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Amoran Kalamanira Kol

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Everything posted by Amoran Kalamanira Kol

  1. It is to my understanding that Phantom Orchid was linked to an exploit and was not told that it was a bug in the system, or that it was a specific exploit. However, she sold this exploit to lashtal of his own request, and it is apparent that Lashtal, nor the one who held the auction, or Phantom Orchid knew that this particular link was an exploit. Now, it is perfectly fair that she was punished for this, but what I fail to understand is why she was not granted the respect of a conversation regarding this event before she was punished. It came to my attention from a series of messages from Orchid herself that she was not aware that this was an exploit. Instead of giving her the respect of hearing her side of the story regarding the exploit, she was simply punished and humiliated through a public post and stripped of her newly gained LHO status.. I'm sorry, but that is not the way to handle this sort of thing. I bring into question as well, that there is another LHO who has done much worse in regards to breaking the rules. Yet she still remains with her spells and LHO status despite being jailed. I mean not to attack this particular LHO, or attack you (Grido) for doing what you have done- but I cannot bring myself to be quiet about this. [size=2][i]Edit: Edited to fix an error in a sentence.[/i][/size]
  2. This is very odd, I appear to not have gained the ability to edit my member title once I reached 500 posts. Strangely, I did not notice until just tonight.
  3. I would like to request a PM with details regarding her demotion as she is in fact a priestess of high standing in the Children of the Eclipse alliance. I would like to know the events surrounding this, and what she might have exploited. Thank you, Amoran Kalamanira Kol Sibyl of the Eclipse
  4. Sparrhawk at the moment is unable to fulfill the duties of a Half Moon Captain due to his obligations in real life. He is welcome to the position, always, and if he is brought into question, he can still be considered the Eclipse's Half Moon Captain... But we are looking for a captain to take on his duties and aid our Knights. The leaders of the Eclipse are doing what we are able to regarding the duties of our sleeping captain. [i][size=2]Edit: Edited...again.[/size][/i]
  5. Damn allergies in the worst way imaginable. That's right. I'm telling my own overactive immune system to screw itself.

    1. Princess Katt

      Princess Katt

      Me, too! I second this one.

    2. Sharazhad


      rather an overactive immune system than a suppressed one :P

    3. BFH


      I know what it feels....

  6. Awe, no one wants to cuddle Burns. Poor burns.
  7. Happy birthday, wookie!
  8. The artist is certainly not BlackThorn. His style of artwork is quite different from this one. The best way to identify BlackThorn's artwork is if you look for rough, small details throughout the art. He tends to draw mostly fantasy styled works. Very rarely have I seen him produce anything like this art.
  9. It was a good battle, but I admit that I've neglected training for too long due to courtesy reasons, and due to my being MP6. That will have to change. Elthen, I lost the battle anyway - nothing to get too upset about. It's only a competition. Though I do admit that it should have been stated in the rules or something that you have to be in an alliance, or... perhaps there should have been a banned entry for me so Eon could continue to participate. Thank you Burns for making it a fair competition for me, next time, if I notice that there is an mp6 - mp5 issue, I will likely drop out to avoid any problems for the competition you might be holding. I was quite sad that Eon was not able to participate.
  10. I'll gladly volunteer to do artwork, as I have set you a message via PM. I drew a bit of artwork for the last issue of the MDNP when Gargant was the one in charge of it, and I quite enjoyed drawing for it.
  11. Right, so.. the lake turned out to be a bit of a downer. I will advise anyone who goes to any of the lakes in the upper portion of Texas during this time, that there are severe outbreaks of blue-green algae and that the symptoms, rashes, and what not IS real. A friend who came with us had to leave early due to being sick from this stuff. The Marinas will not tell you this until the day of your leaving for the cabin, so the warning is likely to be late...intentionally I feel. Their biggest money-making weekend was blown, so of course. Right-then. It wasn't all terrible, just being away from the city was an enjoyable experience. Go for the cabins, not for the lake if you're headed there.
  12. I wish I could rough it for real. I haven't done that since I was 11 and camping at the gulf. Ah well, camping has a different meaning now I guess. To me it means you buy a cucumber, carrots, granola, and a ton of meat to cook over an open flame.. and you set up a big tent right on the ground, or sleep under the stars. It's really nice when you do it that way actually.
  13. I think I understand how they feel. I'm a cat owner myself and would be devastated if one of my animal buddies died on me. I will keep them in my thoughts, Kyphis. And to those who made the rude comments above: Show some bloody compassion.
  14. I was originally not going to do this, but since Amoran has a few in-game responsibilities such as taking care of adepts and worshipers.. I will be heading up to Lake Texoma this weekend to go camping. Fancy camping, that is, because the marinas there seem not to know what 'roughing it' is. Anyway, to my adepts: I will be taking my laptop with me, but I not be able to get online very much as the area we are camping in does not include internet, however there is an internet cafe near by so I will try to check messages and such when I am able. To the Eclipse: I will be leaving Amoran's position of Sybil with Phantom Orchid and the remaining priesthood while I'm gone. To fellow LHO: I will resume working toward becoming LHO when I return.
  15. Moving in and out of the shadow, it's no easy mission. Holding on to how I picture you. Showing only bits and pieces 'till the tide betrays you and your empty elocution. Searching your eyes for a hint or trace of humility.

    1. Maebius



    2. Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      Amoran Kalamanira Kol

      That's a lovely song. :)

  16. It is well understood that this sort of behavior is against the rules, but I disagree with Dst's method of finding such behavior. The community of MD does not need a watch dog to harass them into behaving. Most of us are adults between 18 and older. I'm sure we know how to behave like adults. I have said this once and I will say it again: Use a strict method to punishing players for breaking rules. Be reasonable about it. Do not create a war path. Haven't we seen too many war paths in the game already? Is there seriously a need for more useless arguments? No, there is absolutely not. Give people room to correct their mistakes rather than attacking them for it, and absolutely never go after people and purposefully seek mistakes simply because you do not like them. That is pure abuse of any position said person might hold. In regards to spells and rules: I do not think the log spell was ever intended to be used as a way to punish people you dislike for whatever reason you might find at the time. To my knowledge, it's to be used for record keeping. Perhaps it should be made clear that there is a list of rules at the top of the page called 'restrictions'. To those who have not read them, please do to avoid this sort of thing from happening again.
  17. Whether or not something is ancient lore shouldn't steer away from people using it in creative ways. Granted, it may not be accurate, but as long as participants in quests and the like know that it isn't accurate in accordance to MD's setting and story, then to me it should be fine. Some people may have liked Adi's stories enough to mention them in quests or stories of their own.
  18. Waste no energy on small things. What goes around comes around, often ten fold.

    1. Sharazhad


      aah, but it only takes a spark to start a roaring fire.

  19. If when I say I might fade like a sigh if I stay, you minimize my movement anyway - I must persuade you another way.

  20. If when I say I might fade like a sigh if I stay. You minimize my movement anyway. I must persuade you another way.

  21. List of donations sent to the organizer. I'm excited about this!
  22. Welcome back, then quizok! Take care not to allow the realm to drive you insane now that you're back. I've heard it has a habit of doing that. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
  23. Congratulations Burns! I expect that you'll torch the spammers and stab them with your stick sword! (If you have no idea what I mean, refer to the picture I drew for burnsie ages ago that he has in his papers.) [size=2][i]Edited: 'cause I was half asleep when I posted.[/i][/size]
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