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Everything posted by Burns

  1. Brulant and me drank of a flask of liquid greek, and now chat locks in 'translating, click compass if it locks', which obviously doesn't help us anymore. Regular chache and cookie things didn't help. I think it might be Head Contest related, maybe the effects of those flasks are under the restricted spells. If this is the case, please clear us up on it
  2. Seriously Mur, you should reconsider that approach of the grumpy treasure guarding dragon. You only have so many oldies who have stuff to pay a big quest, we need new questmakers with new ideas and things to give as reward. I can only speak for my own halloween competition ([url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10769-halloween-competition/"]http://magicduel.inv...en-competition/[/url]), which was announced in the time when halloween quest extra sponsoring was announced in game, for which i received sponsorship 4 weeks after announcing, 1 week after finishing the quest. To me, that's no biggie, because i have my own stock to draw rewards from, if that was a quest made from a newbie, the quest would've been aborted because of lacking rewards. Specially new quest creators don't have the strength to kick a grumpy dragons rear (edit: Meaning to say, convince Seig to sponsor before announcing), or wait until the dragon is bored enough to move away (edit: Meaning to say, wait two-three weeks after announcing) and let them get some treasures. They also can't just take a nice reward from their own stuff, as they have nothing. How would that look if they announce a big quest, and then there's no reward? Does that get you a reputation as good quest creator, as you implied [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11111-what-is-going-on/page__view__findpost__p__97422"]here[/url]? A quest is only as good as the players, and few players do their best if they get lousy rewards out of it, we all know that by now. If nobody plays a quest, it's easy to say that it was a lousy quest, no matter how amazing the quest could've been with the right competition. People need to have certainty about their quests BEFORE announcing them, otherwise they never get played. A grumpy dragon who guards the treasure might not be the best way to make a newbie try a second time. I've never been a friend of your RPC concept, either, but you can't deny that a whole lot of people made a whole lot of quests during that time, everything in the long range from lousy to brilliant, guided and sponsored by the RPCs. TKs don't grant guidance, and only grant sponsoring to brilliant quests. This definitely increases the quality of quests, but the finest quests are also reserved to be solved by the finest people, which will hardly ever be a newbie. Dare i say it? MD without low quality quests is less fun for newcomers, and a major turndown for the new quest makers, as i don't think that any of us can say that our first attempt was so good that Seig would've sponsored it. Back then, when we were nobodys and had nothing, not even experience.
  3. Oh, look there, an unwanted comment vanished. Too bad that you can only mod your own update, eh?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shadowseeker


      Heh...it concerned BHC if you ask me. Funny how every single comment vanished on yours though, no?

    3. Pipstickz


      Figured I might as well delete them all, to be fair to Burns, since I deleted his.

    4. Pipstickz


      Though I s'pose you'll think I'm just making excuses, but for now I'm done with the back and forth schoolyard fighting. We're both too stubborn to care what the other thinks, so let's go ahead and move on. <3

