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(Zl-eye-f)-nea last won the day on January 31 2018

(Zl-eye-f)-nea had the most liked content!

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    Ask and ye shall recieve...maybe :D

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    Path of Lonliness
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  1. I miss ya!


    1. (Zl-eye-f)-nea
    2. Blackwoodforest


      Hey mate, would be nice to get into touch with you somehow again, its bin a while but I really enjoyed ol days. Contact me somehow here, leave a PM how to contact you. Cheers!

  2. Biffy...I dont know if you will read this now but...you are a huge loss. You will be missed. Come visit when your memories give you a nudge and remind you. Z
  3. Dearest Subjects I write to you with great mirth, from the kingdom of Shoe-baa. I may be a goat in a wig, but until the actual Queen of Sheeba returns you'll have to make do with me. If you take exception to a goat in a wig, or a man in a dress, you can take that up with Chewett, as this quest is all his fault. Also, if you do take exception to either of those things you're immediately banned from the quest. I can't be wasting good sequinned dresses on grumpy prejudiced participants. Between now and new year I will randomly be online. I will randomly put a wig on. If my wig is on, I will make demands of you. If you are in attendance and bow to the Queen, you get one point (only 1 per instance of the Queen appearing, you won't get multiple points for multiple bows). If you take part in a royal demand, you get one point. If, as part of the demand, you come 1st you get 3 points, 2nd 2 and 3rd 1. Unfortunately the decision on these MAY be subjective due to the low playerbase at the moment. However, if anyone wishes to play the part of an honorable scribe and help me with this, please contact me. In festive spirit, I shall reward you 5 silver coins for your services to the Queen. Ungod has added to the scribe's fee, and so if a scribe comes forwards they will now earn 10SC & a mirror rit stone. If you bow to Z and he is not wearing the wig (ie: he is not the Queen) then you lose a point. This includes points at which he may remove the wig to scratch his head, so pay attention before you bow, or check with others who have been there longer then you. If you call Z (ie: no wig) the Queen of Shoe-baa you lose a point. If you call the Queen of Shoe-baa the Queen of Sheeba you lose a point. If, when addressing the Queen, you fail to address her as either 'your honorable majesty' or 'Queen of Shoe-baa'....you lose a point - every time. That includes responding to her. Demands will vary considerably. My initial demand is for you to make a snowman out of paper. His/her face/arms/hat etc can be made from anything you like, but the 'snow' should be paper. You will get 5 points for taking part. An additional 5 points will be given if you put your snowman into a diarama you made yourself OR create a 3 panel story using your snowman and some action figures and a series of pictures. There will then also be the 3,2,1 points as described in the bullets above. Pictures should be posted on this thread - include your playername in handwriting within the image. Any questions either post here or PM me. Z/Goat in a wig. rewards: 1 x WP from Chew 1 x WP from me 1 x GC from Blackshade Possibly gold coins, silver coins and creatures/totems depending on participation. Dst 5 20/12/17 - 1 Bow Point, 1 participation point, 3 task points Mallos 0 20/12/17 - 1 Bow Point, -1point for incorrect address
  4. Some people say that Eon Should wear some high vis Neon So that his victims have a chance To write their obituary in advance At the pub on a Sunday Mr Sunfire Has drinking habits quite utterly dire By drinking vodka he belches flames Setting fire to people's wigs is all fun and games dst She hates the Tree So I put some glue on her shoe For when she steps in poo Z
  5. There is a system for inner magic already...are you saying you want a mechanical system? In other news - I never got off this train, I'm pro spell-doc. Z
  6. klawdees wrote this in honor of md's birthday and asked me to post it on the forum. spirit of the madman he was tempted to keep on walking or maybe he actually did and sank down into the road that silences life and death and further into the fiery earth where the spirits draw their peace where they don’t care for names where fact is just a disease lungs drinking thirsty the dust keeping path, he ignores his distrust and perceives neither comfort nor wrath seeing only silence feeling it master his form following only his path awaiting only his birth passing through time that isn’t time at a crossroads that is endless
  7. I agree with you Pip. Z
  8. I've reported this multiple times here: I might also add that I had lots of candy, which has now all disappeared and for which no garbage appeared. Basically, you stole my candy Chew also, as a side note, since that garbage/degrading fix was done, my toy chest hasnt spawned any candy (but that may be a coincidence) Z *where Ive written candy, read candy bar.
  9. So it shall be. Thank you Faceless for being so altruistic. All prizes now distributed (Aethon will get the Elu to you Lin) Thanks for taking part all. Thread can be closed. Z
  10. Love the face on the hell hound. Sure, if it takes your fancy to hook me up with it, by all means! I especially like the puking skull. Z
  11. Thanks all for taking part in this. Both myself and the other judge tied Faceless and Lintara for first place. Have either of you already received an Elu for a halloween quest? Dst comes in third. Well done all. Z
  12. Adventuring Award dst - takes part in most things, both participant and designer. Best Beautification Gonzalo - avatars, alliance logos, general artistic fancy. Champion Fighter Sunfire - his willingness and skill in helping others progress in this area defines this for me. Fossil of the year Kiley - still around, still chirping away making everyone laugh and keeping spirits up. Helper of the Year Mallos - Not so visible to most, but works very hard at trying to support people and the game in whatever way he can. Most Addicted MaGoHi - Though his will declines, his presence does not. Most Improved Player Klawdees - Really got into asking questions this year, and gave some great insights too. Most Popular Lintara - who doesn't know Lin? One must be blind, deaf and dumb not to surely. Outstanding Service to MD Lintara - A bright light continually striving to bring brightness and activity, frankly her perseverance is more than commendable. Pre-eminent Role Player Lashtal - continues to display his morbid fascination with apt skill and curiosity. Prime Quest Ungod - Too many to mention. If one must be named, then the one with the dude stuck in the lake.
  13. Nobody has made any further contact or come to compete so I'm going to start the judging process. Z
  14. This still isnt working as it should. Z
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