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Everything posted by awiiya

  1. I am with Shadowseeker and Kafuuka. Even if I don't have creatures, stats, bonuses, or anything of that sort, and don't really need them because I don't move anyways, it still seems really... wrong. Is MD turning into a cash mongering game like so many other MMORPGs out there? The older MD gets, the less polarized it seems to be. When do we cross the line? In my opinion, we crossed the line long long ago, at tokens on creatures. But now is as good a time as any to stop crossing it. Awi
  2. Furthermore, when I was doing work for the Calendar, I completed both October and November, but somehow they were overlooked in the adding process. I sent both months to Aysun at her request, and neither was ever opened (the messenger tracks how many times things are downloaded. Neither was ever downloaded). Clearly something is lacking. Awi
  3. It's not my place to interfere, but I, as a quasi-veteran and past follower of Khalazdad, do find it within my rights to comment. Khalazdad repeated to me that it was the people that he served, not himself, and it was for his subjects that he would sacrifice everything as long as they called for him. Once they ceased to call, he moved on. When have the people asked for you to rule Rask? Where were you when elections came up and Peace was victorious? Now you come, expecting to be embraced by the very people Khalazdad left Kingless and without direction? Where is the imaginative touch of Khalazdad, the dark yet enticing way with words that he had? You have none of this. I don't see how his teachings have sunk in, as you claim. Never forget, Khalazdad came to fill a vacuum, and when that position no longer held him hostage, he moved on. There's one lesson that we all perhaps have to learn: how to let go when somebody or something no longer needs us. I'm practicing as hard as I can, what about you? Does the past still have its carefully manicured hands on you? Let's let Khalazdad rest in peace. Waggling his corpse about on the tip of a pole is too grotesque even for the likes of Sentinels. Awi
  4. I differ significantly on the following: You find fault with the system, I find fault with the individual. For instance, you say "Fixed authorities make limitations to our thoughts, and remove the freedom of ideas." The thing with authority is that each person chooses to follow their leader; no one forces anyone to become a citizen, and in truth there isn't anything physically limiting any one of us. Kings can't imprison non-citizens, and besides harassment (which is against the rules anyways), they shouldn't be able to significantly affect the game experience of any person not directly a part of their land. Instead of being limited by Kings and rulers, we are limiting ourselves by following them in the first place. My creativity, my writing, is not limited in any way. If Yrhtilian (my King) were to tell me to stop writing, I wouldn't give a moments thought to leaving my current alliance. Perhaps by pointing the finger at those in power, you're trying to get around the truth: you, and no one else, is responsible for your creativity and productivity. Own that. Awi
  5. [quote name='goldfinger earthicus' timestamp='1285992770' post='69494'] Basically , stop wingeing annd let Mur decide [/quote] "Let me know what you think about having a type of achievement that will give you a wishpoint for active days, without any other requirement." -Mur It pays to read the first post. If Mur wanted to just decide, he wouldn't have opened this topic in the first place. Awi
  6. DO NOT FORGET: Add AL events into the Calendar. You can find any events in your specified week by a quick command-f. The calendar is a little out-dated in it's style, and I as the creator of a few months will readily admit to that. It draws too much from the outside world for my tastes, but if people find it interesting, then I suppose it stays. It would be best to make a new calendar based solely on important events in real MD history, but lacking such initiative, I only ask that all the AL events that can be included are included. Awi P.S. I suppose now is as good a time as any for an admission: the calendar doesn't have the soundest base in fact. This came about because ancient cultures often used lunar or other calendars that do not have a representation in our Greggorian one, the conflict among scholars when events actually occurred, and the unreliability of researching cultures that are long and gone. For instance, I doubt anybody alive knows truly when a Mayan holiday for such-and-such God actually occurred, but we can probably assume that such a holiday has taken place sometime in the geologically-brief history of the human race, and if we miss the date by a few months or weeks, to me it was an acceptable sacrifice. This is the way I was told Actraiser did it, and it is the way I did too.
  7. I do not think that simply by logging in for a year or two one should be awarded a wish point. Wish points are meant to be awarded for thinking hard and working diligently, and while I do think there are meant to be certain benefits for longevity, this is not the proper way to reward our lovely veterans. INSTEAD: I suggest a new puzzle be created, and that puzzle be opened once every year. If you like, re-purpose the Broken Gazebo to give a wishpoint when solved every year, though I would greatly appreciate a new puzzle being created (Champion's Challenge, Mad Man's Trial, etc.) This would prevent active day collectors from getting a wishpoint for doing little more than existing and award those who who have been here a good deal of time and have the aptitude to solve a puzzle. Awi
  8. awiiya


    Unfortunately, I don't know anything about Joomla, but I know for a fact that there are tutorials on google. Good luck! Awi
  9. I'm confused, do we have to come to both times or only one? Awi
  10. As much as I thought the majority of your other poetry was mediocre at best, this free-thought poetry grabs me. Although it was not your intention to impress, or perhaps because it was not your intention, I am impressed. Awi
  11. [quote name='Kafuuka' timestamp='1284036206' post='68106'] Inventory items? I don't know if anyone that can, actually used that ability. You'd assume they'd be curious and test it though. I'm still lacking two WPs to get it myself.. unlikely I'll get them in time.I can help writing code; still better at c++ than MD script though. [/quote] Come find me at the Oak sometime and I'll let you use my watering can. Awi
  12. I can edit inventories and RPCs, but I would prefer not moving from my place at the Oak. If I can help, let me know. Awi
  13. awiiya


