( The only thing i consider myself "guilty" of, is that the reward was too high..probably. I am not even sure of that..just count the number of people that tried, including high profile quest "solvers", and none found the solution..but someone relatively new did. The quest was aimed to find a certain type of ability so to call it, i explained my reasons before already. A low reward, sadly, would have kept powerful and rich quest solvers away, and i wanted them to participate too. First of all if i want to give something out as a favor, i would simply do it as a favor, as i always did and always will do. I can actually afford doing that, unlike most of you that is. I can hide it if i want to, i am fully able to do it in much more creative ways if i want to _REALLY_ hide it...and creating a dummy quest would simply affect my own quest creator image. I made this quest fully transparent, explained all of it, all of you had a chance to it, i don't think it can get anymore fair than this. I wonder what if someone from the old players would have won this, like lets say ..dst.., i wonder what then. Next time be afraid to participate in my "quests" because everyone might accuse you because you where "favored" (sarcasm) That being said, thank you all for participating and for your opinions on my rewarding style. The wishpoint was given and will stay, (pick a reason: 1) it is fully legal and valid 2) i gave it and wp given by me are not to be voided) , and i am glad it went to someone i never interacted with before. As Chew suggested, i will lower my rewards from now on,..but not just lower it, i will ..you will see... --- I just saw i received a pm from the winner, that i will share with you (i hope he win't mind)...so you won't blame him for getting this wp (wp that i will NOT take away, regardless of his message). In the future please reply publicly and do not send me pm's to things that are discussed publicly. -- Greetings, I would like to add my voice to those who think that a wish point for this quest was too high a reward, no matter how strange it may seem to be said from the one who won it in the first place. But comparing this almost effortless victory of sorts (it was pure luck that I saw the pattern of the prime numbers and the ones in between them within 20 minutes after I started working on this) with the two days of constant, intense and unbearable headache I had when I was trying to solve the Broken Pattern Gazebo Puzzle a few months ago, which was a really tough one and gave exactly the same reward, makes me feel that earning a wish point this time was too much. I honestly don't mind if the wish point is revoked, even without me being given anything as a replacement. Rewards were never a motivation for me, regardless of their value. I prefer to participate in quests for the story they tell, the knowledge they can provide about the realm or just as a means to distract myself from Real Life or to work my mind a bit, as it was in this case. I know I risk sounding ungrateful in regards to this reward (even more so if the decision for me to keep it is final), but I felt the need to make my thoughts known in this matter. Thank you in advance for considering them.
  12. look for my other ones here on the forum, i have a couple. I stopped writing a while back.
  13. Valoryn wins! Congratulations :) The explenation, the hidden numbers are hidden evenly between two digit prime numbers. It was more of a visual pattern finding challenge than a math one. 11113517019023529031 More details: the first 1 was for decoy purposes, to make you doubt about the first "11" prime. Visually there is a 2 digit spacing between the number 1, that is enough to see the first primes 11 13 17 19 in the series. A wild try to see if the remaining numbers 23 29 31 are also prime would have revealed the only numbers that are surplus, the result 150050
  14. i will let you know when i see the correct answer, you can try as much as you wan't but do not guess random (it will be a waste of time on both sides)
  15. This is for something i need to test outside md, and i thought it would be a great idea for a md quest. There is a hidden number in in the following string, first to find the hidden number is awarded a wishpoint. 11113517019023529031 (i think its simple, but if i see nobody has any clue at all, i might give a hint) Good luck! ps. winner is the one that posts the correct secret number first here in this topic
  16. everything i write is by me unless i state otherwise. I just realised this is the first reply to this from 2010? or i am mistaken? :)) wow
  17. a "bug" with "something" that might do "nothing" :))))
  18. calculating volition potential increase is of no use actually, i could have done that in the first place, but i need numbers that are accurate with the current activity in md, not theory. Chew i think your calculations are wrong ( it think). you get increased volition only if first time you lower a maxed visc location not each time. Of course with enough motivation to grind volition the numbers would be a lot higher and even exceed "theory".. but the base numbers to consider for a skill that is not yet motivating people anyhow are correct based on the received feedback. if you wonder why i insist so much that these numbers are so useful... it is because i want to make the requirements increase exponential not linear, that will make grinding volition give a smaller advantage than achieving it throught normal walking. It is experimental, i am just analyzing data, don't want to argue with anyone, not setting any values for anything yet, just getting a first impression of this new skill increase rate. Experiment step 2: First person to reach 1000 volition will get a Drach. First person to reach 500 volition will get 3 Gold. Once you get it make a screenshot and post HERE (mods please do not close the topic as i initial asked) If you go for the 500 points you can't participate in the 1000 points..so once you reach 500 you have to decide fast if you aim higher or stop at 500 and claim the lower prise. The winner is the one that posts first in this topic, i don't care if you reached it earlier but you posted later. Lets see how motivation influences volition grinding compared to normal gain. Good luck. ps. Once a winner is decided, those of you that aimed for the reward please post what numbers you achieved at the time someone else got the 500 or the 1000.
  19. This information is very valuable..it helps me understand the rate that volition will be aquired and by that i can adjust the requirements for the things that will be using it. I could have checked these values in the db, but the point is that i need data from that sort of people that bother writing here, wish to give feedback, get involved..for those i aim to fine-tune things..the others will just have to deal with whatever will be. Based on the provided data i believe a volition of about 5 would be normal for someone not interested much in it, a value of 20 will be enough for those trying a bit to get it and a value of 40 will be reserved for those that really want that increase. Of course all these values will fluctuate a lot based on the future use and purpose of volition...anyhow, this was an initial test and data is still very very valuable. Please keep posting Mods please close this topic in a day or two. There will be an other one later with a slight change (volition use presented will influence will to aquire volition..thats second part of the test) Thank you
  20. i forgot :)) chew knows, chew knows everything
  21. finally such an insight from someone new is a gold mine :D People in here are quite used with md as it is and we often never see such things. Thank you for the post. Chew, thanks for checking things out even if you are in "vacation mode" :)
  22. first of all there is nothing to define "a group" of this sort, so i can't apply any group based effects. pip are you saying you gain same volition regardless where you walk? i am more interested to hear how its currently working that to hear some fancy suggestions of how it should. i didn't managed to test it fully and my acc stata are messed anyway, so i would like to see how it is working for some of you with different situations. I understand currently people with land loyalty have a huge advantage over over people with no land loyalty? Or i understood that wrong? once i understand how it works i can either modify it or adapt the way it will be used.
  23. for a good reason yes, pm me here, i will read it when i will be ready to work on anything
  24. inside tip: there are not so many participants, so the chance to win one of the awesome rewards is very high, you just need to actually DO it ;)
  25. miq, that looks awesome, i am on phone right now and its likely i will forget about checking forum tomorow. Best if you could notify Ivorak about this so i can send you your reward next time i'll work on md. Congratulations!
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