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Everything posted by Burns

  1. In which case you can go there and check how many points you've got. What's the point of knowing how many points you have when there's nothing you can spend them on in the first place? If you fear to have too little and want to buy new ones, just keep the WP, it doesn't rot anyways
  2. But when you've got all clues you can get, does it really matter if you have research points left?
  3. I've checked out the list of my clickies, and all but 4 are constantly 'inactive'. I've received the message correctly two weeks after doing updates on various clickables, that's just what it has to do, but for reasons i don't know about, i also get the message every now and then when i definitely don't have a clickable that expired on that day. Also, even clickies in the tribs are shown correctly in the message, when the message is actually correct: [quote] *Burns*, The scripts you placed at gazeebo-stone, marindroundabout-top, [color=#ff0000]tribunal-localpub-plant[/color], alchestatue have not been maintained for 14 days and have gone inactive. You can reactivate scripts from the [Quest Clickables] interface on your sidebar or by editing and saving the content manually. This notification can be disabled from the [Options] menu in game.[/quote] (Slightly altered because i'm paranoid)
  4. Lately, the MD automatic e-mail system started to send me e-mails about my clickable items going inactive despite not having any items that go inactive. The message looks like this [quote]*Burns*, The script you placed at has not been maintained for 14 days and has gone inactive. You can reactivate scripts from the [Quest Clickables] interface on your sidebar or by editing and saving the content manually. This notification can be disabled from the [Options] menu in game.[/quote] and is, obviously, pretty pointless I like the messages in general, and don't really want to disable them, just in case i forget to maintain a clicky that does matter to me, but getting two empty ones every week is annoying.
  5. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1291754398' post='74777'] I have recently recived a pm from the MDStaff. They have decided that transactions made using real money or real items are forbidden unless they are credits with the gift shop feature. Any topics that are currently open with money will be closed. Any topics that are subsequently made will be removed and the creator will be warned. [/quote] I don't exactly know what this topic is about, either, but i'll still point out that rule, just in case.
  6. Burns

    Forum Colors?

