Seriously Mur, you should reconsider that approach of the grumpy treasure guarding dragon.
You only have so many oldies who have stuff to pay a big quest, we need new questmakers with new ideas and things to give as reward.
I can only speak for my own halloween competition ([url=""]http://magicduel.inv...en-competition/[/url]), which was announced in the time when halloween quest extra sponsoring was announced in game, for which i received sponsorship 4 weeks after announcing, 1 week after finishing the quest. To me, that's no biggie, because i have my own stock to draw rewards from, if that was a quest made from a newbie, the quest would've been aborted because of lacking rewards.
Specially new quest creators don't have the strength to kick a grumpy dragons rear (edit: Meaning to say, convince Seig to sponsor before announcing), or wait until the dragon is bored enough to move away (edit: Meaning to say, wait two-three weeks after announcing) and let them get some treasures. They also can't just take a nice reward from their own stuff, as they have nothing. How would that look if they announce a big quest, and then there's no reward? Does that get you a reputation as good quest creator, as you implied [url=""]here[/url]?
A quest is only as good as the players, and few players do their best if they get lousy rewards out of it, we all know that by now. If nobody plays a quest, it's easy to say that it was a lousy quest, no matter how amazing the quest could've been with the right competition. People need to have certainty about their quests BEFORE announcing them, otherwise they never get played. A grumpy dragon who guards the treasure might not be the best way to make a newbie try a second time.
I've never been a friend of your RPC concept, either, but you can't deny that a whole lot of people made a whole lot of quests during that time, everything in the long range from lousy to brilliant, guided and sponsored by the RPCs. TKs don't grant guidance, and only grant sponsoring to brilliant quests. This definitely increases the quality of quests, but the finest quests are also reserved to be solved by the finest people, which will hardly ever be a newbie.
Dare i say it? MD without low quality quests is less fun for newcomers, and a major turndown for the new quest makers, as i don't think that any of us can say that our first attempt was so good that Seig would've sponsored it. Back then, when we were nobodys and had nothing, not even experience.