  4. Adventuring Award For the person most dedicated, or who perseveres most at quests. Not necessarily for completing, or winning the most. Maebius Best Beautification For the person thought to be the most contributing to the appearance of the realm. Be it papers, artworks, or anything else- whatever is pleasant to the senses. [someone please "tidy" this description] Shape Shifter Best Spell Caster For the person most enthusiastic or creative with casting spells - by which it is meant the use itself of them, the words used or another method by which the voter deems appropriate. Eon Fossil of the year For the player who has been around so long they have turned into a fossil. The player must be visibly active over the past year, and on the veterans list in game. Awiiya The Golden Protector For the player who is viewed as performing the best in the role of protector(MP6) during the past year. The player does not have to currently be a protector. The voter should take into account the actions of the other protectors in the realm, rather than automatically voting for their own. Best can mean how helpful the protector has been, to how effective they have been in recruiting worshippers, this is at the voters discretion. Amoran Most Addicted For the player who just can't leave MD for more than a minute without needing a fix. Chewett Outstanding Service to MD For the player thought to have done the most to contribute to MD over the year. This can be in any field. Rendril Pre-eminent Role Player For the player deemed to Role Play the best. The player does not have to stay in character all the time to win this award (though it may help), rather when they do role play it is to the highest standard - this does usually go in hand with remaining in character. Zleiphneir Prime Quest For the player seen as creating the best quest over the past year. Just because a voter did not manage to complete the quest, does not mean it was a bad quest necessarily, the voter is asked to take this into account when voting. Fyrd Argentus Top Techie For the person credited as creating the best MD-scripted event or script. Chewett
  5. That is entirely incorrect, unfortunately. Democracy, Autocracy (and Plutocracy) are definitions about where the power comes from, Republic and Monarchy are state forms. The first 3 are almost entirely compatible with the latter 2, for example there are many democratic monarchies in Europe. Republics don't have to have several leaders, there can also be one, not all monarchs base their power on higher powers, and few democracies have just one leading figure.
  6. Followup bug: You successfully made them mix into Grasan Ferment (2), but when i give away my single ferment i still appear to have 2 Grasan Ferment. They also still show as different items in my detailed inventory, i can pick if i want to give away the single or the double flask. Also, 1+2 should be 3, not two, the Grasan consumed wiiya to make another flask after all
  7. Grasan Ferments have a little mixing problem. When you leave the constipated grasan with one completed fermentation, it'll consume another wiiya and produce another ferment. When you take the ferment, it'll make '2 Grasan Ferment' appear in your inventory, which are different from 'Grasan Ferment (2)'. Then the solitary ferments you have disappear from your inventory and only the 2 Grasan Ferments stay visible. I was able to pass the single ferment to Chewett and get it passed back without it mixing with the 2 ferments, when i gave the solitary ferment to Shem, it mixed properly with his solitary ferment, but when he returned it, it still didn't mix with mine. I assume that the '2 Grasan ferment' is one useable item, in difference to the 'Grasan ferment (2)', which are in fact two useable items. I'm uncertain if this could cause other issues with trading, resources seem to stack up properly, but the object grasan ferment behaving that way might cause troubles in the long run. For example, 10 grasan ferments which are actually only one. The difference between ' 10 Grasan ferment' and 'Grasan ferment (10)' is not that obvious to everybody.
  8. It won't work out. Why? I have to cheat to keep MP6 even now, without 'sharing' adepts at all. Some change to somebody else, some don't log in every week, some leave. To have any chance to keep MP6, i have to poke people outside of MD means to log in just so they count for my adept count. Since adepts need 100 active days, competition got a lot rougher, by the time you can recruit an adept they don't need immidate help anymore.
  9. Since the needle overwrites the old effect with a new one, i think we can assume that only the most recent use affects the stats at all. Using the needle 6 times with 3 causes will result in a lot less damage than once with 18 causes, as i see it. Otherwise you could just make a team of 3 people and re-use the needle every cooldown interval and get to way negative stats that way. Which would be too easy for my taste.
  10. Happy Birthday! Soon you'll be too old for the pot, then you don't need to fear the evil soup queen anymore!
  11. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10993-recent-activity-log/page__fromsearch__1
  12. Several posts moved to the general Eon topic (http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10966-teamwork-controversy-with-a-little-eon-around-the-corners/), please try to keep the discussion on KINGS and THEIR tools/abilities/ideas here for easier reading and answering.
  13. 1: the artwork of grasan lvl 2 still looks as it always did, unlike announcement Ann. 2085 - [2011-11-15 07:02:18 - Stage 11] claimed. Tested with the Constipated, leaking and exfoliating version. 2: the text snippet under the upgrade button on grasan lvl 1 is halfway hidden, end in the middle of the word 'influenced'. 3: it would be great if the productive grasans had a different description to show that they are productive. 4: It would also be awesome if you integrated the variations on the upgrade screen of lvl 1, sure, we all know right now, but what about the new newbies in 6 months? They won't read 2100 announcements properly.
  14. Split, further discussion about teamwork and Eon to be found here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10966-teamwork-controversy-with-a-little-eon-around-the-corners Please try to stay on topic now.
  15. [quote] Ann. 1687 - [2010-12-01 12:47:15 - Stage 10] Wish Point codes have been reset. Kings are asked to send an e-mail to [contact email] to receive new codes. [/quote] That'd be on the safe side, since it's the last announcement concerning WP-codes that was made. At least i wouldn't know a better definition for the last period.
  16. If you could stop Eon in the blink of an eye, that'd be imbalanced, wouldn't it? Attacking people is a vital part of the game, should it be that simple to turn that ability off? Just because you wish to? Ask yourself, would you like it a lot if people could stop you from playing just like that? 2 people don't like you, and suddenly you're in solitary confinement jail for the next 3 hours. Is that fair? And hooray for negative rep, i really want some: Shrinking population generally doesn't seem like a bad thing to me. In fact, I don't think that the people who quit because they don#t always get what they want were a big asset to MD in the first place. PS: If we get more into the Eon-corner again, as it seems right now, i'll split again. That's not an invitation to go wild, but i don't see the need to stop a discussion just because it doesn't fit with the topic title
  17. 10 people are easily enough to do all the team things that can be done. If there are, say, 30 real players in game, you can easily get 10 together with a little coordination. The newbies don't need any of the teaming things in the first few weeks, and the people who are unable to do teamwork either have to invest a lot of time or money, or they are lost. I can assure you that the time i spend in MD is a lot more enjoyable with less people, because less uncooperative people means more things that go to good players. Maybe there'll soon come the time when we can undo restrictions again because the people they were made for left.
  18. [quote]Ann. 1997 - [2011-08-23 04:43:50 - Stage 11] Shared items will regroup at their original location on every Tuesday, 04:15 on odd dates and 16:15 on even dates of the month (servertime). Try to avoid loading cauldron type items or jars close before that time as they will be taken away automatically even if they are loaded or in use. [b]Do not hoard shared tool[/b] and do not use alts to store multiple tools of dame type. [b]These items are meant to be used by as many people as possible so if you don't plan on using them let them there for others to try.[/b] You shouldn't sell the items but you can sell services related to them such as heat jar loading or whatever else. UPDATE: now runs on odd and even dates so it covers more timezones.[/quote] Quite obviously you did miss it. People weren't jailed for alt abuse, but for shared tool abuses. You can hold tools away from public without going through alts, but as you see, it gets you punished just as well.
  19. Uh... Pip was just bashing on Pirate for a few days, the shared item abuses go back some months now. Eon was most likely doing actual work to track things and sent it to the proper people for weeks. Public attention is not what it takes to find abusers.
  20. Burns

    MD Wikia

    If you come across a page that doesn't contain all the information it could, like the creature pages, please sit down for 3 minutes and consider if they were written that way because of spoiler issues. The wiki is supposed to give an overview and some basics, not replace the game experience of finding something.
  21. Eros is the greek god of love, not sure if that goes under playername used in scene-subtitle. I'd rather worry about quoting alice, copyright etc.
  22. Kings get penalty points for abusing king tools, which Yrth didn't.
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