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Everything posted by awiiya

  1. I mean this in the nicest way possible: The reason I disapprove of this quest is simple. Those who know you, your friends, have an incredible advantage over those who do not know you. In fact, it seems as though you're creating a quest just to give a WP to the friend who puts their knowledge into a response. In addition, this quest was done by Firsanthalas before, or at least a very similar permutation, and I didn't like it then either. You might argue that it is your WP and you may reward it to whomever you choose and for whatever reason. You're right, I can't stop you and I don't plan to try past this post. However, my opinion is that this quest is unfair, uncreative, and unoriginal. Awi
  2. To me, you're right that it is harmless behavior for one person to trade items between their accounts, if they have a good reason. However, I think the bigger issue is what about those that want to hide the items they have (to avoid being on the top item owner list). I would be annoyed if Shape Shifter suddenly made 36 alts and gave an item to each of them, and then vanished. So I think it's a fine sacrifice, because in truth I can't imagine anyone not being able to get around this rule. You have friends, do you not? Awi
  3. Lifeline is right, it is called a Wind Dragon. But regardless, in my eyes, the wind is a drachorn... and so he should be grouped with this species. What does the creatureboost of wind "dragons" do? It boosts other drachorns. If you want Wind Dragons to be another species, then you have to change it so that their creatureboost only affects dragons. It's more preferable to me to keep it the way it is. Awi
  4. If nothing else, dst, you're consistent. But more to the matter at hand - can you give a link to this citizenship list? I didn't know one existed. Or is it a secret list? Awi
  5. The church really should have considered zombie brides when they made the wedding vows... Ah well. Regardless, dst, you have to marry Grido. Awi
  6. I don't see why Chewett - it's offtopic after all.
  7. While I just got the fabulous image of you as a punk rocker, no. I mean a marriage ring. Dst are you a christian? Awi
  8. As the song goes, Peace, "If you like it then you should have put a ring on it." Where's the ring? I want a ring, people. Awi
  9. Dst - you're only a lady when it serves your interests. The rest of the time you're just dst. But the truth is that if you stop logging in you have let them win! You need to marry Grido to save the realm! Yes! Be a hero! Awi
  10. Lightsage is right. If you ask, it makes you seem greedy. Awi
  11. You probably upset more people by telling of your "experiment" than you would have by remaining silent. Awi
  12. Your experiment was going flawlessly until that post right there were you admit to doing a test. Why tell us? There's no point but for you to feel a bit of pride in having "pulled the wool over our eyes." Next time, don't let us even know. It's better that way. Awi
  13. Oh, aaron, you are so smart! I am astounded by your ability to see a rule and find a very clever way to abuse it! Wow, I bet that has never occurred to anyone else. Ever. I'll go make a statue in your honor. Let me cut this hard and dry for you: most people realize ways in which they can generally be a nuisance to others. In addition to this, they refrain from enacting their realizations, precisely because it's obnoxious, and it makes people angry. When I was being particularly annoying on purpose (I used to play the game of repeating why after every response too) my mother used to say, "You're not cute and you're not funny." I wish she were here. Awi
  14. Sure, if you want it to occur weekly, it's simple: Tell people that there is going to be a philosophical discussion once a week, and name a time. *smiles* But yes, from time to time, I will probably be organizing a few. Awi
  15. Can someone provide me with some guidance on how to import CSS into a scriptable item? More specifically, can I import MD's own CSS? Awi
  16. awiiya

    Sunny Bedroom

    I saw the way you look at her. Awi
  17. I like the idea of having teamplay be a part of MD, because as the world stands it feels solitary. Maybe even alone. If this is at all coding feasible, please, do it. Awi
  18. Tomorrow at 7:30 Kets and I will be hosting a relatively impromptu philosophical discussion. It will be held at the Oak for those who are familiar with it's location. If you are not, ask around, someone is bound to know. Make it if you can, be disappointed if you can't. Awi PS: The topic is the nature of artificiality (what is natural, what is artificial, can artificial become natural, etc.) PSS: Should we get to it, a secondary topic could be ethical killing, as that seems to be a hot topic nowadays. Or rather, the benefits of being polite.
  19. awiiya

    Sunny Bedroom

    Pip, I read that announcement, but fail to see where it mentions the choosing of the keymaster. Can you be more pointed? Awi LE: Question answered via Udgard.
  20. What you seem to be suggesting is that we of the community, when doing anything, must ask anybody who will be affected by the action before acting. Examples: Before killing someone, you must make sure they know something is happening. Before tying them down, make sure to say *tries to tie down personx*. I agree that in the case of something "imaginary" (lacking in-game support) it is necessary and polite to make sure that all parties in an action are in agreement. If I were to cast a spell I didn't have on somebody, I would make sure that they were going to play along before I did it. In the case of a game mechanic, such as spells, items, etc, I think it is perfectly acceptable for someone to act without the permission of another. We jail people without asking them whether they want to be jailed, and I think it's fine to kill them without asking as well. If the game gives you the power to do something then everybody else has to abide by that. The only set of rules we ALL have to obey are the ones that are hard coded. The social rules, which is the majority of roleplay, are best left to group consensus. I've been criticized before for casting a GoE spell on someone without asking, and people have called me rude for doing so. It is within my power, and so I feel no guilt, and so perhaps I am deserving of their criticism. However, I still hold that if someone is given the power to enforce their actions, it is not in poor "manners" to act on their desires without asking. That is what this conversation boils down to: what is the proper etiquette of roleplaying? In my case, I do not think casting spells without asking is rude. I do think that using asterisks to perform actions that are not hardcoded is rude. That is a line I draw, though I can see how you would draw a vastly different line. I will maintain my belief, whether or not it is considered rude. Awi
  21. Mcvitie, they are offering no more than they did before. There is no silver, no credits: just the normal bonuses one receives from joining an alliance. Be sure to read carefully. Awi
  22. I will offer my "talents" of writing. Have you worked with me before, or do you need a taste? Awi
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