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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Papers, Anchors and Chrome sounds like a pirate quest where you trade papers for chrome to make a weird anchor for the pirate ship. Anyone else?

    1. Zyrxae


      I'd been picturing the Archives Building floating on over to the Paper Cabin for a vacation to the Storm Docks..

  2. The announcements have never had an x. At least...not that I know of?
  3. That's what 30 is meant to be, a percentage of the active people, just as a static number rather than changing all the time. With a changing number, I think it might get confusing, unless it was changed more infrequently than once per day. Actually, I also wonder if this is still in the works, or if it happened and I missed it: I somehow think it was forgotten. Anyways. What if protectors weren't based on the number of adepts but by somehow the dedication of those adepts to that person? That would encourage a more active relationship between protector and worshiper, and perhaps allow for more MP6.
  4. So, that whole topic thing... Straight up limiting the number of adepts people can have isn't likely to happen, but why not tie adepts to worshipers? If the person is not MP6 and you choose to worship them, you can't donate heat but you are stuck with them the same way you're stuck with a protector. Would something like that work, perhaps?
  5. I certainly felt jealous that Fang got this shiny, uncommon feature when he got it. If I ever said he shouldn't have it (I don't think I did, but I don't remember), that's really the only reason why. I would've come up with some bs reason so I would seem less petty, but that's the root of it. Anybody that is listening will be able to tell, Mur is willing to try to change his behavior to suit us. If you have a problem with him, you owe it to yourself to take a step back and try to resolve it calmly. Stop the forum negativity curse.
  6. I believe similar things have been suggested in the past, and I seem to remember Mur saying no. I'll do a bit of digging and try to find it. Nope, can't find it through forum search or announcements. Disregard the previous statement :P Similar things have been talked about in the past, though: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11291-make-land-loyalty-decrease-ap-only-for-citizens http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11721-land-loyalty
  7. Got a similar error when trying to use an ITC
  8. I like the idea of alternating: One week random one week fixed. The only question I have is must it be once every week? Can the frequency be changed as well?
  9. We are not Treasure Keepers so that we can sit around and wait for Lightsage to make decisions. We both have access to the Treasury and will fulfill any request to the best of our ability. On behalf of myself, Max, Curiose and Lightsage, I apologize that this wasn't dealt with sooner. It was an oversight on every TK member's part, and we will ensure that a similar situation does not happen in the future. Max and I have assumed joint leadership until the active return of either member, at which point the situation will be re-evaluated.
  10. You can speak with either Max or I and we will help you to the extent that we are able.
  11. The closest I could give you is a list of people who pledged resources, and that is rather easy to see here in this topic. I am not sure who exactly donated glass in the end, as I was not present at the time.
  12. Well that'll do it then. Shall we just let Laphers hold the glass?
  13. Nobody is holding the resources yet (as far as I know, anyways), whoever holds them will be decided after it has all been pledged. We have, however, reached 50 glass (assuming Junior's sand gets melted)
  14. To open the cube takes 1000 lumber, 1000 branches and 50 glass. The resources must be gathered in one person's inventory, and this person will be chosen when enough resources have been gathered/made/donated. Post here if you wish to donate. Fenths will not be accepted (this time). Resources currently pledged: ~1200/1000 Lumber ~1200/1000 Branches 48 (plus 8 more that need to be melted)/50 Glass
  15. Go Maebius! MinecraftDuel!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maebius


      The only issue I see is how to key access to certain Gates (and chunks of landscape) for the secretz areaz. Hmmmmm...

    3. Pipstickz


      There's probably a mod out there somewhere

    4. Rophs


      redstone combination locks

  16. Ok, here is the most recent example I can find: When I read this, I interpret it as something like "I'm vain enough to count up the rep on every single post I've made and stubborn enough to believe that it was unjust". Every reputation point given does not need an accompanying reason for giving that reputation point, because that is one of the most important reasons for having a reputation system: as a forum host, would you rather have a ten page long argument where everybody replies to everything everyone else has said, or a five page long argument with little green and red buttons? Reputation is a much more concise way to show your approval or disapproval of a post, rather than replying every single time. Besides, believe it or not, I have spoken with you and tried to help you grow as a person, this only shows me that you did not listen.
  17. Only the hottest, preferably Elementals, no cool Water Beings. Jokes aside, I'll take anything over a million heat, PM or post here, whatever.
  18. Laptop again wooooo!

    1. Chewett


      Did you steal Vertu's laptop and give him your broken one? :P

    2. Pipstickz


      SHHHHH! Don't reveal my secrets!

  19. Eon was the most dedicated of any MD player at actually playing MD. I can almost still hear the cries of "I think he should be banned for personally harassing me".
  20. Crime and punishment grow from the same seed

    1. Jubaris


      Seed of order? Granos propaganda! :))

    2. Phantom Orchid
    3. Zyrxae


      "There's no crime without laws to define it"? Or that story about the police officer's two sons..Or both!

  21. May I ask what the purpose of this is? To me it seems you are trying to make people decide which land you should join, for you, which is pointless if you ask me.
  22. Want to avoid getting pregnant (with dislike toward others)? Forum abstinence is the only 100% effective way!

    1. Ackshan Bemunah

      Ackshan Bemunah



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