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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. i think you got something very wrong so let me clear this out a bit: [b]NO UNANNOUNCED QUESTS WILL GET SPONSORED.[/b] The sponsorship is for quests that already managed to get some sort of reward up. Is it more clear now? Part of making a quest relates to how you manage to reward it yourself or how others support it. TK's role is to come as a supplement NOT TO REPLACE player supported rewards. I thought i made that very clear in the announcement, apparently not. there are many reasons why so, but i let you figure the rest out on your own.
  2. duxie, that one isnt indeed. but its ancient and i didnt changed it because of that. However i want new artworks to be full body like the majority of the creatures .
  3. some are very very nice, keep posting i will eventually do more in batches when i will continue with this
  4. tk stoc is at least one year old when it comes to christmas creatures. You are not buying the age here because[u] tk will not guarantee it[/u], but thats just a bonus, usualy the creatures given to tk are ancient. I say tk can't guarantee the age because in some cases if tk has just the codes and i made a mistake and the creature behind that code is from a new batch, than its bad luck because i don't take complains. Anyway, there is no recent batch, all are ancient. This auction is in gold coins only because as you already complained in other topics you want notes exchanged into coins , BUT there is not enough cash in the treasury, so seigh is actively trying to fill the treasury with gold... asked me about coins, i told him he knows what he can do , handle it, thats why. THEN, i remembered notes should have same value as coins, and its no excuse not to accept them, because that would make them less valuable then coins, SO.. asked him to take both coins and notes, and i will burn the notes, use just the coins. I will do everything possible not to "forge" coins or creatures, that way they keep they value. So as long as possible tk will replenish their gold stock back, notes will be taken off the market slowly, by being destroyed or kept in treasury for later use if needed. Same way, creatures are created in large stocks at certain times, then that stoc runs slwoly out. Just on very rare occasions creatures were mutated from aramors, but i try not to do that anymore. You should know that the coins have a serial, a year and other personalzied detailed embeded into them just not visible. Forging a coin would destroy the beauty of those things and at later times when there will be a role or a tool to investigate the details behind a tool, false coins will pop up, not very nice. thats why tk needs coins and i am not simply multiplying them in the db. Ofc i could make a script and eventually do it, but where would be the fun in avoinding false coins then? Now if you excuse me i have better things to do than babysit seigheart just because you have to comment on his every move.
  5. i am not aware to what methods tk uses to make things more organized , like the form you are talking about. Reading requests is very time consuming and VERY deceiving. People , with their best intentions, have no clue of what to ask or what their quest value really is, neither does the tk, but they need to anticipate that value. The value of a quests means the level of fun and the right feeling it gives to the people attending it. i sponsor people, TK sponsors quests. It can't be anyway else, sadly. I cant ask anyone to sponsor people , that would be just wrong, thats something only me should do in md. I would sponsor you, because you show potential. ..and i did if i rememebr right for the "free glass distribution for Halloween". (well that was a gift because that wasn't a quest either) You do a lot of fuss for nothing , Passant the weak, for a "noob" quest maker i will worry if your arguing skills will grow proportionally with your questmaker skills. A quest maker gains reputation...its not a skill its not a series of points, its how others see you. If you keep doing interesting things, you will be more and more respected and your quests will be attended by more people with more enthusiasm. After i will talk with him regarding why "who killed eon" was not sponsored, i will know more. tk is still trying to find ways to adapt to my demands. forms, rules...anything to make it less subjective exaclty because everyone complains or stands at a queue to complain next. Its seigheart afterall, the ex convict, you must complain about something or you won't feel right. I guess with the kings doing nothing it was far better than with someone actually starting to do something..
