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Everything posted by Burns

  1. Burns


    Burns - Lightsage
  2. [quote name='Burns' date='13 May 2010 - 08:20 AM' timestamp='1273731654' post='59739'] Or have one creature in two different defs and it's dead by the time? [/quote] Good thing you didn't bother to check that and instead just say that i could find that info in the initial post... -.- Chewie is right, it's always been like that. It's a highly useful mechanic, not a bug. It's there to make sure that you keep an eye on your rits when fighting. The last defence-ritual in the list gets used, in case there is no defence, the last attack-rit in the list, LIFO-system. The system skips unbound rituals, but it doesn't skip a ritual for not having enough VE, that's not part of the protocol for ritual-picking. VE gets checked after the rituals are picked, and then you get an auto-assign when your creature is used too often and worn down already. By the way, this also makes sure the ritual that had too low VE doesn't get broken from the fight, meaning: stop watching your creatures and you'll get randomized over and over again until you watch them again. Makes sure that being active has better results than being idle, even when you just want losses.
  3. Probably the question shouldn't be whether mods should have opinions and feelings, but whether certain opinions are unfitting for mods. It recently occured on another forum i occassionally watch that a mod has been demoted for racism, and lateron banned from the forums completely. Extreme rightist opinions are surely some a Mod shouldn't have, or at least not show openly. But there's no question about having opinions or not, mods have them. Whether they are qualified for what they do still is probably up to Chewett's descicion on the forums and Grido's on the LHOs in game, and i bet both of them treat complaints about their people with high priority. IN PRIVATE, not in public threads.
  4. and you surely don't use some creatures with just 200/290 VE in defence? Or have one creature in two different defs and it's dead by the time? Because it's either that or forgetting to check the def-box in 99,9999999% of all cases, with the rest being cases of when Mur deleted all rituals that one time
  5. And when that happens, i'll personally make sure you go to jail for a disturbingly long time. If you want to be a big cool trader, keep track of your money, the tools are there. If you're unable to use them, i'll do it for you, but that won't end well for your business. Or your account, for that matter.
  6. studying law and economics, not going to finish any time soon, though, i like campus-life
  7. Oh, of course, forging wins is just the right thing to do... Maybe, and that's just some weird thought, Mur did win- and xp-requirements so people had to fight for training creatures? And i say HAD, because with GGG, they don't. I'll just go with two examples, which are widely known, claw angiens and remains. Remains are god-damn hard to train normally, which is why VE isn't skyrocketing... oh wait. And clawed Angiens are so severly overpowered that they are completely impossible to train to any level over 4... uh, again, wait a moment... Yeah, do that with your precious time if you like, but don't do it with 5 accounts per person, because that IS CHEATING. It cheats the people who play normally, because your days have 120 hours, and not 24, when you attack the same person 10 times in 8 minutes, instead of 2 times. If i started avoiding the time-restrictions, you'd have me banned for cheating. What do people in GGG do with their multis, when we break it down to the smallest bits?
  8. obviously, Marley came here before i did... For the sake of clarity, i'll distiguish between alts and multis for this post. Why to not support multis: -They are used as Magic Aging Devices, and people get all the benefits of crit-age without waiting. -They are used to get stats, wins, xp, and bursts, specially in GGG, but not only there. -They make it impossible to tell anything worthwhile knowing to anybody, because it will end in the wrong hands. -They abuse free creds and the MDShop, and they do so very badly. -They are used to token up the right creatures. -They deliberately destroy the purpose of the newbie-levels. Yeah, not all of them, alright... But almost all. For the sake of clarity, i'll distiguish between alts and multis for this post. Multis destroy the purpose of the combat system, the make sure their 'main' has the best possible gain, i'll only remind of the announced item-giveaways, and they scare newbies. I have only seen one person who actually played two accounts good, that being Tarquinus, and even he had to lay off Keith when things were troublesome in Loreroot. Literally ALL other people use their multis to benefit their main in one way or the other, and be it only being able to walk in the realm while the main is in story-mode (which is helping it to get better stat-gains, and NOTHING else, the 'don't wait'-option is there for a reason after all) And so, even when i personally have to depend on multis, even when it's not my multis, to keep playing at all, i'd much rather have them all deleted right away, and people actually interact, which means acting with other persons, again. TRUE alts, which means completely seperated, independent alternative personalities, those may stay. Which doesn't include Zezc, for example, who constantly wants me to think she knows just as much as Czez, without having actively played more than maybe 3 days, with those stats and crits.
  9. Because the name identifies a person, for heaven's sake! This is about reputation and 'the records' of people, whether you can trust somebody or not, and everything else around them! Imagine somebody is known to scam people, and suddenly decides to change their name. If you don't have the ID, you'll never find out who it was or wasn't. Same goes for multiple offences, how do you count them on somebody who changes his name? And, honestly, dst already told us how things run with WPs, when people want a name change, they'll find a fake reason to award a WP with ease
  10. Know whom i'd like to know more about? Thanasia, Sacophilz, pdragos, Aqune, ugauga, Eden, omegaweapon, glaistig, Morrel, Morquor, and Laz. And i don't mean just their deeds, but more like, what kind of persons were they, what did they do all day long... Jst putting out a few names for the vets to pick up, don't worry if you don't know them, dear folks over 70k
  11. And for exactly the reasons Fenrir brought up there shouldn't be a name change. People can switch avatars like socks nowadays if they want to, their papers are under their own control anyway, and i'd guess we are not far from an ignore function for PL, then even that is under your control. If you get the name change added on that, a normal player can't identify anybody else anymore, which means basically deleting one's history. Does the police delete your records just because you didn't misbehave in a few months? Therefore: [size="7"]NO[/size]
  12. Why would a mathmatician do that if he thinks he's surrounded by dummies? This is not a game of 'how logical am i' but rather 'how logical do i think the others as a group could be'... Btw, my vote was over 30... Considered that possible, since the outcome in my statistics-course was well over ten, too, and we all knew about the Nash Equilibrium... LOL
  13. That's because she probably meant Tsenn, I can't remember a Tsunn, either...
  14. I'm right now standing at GoE, and i have been there for a while. Neither druzik nor Shape Shifter are, and i can attack them still. Here's what i know: Apparently only possible with allymembers of MP4 and 6, allymembers with MP5 get the normal 'user not here anymore' button, not clickable, MP3 get a clickable button, but error message 'no longer in your range' on click. EDIT: Confirmed, i can attack Sagewoman's trace, too. Shape Shifter is currently offline at GoE, druzik online at Paper Cabin, and it's been 20 minutes since either of them _really_ was at GoE.
  15. Happy B-Day, be prepared to eat a whole lot of cookies if you meet me today! =)) And please, try to not set everything on fire when lighting the candles...
  16. The shelves in the library are public items, if you post your 'masterpieces' on MD-Archives, you can just ask somebody with edit public-ability to add the link on the bookshelves
  17. well, actually the targeting is not as much of a problem as the absence of weaken, which is unargueably handy for newbies, and the stats that don't really go that well with the ability... You know, people don't buy archers anymore, it's a useless crit... give it a use again? please?
  18. Me too, i need something interesting to think about again
  19. 300V! Charged, off table! *zapp* Reanimated due to increasing 'I hit you once and you are dead'-problem caused by angiens. Possible new idea: Multi targeters can't kill wall if it has more than max VE, all-targeters can. Being hit by a multi causes the Wall to drop to 1000 under max, next multi would kill it since it's not over max anymore. Alls or Singles with enough damage can still always kill walls.
  20. Burns


