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Everything posted by powle

  1. Rookie: Serenity snow Helper: Syrian (all those pickles :D ) Quester: Rophs (rickroll quest was sooooooo much fun)
  2. powle

    This Quiz...

    more acurate than i expected it to be :D http://colorquiz.com/results.php?code=m,2,1,7,3,6,4,0,5,2,2,1,6,3,7,4,5,0,1&p=full
  3. perhaps the only time you really feel like yourself is when you are isolated in your own mind and whenever you try to interact with the outside world it feels like it is trying to invade you "personal space" (both physicaly and mentaly) and that every interaction will somehow alter your core (essence of being). Thats why your eyes and ears are like a cage, the sensations you feel through them make you feel like the "you" in that moment is not your true natural self but instead some altered perception of yourself. The darkness of being isolated in your own mind is something i can understand very well but can't find any good words to explain it.
  4. i know Bash Chelik got some credits from someone (can't remember who it was) last christmas so i guess it is possible but i have no idea how it is done.
  5. i personaly like the pencil drawings more than the computer one.
  6. I have only one question: does a player gain alliance loyalty by fighting? (if I understand correctly that is how it works at the moment) -if the answer is YES then the leadership of any alliance is allways passed to the best fighter (or to be precise the player that's doing the most grinding atm) which is not necessarly also the best leader (the person within alliance with most leadership skills). I would even go as far as to say it is highly unlikely to happen. -if the answer is NO then no one is right and it doesn't need changing (feel free to ignore my post in this case)
  7. i log in every day but it depends on RL how long. When i'm busy (which was the case these past few weeks but hopefully will change soon) i only stay for a couple of minutes otherwise i walk around the land for a few hours a day. I don't have an official role yet, i have done a quest or two and have ideas for a few more but haven't had the time to finish them yet.
  8. mine is working too
  9. well if chewett can allready measure and "score" activity (which makes perfect sense to me because the server gets a small burst of information from your computer any time you perform any type of action (and usually has to respond with sending some information back)) then you could just say you need to do X amount of actions (of any kind) to prove you were active on that day. You don't even have to tell players how many actions they have to take and you can have some actions give more points than other. Just have an "activity bar" that fills up a bit every time you do something and when it reaches 100% you get the daily bonus. edit: this way someone could do a little bit of fighting, a bit of talking (RP or just casual chatting), a bit of exploring,... and not focus too much on any one thing
  10. GG was off-limits for regular players and there were rumors going around that it was being used as a testing ground for spells which were a "soon" to be added feature at that time. (check out the maps chew posted in the ancient screenshots topic, you'll see that names of the scenes in GG are missing on one of them) the labyrinth was also not there yet at that time :) and any fresh player could easly get into MDA to get his papers (or explore the land) without the need to beg for pickles. there were no resources or tools to gather them.
  11. 2) Bloodpact heretic archer ----> 1 sc
  12. You might be right Syrian, but things are not allways so easy. Just beacause someone is nice to everbody doesn't mean that others Will be nice to him. I can find you hundreds of examples for that both in MD and in RL. History is full of people that never did anything to harm anyone - even more - they actually try to help others and improve various things but they were still hated. and not just by one or two persons but by hundreds or even thousands of people and most of them didn't die of natural causes (if you know what i mean). A perfect example is a kid being bullied in school. In almost all cases the kid never did anything to deserve being mistreated but he still gets harrassed daily. We can only wish that such things didn't ever happen in MD but they do and there isn't really much any one person can do about it. It might be hard to understand if you were never a victim of harrasment, but when you have been mistreated by too many people for too long it gets increasingly hard to tell friend from foe. To see who is genuinely trying to help you and who is just trying to help you fall into a pit so they can laugh at you more. When everbody hates you (or even if it just seems like they do) it is extremly hard to give them back love (yes even to that one person among all the haters that actually likes you). I'm not saying that DD is being harrassed but from reading his post i get the feeling that this is how he percieves the situation (and one's perception of reality can be quite warped when in a highly emotional state). My guess is DD had some bad experiences in RL that made him react to other people in the way that he does (like a subconscious self defence mechanism that is meant to protect him from suffering emotional injuries - you get hurt the most when you are betrayed by those you are attached to so you try to prevent yourself from getting attached to others - needless to say this kind of a deffence mechanism doesn't usualy pay off in the long run). For the finish: Dark Demon if you ever need somebody to talk to or you want any help do not hesistate to contact me. I know what it is like to feel hated and unaccepted so I Will allways do my best to help anyone that feels that way (this includes Mur since he said that he gets that feeling often when trying to bring changes to MD).