  6. [u]a long post - but read or stop commenting on the tk till you read:[/u] [sub]@ curiose "I do not know the entire story, but I do not care. I do not care to know the whole story." that about summarizes both my attitude towards you and yours towards md in general, so i will move on with more relevant things.[/sub] T-R-E-A-S-U-R-E K-E-E-P-E-R ..you know, that ugly dude with a missing eye that cuts you open if you get anywhere near the treasury door? Or the dragon inside the cave that burns you to ashes when you enter.... none are sociable, pleasant, fun to talk to, nor are they popular or friendly. You want someone more 'suitable' for this role? like how, you mean someone you would enjoy more to talk to? thats EXACTLY what i don't want as a treasure keeper. I did a big mistake assuming the role will cover for the authority of the character in cause. I did same mistake with the kings apparently. Saying "because Mur said so" works, saying "because seigh decided so" totally doesn't. There is a reason behind his actions, there is a reason behind me picking him, but it seems that without ME explaining things, the majority of you acts like a herd and accuses just for the fun of doing so. [b]I welcome anything negative you have to say against Seigheart, in clear, short, concise form. Preferably one idea per line. Via public forum topic, to avoid duplicate things. I shall handle all of them one way or the other. If you have anything positive to say i don't care, you can tell him that directly, so don't bother to act as advocates if any fancies such a thing.[/b] For now, the following lines will clear out some of seigh behavious issues discussed above: by [b][color=#ff0000]my orders[/color][/b], TK, (mainly represented by Seigheart till its other members will 'grow up') [b]Optionally Can:[/b] - decide upon the value of a quest, but never decide its winners - reject any or all direct requests for sponsorship. You can notify or email tk for a request, but it will simply matter equally to posting a forum topic. - put up for auction non b/w creatures in the tk stoc in order to replenish the gold/silver cash supply. - purchase market goods if needed, using tk valuables - exchange gold/silver notes into cash coins and back, as needed, if needed. (this was not clear till the requests came, so the delay was because seigh waited for me to clarify if he can or not. Currently tk has no cash either, so ofc the coupons can't be exchanged. Again, tk internal business is none of your concern, and i will ask seigh to be more clear about things to avoid misinterpretations [b]Must:[/b] - constantly look for interesting ongoing quests or events and sponsor the creators. tk doesnt have to spot all good quests, but needs to spot at least one constantly. If there are no interesting quests it means md population got dumber and tk will still sponsor existing quests (adapts to what is) - avoid sponsoring repeatedly same creators to avoid favoritism, even if some really deserve much more sponsorships than others - keep a clear and dated list of all rewards given. preferably if this list goes public periodically - follow an internal directive ( i wont discuss it here) regarding rewards given for certain forum posts - dispatch any goods me or council asks, even if the request does not have a stated reason. - dispatch promised/awarded sponsorships/rewards within a decent time. nothing like me or council. By decent i mean fast enough not to hear any complains, usualy a week tops is enough in my opinion, anything over is not good. [b]Should not / can not:[/b] - reward participants to a quest other than quests created directly by the tk or its members ofc - mix personal grudges with the judgment regarding the value of a quest or event and its sponsorship - cause a group of constantly sponsored people. Seigheart is not allowed to sponsor his friends simply because they are his friends, in his particluar case thats very easy to avoid. I mention this as opposed to how kings could have done it, kings were allowed any sort of favoritism simply because they were kings. - give wishpoints directly, unless specifically told so by me. Instead tk gives wishpoint codes, that are transferable and matter to whoever activates them too. - sell anything from the tk stoc without a public auction - specifically to avoid potential abuse temptations. - create items of any sort. This is for now reserved just for some, other roles, because it involves an entire range of rules - tell you of any direct, implied, or ongoing discussion with me about your requests. - seighheart can't reward himself, ever..obviously. He receives occasional goods from the tk stoc, and can use those for his own quests, or for his own fun, but can't use tk stoc in his favor. [b]Guidelines i asked to be followed:[/b] - use the email instead of any other means, mainly because i can follow that one myself too, and PM i can't. PM's are still, since the beginning of md, not tracked in any