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Everything posted by Burns

  1. No, made a toau. Guess this heads to stupid me not noticing that the same object is actually two objects, one for the coder and one for the viewer's point of view?
  2. While working on Darigan's guestbook today i noticed severe differences in the functions an item fulfills depending on whether you are in the coder's screen (after you click save&compile as person coding the stuffs) and the viewer's screen (where everybody else has access to read the things on it). For example, a plain and simple button structure wouldn't do the trick on the coder's view, which kinda drove me nuts while testing, because i knew the button was right and still didn't do what it was supposed to do... It did the stuff on the viewer's screen, though. I also noticed that the storage contains different things for coder and viewer, another part that drove me nuts... the array i tested with contained 3 names just fine while i was coding it, and when i tried to view it, they were gone again. No clue if that's intentional or not, but i just wanted to warn you guys in case you haven't experienced it yet... the contents of the items you do can be very different depending on if you view the compiled code in editor or if you look at it in the 'normal' view, and some functions can only be used while you're in the viewer's point.
  3. I'm offering my efforts, too. Why should you pick me? Because i actually do toy with the stuff that's being done to the game, and because i know the background for (almost) every announcement since july 08.
  4. Happy Birthday
  5. I can fiddle with items and have a script that's similar to what you want done at hand already. Should be an issue of 5 minutes to implement it and change it to your likes, but i can't code any layout, just basic read-store-write.
  6. Due to Mur's announcement about the most creative forum topic, i browsed my folder of fun stuff and found this one... Regardless of any prices, i've kept this from your eyes far too long already! This is the story of how i got my 2nd Pimped Grasan ever, Murry, ID:523743. Prequel: I've been sitting around at Bob with Zlei (whom i, retrospectively, strongly suspect of having his godly hands in all of this <.<) when somebody ruined my suit, for some reason or other. I took on the clothing of my then only pimped grasan, and he was left there, hiding naked behind bob, while i went to wash my suit. Somebody, i can't quite remember whom, has then thrown my poor grasan over the wall into Necrovion, and i followed his trace over the wall, down the road to the house of tainted times, through said house into the archives, and finally found my pimped grasan at the fountain of the lost path. Anyways, this is what happened next... [log='Talking to yourself...'][19/07/09 20:46] Burns:GRASAN!! i'm here... but...what the... [19/07/09 20:47] :Burns looks at his naked Grasan, fighting with another Pimped Grasan [19/07/09 20:47] Burns:NOO, stop it, Pimped! [19/07/09 20:47] Burns:don't hurt the poor fellow, it can't hit you anyway! [19/07/09 20:49] Burns: (Burns' Grasan looks at him, dimwitted, while the other Pimped Grasan desperately tries to hurt Burns' full grown Grasan) [19/07/09 20:50] Burns:what's going on here? why are you fighting at all? and how did you get here? [19/07/09 20:51] Burns: (the small Grasan suddenly sees Burns standing in the water and stops to swing his fists at Pimped) [19/07/09 20:51] Burns: (he advances towards Burns, trying to hit him instead) [19/07/09 20:52] Burns:NO, stop it.... [19/07/09 20:52] Burns: *ducks as the Grasan swings his fist at him, yelling* Stop that, right now! [19/07/09 20:54] :Burns loses his balance and falls backwards into the water [19/07/09 20:55] :Burns bumps his head on an old, small dagger, which he grabs to defnds himself, not even stopping to wonder who put it there [19/07/09 20:56] Burns:(the Grasan advances on Burns again, lifting his fist to hit him as he's lying sprawled in the water* [19/07/09 20:56] Burns:the Grasan advances on Burns again, lifting his fist to hit him as he's lying sprawled in the water) [19/07/09 20:57] Burns: (nvm...) [19/07/09 20:58] Burns: (the two inequal fighters look at each other, while Pimped stands offsides, not understanding what's going on) [19/07/09 20:59] Burns:*gets to his feet, never losing eye-contact with his opponent, clutching the rusty Hunting Knife tightly in his hand) [19/07/09 20:59] :Burns gets to his feet, never losing eye-contact with his opponent, clutching the rusty Hunting Knife tightly in his hand [19/07/09 21:00] Burns:Stop it right now, Grasan, or i'll have to hurt you... [19/07/09 21:00] :Burns his eyes seem to sparkle as he releases some heat, preparing for an fierce battle [19/07/09 21:01] Burns: (the Grasan, overwhelmed by the magical aura of Burns, gets scared and lowers his fists a little, as if taking a defence-position) [19/07/09 21:02] Burns:I don't want to hurt