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Everything posted by Burns

  1. I'm not entirely sure, but haen't we long times ago said that shades and angiens are exactly not each others balance? Because the Angiens balance themselves of some sort or something? I have also never favored the idea of shades being locked in, but rather think that the shades lock us out of their land. The icon doesn't have to be a charm to keep the shades in, it might as well be one to keep the evil out.
  2. I would like to point you to the first rule of SG: [quote] 1. This is a community run project, there is no official person to complain to, or to enforce the rules. Help yourself. [/quote] Ask him to stop, and ask for heals when you need VE. And note his PL, peer pressure is a strong weapon. But that's about it.
  3. Wait, i have a better idea: I take my own stats and creatures, which are far more versatile than what mur can give to NPCs, and set rits myself! You could even try more than one way, then! O_o Sorry but... you know, why have Mur work on things we can handle as good, or even better, ourselves?
  4. Burns

    Stop Ggg

    A perfect example of a beginners view of the world, Vertu. Indeed, squashing them is not hard. They hardly would have time to see my creatures before they are done killing theirs. But i've lost interest in doing that ages ago. What's the point? Show my strenght by beating up some weak players? I need to kill a bit to get my creatures the upgrades they deserve, but that's it. I have all the targets i need, i don't need more. I don't want to take their baseball away because they won't let me play with them. From a beginners point of view, however, they are a danger. They can kill them whenever they feel like. They can be evil to them, much like i can be evil to those. Me, being jealous of the lousy methods they use to train? Yeah, sure... They don't advance when they are ready. They have been ready for ages, they just don't advance because it is so much better to be god. And the damage is done to the playerbase, who comes to mp4 and thinks that only a year of GGG can save them. That the holy cow of GGG can save them from the bad in the world. And that advancing to MP5, Mur's final filter, is something that should be avoided. I take their baseball away because they hit other children with it. If that is childish behavior, i refuse to grow up.
  5. Burns

    Stop Ggg

    I'll gladly repeat, the problem is not whether you attack people or not, the problem is that YOU ARE THERE! Shadowseeker, Leixer, dst and me don't attack most mp5 either, and still they are all afraid of us. Jtz Champion and Dayredeemer, to name some other fearsome few, are premanently idle, they don't attack anything at all. And still they appear on all lists of the best fighters. Some selected few have no honor at all, like Lighty (=P) and redneck. Still, at least Lighty stops attacking people who are getting close to skilldamage, and usually gives victories to his victims when they ask nicely. The only difference is that on mp5, it is supposed to be that way, because we don't want the people who only play to be the best. Go play WoW, that's built for such things. And, no matter how you argue that you won't attack anybody because it doesn't pay, the fact remains that you CAN. When anybody goes against your will, you can and will hurt them, because you can. That's how the game runs on mp5, but not on mp4. MP-levels are a noobie-protection, not an invitation to low-level and play god. Once you properly understood the basics of rituals, you are not supposed to be an mp4 anymore. And, you call that a solution? Take the 'endless'-factor out of MD? I mean, yeah, Mur would save a lot of server costs, because MD would've been closed 2 years ago. That's all i can see in that solution. €dit: On a sidenote: Apo already advanced, the others will soon, and the GGG is emptied of all MP3/4. After meager 30 hours. For all those who told me that i could do nothing against it because the GGG-users were such an effective social community who couldn't ever be stopped by a single man: [i]In your Face.[/i]
  6. wasn't it... til death parts us? or something the like? Cause, you see... technically...
  7. Burns

