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Everything posted by Burns

  1. by saying to 'only just' level them up i mean that you shouldn't get 150 wins and 50.000 xp on a creature that only needs 50 wins and 15.000 xp for the next level... all the xp you give to them 'over' their max-requirement are definitely wasted for mp3 and yes, leveling up just about everythign you can get a hold of is the best thing you can do on mp3, you need to learn about crits and rituals before you can make strategies and don't try for mp3-HC on your first account, that will give you nothing but frustration XD
  2. losing money? how'd you do that? XD however, yes, you can 'fix' everything you want on mp5, personally i rushed through mp3 and 4 in less than a month, came to mp5 with not even an ele on lvl 5 (they are useful^^) and still managed to survive my first few weeks, and foudn some people who helped me level my creatures up and such... whatever you do on mp3, you can still do whatever you like on mp5... it's kinda endless for the time being =)
  3. you can have 16 creatures, so get 4 of every kind and experiment with them, that's how it's done on mp3 :lol: however, i'd suggest that you try to ONLY JUST upgrade them, so better not use one of your creatures in almost every combat, that how people waste xp on lower levels and then wonder why they are weak... and you'll need to find the tricks of xp-decreasing, the real precious tricks are strong enough to create HC-winners and are neither for free nor for public forums ;-)
  4. barren wasteland? there are more mp3 and 4 around than ever before... and they even talk in chat instead of just listening to what the elders say XD however, those who were off-balance before are now killing everything they can get a hold off, not necessarily for vics, but for keeping their stats (not for the stats sake, but because of the principle of hating to lose something you already have) and set insane defences... therefore most mp5 don't idle anymore... the active community is almost the same as before, but with less idlers, it's less interesting to go where the idlers used to hang out to kill, and instead go and hunt a bit *hehe* and, what's more annoying, the passive fighters are now gone... which means less fun in chat... on the other hand, quests are getting more interesting now, because fighting out of boredom is not time-filling anymore, so people will most likely start to do minor quests, or harder quests, which they usually don't care about, and train their mind a bit i still dislike the change, but i get used to it XD
  5. trust in dst, she's the mechanics-god ^^ if she says there are ways, they are there, you just didn't find them yet ;-)
  6. you can try PMing Mur, if you find him, but i guess he won't do it, the shop is closed for a reason XD
  7. most _really_ important facts are not that easily available, we are in MD after all :lol: the rule is simple: places where not everybody can go on theirselves are off-bounds. eg, Loreroot is open in general because it's within he 'normal players' powers to go in and out at will, while Oak Tower Interior is closed for HC, and who is caught there gets kicked out... Necrovion is naturally closed and i suggest you don't go in while the HC is running, you'll get thrown out everytime dst notices your coords XD on the other hand, Golemus is open now, everybody can get in at will ^^ so, to sum it up(better than the announcement back then): for all locations that need spells, certain storylines, jumping or general RPC-help to get there, the HC-helpers have permission to kick you out to GoE, for all other locations they could do it, but shouldn't during HC EDIT: PS yes, the HC is unfair, and if there were rules stating clearly what you can and can't do, the whole unfairness would be out of it, wouldn't it? LOL
  8. Imo, it's a bug that RPCs can gather heads at all as they can't win the contest... last month Day lost his rewards because Raven got off first, this month MRD (who already won a HC and should therefore be not able to gather heads at all) will most probably do the same... that might need a coded solution...