you, Grasan... we don't need to fight this battle... [19/07/09 21:02] Burns:just tell me what happend... [19/07/09 21:03] Burns: (the Grasan, naturally a vicious being, seems to understand that Burns doesn't want to hurt him) [19/07/09 21:04] :Burns lowers his knife as he sees a flash of understanding in the Grasans eyes and advances to the creature [19/07/09 21:04] Burns:Poor boy... you seem hurt... [19/07/09 21:05] Burns:Pimped, did you do that? Shame on you... [19/07/09 21:06] :Burns grabs the grasans fist, which twitches under his hands, but doesn't draw back [19/07/09 21:06] Burns:oh boy... you were lucky, that doesn't seem to deep... [19/07/09 21:06] Burns:you are still as strong as a normal grasan [19/07/09 21:07] Burns:but... don't you usually have a poodle with you? [19/07/09 21:08] Burns: (the Grasan roars in agony, showing Burns the chain where the poodle is normally tied to) [19/07/09 21:08] Burns:what happend to your puppy, pal? [19/07/09 21:09] Burns: (the Grasan points to Pimped, who hides his lolly behind his back) [19/07/09 21:10] Burns:PIMPED! you didn't steal your fellows poodle, did you? [19/07/09 21:10] :Burns walks towards his Grasan and looks behind his back, where the poodle is glued to the wet lolly [19/07/09 21:11] Burns: *punches his Grasan playfully* thou shalt not steal, pal... don't you ever do that again, and now hand me the lolly... [19/07/09 21:12] :Burns takes the lolly with the poodle on it to the Fountain, panting heavily under the weight [19/07/09 21:12] Burns:i could do with some help, you two... [19/07/09 21:13] :Burns heaves the lolly into the water together the Grasans, watching that the poodles head stays over water [19/07/09 21:14] Burns:now hold him like that, boys... and don't let it fall, else the poor puppy will drown... [19/07/09 21:14] :Burns jumps into the water and starts picking its hair out of the sticky surface of the lolly [19/07/09 21:16] Burns: *frees the poodle and washes the sugar out of its fur in the fountain* there you go, boy... [19/07/09 21:16] :Burns hands the puppy back to the Grasan and turns to leave as the Grasan roars again [19/07/09 21:16] Burns:what now? [19/07/09 21:17] Burns: (the Grasan points toward the poodle and his chain) [19/07/09 21:17] Burns:oh right... clumsy creature *chuckles* [19/07/09 21:18] Burns: *ties the chain to the puppys necklace, showing the knot to the Grasan* now off with you, my friend... enjoy your freedom while it lasts [19/07/09 21:19] Burns: *goes around the fountain, talking to his Grasan* you'll get your clothes back really soon, pal... i promise... [19/07/09 21:19] Burns:i'll even clean them for you [19/07/09 21:19] Burns: (hears another Grasan's roar, right behind his back) [19/07/09 21:20] :Burns jumps and turns to see the strange grasan right behind him, sticking out its tongue and bednign down to lick his face [19/07/09 21:21] Burns:oh boy... [19/07/09 21:21] Burns:you want to come with me? [19/07/09 21:21] Burns: (the Grasan roars in approval) [19/07/09 21:22] Burns:oh well.... i guess i could take you with me if you want to... [19/07/09 21:22] Burns:but you have to promise to only fight when i tell you to, got that? [19/07/09 21:23] Burns: (the Grasan roars again and licks Burns face) [19/07/09 21:24] Burns:okay, okay... then we'll ahve to heal your wounds to start with... lots of people like to attack me, and you might get hurt.... we don't want that, do we? [19/07/09 21:24] :Burns uses his natural creature-healing-powers to give some of his own VE to the little Pimped Grasan [19/07/09 21:26] Burns: (the Grasan enjoys the flow of energy through his body and... he smiles? Grasans smile?) [19/07/09 21:26] Burns:that's how i'm learning something new every day, right?... *washes his face in the fountain* [19/07/09 21:27] Burns:please don't lick my face again, will you? [19/07/09 21:27] Burns: (as sign of understanding, the Grasan licks Burns belly instead) [19/07/09 21:28] :Burns chuckles that tickles, big baby... hugs his new Grasan [19/07/09 21:29] Burns:just stick with your good friend, poodle-catcher-Pimped, he'll teach you a lot of things you will need to survive when you come along with me... [19/07/09 21:30] Burns:my life is dangerous *smiles viciously, and leaves for ye ole hidden shop to replace his burninated clothes* [19/07/09 21:30] Burns:you'll get your back, Pimped... i promise =D [19/07/09 21:31] Burns: (in case you are still here, thanks for your attention and i hope you enjoyed frightening me to death with tossing me into Necro... you know what i mean ) [19/07/09 22:03] .Ailith.:Sea [19/07/09 22:03] Burns:thanks a lot ^^ [19/07/09 22:04] :[Spell] Sea[/log] Anyways. Not recent, and probably you don't even find it funny, but i don't want to keep it in my secret stash any longer... That's how i care for creatures! Yeah, that's right! I heal the wounded, and give the drag-queens their poodles back! Feel free to make fun of my and/or my grasans when you meet me. We're both loonies.