way, and they will remain so. It is also more convenient for seigh to use email, and for you is not convenient because you are scared about your alts to be found out, i dont care. - [i]during christmas period tk will 'show off' by inflating the sponsorship values with themed creatures such as morphs and reins[/i], much above what you will see throughout the rest of the year. - keep the tk rewards above player supported rewards. this means that if current quest reward is one pimp for example , tk can't put in anything less than two pimp value (or equivalents ofc) - push in as sponsorship anything that is in surplus at that time on tk stoc. For example you could wish for a gold coin but if tk has more morphs than cash gold , you will get a morph instead..and the opposite. I directly use TK to balance the values in md, i don't need to explain why, but here is how. [color=#ff0000][b]Guidelines i will ask to be followed from now on:[/b][/color] - ignore all quests and avoid all sponsorships to players that claimed they "left" but still haunt md. Thats targeted to curiose, but it involves many more actually that pop-up like ghosts from time to time and have no clue whats going on but still speak. - ignore jail time. thats why its jail..a punishment..but once out you should have a chance to do better. I ofently jailed people i didn't wish to, because they did dumb things, but that should not remain as a stain. - oscilate between periods of heavy sponsorships and low sponsorships. this is 'healthy'. I will think of a time interval and announce when the low and high periods are, or tk will, its their job afterall. - keep a more respectful way of communication and avoid any comments regarding quests quality. However this can't be achieved unless its both ways. If you will start shouting "why was my quest ignored" you might get an answer like "because it sucks", otherwise, TK should answer politely and avoid to imply your quest sucks, but just deny your request gracefully. - avoid asking people to find seigh, or any of the tk members. I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like) [b]What things Seigheart could do that would bother me badly:[/b] - show grudge against a player and repeatedly avoid sponsoring that player despite obvious reasons to do so. In such a case, I will investigate the quests myself to see if there was indeed any reason why not to sponsor them. I will do so with a clear intention to protect the tk decision, yet not blindly. - tranfer tk stoc goods to others, in private, outside publicly announced sponsorships, or rewards given under the forum rewards internal directive - sell tk stoc without public auction, or ending tk auctions in suspicious ways - not be active for more than a week, unannounced (to me at least). - miss to reward a very public quest or event posted by someone not yet sponsored by the tk. Its human to miss things, not notice them on time, tk is not allowed that luxury. - become fluffy, friendly, lovely and ask you if maybe you don't like the shine on that gold coin and want an other newer one. Seigh attitube is good as it is, and you won't like this for a long time, so what, i am a lot worse. - gamble with the decision of sponsor you or not. TK decision should be clear and to the point. There are NO IFs in that, so hearing seigh doing anything like "i might sponsor you if" would be wrong. - influence quests or advise quest makers in such way to make them gain or lose sponsorpship. TK should never influence how quests are done and very important: - keep rewarding same sort of quests over and over..that would be also a bad mark on seigh and the tk alltogether. Quests diversity should be supported and not hindered through rewarding just some quests. To achive that is not easy, and i will support/advise him constantly till he will show he can spot a quest with not so obvious potential on his own. Last words. All the rules and regulations i posted here are the conclusions of things i already discussed and were implied to the treasure keeper role. This is not a puzzle for seigh or a series of lines he needs to follow, but more of an attitude built over time. Short time, but enough time. Because of your cries i put them here in clear form. When you criticise someone think well if you can say anything about the role/job/duties/responsabilites/etc of that person, or you are talking about its character just. How could i judge character? thats the flavor , and if you don't like it thats it. If whats under the flavor is faulty, then yes, i will act, and fast, but so far you are just crying about an attitude and about things you thought they might be wrong because sadly i never detailed the tk activity, hoping you will accept it as it is. Topic is not close, feel free to ask questions or share opinions of any.
  7. curiose, those codes better not be from the times you were leading the tk..that would put fyrd in a very unpleasant situation when i will be confiscating them.