    If you don't trust your eyes, you can use your incredible wookie magics to enter editing mode on those funny-looking posts and use that wookie magic button on top left of the posting field to toggle the preview into source view, then you can see all the evilness hidden beneath those funny posts. Clear talk: Press edit on the post, then toggle the editing mode. Then you see that this: [color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(245, 245, 245)]I[/background][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(245, 245, 245)] [/background][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(245, 245, 245)]know the rules[/background][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(245, 245, 245)] [/background][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(245, 245, 245)]of what I can[/background][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(245, 245, 245)] [/background][/size][/font][/color] is actually this [code][color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(245, 245, 245)] I [/background][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4] [background=rgb(245, 245, 245)] [/background][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(245, 245, 245)] know the rules [/background][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4] [background=rgb(245, 245, 245)][/background][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(245, 245, 245)] of what I can [/background][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=4] [background=rgb(245, 245, 245)] [/background][/size][/font][/color][/code] and is indeed pasted from a translator, as soothing sands said. Espartano uses the same, i guess.
  7. It's happening at every full hour, just click something else, like mood panel or public logs, then try again. After the right panel is refreshed, it's got the new eid (?) and will work.
  8. And you upped them a month ago on a tatoo website, too? http://www.tatuajes21.com/eze-tattoo_user-6216/
  9. Chewett isn't the LHO boss, he just knows pretty much anything you have to know about MD and all related sites. 'Everybody does it' and 'I've always done that' is NOT an excuse. I've seen lots of things that break the rules, and even more that require some rule bending to work, and people didn't get punished. Most of the time, and it's really that simple, nobody cares, so nobody gets jailed. When somebody starts to care, however, you'd better not try to excuse yourself with the fact that you've been doing that for ages anyway. For example, Lightsage used alts to play Head Contest several times and didn't get punished, and then that one time, all his alts were locked and he spent something like 6 months in jail with his real account. Even MD rules get applied with some sense, though. For example, if you take away the football of some kids who annoy you with their screaming, that's robbery according to the rules (in most nations). Haven't seen people getting jailed for that, yet, but it still is.
  10. Or you can... [quote name='Multiple Pages warning'] Interface window deactivated ~ similar to idle mode ~ *Burns* You can be attacked while in idle mode for 6 more hours You have been disconected from the game interface because you opened multiple windows. You can keep only one game interface open at a time. This restriction is to prevent server overload and allow more people to lay at the same time. [color=#ff0000]You are free to use multiple accounts but use them one at a time[/color]. Also please read the Rules and Restrictions for more details about using multiple accounts or exploiting bugs.[/quote] [quote name='Rules and restrictions'] Keeping multiple browsers with multiple game accounts open at the same time will trigger a firewall rule that will get you banned from accessing the site, you better don't try that. You should be especialy carefull if you are in a network that exits on same IP with many others.[/quote]
  11. And here i thought you'd not notice because the calendar doesn't show birthdays anymore... Thanks a lot, everybody!
  12. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1335631897' post='110257'] 2. In this community, we must define the standard for "offensive". I like to reference a PG movie rating -- if that is correct. I have not thought through all the international website - culture concerns. But it should be spelled out, not assumed that everybody knows what is and is not considered offensive. [/quote] How do you imagine that to happen? Should we make a list of words thou shalt not use? And another list of words thou shalt not use more than 3 times? And then we send that list to all the kids who register as e-mail... undoubtedly you see the problem. Plus, people are extremely flexible with written language these days, if you put a ban on something, they'll take the next best. To give one of the few examples that aren't meant to insult people, the internet is full of ads for dope, and to avoid any indexing, they do ads for Mary-Jane. It'd be incredibly hard to make a list of things you can't do in decency, and on top of the hard work, it'd be completely useless. Or we do it like MPAA: Don't like you, X-rating. Because you suck, that's why.
  13. See you around Marv. Have fun out there
  14. Or you've got a super slow internet-connection and work super fast. I've got two different speeds at home and at college, and when my college bandwidth is pretty busy, i can see the old letters when i refresh the page for a second. Those don't work, because they're the old letters. I can only guess why they'd appear again, Chewett can probably tell... I just know they do The letters get invalid when you wait too long, too, that happens occasionally when you just open MD and then do something else before you try to log in.
  15. When you click unlock on a clue, it sends you to a screen where it asks if you're sure. You can see your currently available research points there.
  16. The riddles and tasks were nice, imo. Lots of diversity on the way What i don't like that much is being locked up in one place. Almost everybody was hanging out in that darn tunnel for the past few days, making rest of the realm even less crowded. Viscosity keeps piling up all over the map, newbies have nobody to talk to except for each other... If something like that comes again, i'd prefer if it was done in a way so that people can get out and then back to where they left off. Might just be the LHO shining through there, and i definitely didn't dislike being stuck with all those nice people who usually just run by, but it does get on my nerves.
  17. Why, i'm not Chewett, but i think i'll take that work off him. Congrats on getting it back, too.
  18. Happy birthday
  19. Last i checked, the spell just lasted 80 seconds. You need to lift the illusion manually, though, else you stay in that form for evermore. Just go to your magic page and end the illusion.
  20. Happy birthday, Sunny!
  21. That kind of thing happens all the time, and it's almost never your fault. Half an hour passed since you posted, does it still happen?
  22. Almost the entire artwork concerning scenes, weapons and story scenes was done by Valy. That guy also drew the majority of creatures. A few scenes were added to the collection Valy drew, but all in the same style that he created for MD. The avatars were formerly made by a few artists who happened to play the game (mostly Glor, Morrel, and Blackthorn), and with the current system, everybody can upload avatars.
  23. Oh dear lord, you're worse than Tarquinus. Try to solve the quest of Willow's Shopkeeper first, i've switched all the archive locations in the first bit to outside. Fyrd just needs so many items, it's almost impossible to find so many scriptables outside of the archives, and still have them relatively easy to find. We could make quests using clickables you wouldn't find, but that doesn't make it that much better than having them unreachable... Some are just a few pixels big, you need to be told where to look to get a hold of those.
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