    Well, this isn't exactly the effect i had in mind, but interesting nonetheless... I might complain again after more testing, even when i already know that i still don't like the uber-init you get out of crit-boost... Maybe that was just enough to make suriving first strike a bit more likely, though, thanks ^^
  21. I couldn't take a picture of myself this time... Tom is out at the field, nothing to set the cam on =( But at least i have one of Tom, and a new tree where we had to cut one out last fall ^^
  22. Surprisingly, i'm supporting that. Look at the HC, it's a charade anyways, I'd by no means say that Grido and Chewie are weak fighters, but... well, now i don't know how to end that sentence without saying it... HC was a popularity contest all along, if you have the right friends, they cover your abuses and help you, if you cross the wrong people, you are screwed. By no means is Heads about fighting anymore. Absolutely not. So, yeah, spares me the trouble of setting up something to give the heads to the right person, me likes. Alts don't grow heads anymore while offline, in case you forgot, and when they are online, they'll get caught pretty easily, not much of a problem imo.
  23. Burns


    that's because you guys still use the good old drachy rit, other creatures can produce damages well beyond sanity, and i'm not talking about 500k here... more like 2-3m, for each creature, obviously, and without massive VE grind like Leixer's... meager 50k max Vit would do. But completely aside of the matter whether you can or can't survive the atomic bomb, it's about whether the atomic bomb should be able to hit you at the speed of light, or come in a B52, if you allow the reference... The readymade Tomcat can't fight against the bomb itself, but it can bring down the B52 before it gets around to drop said bomb, you get the idea? And getting a bit more than 1/6th of a vets init sounds a lot more userfriendly than getting roughly the init of 3 years of massive grinding, 50 years with crit boost kicking in.
  24. 1. bad luck. Spells are very handy for a lot of things, but make all strategy in a contest invalid. just one example: guardian army of an mp5. 2. getting a victory is not supposed to be easy, if it was, we'd call it simple win. Learn how to turn any win into a victory, and you'll get all the heads you want.
  25. woohoo, birthday, party! ... uhm.. ... damn those exams...-.- Thanks, people =))
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