  8. mya...you ever saw a creature in md that is drawn just half? this contest is for a creature drawing, needs to fit with the other creature artworks, needs to be a full body drawing
  9. the needle was just ..a needle in a haystack of legislator items i intend to do. In fact, i plan to make collaborative fighting a common reality in md, not just an event that takes place on rare occasions of eonization. So, do you think a legislator armorer or how to call it, role, is needed? Someone fully familiarized and up to date with all legislator settings abd abilities, that will have to document itself throught testing (and tips from me but never full full info). Its just a thought.
  10. 100) eon IS dst, trying to eonize the dstized things..i mean its obvious doohh
  11. wow this will be a tough one. nice drawings. Keep trying. maybe there will be two winners ..also for level 4 @mya..is that santa snorting something? O.o @esmeralda, i don't see its feet. needs to be a full picture please @dragonrider, absolutely no coloring please [b]@everyone[/b] [b]you may post multiple tries, and you should. If you inspire your drawing from some other you found on the net or kids books, state so NOW and provide the original inspirations source. If i find this out later, and i will, you will be terribly sorry and it would be a pitty. Remember the grasan incident or others.[/b]
  12. its ok to share the lvl1 pic of the santa.
  13. epic
  14. they should work just if you have the wiiya in your inventory. Can someone confirm the normal grasans work and that it is just the pimped version that is broken pls? Does anyone have a productive pimp? only level 2 grasan are productive. They do that at 10:10am daily I will check this when i wake up in a couple of hours
  15. someone can pls email me all this when done? dome tell its already done some say its in work...i am confused
  16. how the f* could i give you a spell that is BOUND TO A TAG when you don't name that tag in the first place? What do you want? you think i will do a casual chat about each announcement i post just because you are to bored to read it fully??? You don't read what i write not even now, you say where is the spell, trying to see who you can shift the blame on. There were lots of ways to handle the situation, this was just one. I was waiting simply for the request accompanied by the tag it will work on... if say you waited for the spell first and then decide what it will be used on, you are just dragging. I will give the spell out, for a testgroup, because i am sorry to see it move to md cellar and get forgotten there together with other many many things. Who will get it or why, that is something i will decide on the moment, please don't give me suggestions.
  17. again you talk about new things and not about how to use existing things... not to mention that you probably got more 'implemented' than anyone else, considering the clues thing was something we discussed and i actually did. I myself use EXISTING THINGS when sponsoring..but anyway, that should be a good lesson for me not to talk with anyone about what things should or would come as a feature. USE_WHAT_IS
  18. As you saw in the announcements, we have a series of new resources like Fat, solid stench and skin, all produced through a creature (the grasans this time) from a basic resource , the Wiiya gas.[color=#808080] (NO the ferment is not a resource, its a usable thing as it is, gets you dizzy/drunk. it is basically a 3'rd level item)[/color] There are plenty of other basic resources, and i would like to have part of them processed through other creatures to produce other second level resources. The second level resources are more advanced or 'complicated' products that require a level of processing and can't be found/gathered in raw form, or are very very rare in raw form. Give me some paired examples of what creatures (include cr level if you can) could be able to produce if eating/using/consuming a certain existing resource. For example: [b]creature: Toxicodendrite[/b] [b]consumes: toxic herbs[/b] [b]produces: poison [/b](new 2nd level product) [b]production: 0.2[/b] (means it needs 5 toxic herbs to generate 1 poison) more abstract creatures could use more unusual resources, but stick to the ones existing already. branches could be processed into sticks, lumber into planks or whatever next "more advanced" material would be called. too bad nobody was able to gift me a cow drawing i could actually use or we would have had milk and cheese and such now. I see two ways, but maybe you see more. One is to have the creature process a certain resource into something more, and the other is that the creature will consume that resource and generate somethign specific to the creature itself, like the grasans do now Don't worry i will add my own too, but i need some ideas where to start, and i am sure you can't wait to get involved NOTE: primary resoruce is any resource you will find gatherable in a location
  19. please correct me if i am wrong (and if i am then its totally my mistake indeed)...have i ever said the kings shouldnt go out and sponsor things on their own? Because thats what i claim they should have done here. The topic you refer to actually reinforces that and the only "limit" i impsoed on kings was that they should sponsor players from their own lands, so that different kings have a role and not one will sponsor all because he is more active than the other kings.