  9. why do you even bother to heal your creatures? throughout my first 4 contests, i just didn't mind fighting in that time, the defs are huge, i was weak... you can do other things in that time and heal your creatures again once it's over XD and like someone already stated, this game is longlasting, not short-term-fast-fun like CS or WOW... you can do all kinds of things apart from fighting here :lol:
  10. Good Bye Yami... we'll never forget the countless times we tried to steal your drachorn, or tried to land on your quote list (i guess those two are running out to the same thing in fact), or the countless times you killed us when we tried to kill you... =) and even though we now lose the most addicted person EVER, we gain another legend... i hope you will find the time to check back in at some time and see the LTs telling the tales of famous Shadow-Cherry ^^
  11. how about I-BID? XD it will make the coversation turn to something you are serious about, therefore stop your fun for some time, and others will have extremly ruxorzed pantzorz when they hear you talking about I-BID (again...) and if you are uncomfortable with that abbrev, say Instoppable Bunny Infantry Division (or whatever it really means, i sorta forgot it ^^), that will take you long enough to calm down :lol:
  12. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3479"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3479[/url] is that what you are searching? it's pinned in Work in Progress ;-)
  13. Burns


    i find this topic very disturbing as it shows how easy mods can trick polls to whatever outcome they like without even leaving traces (the normal user can see...) remind to never set a poll... LOL
  14. how can Loukas then say that he would love to leave the council to do whatever tehy want and serve only the Eclipse, if they are the same? i could quote that, but i don't care to do so... if they are in fact one ally, how comes that you are not acting as one? why did the savels do their own politics when they were in fact just a number of the GotR, how can CoE be organized as a seperate ally when they are the just another part of the GotR? why do you have different philosophies (pray to Savel/pray to the Root/pray to the Moon)? the three Treefolks Bunches are are not one great bunch, but three different allies with different purposes and different leading structures (Council and democracy in GotR, Tarq and tyrany/some other fancy word describing the same thing for the CoE, spiritual leadership for Savelites), and if they do their things together, well, good enough, but if they start to decide who may call themselves a lorerootian and who may not, they are taking one step too far on matters that are NOT ally-matters, and that is exactly what i read from [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=4009"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=4009[/url] which says [quote]This voting is open[b][u] to ALL residents of the land of Loreroot[/u][/b], including the neutral Crafters if they desire to cast their votes*. To those not yet affiliated with a land, I offer encouragement to submit your name to one of our Censors, Mya Celestia or Gremlin, and indicate your desire to vote in this election.[/quote], going on saying that [quote]2. [u]Censors determine the size and constituency of the electorate[/u], and do not collect votes. The process of vote collection is simple, and has been explicitly stated.[/quote] which sums up to 'Mya and Gremlin have been given authority to decide who is and who isn't a lorerootian'! so, even if you would like to argue that the Treefolk Bunch is just one ally with three logos, they are taking one step that's WAY out of any allies matters, but a crucial point of RP of people who might not even know about the HC becasue they don't care for politics/hate us all for dealing with that crap (see example of Aeo, and that's one of the few who doesn't like politics but has a forums acc, most anti-politics players don't create one)... that is too much power for an ally/three allies that elects its rulers themselves imo, and has to be stopped before it starts... what would you say if we stated that all Golemus-related players have to either change their role or get our approval?
  15. on the personal part: [spoiler]we are also 'a banner for those of likewise mind to gather under', and we were not satisfied with Raven, that's why we did it, not for reason number 1 [/spoiler] and now you are really confusing me: While some said that the HC was ruling body of all lorerootian allies and guilds, you say it's the governing body of GotR, as which is was accepted all along, no matter how it is chosen... but when it 'expands' to all other allies, and starts to rule over things that are not its purpose, like making decisions for other leaders, deciding over what happens in the land instead of in the ally and whatever else the HC is trying to take a hold off, that's a totally different case and has to be handled in a different manner... at least in my opinion ^^
  16. actually, it's the same for all the usual suspects, those who were idling most of the time can't afford it anymore, and those who still do it won't have themselves killed by by-passers, our brute force-rits are better than that :lol: so, at least in mp5, the map is looking totally different now, but i wouldn't call that change bad... just a change, from an idling community to a smaller, active community... when i was walking into GoE before that change, there were ~50 players, but none of them there, now it's like 10 players, but each of them really there ^^