  7. May your days be prosperous, even now that you start to grow old
  8. Semifinals: Shemhazaj - Clockmaster: Shemhazaj WINS! Aelis - Eon: Eon WINS! Finals: Knozz - Passant the Weak: Knozz wins an Imperial Aramor! TTL - Tipu: Tipu failed to show up. After poor performance of MP4 in general, reward wasn't given out. Eon - Shemhazaj: Shemhazaj wins a WishPoint!
  9. [b]Name:[/b] Guerilla Golemicarum [b]Alliance Duty:[/b] Defence of Golemus Golemicarum, Research about Golemus Golemicarum [b]Currently Active: [/b]Of course. [b]Members available:[/b] 22 [b]Active Members:[/b] 7-8 [b]Land Association:[/b] Golemus Golemicarum [b]King:[/b] Yrthilian [b]Brief Summary of Activities and History:[/b] Wars, Philosophy, Research. Founded by Wodin Ullr during Shade War. Several leaders, varying activity. Important parts of Guerilla Activity are the defence of the land and people and to give new citizens broad support in their activities, including the defence of the Lair Keepers.
  10. How would it cost you votes, lighty? Nobody else saw an announcement of YOU being under investigation...
  11. Really? Jester is born on April 1st? Well, kinda makes sense... Happy Birthday! May your shoeless years be long and funny
  12. I just figured it might be easiest to get a bunch of people together on a lazy sunday afternoon, but if that's not possible to you, feel free to have your fight any time. I figured that it'd not be that easy to get _everybody_ into one place at one time anyway xD
  13. I've tried it. Without going into the details, Angiens are pretty awesome even without any extra VE at start.
  14. Application phase over. Gonna update this post in a few minutes with tournament mode and groups. Okay, here we go: For MP3, only two people signed up, Knozz and Passant the weak. Therefore, they duel to the death for the amazing price of... an Imperial Aramor! MP4, 6 people, makes 2 groups as follows: 1: Ingenuitas Magnus, Ratbert and TTL 2: Neno Veliki, Tipu and Zentao Unlike football, we have no draws, so it's simply 1 point per win. Each of you fights 2 times in the group stage, and the first two advance to finals. In the unlikely case that each of one group ends up with 1 point, that group will have to do the whole group phase again. After that, first of group 1 fights second of group 2 and vice-versa, the two winners of these fights battle for... Johnny Storm! That's right, Johnny Storm of the Phantastic 4 for your inventory! (Including batteries and 4,7m stored heat.) Finally, MP5, 10 people, 3 groups. 1: dst, Fire Starter, Udgard 2: VonUngernSternberg, Shemhazaj, Aelis 3: everyone, Eon, Clockmaster, aaront222 As above, you'll have to have a fight against all of the other people in your group. Unlike above, only the best of the smaller groups advance to finals, while 2 of the bigger group move on. The little disadvantage of being in the larger group give you the little advantage of passing with the second place. After that, winner of group 1 fights winner of group 3, and winner of group 2 fights second of group 3. The two winners fight for... one shiny WishPoint! Sponsored by Golemus. About scheduling... groups have a lot of fights, and it's rather hard to get you all together in one spot at one time. So group phase goes from now until Friday, 1st at max. You can fight those when and where ever you want to. Semifinals take place on Saturday, 2nd, at 2100, and Finals at Sunday, 2100, both in the Marble Dale Park. So, summarized: Between now and Friday: Ingenuitas Magnus - Ratbert: Ingenuitas Magnus - TTL: Ratbert - TTL: TTL WINS! Neno Veliki - Tipu: Tipu WINS! Neno Veliki - Zentao: Tipu - Zentao: dst - Fire Starter: dst - Udgard: Fire Starter - Udgard: VonUngernSternberg - Shemhazaj: Shemhazaj WINS! VonUngernSternberg - Aelis: Aelis WINS! Shemhazaj - Aelis: Aelis WINS! everyone - Eon: Eon WINS! everyone - Clockmaster: everyone - aaront222: Eon - Clockmaster: Clockmaster WINS! Eon - aaront222: Eon WINS! Clockmaster - aaront222: Clockmaster WINS! Saturday, 2100, Sparring Grounds: Shemhazaj - Clockmaster: Aelis - Eon: Sunday, 2100, Sparring Grounds: Knozz - Passant the Weak: Knozz wins an Imperial Aramor! TTL - Tipu: Winners of Semifinals MP5 [color="#FF0000"]Additional rule: No drachs or angiens of any kind during group phase, no more than 1 of each for semifinals and finals. They are simply too powerful for a no-stat fight.[/color] I hope you find the time to attend the fun next weekend, would be a shame if we had a big party and missed out one of the finals I expect all participants to fight fair. If you meet up for the competition fights, fight in accordance to the rules. If people cheat, take a screen shot of it and they'll be removed. Please document your duels by simply posting the winners, i'll update this post as i get around to do it.