  13. The problem with freedom is that you can't give absolute freedom regarding everything to everyone. The reason for this is that sooner or later the freedoms of 2 (or more) people will clash. example: player A wants to explore the east (and he is free to so) player B wants to teleport player A to GoE (and he is free to do so) player C wants to teleport player A to GoC (and he is free to do so) it is impossible for all 3 of them to get what they want. At "best" (best as in 2 win 1 lose) you could have player B and C both cast their spells but the first one casting would basically waste his spell because player A would be at GoE (or GoC depending which player cast first) only for the short time before the other one casts his spell aswell. So player A clearly has his freedom taken away by the other 2 players and it is debatable if B and C really both got their freedom or it was actually just one of them who is happy in the end. Real life is full dilemas like this through time there were different solutions - one example is a very strict hierarchy where you get chushed by those above you and you stomp those beneath you (it works but it's hardly the best solution) another possibility is to make a list of basic human rights and say you're free to do anything you want except things that would take away someone else's basic human rights (i like this one the most in RL but in MD we would have to set some kind of borders for those basic rights because if you don't allow any action performed on other players it gets a little boring and if you allow too much people will harrass one another) there are other possibilities of course but i'll leave it at that for the time being.
  14. i got a nice story for you all. A Young boyscout decides he wants to get a "helps people in need" badge. He decides to bake some cookies and deliver them to starving kids. After spending quite a few hours of time making the cookies he sets out to the orphanage on the other side of the town. But then when he reaches the orphanage he notices a misterious (and a little creepy) figure standing nearby. He shrugs hoping nothing will happen and pushes the door open. Just as he is about to hand out the cookies that misterious figure grabs the cookies and runs away with them. The boyscout runs after the thief for some time but eventually gives up. He apologises to the starving kids for not giving them the cookies and goes to the police to report the crime. But the police says that they refuse to act because he was doiing it for the sake of his comunity and so it should be the comunity that resolves the issue. members of this comunity than say: -that the only person hurt was the boyscout and that the starving children that were denied the cookies are irrelevant -that it was a win-win situation for the boyscout because either he gets a badge or he gets a reason to make a police report (both apparently equally winning result and again the fact that the children are still hungry is still irrelevant) -that it is the boyscout's own foult for having the cookies stolen - it is afterall the most natural thing to bring a SWAT team with you to proect you from harm every time you go deliver cookies to an orphanage or anything simmilar -more very interesting things that i can't immediately think of. And the only thing the thief has to say is: I didn't steal the cookies because it was Boyscout that was delievering them - i would (and will) steall cookies from any person at any given time whenever it is possible. And many (or at least a few) members of the comunity think that if this is the case then it's all OK. now for those of you that think that everything in this story makes sense, that there is nothing wrong with it... well i'm sorry to say so but perhaps there's something wrong with you.
  15. @no one: Leadership skills CAN be learned. it is not something you have to be born with.
  16. i also went through storymode when I went from mp4 to mp5 and i allways chose 24h meditation period so there were Quite a few days that i wasn't able to see anything in chat because all I could access was the story page. Don't get me wrong Aeo - i'm not saying you didn't do well in your atempt to make this alliance work - on the countrary i think you did a very good job considering how few of us there are and how limited our time seems to be (well at least it is for me). I think perhaps your expectations were a bit too high. If we try to make regular and big events just to get recognised by the council then i sadly doubt we can make it at this time (i don't know about the rest but i got many things IRL right now that make it hard for me to spend much time in MD). That doesn't mean we should just give up on it entirely, maybe we should start small and do things the way they feel natural to us. Whenever one of us has the time and willpower to do an event or even just a friendly discussion like Rophs mentioned we should go for it. Of course as the leader you're supposed to encourage us a bit, but don't get too depressed if sometimes some of us (or even all of us) can't make it. I say give it a little more time...
