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Everything posted by Burns

  1. sooo... you want to say the very same dst with all her god complexes and hyperactivity called herself 'no one' when she started?! could only have been a mistake back then... or she was thinking of 'nobody is perfect' in romanian and translated it to 'No one is perfect' while she was choosing No one as playername :lol:
  2. YAR, Jason is somewhere out there...

    that's goig to be FUN *blahahahahaaaa*

  3. because the >>> thingies stopped counting at active day 365, so Mur implemented the new diamond so people with over a year can show off with their activity, and not be mistaken for somebloody newbie who just reached one active year... [ok, they might be not THAT bloody after 365 days around, but hey, that's still nothing compared to a Wookie, Grido, Yrth...] i guess they stop at different colors to show the rough age of a veteran... but you'd ave to do a lot of research on that matter, and you'd need to check every day whether it changed color... lots of work involved =) (PS: i wonder why i haven't noticed different colors yet )
  4. eh, we've had that discussion more than once... if you don't want to be attacked in dojo, you all know how to set defs that will scare most people away, and if you don't, go to a sanc for your RP-issues
  5. i'm still against it... i still think that's exactly what the ctcs were created for, but i don't mind geting outvoted on that ^^
  6. Burns

    Negative Exp

    [quote name='Burns' post='34554' date='Jun 24 2009, 08:49 AM']1. as Awi already said, neg xp are necessary codework to keep the game rolling [color="#FF0000"] may not be your case, but still one of the reasons why this mechanic is not being changed[/color] 2. it's a way to do evil things to your opponents, and it's the only way EVERYBODY can go [color="#FF0000"]hmm... don't you think it could be evil to make people lose all their xp? i always thought that might be an evil thing... and there is an added extra bonus to the lost xp, which haunts you a lot longer *mwahaha*[/color] 3. you can regather those xp sooo easily that it almost hurts me when i hear mp5 talking about neg xp [color="#FF0000"]there are a whole lot of mp5 out there who can help you on that matter... talk to the right persons and have your joker maxed within two hours =D (or, obviously, make up for the damage of a week of constantly winning against regeners)[/color] 4. for non-mp5s, you are still in test levels, like it or leave it [color="#FF0000"]ok, one point that doesn't matter for you... so i'm down to 5 reasons <.<[/color] 5. learn to handle the threath, there are ways and means, starting with noting down who uses such rits, ending with rits that won't get harmed by such rits [color="#FF0000"]there's obviously a lot left for you to learn... specially when you know what your enemy is using, it's extremely easy to make sure you don't run into his knives[/color] 6. you think you could gather xp by killing weak opponents? well, here's the way how they strike back while they are still too weak to destroy your rit... it's how this game works, anybody can successfully beat everybody, even if that includes letting all your critters die :lol: [color="#FF0000"]whether you yourself are weak or not doesn't matter at all ^^[/color][/quote] activity pays, since GoE and Willow's are closed... you'll need to hop around and ask just about everyone for a hint, someone will be out there to give it
  7. i'd like to offer my abilities, too... today's special: i'll flame any topic you'd like to see flamed, for a symbolic fee of one silver :lol: normal uses you could make of me: - use me as creature-trainer - use my def to kill your creatures (like, if you want to get rid of them... my joker will gladly beat them back to stoneage^^) - use me as punching bag if you are in a bad mood - ask me to kill something for you (only available on mp5 victims, and not all of them...) - use me as partner for RP - and, what might be most interesting for some of you: shut me up for a whole bloody day! prices are negotiable edit: some services will only be available form next saturday onwards... meaning, not during this upcoming week^^
  8. uhm... you go through numberous topics complaining about how evil the unbalance is, and then propose a creature which reaches an insanely destructive level within a month? i mean, seriously, 7k VE and 120 def? it's unbeatable... either good vit or good def, both at once make it indestrucible... apart form that, YAY, wall-e invades golemus XD
  9. go and get yourself an illegal copy of some good old FPS like Counterstrike or Unreal, there's no waiting there... you even get revived almost instantly if you play on a speed server this game, however, is not running at ultra pace... it's designed to keep you addicted, and go and play CS while waiting for exciting things to happen XD if you don't want to wait, just don't buy angien eggs... you won't like them anyway, they are not exactly what you'd call combat-creatures LOL
  10. nice bump, Guy ^^ such ideas too often get lost on the way... and if you want to put it that way, i can think of only one kind of creatures which i use all the time.,.. the others are collectibles LOL there are things you can do with such creatures, apart form collecting, which would be using them for RP-purposes, 0-influence fights, fights which don't allow certain creatures... the ways are uncountable... or did you think we just want to use our precious critters to beat each other up? they are a part of ourself, and as such mean something deeper than skills and stats... like, lots of archers might mean that person is rather strategic and distanced, Grasans might indicate brutality, knators wildness... etd.etc. can you now see how combat-wise useless creatures fit into the game?
  11. depends on what you want to do... you win fights by killing other creatures (in general), and in RP, there is no win and lose, there is only more or less involvement... sooo... if you want to win against dst, your best shot is definitely trying to get more post on the forum than she has, that would definitely be a bad beat for dst :lol:
  12. i always thought the IDs simply count up, starting with 1000... so we should have far over 150.000 registerd accs :/
