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Everything posted by Pipstickz

  1. Looks great now!
  2. 856490 Lord Molly 864483 Skill Vampire 864485 Revolted Skill Vampire
  3. Mine are the same as ever, screenshots taken today.
  4. It is fun and interesting that the menu reacts, though. Sometimes my "Fights" button does an extra spin, I feel like it's showing off. I agree with Fyrd nonetheless, especially about the whole menu going away to hide.
  5. Honestly I still think phantasm is to master-chiefly to blame for giving Ledah the tool in the first place, even if Chewett enabled the transfer.
  6. I think this is an elegant solution, if there's no significant reason to bar disparate MP interaction
  7. I'll try to try it out
  8. Welcome one, welcome all! I invite you to join the parade and write your opinion on the idea of pacifism on a societal (or bigger, or smaller, your choice in the end) scale. Write me your thoughts for or against or both or neither, but don't hold back! If anyone finds this is far too open ended then make your voice heard, and I'll shout back some prompts for everybody to hear. Please do remember to write your entries to me privately though as anything otherwise may affect the ideas of others, though I wouldn't dare stop anyone from their private discussion. All that being said, entries will be judged on x/10 Well reasoned x/10 Meaningful but concise (not too long not too short, use your judgement) x/5 Interesting Paraders may find an anniversary creature as reward at the end, and maybe some other prizes too. (Firmed rewards TBD) (Entries due by the end of the Anniv, and the parade theme is just a theme, I have no real intention of trying to wrangle all participants in the same place at the same time! Though if they spontaneously organized into a parade, that could be very cool! Much cooler than spontaneous combustion, though that's cool too.) Good luck folks!
  9. I have this issue on a Molima and two Tormented Souls as well, don't remember how or why it could've happened though
  10. Personally I will sometimes obsessively check my creatures' stats, go back to reread token descriptions, check abilites, whatever. Mostly when I heal I use the "heal all" button. So in my case I tend to use open page more than healing individual creatures.
  11. Creature VE could be represented by a translucent yellow/orange bar at the bottom of a creature's portrait, and clicking that bar heals while clicking off the bar takes you to the creature page. ie. a third to a quarter of the portrait heals, while the rest of it is the page
  12. I'll throw my name in
  13. I'll throw my name in
  14. Pipstickz

    Ann 5168

    I don't gather at peak efficiency, so I see this as a competitively positive change for me. It can be frustrating that gathering goes so slow sometimes, but it is what it is.
  15. Pipstickz

    Ann 5168

    Why not? According to my reading of the announcement it shouldn't affect how a pickaxe and a bark cutting knife interact, only how two pickaxes interact.
  16. 5g20s for one
  17. 5g 3sc for one
  18. The mountain with a cloud passing through
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