  17. i just feel the need to make some things clear 1. i never cared for the badge, which is why i never joined any of the existing alliaces. I like the ideals of CoE and that was the only reason i applied to join it. 2. i have been working on that pilgramage this whole time and i can send you the proof right now if you want - which brings me to my next point: 3. i have not recieved even a single message from you after you gave me the task. no deadline no request to see my progress nothing. you might have left some messages in the chat but if that is the case then it must have been at a time when i was away because i never got to read a single one of them. It is true that i could have sent something back on my own but i was unsure how long this first period was supposed to last so i kept waiting. 4. if the sermon you are talking about is that walk from LR gates to NC gates that i remember then your memory isn't serving you very well. I have helped lead the disscusion in the right way for at least half an hour (even though i was totaly unprepaired for it and had no idea what the sermon was supposed to be like until you got teleported and sent me a message asking me to keep it going) after that i had some IRL buissiness to take care of so StrongWilledLegna continued the ceremony and as far as i can remember she was able to lead everbody to NC gates. The discussion might have been a little weird because there were 3 different people running it without any real planing done beforehand, but i think it went pretty well all things considered. (on a totaly different note - is it not quite damaging to the allready poor comunity (low population) to sabotage such player made events (by sending the leader to GoC for example)? sabotaging one makes others reluctant to make their own attempts and the number of events is allready low as it is)
  18. the battle log sometimes displays very strange things. Like this: Creature Experience reward for powle - Losing player Pimped Grasan Huvourer recovers 87.5 Vitality Pimped Grasan Huvourer gains -86 Xp Chaos Archer recovers 1050 Vitality Chaos Archer gains -86 Xp Knator War Master recovers 80 Vitality Knator War Master gains -86 Xp Unholy Priest II recovers 66 Vitality Unholy Priest II gains -86 Xp Winderwild recovers 6 Vitality Winderwild gains -86 Xp Tormented Soul recovers 7.2 Vitality Tormented Soul gains -86 Xp Creature Experience reward for Change - Winning player Unholy Pope recovers 8.7 Vitality Unholy Priest II recovers 926.64 Vitality Unholy Priest II recovers 118.8 Vitality Unholy Priest II recovers 52.8 Vitality Unholy Priest II recovers 118.8 Vitality Unholy Priest II recovers 52.8 Vitality No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward Winner gets won fights counter incremented! Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented! How can you win with all your creatures dead? (i think in this case change really did win and the mistake was in stating that no creatures survived, but i'm not 100% sure - that's why i made a copy of this log to study it more carefully sometime soon when i have some more free time)
  19. since some creatures change their abilities and/or targeting options upon leveling up it would very likely completly break mp5's ritual
  20. interesting :) i never suspected ID to be of any importance in a fight
  21. well it would be enough if you could make sure that the first time sw/ts aura goes first and the second time it goes last. if the difference in the amount of stats you steal is really big then it means that boosts increase creature stats imediately and thus make skillvampire steal much less (this is what would make sense to me, but things don't allways work like i would suspect). if it is true it means you have to give special attention to the order of auras when you try to use skillwamp in combination with boosts.
  22. also you could test if the amount of stats you steal gets lower if (at least some of) your boosts get aplied before skilvampire aura
  23. if he was the defender then his boost aura should get applied after your auras.
  24. yes they CAN, but will they want to? some might be reluctant to drop their ally badge... anyways this isn't my problem so all i can say is "good luck" :D
  25. some tokens increase the max vitality of a creature _permanently_. That vitality is then allways present on said creature and doesn't get applied in fights (thus being unaffected by % of influence used). on another note: where will you get the participants if you only accept players with no land and alliance? i have seen very few of fthose lately...
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