  20. but of course..that spell, and everythign else basically, have plenty of other uses. The role of the kings was to find those uses, not to bug me about things that are not there and complain i dont do them. Instead, they should have used their authority to use things that are there. Anyway, that is just one use of the summon by tag spell. An other use of this spell will be when illusions will be back in actions because then many players can share same tag temporarily so there is no need to assign them tags by anyone. The spell can be then predefined/hardcoded to a certain list of existing tags. I am sorry but for a while i will try to develop things that won't require any human intervention to be used because you (all, not just the kings) fail to do so when basically invited. Any of the citizens could have spotted that announcement and talk to their leaders about it, none probably did, so its not just the kings here. Kings were not supposed to be "one man shows". However, together with the authority they take also the responsability so i blame who i can so to speak...the leaders.
  21. It is one thing to wait for people to ask you for things to reward, and totally different thing to go out and give wp codes as sponsorships for creative quests you , as a king, see. New players or shy players, will never go and ask anyone to sponsor them. I tried to give you an example through the things i rewarded and the way i rewarded them. I even allowed Treasure Keepers to go wilder than they should have to sponsor quests more and more. Not to mention, as king/queen, it would have been so fun to spread rewards like santa to your citizens. I don't say none did so, i say if you did it you did it few times and on very rare occasions, not by far enough to motivate people to come with creative activities to get sponsored. ........
  22. First of all, this is addressed to those kings that found eon as a threat to their land, but also to those kings/queen that could have done something about it and didn't. I am not telling such things when you could do them, because that would mean not to have kings but puppets. If kings can't figure out how to use their own authority, then thats their problem and also becomes land problem. Some while ago i issued this announcement: [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 1891 - [2011-07-07 05:52:21 - Stage 10][/color] [b]Summon group by tag - new spell[/b] Land Leaders (3Kings/1Queen) are requested to find good use and the appropriate person for the following new spell, with the following limits/usage. The spell will be provided on a Memory Stone, an item that can be transfered to whoever they consider and will grant upon use a limited number of casts, then self destructs. The spell/ability will vanish once consumed or after 6 month. The spell should be granted to a citizen and not kept by the King/Queen itself. The King/Queen can grant the needed tags to associate this spell with a new or existing role, and this is a good reason for that. Once assigned to a person and associated tag, the spell can not be taken back till casts or validity time runs out. What the spell does: It summons all players with a certain predefined tag, as decided initially by the land leader, to the casters location. The one that will be granted this ability should also receive a descriptive tag/description about his role. There are no restrictions to what this role should be about or on who it applies. The assigned caster needs to be a citizen but except that, the leader can decide on what tag the spell applies, including tags not belonging to citizens of the land.[/quote] [b]The needles require a group of people , from 3 to 25. All that kings could have done to permanently solve this eon problem was to assign a militia group. Kings can give tags, that spell can summon any group of people by tag, and the needle requires cause fights regardless if won or lost so ANYONE could have joined the militia. I am sure a lot of people, especialy new and enthusiastic ones, would have joinded such a fighting group.[/b] So, this one was fast example of how kings authority could have saved the day. Just complaining will never do any good when the tools you need are already there..sorry... I will continue with more examples of what kings could have done
  23. firs, you are welcome to reply or not, thats up to you. the reply is for all these people that wonder why you stepped down not for me ... but again, you find it as a race with or against my moods as usual.
  24. I wonder why you resigned however. was it the kingslayer rumor spread by granos? was it the constant harrasing done by eon? was it the perpetual discontent you had with how things go in md? were feeling allone as the only king left? its obviously better you tell than let people, including me, jump to conclusions or make suppositions. (i will detail about some of things i mentioned above in a separate topic)
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