Constructive criticism, huh?
Well, nice try, but you're wrong.
If people advanced as they should, the constant influx on mp5 is enough to not get smashed too often.
The few fighting veterans can be avoided.
Just lately, as in since 6 months, it happened that people didn't advance. I know whom to blame, but blaming doesn't make things better.
So, of course the people who advance get smashed badly, there are too little targets on mp5, we need to take the same over and over again.
It is at this point impossible to play MD properly, because the 2 people who advance each week can't stand against anybody in mp5, naturally, and give up and create an alt.
Once 10 advance each week again, the cycle will work properly once more.
Anyways, that was in response to Bronzo, here's what i'm here for:
From this point onwards, ggg is non-existant on any mp-level but 5.
I have the tools, and i have the will, to be very cruel to each and every mp4 who still is there.
I've left them a note, even:
[quote]Note to all MP4!
So, there are still many MP4 around here.
That's okay, no problem, train as you wish.
I would like you to know that i, Burns, will come in every now and then and give out free xp to you. Roughly 1 million.
You might wonder how, but, that's none of your business. All you need to know is that you won't know when or how my gift is going to hit you
Also, if i get a complaint from people being threatened into setting ggg-defences, or attacked for not being set, i will give an even higher gift to those threatening and attacking.
For all the others, no, you don't need to stick to the rules of GGG, no matter what anybody says. No, i won't hit you because you are here to tackle the ones who still defend it, i know my black sheep. [/quote]
I'm not particularly proud that i have to resort to terrorism to stop this abuse, but, you know me, i don't stop from using such methods when i fight for something that's right.
Advertising this change starts immidately, i will let every mp4 know that ggg doesn't exist anymore. If i must, i'll send a PM to [u]every[/u] [u]single[/u] [u]one[/u].
PS: For clarification, no, i don't have authority to do that, i don't own GGG. As long as the staff doesn't officially agree to that, this is an act of terrorism.