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Everything posted by Burns

  1. [quote]Ann. 1967 - [2011-08-09 06:30:00 - Stage 10] Clearing some things about Jail Time and releases The only right way to get out of jail is by being released by those that have this ability. When someone is sent to jail, the sentence time refers to a MINIMUM TIME that person will stay there. After that period, that person can be released from jail only by those with the right ability to do that, WHEN and IF they wish so. the unban ability is a personal ability and as such is used at the owners discretion. However there are other ways that can be used at your own risk, to get out of jail when time is up, or if you dare sooner, otherwise what would be the point of having fugitives features and such things . Fugitives will obviously find it a lot harder to ever clear their name, integrate back, receive public roles, etc, so don't joke about choosing that path, even if a "criminal path" is now technically supported by the interface.[/quote] Just in case, it's been a while, maybe a few people who're arguing here forgot that announcement already.
  2. The line gets smaller and smaller when you get more wins and losses, maybe you just need to put on your glasses to see it
  3. That's been working like that for.. ever. Granted, it doesn't do much to defend crits on MP5, but it's still a quite useful ability. Rumi got the mechanics right, defend will do a little damage, and when you do a little damage to something with a lot of negative defence, it turns into a lot of damage.
  4. Getting involved in the real source would take a long while and a lot of Mur's trust, but almost all the items you find around are created by players. On those, you can go wild once you have the editing ability... which might be granted without the WishShop for impressive scripts that add some flavor to our world Md's languages are html and php with some specials thrown in.
  5. The right place would probably be BFH's inbox ingame, he actually knows spanish, that'd make communication a lot easier... The yellow circle shows you how much [url="http://magicduel.wikia.com/wiki/Heat_(Temporary)"]heat[/url] you have. That heat can be used to pray, if you have a protector, and to increase the gains from combat. There are some more things, but those don't occur that regularly.
  6. Indeed, don't make a habit of that, please I don't quite see what the problem is. Did you: Buy a new creature slot and not receive it? or did you Buy the statue, and the creature slot didn't unlock? That might be because you don't meet the requirements, you need to have a certain heat to buy that item. Google translator messes a little with your questions, i'm afraid, and my spanish isn't good enough to make sense out of the re-translation, either
  7. And it's not just every now and then, either, it fails always.
  8. The land holds the power, not Yrthilian as person. Yrth just does the stuff. Just wanted to make that clear, Yrth didn't decide how to deal with that on his own, and never wanted to because he [b]doesn't take the decisions alone anymore[/b]. As long as the items stay in our possession, they need to be held by somebody, if that's Yrth or somebody else we trust doesn't matter the slightest bit at this point. If the land items get confiscated for some reason or other, we'll have to deal with things in different ways, obviously. Until then, we can use them just fine.
  9. http://www.cewe-fotocarte.ro/ Maybe you can lend Santa a hand
  10. bumpitybump, the flasks are all broken, still.
  11. There are a lot of rules that never apply to anybody, yet exist. What's the point of cluttering the rules page with even more special rules, like MP2 rules, when it's impossible to become an MP2? For the few cases of MP2 appearing again, people do what they were told, and sometimes talk about different approaches and see if something should be done in a different way in the future.
  12. If Mur rules apply to this auction, i suggest that you go with the Mur rule: [quote]because you can bid without having the coins first, thinking that you might have ways to get them in the 3days after the auction, i must add the following clause. If winner is unable to pay, a tax of 20% of his bid will be charged forcefully on him and the next winning bid will be selected.[/quote] http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7650-1st-auction-resumed/
  13. The internet is never anonymous, if things look fishy admins can check who did what when from which ip.
  14. MP2 rules are a mess. They weren't allowed out of GG for a long while, then they were, then they weren't again. Some unforeseen issues arose with those accounts here and there. For the moment, nobody wants them, at all. They shouldn't turn up outside of Golemus, but we don't want them inside, either My last information was that Yrth, back then in his role as king, was granted a key to mp3-spell again to turn every mp2 into 3 on sight, then treat them like any other player. MP2 aren't supposed to exist.
  15. Burns

    Login Problem

    And as last option, you can also log in with your ID, which is my preferred option because it's the shortest of them all. Solved, closed, moved.
  16. [quote name='Soothing Sands' timestamp='1324568208' post='98339'] Hmmm well i'll look for one that doesn't have ads, if that even exists. I didn't know it would do that... And to Burns, the music player (start/stop button) is still there, so i guess the target video just needs to be changed. [/quote] That's exactly what i was saying, Mur didn't take the video out, youtube did. I'm curious if you'll find one that's not an infringement, though.
  17. Technical detail, it wasn't taken out by Mur, but reported and shut down on youtube. Strangely enough, Mur is not all that strict with copyright issues when it's not hosted on his server
  18. Taking an alliance includes taking the archives of that alliance, regardless if it's peaceful heritage or hostile takeover. If the old guys don't manage to burn their books in time, they go to the new guys, that's the risk you run when you write stuff down and don't protect it properly.
  19. Solved, closed, moved
  20. When the first thing you do with your new modem is surfing MD on good speed
  21. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8745-md-anual-awards-feedback/ I wonder why nobody thought it was stupid all year long... In fact, it seemed that nobody had any point FOR in-group nominations, but Chewie and Bun Bun got a nice load of rep for talking AGAINST it.
  22. It's not limited to greek, and not limited to Head Contest time. Apparently the flasks are completely broken now
  23. are you sure you only sent 10 today? I'm certain that 10 wouldn't be enough to reach the limit... Maybe there's a spam limit nowadays, try sending a message in 10 minutes?
  24. Sand is a byproduct from stone detecting. Water is available at a lot of places across the realm, just take a look under the chat, there's a box that tells you what resources are in which scene (if any).
  25. Since there are so many people who wish to set quests, at least according to Seig's information, but have certain problems to work their ideas out, i think there's a need to help those people to make sure MD doesn't miss out on the interesting ideas newbie bring forth. For this purpose, we've created a group dedicated to help people with their quests. If you have an idea for a quest, but don't know how to run it, please contact us to profit of our knowledge and networks. If you are uncertain where your idea might lead to, send me a note and we'll see what we can make of it. Otherwise, feel free to contact one of our specialists directly, in most cases they'll be able to help you, and otherwise they'll know whom to ask Tarquinus will be able to help you with quests and contests revolving around poems and other lyrical works and lore of the realm. Phantom Orchid can handle all your issues with quests that lead to the depths of esoterics, dreams and psychology. Shadowseeker might help with the creation of quests that requires tracking people and their progress through your story. Chewett, the local coding expert, will almost always be able to make things we all consider impossible possible. Fyrd Argentus is the specialist for all quests that pertain the history of the realm and our legends. Kyphis will help with quests and contests that require the coordination of gatherings. Yrthilian is known to lose his interest in things once they work, but if you have a very innovative idea, he will know how to make it work. Marvolo will work with you when you want to set a quest or contest that works with arts and musics. Amoran K Kol can help you when your quests require direct contact between different players. Metal Bunny will take care of the most extreme quests in game, at least on weekends. At last, contact me when you wish to host a battle contest, when you are uncertain who of us might be suited best for your ideas, or when you have problems to contact the helper of your choice. [size=2]The more the merrier, of course, if you want to help newbie questmakers, contact me to be added to my list[/size][size=2] [/size]
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