  17. indeed you are wrong on that MB... they have no powers over the land Loreroot, so they can't rule the land Loreroot, only the allies of Loreroot... however, they [u]search[/u] to govern all of Loreroot [unlike NS, and GG, who are only defending the land from 'intruders' and trying to be a banner for those of a likewise mind to gather under], including watching over all those who claim themselves lorerootians and ruling 'civilians' (unallied people) of Loreroot, and therefore need a better legitimation than yrth and K, or any other ally-leader for that matter, who are only ruling those who let themselves be ruled by them (the allies members, who can choose to drop out of the ally at any time and go on with their role, which can be connected to whatever land they like) anyways, long story short, you are NOT a researchers team on antarctica electing the head, you are rather a team of airport-security electing their head and claiming that only those who have the official securityl seal of approval will get a chance of visiting the airport, let alone getting on a plane... you are not doing what you are supposed to do [fetching terrorists out of the crowd and chucking them out], but want everybody to stay away except for those who are known non-terrorists, and this system can only lead to loreroot becoming a community in itself, independant from the game community and therefore not a part of the game anymore, which is what Akasha [and a good load of other people] fear to happen in near future... so, your HC needs to be elected by everybody who might want to get into the airport, and not only by the security-guys, becasue their extremist point of view can't lead to the results the whole community desires *feel free to correct me where i am wrong, but that's exactly what i read out of your posts so far, not only in this topic, but from everything that was said since the rise of almost-king Raven*
  18. common saying of those who live on their feet... ;-) the rest of the bunch is being tough and all, but in the end they bow to survive... like you bowed to all the lorerootians said to get your guild started... but that's a discussion for a different time and place, i hope we meet some time at GoE again =)
  19. Ok, i hate to abuse YOUR topic for something that trivial, dst, but it seems to be fitting... [quote name='Shadowseeker' post='31964' date='May 22 2009, 07:59 AM']Yes, it's out matter, and for now we both decided to ignore each other. Better that way, perhaps. I will not further comment on this, after this. Last post and done. I tried to talk to Kragel. I tried. He was basically saying: What language I used I apologize for, but I still mean all of it. That sounds like sorry for the comparison a small child saying Oh, I apologize for insulting you, but I still mean the insults. Do you wish to say that merely by asking things you can explain the PL comment he wrote?: .Kragel. low life who tries to find faults in everything to cover his own Basically this "low life" is what I object to, everything else his honest opinion, point taken. He thinks I have faults, good. I think I have them, and well, so be it. I don't deserve to be tagged that way for keeping things rationally and just trying to be informed. Then the whole YM convos I won't publish, saying I'm cheating. He says I'm envious of him having drachorns, while I have creatures which are worth WAY more. An example is just the 2 rustgolds I acquired. Sorry, cheating just for asking things? He was saying he LOST in the auction first, and when people wanted to know he told them that it was not their thing. Now when I ask and think he made PROFIT (not to mention he gained creature slots, but seeing as it was for a good reason, who cares?), he gets angry and shouts like mad, insulting me in ways which have nothing to do with it? I was about to accept what was said and done, but seeing as he still was the same even after he apologized in the forum, only difference not using caps, I edited my post then. He could've said Yes, I profited from the auction, and it was being written in the terms, which I would call vague, but okay, it was said he gets his share. Fine, then I would've let it rest. He wrote about the auction, and I saw that, that is why I wanted to apologize. The very impression people had was that the biggest share goes to the market for funds. I read it, and wanted to apologize. Apologize that it came over as a personal insult, when I just wished to understand things, and seeing as the auction was public, I should have a right to look into it. Just asking a question whether he profits or not is not allowed? He was basically accusing me of wanting to harass him and be abusive, and he threatened me for continuing posting here. He claimed if I continue to write here, that would be harassment. That's basically saying I have no right to VOICE myself. Oh yeah, and to reflect upon all this which I wanted to let it rest. I'm sure everyone remembers the trivia? Some people even go as far as to nick me server or neo, for me answering so fast. I only played the first three rounds and won two. That was when the third round started. (2009/04/16 20:53:19): are you really going to bitch when mur let someone else get credit for one how many do you think you have to win give other people a fucking chance Shadowseeker (2009/04/16 20:53:24): lol Shadowseeker (2009/04/16 20:53:28): cmon, it's a game Shadowseeker (2009/04/16 20:53:31): and I'm gone after this (2009/04/16 20:54:17): its not a game when there is one player and everyone else is screwed (2009/04/16 20:54:26): a GAME meand FAIR PLAY of some kind Shadowseeker (2009/04/16 20:54:34): it is fair Shadowseeker (2009/04/16 20:54:35): lol (2009/04/16 20:55:12): no its is not That was him. SORRY for being GOOD at the trivia and even GOING after winning two rounds. I could've decided to stay, but I did not do that.