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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. I want a daughter while I'm still young

    I wanna hold her hand

    Show her some beauty before this damage is done

  2. If truth is painful, stop lying to yourself

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mallos


      Fabric of spacetime? Fabric of cloth? NO fabrications here, I  don't like these infinite games they play, it doesn't work

    3. Mallos


      doesnt help anyone

    4. Mallos


      Plutchik-wheel_svg.png.2059c67326b1670a0edf6af05f196ba8.pngSEPARATE but CONNECTED, player vs character(s)... understand?

  3. Welcome back Aethon, I was worried your brightest candle had burnt out the fastest, glad to see we remained in the back of your mind
  4. BFH :(( I wish we could've chatted again, sad to see you go, do be sure to think of us at least, if you won't pop in anymore! Best of luck with your pursuits!
  5. Keep trying Zuller, stop that Golemus revival, show your NC colours

  6. A log of the sacrifices of lashtal and I Thanks to lash for remembering to take it!
  7. : You don't notice as a snake slithers up your leg. You recoil at first but then calm when you see it offering you YET ANOTHER note Discovery has changed our circumstances, the previous note is to be ignored. Write your name on this note if you wish to be taken to the Toiler, and be sure you are present or idle/logout outside the Howling Gates on the day of, before 9 server time You will have a day to make your sacrifices and take in the scenery. : You throw away that last note since your pockets are almost overflowing, and store this one, eager to find a writing implement and make your mark
  8. : You feel the talons of a crow dig into your shoulder, strange that you didn't hear it approach. It drops a small note in your hand, upon the reading of which the crow disappears silently. Addendum: Gather outside the Howling Gates in the morning hours (server time) of the appointed day and you may be taken to the toiler. Fight each other with the cause "Tithes" and pray, if enough such prayers are heard in time they may just be answered.
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  10. : You receive a flyer of unknown origin Tithes for the Gray Come one come all! This Friday the Thirteenth, all day, join us as we commemorate an event in our past, and seek guidance as to the direction of our future. Let us rejoice in the traditions of Khalazdad: We shall sacrifice creatures in the name of Shades! Bring your elemental eggs, bird eggs, barren souls, or whatever else you wish to sacrifice. Each sacrifice shall be imparted with an incantation or poem or even but a word, perhaps detailing why it is fitting to summon a Shade, or how it might coax one. Sacrifices shall take place at Fenths Toiler or Fenths Press, anywhere else may not reach them in time. Sacrifices may take place all day, perhaps even before or after, though Shades aren't known for their leniency... Participants are urged to write of their sacrifices and incantations on the back of this flyer and fret not, its contents will be shared with those who need to know of them regardless of what you do with it afterward. : You give it a confused look and file it away for later use
  11. " Backyard birders can help ease the dangers of molting by providing a rich, reliable food source for birds to take advantage of, along with safe, secure shelter for birds that become more elusive and shy while molting. " Shelter + reliable food source = molting
  12. Read a lot and always try even if you think you'll fail

    thx Chewer

  14. Actually I was thinking something like Winderwild + bushies = feathers, similar to Grasans, Molly and Elus, resource-producing that's already coded...
  15. Basic Iron Ingot (armour, arrowheads) Branches (arrow shafts) Lumber (to be carved to make the bow itself String (also for the bow) Tree Bark (for the quiver) Flowers (for fletching...hmm...if only birds dropped their feathers every once in a while...oh well, I'll pretend flower petals would work for now! :p) Any other ideas?
  16. A scar across the land, a spill 'cross the lake

    Make bare snarling noses, reveal sneers beneath

    Contemptuous many, give me your take

    I'll give it right back when you show me your teeth


    Nothing comes for free

    1. Mallos


      What do you mean by nothing?

  17. Attempt #2, black squares not necessarily necessary, just figured I'd add them for good measure
  18. I will, cower in my superb MSPaint skillz
  19. Yes please Pipstickz 29677
  20. Garo vs Ikana

    Gain the trust of the kingdom, they hold the key to the tower

    Climb to the top of the tower and defeat the master, he holds the light

    Use the light to turn the world upside down around you so you may face death

    Surpassing death will face you with duality, become a giant and destroy it

    Whose will are you truly following?

    Belief or disbelief rests with you.

    1. Pipstickz


      I'll allow your whims to guide my path,

      they twist and turn to bind my wrath.

      You'll follow my sins and trace my past,

      while I peak underneath that mask.

  21. nad must've armpit pushuped so hard he pushed some water into reality and distribution networks! Good one nad!
  22. Because I would assume you sponsored it. It's none of my business how you and the quest owner go about fulfilling that sponsorship, but I assumed you were in charge of dispatching Annivs, and was only trying to be helpful as you're often asking for things to be bumped to remind you, as we both know you have a lot on your plate.
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