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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. Possible ways to replicate nontokened: Player A sends a full HP level 2 aramor to Player B Player A creates a nondamaging def Player B attacks Player A with the aramor The Aramor will keep the increased vit over its max
  2. 1sc on 9
  3. A similar thing happens when a creature is traded. It keeps the vitality from higher levels and displays like so.
  4. Attack it with slider at 0%, 50%, and 100% and post log here please
  5. 1s on each ts and the pimp
  6. Post drawings para bellotaman xD (mi espanol es muy mal.... para == for... (?))
  7. Miq had an auction.
  8. Congratulations to the winners
  9. My bad, missed the r in "voters" thought it was just "votes". This little deraily tangent can be deleted/hidden:)
  10. The vit is accurate, the attack is a little high :P
  11. Why not? Currently they have 1.5x max vit and around 1.4x attack. That's marginal compared to the powerful auras and greatly increased damage other shop crits have over their normal counterparts. Plus a pimp is deeper into the shop than a Rusty which gains a LOT MORE than the pimp's slight stat advantage which make no meaningful difference when influence is added to the equation. Yes, deeper in the shop should equal better creature. A higher investment is required to get the "reward" it only makes sense that the "reward" is much higher. If Pimps don't get the resource advantage (imo is a lot more "creative" than just adding a boring creatureboost and would give people other than fighters a reason to explore deep into the shop) then what kind of extra ante do you think they deserve over a regular Grasan? What "monpoly" do you speak of on resource grasans? Fat, skin, toxic gas have no uses and Grasan Ferment gives the drunk effect which can be gained from alcohol items which can be found in very plentiful amounts in the East. You're making much ado about nothing.
  12. It's part of the overall goal to sail West that my character has, a working lighthouse would be needed to ensure that he doesn't crash into the GG shores like what many ships have done before. Considering that the West coming into being might include an entire land worth of scene arts being create I suppose that a "small" change such as the the Ivory Lighthouse working wouldn't exactly be too extreme. I heard that Junior also has some interest in this matter and I'd hate to steal his wind. Every bit of wind pushing my sails West is greatly appreciated:D
  13. Mp3 is fine atm and will only improve over time
  14. It will lose its wins as well. "After being transferred this creature will have X age and X heat. It will keep all tokens after transfer and its wins will be reset to 0."
  15. Remember that on the other side of an MD character there is an actual human being.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. (Zl-eye-f)-nea


      Remember, on the other side of an MD character may be something unexpected and not necessarily human

    3. Rophs


      True, on the internet nobody knows you're a giraffe!

    4. Chewett


      Im definitely not a wookie on the other end... honest

  16. I have a 20Kg bag of cement and some green glass powder for fixing the lighthouse. My general idea is to fill the cracks with cement and then replace the windows with newly forged panes of green glass. There will by many resources needed to make this. Sand for the glass and some to be mixed with the cement as an aggregate Lots of sticks and lumber to build a scaffolding allowing workers to safely reach the higher up cracks Water to activate the cement Some kind of permanent heat source, probably involving some kind of large "heat torch"
  17. Not necessarily. I could have voted for all except the first option and then you'd think there are four people who won't be there when it's in fact only one. You can also not divide by four because somebody could have only voted for two times, or three times including that time which would give the illusion of one person not going.
  18. Pasting links into the chat also falls into the realm of OOC and therefore should be scrambled as well
  19. The Grasan Ferment after a few days is stacking up like a resource, probably because every other creature harvestable item is a resource and it's borrowing code
  20. The first link was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ The second two were both http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3271
  21. I let my Constipated Grasan ferment for two days and then harvested expecting two separate usable ferments, instead I got this I thought it was weird so I used it and then I got this [log Potential steps to reproduce occurrence] Acquire 2 Wiiya Acquire 1 Constipated Grasan Wait for 2 Days Harvest Grasan Ferment from Constipated Grasan [/log]
  22. Nominee: John Smith Nominator: Rophs Reason for nomination: Despite being used as a joke to make fun of the MD Awards John Smith decided to keep quiet and not call out Chew/Ary on their crap. John Smith understands that sometimes a little bit of satire is needed when things get a little dumb.His sitting back quietly in the face of wrongful nomination was an absolute blessing on the realm. Imagine the uproar that would have been caused if he stood up and showed us an objection towards his absolutely silly nomination? Nominee: Eagle Eye Nominator: Rophs Reason for nomination: EE is an extremely loyal and kind player. Not once in my time at MD have I ever seen him say negative or sarcastic. His willingness to help others (even if they are not his adept/worshipr) is proven time and time again when he gives spare vit to people training at the GoE. Although his English might not be the best, it's never too difficult to understand him (especially after you've chatted with him a bit :D). When you have so few words you can't afford to have any mean ones.
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