  15. Even tokens you don't need are colored. No tokens in the fights at all. An with influence i mean pray power/ player influence, auras are fine. No aura might be in another competition.
  16. Lies! Burns isn't talkative! Thanks for considering me interesting, though.
  17. Cheerleader teams would be awesome, of course that's allowed!
  18. Whilst i personally think that the ICC must send him to prison for ever and then a bit longer, it's also fact that he managed to keep the rivaling tribes in Lybia in a more or less peaceful balance, even when it happened by means of corruption and autocracy. Democracy is probably not the best idea for all nations of the world. Free elections and politics approved of by the majority lead to Cosa Nostra take over in Sicily and Italy in the late 19th and early 20th century, in a very similar setting of forces. I doubt not that the fall of Muammar al-Gadaffi will lead to either a massive civil war, or a de facto aristocracy of the leader of the richer tribes. Including oppression of the less fortunate, and probably a lot more violent than what was needed up to now.
  19. Actually, that's wrong, Kyphis. You can get roughly infinite VP by fighting, easiest by a burst, but other means would do, too. Name any number under 5.000.000, I'll get you a screenie of me having it (+/- 50k) as VP
  20. Burns


    I actually have played CS 1.6 online for a while, been ages since i last dropped in there, though.
  21. I am deeply convinced that, if Mur sets the shop to only have one creature of that kind, you shouldn't be able to buy another one with money at all. And things that are not in the shop even less. To me, there is a point to them being where they are and in what quantity they are there. And when they are NOT in the shop, they aren't supposed to be for sale. At all.
  22. [quote name='Esmerelda' timestamp='1300731925' post='81009'] 3. Also, if i buy a reindrach from xyz For 30 creds, the game's getting 50 + 30 creds or more not just 30 creds becoz someone must already have spent 50creds to get it from the shop. [/quote] But if you bought the drach for the usual 50 creds, that'd be 20 more for the game. The one bought by the potential seller already exists anyway, those 50 are spent and gone. If the new owner gets the old one for 30, that's 20 less than if he got a new one himself.
  23. A basic question for almost all online games: To what extent can you replace time and effort with money? Most games don't allow trading their goods at all, those that do don't allow trades for money. Why is that? Requirements, such as levels and experience, usually have a point to them, to make them unavailable to players that are still within regions newcomers play in, but also to make sure people have to invest either time or money to get to the place where they can get them. In my opinion, trading stuff for credits is a way to get around those requirements, and picking up on Kyphis' arguments, if you can buy a reindrach either from Mur for 55 or from THO for 30, it's only sensible from a hosts point of view to not allow such, because he doesn't really win the 30 that were paid, but rather loses the 25 that weren't. On the other hand, there's hardly anything that stops it from happening. I don't approve of such, but there's no end to it unless there are severe changes to trading in general.
  24. Udgard, I seriously wonder how a burst would help you when influence is not allowed. Please enlighten me xD
  25. Indeed, magic might have been misleading there. Replaced it with spells. Also, about rewards... As edited, depends on the number of participants. MP5 already has a good bunch, and i'll probably see if i can get a WP for it, whereas MP3 has just one so far, which might at best end in a silver coin for the effort of signing up, and 4 two, maybe enough for a lame shop creature, or one with some xp on it. We'll see how things turn out.
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