    Stop Ggg

    And there goes one neg rep from me, too Of course you can't see anything but drachs when you don't look for anything but drachs. Allies are awesome elite groups, you won't find many ally-people who don't have a bunch of superpower creatures. Had you ever been to mp5, you'd know that ally-folks are the most awesome elite creme de la creme of mp5, while the rest... they know how to spell drachorn and angien. Sometimes. And just like dst doesn't need to use her power to be intimitating, you don't need to use it. By your mere presence, you show people your superiority. And they don't know how to deal with that when they are fresh out of mp3. [quote]Ask the mp4 trainees what they find more intimidating: Supercharged drachorns they cannot get, or trees with defense? I've had 420+ active days, and I'm not even halfway to a GG, silver-wise. I just now got enough credits for a rusty. I thank Mur for avatar creation; I'll be able to get a rein for my 3rd Christmas.[/quote] GG drachs are a goody for people who don't need it anymore. The same goes for reindrachs. Neither of them is necessary for a good fight, as most people who get their drachorns smashed every once in a while will gladly tell you. And, they get smashed quite often. This very attitude is the problem, even. You don't want to be an mp5 because you are not that great there. You know that you can't beat everybody there, and therefore, let it be. Everybody starts that way. But, MD is built to challenge that idea, let it grow, and then badly smack it around the head with a big stone after 2 months. By then, you are supposed to realize that you ARE NOT the best, and will never be. And that you will lose against some fighters, at all times. And then you are suppsoed to either leave or grasp the beauty of MD. GGG, and people like you, delayed that point to the age of 2 weeks instead of 2 months. At that point, only very few have already understood the beauty, and a lot of people with high potential leave, because getting the best fighter is impossible, and nothing else is there to do in their young opinion. In case you haven't read it out of my post, the neg rep was for pretending to know. It's not a problem to not know, as long as you know that you don't know. You think to know just because you are so old, but that is not the case. You only see what you want to see. That is not a good base to debate with me.
  8. Burns

    Stop Ggg

    Absolutely correct, GGG is not the reason why people don't want to advance. However, GGG is the reason why people can play endlessly without advancing. And what they do, and what you do, is quite simply scaring newbies away. You complain that mp5 is so hard. What d'you think how a new mp4 feels when looking at nadrolski's tree with 5k defence? Huh? Does he think 'Oh, what a nice guy, he lets me have a free win or two', or do they think 'OMG, he has 5k defence, i have 20... I can stop playing now, i'll never beat that'? When they advance to mp5, they know that they enter the fighting level, where the vets lurk. Where they will get smacked around the head repeatedly before they understand what to do. Where they'll even lose to the dead idlers for a long time. Where they will encounter drachorns, tokens and angiens. When they advance to mp4, they don't even know the lorerootian creatures, and are far from understanding tokens, drachs and angiens. And yet, they have to deal with vets with stats, tokens and creatures some (rather most) mp5 never get. And that's why i can't and won't leave you be. Not because i need targets, i have enough, and i won't be around much to kill them either way. But because YOU frustrate newbies after a week, not after 2 months. The difference is that after a week, a frustrated player leaves, after 2 months, a frustrated player has tools, knowledge and friends to overcome the frustration and get deeper into MD. And in response to all the rest: I've been talking to people far too long. I've been talking for ages. Reasoning bounces off their egocentrical picture of the world like rain off the lotus leaves. The time for idle chatting is over. It sometimes takes extreme measures to change a flawed system, like an ally-takeover, or a 3-day trip to MP6 to get 2 hour movelocks. This time, it's the forceful disbanding of ggg for the newbies.
  9. I loved it, but i had hoped for harder questions in the last 3 rounds =P
  10. Burns

    Stop Ggg

    Fortunately enough, you are only partially right. I can't force you to enter mp5, correct. I can stop you playing mp4, though, and i can do that very effectively^^
  11. Burns