    Mur, if you do decide to give up all of MD to see if it allows you to better find yourself, then leave someone in charge of it and go off. Please leave the community intact. Awi
  14. awiiya


    For me, lost has less to do with "purpose" and more to do with familiarity. Just like the root of the expression, the way one becomes physically lost is by not knowing their surroundings. An emotional state of "lost" is a similar idea with a different setting: either you do not know yourself, or you do not know how you feel about things around you. When placed in an unfamiliar room in a comfortable bed, many of us still are uncomfortable. Ever had trouble sleeping in a hotel? The beds are always nicer than my own at home, but it is the emotional connection that factors into the needed feelings of security. The opposite of lost is therefore not secure or with a set purpose, but the sense of being connected. Links mean much, and there is more to "making someone feel at home" than you might expect. The ones who excell at politics and public relations are often people that are disarmingly friendly, or that remind you of people you already know. You're unlikely to instantly like anything unless you have already had exposure to a similar thing. This works for music too. Have you noticed that all pop songs are essentially the same, transformed or transposed a bit? People don't want revolutionary changes in song-writing, instead they want slight updates to an already established form. Awi
  15. I'm still here! And of course I remember you. Awi
  16. awiiya

    Link-Up Poetry

    So I hold it in my hand, This simple rock you gave, bland. With a single goodbye, and a kiss, I confide, My once found utterly lost. The lattice pattern, a speckled splatter Matched my wrinkled palms so precise, The start and stop lost its mark And I my veins ran cold with granite. I should have known, My eyes were marbles, Breath as tough as gravel. You were the flower, petals as smooth, too grown. With this rock, the love-swept token, I only know it's tough, to be broken.
  17. A kid riding in a red wagon, going too fast. Awi
  18. I agree with Tarquinus, that in my days of playing as a new player and as an mp5, whenever I was attacked by or attacking another player that beat me in round 0 I ceased to want to play the game of fighting. It stops being fun if I cannot reach a goal with a reasonable amount of work. That might be a flaw, or it might just be reasonable. Some people, when faced with an identical situation, go the opposite direction. The fact that it is hard makes them want to participate all the more, and they are willing to put in vast amounts of effort and time to achieve this difficult and lofty goal. In this way, the current fighting system is, and I agree with freelancer here, creating a new type of magic duel, one in which there is a distinct class difference: those who have the time and energy to build up resources and those that do not. I. do. not. This new magic duel is not in accordance with the old adage I've seen repeated and repeated myself a multitude of times: "Magic Duel's fighting system is based on the principle that a new player can beat an old player with either luck or tactical ability." Nad and february aren't young. They are old players with the number 3 rather than 5, and a whole lot of grinding under their belt. Which magic duel is better? Obviously, I prefer the one in which I have a chance to defeat all people without putting in extensive hours training. I'm one person. I remain unimpressed by the achievements listed above, though I have gained a good deal of perception into precisely how much time some people are willing to give in order to feel accomplished. Maybe I'll say thank you. Frankly, I'm more inclined to yawn. Awi
  19. awiiya

    Storing Troubles

    I like Chewett's solution, personally, as it's easiest to add numbers to. For printing purposes, you might want to use the php function implode. It's more simple than a for loop. [code] echo implode(" ,", array(clicky numbers)); [/code] Awi
  20. If you mean handing out the text (which, in truth, is the only important part about them), I see no issue with it. There was never a rule against handing them out (to my knowledge?). I think it would also be a good way to revive the docs. Get people more interested in them, perhaps they'll come back faster. Awi
  21. So I've been having some issues with the displaying qualities. I'm fairly certain the issue is the html and css of MD rather than php, but here is a watered down version of what I'm having issues with: html side [code] <form method="post" action=""> <textarea rows="20" cols="30" name="ApoProbs"> Add apostrophes or quotes in this box!! </textarea> <input type="submit" value="Submit!"> </form> <--! content separator --> <style type="text/css"> //This CSS is used to ensure that the pre will have wordwrap, rather than extending all the way off the page. pre { white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */ white-space: -moz-pre-wrap !important; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */ white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */ white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */ word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */ } </style> <pre> [[APOTESTS]] </pre> [/code] This in the MDS side [code] if (isset(@input['ApoProbs'])) echo str_replace("[[APOTESTS]]", @input['AproProbs'], @content[1]); else echo @content[0]; [/code] If you enter any apostrophes or double quotes in the textarea, they appear with backslashes when outputted. In the debug, however, there don't appear to be backslashes stored in the array. Strange! [b]SOLUTION[/b] It seems that even though the debug wasn't showing it, there were in fact backslashes being stored, which means that php automatically escapes ' and " when they are entered into the input. The solution is very simple: [code] if (isset(@input['ApoProbs'])){ @vt = stripslashes(@input['ApoProbs']); echo str_replace("[[APOTESTS]]", @vt, @content[1]); } else echo @content[0]; [/code] Thank you. Awi
  22. Monthly? Wow. If we did it monthly people would get very tired very quickly of the competition. Seems more like an annual thing to me. Awi
  23. Thank you very much for your birthday wishes! I will return shortly, refreshed, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Awi
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