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Everything posted by Burns

  1. Using alts for that purpose boils down to being present in several locations at once, reading the chat of several locations and receiving/sending PMs in several locations. Try doing that with one account and see how many illegal action reports you get. Boo for several incarnations of the same character. Independent characters, okay, but the same char with multiple ids just for the sake of being present is obviously circumventing the rules on how PMs get sent and how chat is read. [quote] You can have multiple accounts, to try out story, to experince new ways of play etc ..., however if you are detected that you are using them just to help one of your main accounts , all of them including the main will get banned.[/quote]
  2. Just 23 more warsheep needed. The shepherd sits in the park!

  3. At least the land loyalty count is visible across all levels. Probably it's no bug, but i can't see how that would be intended, either. I just wanted to kind of bring it up before MP6 gets widely available (or not, who knows).
  4. MP6 can't see descriptions. MP6 can't see the land loyalty tooltip. MP6 can send messages to themselves. (Ohkay, not exactly a big problem... xD) Will update as i find more things.
  5. Burns


    Probably you should have 2 classes of herbs, directly useables and resource ones. Like, useable herbs that give VE, AP, heat, drain VE, AP, heat with option to use on somebody else (itching powder or nettles, such things), maybe also herbs that increase stats for some time, or make certian creatures unuseable for a while (wolfsbane, anybody? ) The other type could be purely a resource for other means, like... base for making colors, poisons, antidotes, etc. Unfortunately i'm extremely useless concerning herbology, no clue what types could do such things. There could also be a variety of tools to use the herbs, some need to be cut, some boiled, others dried, and some are helpful in raw form. Just a bunch of thoughts, somebody with actual herbology knowledge might know what plant does what
  6. 33 more warsheep needed! Join me and get magical aid at the park!

  7. Sure, next week is still fine with me. Maybe we can play the pattern faster than one a week, then, since you get to make the times as they fit for your teams.
  8. I've left it to you to find a time that suits you and your teams, if you can't handle that, i'll put up a schedule as with all the other events.
  9. Not their fault, Chewie. It's past midnight in a few places already, the forum shows 21st for them earlier than for us. Probably you could arrange the clock to run on servertime for everybody, too? Happy b-day, Curry
  10. Wrong case just leads to a failed spell, not a disabled spell, though. ' in the line, but not in the saved words, gives the following message: [quote]<magicduel.com> Error: SyntaxError Err description: undefined Err number: undefined Err message: at index 4: expected ';', got 'have' Ajax response: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's a Kiley' and location = '1_0x2_1' and npc = 0' at line 1You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's a Kiley' and location = '1_0x2_1' and npc = 0' at line 1 alert('Spell failed, check casting'); document.chatmsgform.msg.value=''; do_refreshchat();[/quote] Also, even the fully correct words don't do the trick if combined with words before it. 'Burning Shield for Kiley' worked, 'Crate a Burning Shield for Kiley' did not. Since i have a lot of spells to test currently, i'll update regularly with new findings. A solitary letter added before the saved words, or a wrong case used in the spell words, is sufficient to make the spell fail, but unlike before it comes out as failed spell instead of normal text. I guess one can argue how good the natural casting worked right after implementation, but now it's just like before, with the difference only being that there's no - anymore. I DID like the 'natural casting' a lot, and i'd like to see it return
  11. Ars Alchemy: 2k sounds good : [Spell] Then that's a little bath of heat for Ars Alchemy *Burns*: Did it work? *Burns*: Popped some error... : *Burns* failed to cast a spell Ars Alchemy: *Burns*: Let's try again... : [Spell] Bath of heat for Ars Alchemy *Burns*: Ah, good to know... Spell #1 popped an ugly error message and gave no VE, but costed heat and a cast, Spell #2 worked fine. The magic words are 'bath of heat for'. I suspect that the first try didn't work out because of the ' in the sentence, which is kind of bad for fluent casts, even more so since it's not in the list of prohibited characters in the outer circle description. I guess it requires some more testing, but if nobody knows, nobody can do something about it
  12. needs more Warsheep to unlock higher spells! Join now to destroy your opponents!

    1. Yrthilian


      LOL even ghosts can become warsheeps

  13. is trying to become Golemus' new protector. Pick me today and get a cookie! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Burns


      Not always, but most of the time, yeah.

    3. Ryan Delphus

      Ryan Delphus

      Well I have been meaning to find a protector and adept under someone. May I?

    4. Burns


      Of course. I'm usually in the marble dale park.

  14. is trying to replace Indyra as Golemus Protector. Become my adept and get a free cookie.

  15. Actually i'd have liked to have finished teams by yesterday night, but as it seems that people needed a little push to start working, i'll give you another week. Not entirely as planned, but hey, things rarely turn out as planned. [s]I wish that both Udgard and xrieg finish recruiting by friday 24:00, and post a list of all their team including their MP-levels by then.[/s] Why, actually, scratch that, since things never run as planned, you can pick people from the spot for all i care. I won't need lists since i won't be doing any reward giving this time, i just need to give stuff to the captain I don't expect all people of both teams to show up, they never do, so we'll have to handle the pattern ad hoc... which will be quite a pain, but not impossible. I'd like to play the test round, which i actually wanted to play tonight, next saturday instead. If you two captains manage to find a good time, fine, else it'll be my pick. I'm not awake between 01:00 and 09:00, everything else should be fine (god bless free saturdays )
  16. If you think you can handle it, sure. Nobody is going to wait for you to change characters, though. Also, just for clarification: The two leaders can pick their team mates. You don't have to accept people just because they want to play if you don't want them to play for you. It's completely up to you.
  17. Udgard, any number is acceptable, i don't limit my competitions. As indicated in the first post, you really want to have the same number as your opponent of each MP, else your team will easily lose points in defence. Shadow, it will be a full week by midnight.
  18. Well, i'd have hoped for more participants, but that'll do. More rewards for the people who play. Udgard and xrieg are appointed leaders. Please pick your team members, Tipu will be left out unless you find one MP4 for the opposing team, and let me know a time that suits both of your teams. It's fine with me if you recruit more people, but the rewards are fixed now. Quite a big bunch for so few people...
  19. No, but the heat wave came for Akasha's birthday so we could celebrate better Happy Birthday!
  20. It decreases when you leave, not when you enter. It did decrease when people entered the scene before, but that didn't work perfectly for some reasons. So, idlers can't decrease viscosity now, and it only decreases when you leave a place, not when you come.
  21. 4 per hour is not exactly better than 2 per 30 minutes <.< Maybe it needs to be considered to give different places a different timer. Right now, the highways all constantly have -40, and everything else constantly has +40. One person crossing a scene per hour is nothing in No man's and Marinds, but in the maze, the MDA gardens and such... You never get such a rate, especially not once the viscosity increases. The announcement said that the intention was to make rarely visited places less accessible, but does 'less than once per hour' qualify for rarely enough to be almost inaccessible?
  22. I got 3 Memory Stones to charge them with spells as quest rewards. I charged the first, all fine. When I tried to charge the second without refreshing the inventory page first, i got this: [quote name='Triggerbox']~ Memory stone ~ #Item allready used, wait for cooldown time to pass. Remining: 10789 #This is not your item. You may not use it.[/quote] All 3 stones got used up to create 1 enchanted stone. If i understood the 'resource-batch turns into individually tradeable goods'-theory from [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10019-how-can-actual-spells-have-limited-cast-its-outrageous/page__view__findpost__p__87440"]this post[/url] correctly, this is exactly what was not intended.
  23. The papers are out of the trigger box and my armor is on again, even though it should be gone for a total of 2 days. It's as if the effect had skipped a day.
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