[/quote] Poor Serverseeker... It's been like that and has been like that all along, there are a few amongst us who KNOW how it's done and some who don't know how it's done, and the not-knowers will always accuse the knowers of cheating... Neo, for example, knows that good connections and blocking of useless side-matters will improve chat-loading-speed and knows how to type quite fast [which is only helpful in addition with knowing all about MD, obviously], but it makes him faster than the rest of us whenever he wants to be faster than the rest of us... Neo, like some others, made a profession of finding glitches and reporting them, and use them for the fun of it sometimes, like attack-offline-glitch, hyperchat, messaging people not there etc.etc. some others did some hardcore grinding, with some extra benefits the 'normal player' could straightout not find before they were told about it... and there are some others, which is a quite good load of all the RPers in general and not only a few persons, though there is a tendenciy of a few persons sticking up for THEIR justice, who have never bothered with any mechanics at all and fail to understand how Shadow got faster, how dst got stronger, and how No one scripted things that almost killed the game, and those accuse them of cheating... in fact, i have forgotten about the insults Kragel threw at me in our PM-correspodency, but low life rang a bell... and so did threatening of getting banned... could have been someone else, but it feels quite familiar... and i'm quite sure that CHEAT, the F-word in CAPS [i'd write it, but then Grido would come and censor it again =P] and SUCK in all possible forms were about 30% of everything said in those PMs... with that i'm not saying that Kragel is the only person doing that, i got loads of such messages, and i understand Kragels reaction quite good because i'm no sweet child myself, but in general, the tones that are being used against those who understand more are not what they used to be... again, sorry for abusig your topic, but that surely belongs here, in our nice little off-topic 'flame the grinders' corner^^
  20. Burns


    in the end, there can only be one... sorry Grido, but you have no chance in that poll =P *edits the quotation to make it correct*
  21. You are right, Akashas argument failed the point unless she elaborates it a bit further [and i have an idea where she wanted to go and like that], but: Seeing we are not in a developed orld in MD, but in a medieval one where the law of the jungle is common and every day is a fight for life and death, i have to add a point to Glor [and whoever had that before, it's been quite a few]: You are totally right, we (the others) shouldn't have a say in your (the lorerootian) elections, as you are a different province of the MD lands (definitely no different country, as you don't have any power over the territory you claim yours), BUT, if anybody thinks that your governing body is not good for the province, they are free to go to war against you, kill ya all and place a new governing body as they wish... and from that point of view, Akasha has every right of questioning your elections and ways of working, thinking and acting, after all she is still asking for you to change it yourself instead of deciding the changes she wants for you... and if she wants to do it, she can, and given her special powers, she can not only do it by invading loeroot and claiming she shattered the HC and appointed a new HC, but she could actually go in, throw you out, freeze you at GoE, weaken you to negative attack and then have you killed by any bypasser... and then say that the community decided to get rid of you XD [ok, i might have exaggerated with Akashas powers as i haven't ever seen her in REAL action, but you get the general point, i guess^^]
  22. now i start wondering why Akasha may accuse other people and RPCs of anything she likes and i got shutted for critizing Kragel... by none else than Akasha...oh well, the right of the RPC, i guess... by which i don't want to indicate that i don't appreciate Akashas decisions, they are good in most cases, but like you accuse Amoran of sticking up for her friends, you are doing the same, but with moderators rights :lol: ontopic: 17 out of 43 does make the turnout look worse... but that's not the main point you are arguing here, if i got that right so far... and well, Akasha's got a point there, if your praised Council is in fact consisting of just 3 or 4 people who claim to be 7, that's a rather questionable idea... :/ but i have no insiders inforamtion, so i'm not judging about those matters ^^ regards, a politically interested player =)
  23. your sense is right :lol: EDIT: oh, and please close that topic some time, Mods XD
  24. 'had it decided for you' is meeting the point better, ain't it? XD
  25. contact me ingame and we'll see ^^
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