  13. they have interesting developments sometimes, Fen... even if they start just for the ally boni, they can make something out of them within the ally i remember the time when i joined GG... Lightsage asked me if i would like to get a bit more briskness and less incomings, and i obviously agreed, this was not a matter of what they do or are or could do some time... just about joining an ally, had Light still been in Necro, i'd be a Necro now, and most probably as involved as i am with GG :lol: sorry, mod... i haven't ahd someone to talk to in ages... seems like exams are going to drive me crazy before i'm finally done with them... i promise to stop going offtopic as soon as it's all over^^
  14. pals, you need to learn to chill :lol: there is no point in speeding things up, you can't gain from speed... forget about them, use what you have to create better rits, and do something community-based while waiting, it's really that easy... and then you'll be totally happy once you check back and see 3 critters upgradeable
  15. i still think so =P and last time i checked, 50% of all people who voted in your poll did so, too :lol: anyways, i hope you know that i'm not really meaning it when i trash-talk... it's just soooo much fun to do it =D and most of the time it's somewhat easy to tell if i'm being serious or not
  16. with people who... fight for protecting Loreroot? you know, friends are trustworth and all that, but in the end, you don't need trustworthy minions, but people who share your idea and do something for it... and not just repeat whatever you say and are reliably standing behind you when you fall for your homeland :lol:
  17. O_o those are at least as good as the avatars already in the game edit: which is obviously an outsiders point of view... i have no idea about technics, shading, proportions and such stuff... i just see the pictures in general, and love them ^^
  18. believe it or not, i came becasue i was bored... right after my last exam, i didn't know what to do with my time, and googled free BBMMORPG.. and there were hits over hits and i went through them... and somewhere on side 4 of some crappy toplist, i found MD, the first game which didn't seem like involving 12 online hours a day or any form of 'pay your way up', and BOOM!, Burns entered MD ^^ i stayed a bit because of the quests, which somewhat teased me to see more and see how far i could get in them, and to see how other people think, and passed a few weeks... and then, as i ran out of quests to do, i stayed, again, out of mere boredom, waiting for college to start again and too lazy to go search for a new game to pass the time... and all of a sudden, i was somehow involved with the community, amongst the players who 'know' [i spent tons of time on logs, old forum-entries, AL, even old announcements, all the things you can imagine], and i was curious to see how this could evolve... so i stayed, and am intending to stay for ever, even when my spare-time gets cut by exams, jobs, family or such... there'll always be a few hours per week which i can spend here (oh, and i can't leave anymore anyway, i'm in several toplists by now... you can't just leave once you are in a toplist, can you? :lol: )
  19. every 40 mins and well... who said that training critters was meant to be easy? :lol: the wins and xp should take approximately as long as age for casual gamers (for high levels, not first two, that is), but seeing your insane forum activity, you should easily be able to do the wins req within a day XD
  20. pointless? definitely not. overpopulation? not the way it is now. loads of hybrids and mythical beast? let 'em come and enhance MD. there are more ways in which can contribute to MD than you can imagine, Fen, and if it takes 200 useless crap-vampires and demons before THE ONE comes passing by, then so be it however, seriously... don't create alts to interact with yourself, it's nothing but silly... oh well, it is one thing apart from silly: un-needed! get a partner in crime, PM around what you are aiming at, and then do it, with two players, not with yourself... the really good players can even get their goals without asking the others to cooperate first, that's what's enhancing MD how about that: get some friends to start with MD and adopt them as your children, eh? that way, new players start, and new stories get written, instead of old stories getting a new turn with kids... which are then forgotten -.- there might be players who are really that creative who have enough time to play 3 chars as if they were different players, Sagewoman is giving lessons on that if you like, but most of us are not even managing to get one char deeper into the game... let alone a second/third/fourth :lol:
  21. eww... what a barbarian approach... law of the jungle is all cool, but not exactly fitting humanity, is it? we are reducing ourselves thoroughly enough the way we are... civil wars, pandemics, catastrophes...
  22. Burns

    Winds Sanctuary

    keep the song, but close wind's sanctuary... we want more blood to be shed *mwahaha*
  23. Burns

    Negative Exp

    you want a debate? i haven't had a fight in over 3 weeks, so let's start 1. as Awi already said, neg xp are necessary codework to keep the game rolling 2. it's a way to do evil things to your opponents, and it's the only way EVERYBODY can go 3. you can regather those xp sooo easily that it almost hurts me when i hear mp5 talking about neg xp 4. for non-mp5s, you are still in test levels, like it or leave it 5. learn to handle the threath, there are ways and means, starting with noting down who uses such rits, ending with rits that won't get harmed by such rits 6. you think you could gather xp by killing weak opponents? well, here's the way how they strike back while they are still too weak to destroy your rit... it's how this game works, anybody can successfully beat everybody, even if that includes letting all your critters die :lol: i hope those were not too many reasons at once... i want a fight after all, knock out in first 30 seconds would be a bit lame :/
  24. hopefulyl you find some more bored hours to argue about something... no matter what :)

  25. plus: you can still use those to set up rits, which comes in kinda handy when you lose some in a killing spree... then you can use the time in between for setting new rits, and come back without wasting extra time for setting things up ^^
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