    Stop Ggg

    Constructive criticism, huh? Well, nice try, but you're wrong. If people advanced as they should, the constant influx on mp5 is enough to not get smashed too often. The few fighting veterans can be avoided. Just lately, as in since 6 months, it happened that people didn't advance. I know whom to blame, but blaming doesn't make things better. So, of course the people who advance get smashed badly, there are too little targets on mp5, we need to take the same over and over again. It is at this point impossible to play MD properly, because the 2 people who advance each week can't stand against anybody in mp5, naturally, and give up and create an alt. Once 10 advance each week again, the cycle will work properly once more. Anyways, that was in response to Bronzo, here's what i'm here for: From this point onwards, ggg is non-existant on any mp-level but 5. I have the tools, and i have the will, to be very cruel to each and every mp4 who still is there. I've left them a note, even: [quote]Note to all MP4! So, there are still many MP4 around here. That's okay, no problem, train as you wish. I would like you to know that i, Burns, will come in every now and then and give out free xp to you. Roughly 1 million. You might wonder how, but, that's none of your business. All you need to know is that you won't know when or how my gift is going to hit you Also, if i get a complaint from people being threatened into setting ggg-defences, or attacked for not being set, i will give an even higher gift to those threatening and attacking. For all the others, no, you don't need to stick to the rules of GGG, no matter what anybody says. No, i won't hit you because you are here to tackle the ones who still defend it, i know my black sheep. [/quote] I'm not particularly proud that i have to resort to terrorism to stop this abuse, but, you know me, i don't stop from using such methods when i fight for something that's right. Advertising this change starts immidately, i will let every mp4 know that ggg doesn't exist anymore. If i must, i'll send a PM to [u]every[/u] [u]single[/u] [u]one[/u]. PS: For clarification, no, i don't have authority to do that, i don't own GGG. As long as the staff doesn't officially agree to that, this is an act of terrorism.
  12. I assume your protector lost the protector status (dropped back to mp5) If i was to guess, i'd say your protector was... Sagewoman?
  13. don't worry about the hardships of recruiting guerilla, or lhos, both Grido and Indy do their jobs very good, i would know, i've been through one and know about the other >.< Also, knowledge about Golemus is not exactly a factor that decides about your application per se, but when you try to do something withing the ally, you need that. If you have no clue, you get kicked rather sooner than later...
  14. Done with the exam! Time for summer! =D

  15. I think the Oak or the Cursed Oak would do quite fine, Ravenhold is too easy... I'd go for the cursed one, more fun to crawl around there, the likelihood to hit some sharp rocks in case you fail is way higher, therefore more tension, and therefore more exercise >
  16. happy b-day Firs! oh, uhm... is the title of that thread wrong or something? i thought it was Firs' birthday... =P happy b-day, cute little dragon *patpat*
  17. Happy b-day, will we get to see your performance of an irish drunkard again for a change?
  18. He, i like the lock... :))

  19. oh, false alert... you just deleted the post i was planning to find already xD

  20. i'm afraid that the new content button doesn't work yet... i like that button :/

  21. Ha, comments on status! Vive la Facebook-style -.-

    1. aaront222


      Cool new thing i agree!

  22. You're picking the wrong things, it wouldn't make sense to only have mp5+ as citizens or allies, that's something pretty common. What i think should be limited is spell-casting abilities, e.g. mirror, guardian, invisibility, other army are some advanced magics that could be allowed on mp5 only, other stuff like movelock, attacklock, give vital, no armor, weaken are by far less advanced spells and could as well be allowed on mp4 imo. Some armors, mostly Medusa and Sun God, could be restricted for MP3/4, since they are advanced gears, too. I would even consider restricting creatures, but only in useage, not in owning, e.g. mp4 being unable to use angiens or drachorns, mp3 unable to use trees and birds. There's tons of things that can be restricted, but taking away features like land affliation would be pretty annoying for the few newbies who are already interested in a land, and not much of an incentive for the lowlevlers to move up at all.
  23. I take it that me and people like me are a reason why you consider staying at mp4, so you don't have to believe me... However, i'd advise you to not waste time and energy with getting min-xp wins or stat-saccing, it's simply pointless. Do your fights at best you can, the gain in learning from big fights is higher than the gain of another maxed grasan, or an angien on a higher level. Take the easy wins you find on the way, they are good for upgrading, but don't stand back from the big fights you might lose, one of these is worth more than killing a few barrens with low VE 100 times. Stats are of no importance on mp5, they appear to be on mp4, but really, attack and defence aren't that cool on mp5. You will want some regen, but you can't train that properly before going to mp5. People alway say that MP5 is hell because you lose so much. I'll bet you anything that you WILL lose so much, and even more, but that won't harm you. Before you are 1000 off balance, it's even good for you to lose, it'll make it easier to target weak people without getting honor issues. Plus, most people are considerate enough to not kill you after you reach skill-damage, and the few who aren't can be avoided. And, c'mon, 1000 losses... That's a whole lot, you don't get that in a week or two. And one thing is clear, you'll see tons of things you haven't seen on mp4. You'll learn things you haven't even thought of before. You'll experience MD on a level that an mp4 can't grasp, even when they are in an ally like Kyphis. And that will change your targets and views of MD completely.
  24. Wouldn't that kind of kill the point Mur had in hiding them?
  25. I offer to take good care of it and name it Kets if you give me one
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