believe it or not, i came becasue i was bored... right after my last exam, i didn't know what to do with my time, and googled free BBMMORPG.. and there were hits over hits and i went through them...
and somewhere on side 4 of some crappy toplist, i found MD, the first game which didn't seem like involving 12 online hours a day or any form of 'pay your way up', and BOOM!, Burns entered MD ^^
i stayed a bit because of the quests, which somewhat teased me to see more and see how far i could get in them, and to see how other people think, and passed a few weeks...
and then, as i ran out of quests to do, i stayed, again, out of mere boredom, waiting for college to start again and too lazy to go search for a new game to pass the time...
and all of a sudden, i was somehow involved with the community, amongst the players who 'know' [i spent tons of time on logs, old forum-entries, AL, even old announcements, all the things you can imagine], and i was curious to see how this could evolve... so i stayed, and am intending to stay for ever, even when my spare-time gets cut by exams, jobs, family or such... there'll always be a few hours per week which i can spend here
(oh, and i can't leave anymore anyway, i'm in several toplists by now... you can't just leave once you are in a toplist, can you? :lol: )