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  1. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Nimrodel in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    Its interesting how you make all these assumptions Aeoshattr. I have know mike outside of the game since a loooong time. He did not ask for pardon this time too. He believes that they should be let out automatically after their term has been served. I DECIDED TO ASK FOR HIS RELEASE BECAUSE HE IS A FRIEND AND I WANT TO SEE HIM ACTIVE AGAIN. I hope that makes it clear. UNless you happen to be blind which seems like a possible issue because I seem to have mentioned the reasons for me asking for his release before in this thread.
    Its not about inconvenience. It is a matter of pride and principle. Most people dont like to beg for stuff.
  2. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Tom Pouce in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    One example of a reason why a conversation would be needed first: for all we know this could be someone else who now has access to Mike's account and wants to jumpstart his/her way into MD by using this account. Which seems at least slightly (and by that I mean abominably) unethical.
    Plus, I don't see why suddenly it's this anniversary that he decides to ask for a pardon through someone else, and not in the previous anniversaries. Plus "he's active" but I have not seen him in the active players list even once, which makes me think he logs in and out for ADs, which IMO hardly counts as active...
    I think it's imperative and commonsense that all, jailed accounts must first undergo a conversation with an admin, especially if they have been jailed a long time ago. And I sincerely do not see the inconvenience in personally e-mailing Chewett or Mur about a ban... 
  3. Downvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Nimrodel in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    One example of a reason why a conversation would be needed first: for all we know this could be someone else who now has access to Mike's account and wants to jumpstart his/her way into MD by using this account. Which seems at least slightly (and by that I mean abominably) unethical.
    Plus, I don't see why suddenly it's this anniversary that he decides to ask for a pardon through someone else, and not in the previous anniversaries. Plus "he's active" but I have not seen him in the active players list even once, which makes me think he logs in and out for ADs, which IMO hardly counts as active...
    I think it's imperative and commonsense that all, jailed accounts must first undergo a conversation with an admin, especially if they have been jailed a long time ago. And I sincerely do not see the inconvenience in personally e-mailing Chewett or Mur about a ban... 
  4. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lintara in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    One example of a reason why a conversation would be needed first: for all we know this could be someone else who now has access to Mike's account and wants to jumpstart his/her way into MD by using this account. Which seems at least slightly (and by that I mean abominably) unethical.
    Plus, I don't see why suddenly it's this anniversary that he decides to ask for a pardon through someone else, and not in the previous anniversaries. Plus "he's active" but I have not seen him in the active players list even once, which makes me think he logs in and out for ADs, which IMO hardly counts as active...
    I think it's imperative and commonsense that all, jailed accounts must first undergo a conversation with an admin, especially if they have been jailed a long time ago. And I sincerely do not see the inconvenience in personally e-mailing Chewett or Mur about a ban... 
  5. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from dst in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    One example of a reason why a conversation would be needed first: for all we know this could be someone else who now has access to Mike's account and wants to jumpstart his/her way into MD by using this account. Which seems at least slightly (and by that I mean abominably) unethical.
    Plus, I don't see why suddenly it's this anniversary that he decides to ask for a pardon through someone else, and not in the previous anniversaries. Plus "he's active" but I have not seen him in the active players list even once, which makes me think he logs in and out for ADs, which IMO hardly counts as active...
    I think it's imperative and commonsense that all, jailed accounts must first undergo a conversation with an admin, especially if they have been jailed a long time ago. And I sincerely do not see the inconvenience in personally e-mailing Chewett or Mur about a ban... 
  6. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Aethon in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    If they are unaware why they were jailed then either it was explained clear enough in the beginning or they just choose to ignore it.
    If it's the latter, then they can pretend to "understand" and simply say "Yep, yep, sure."
    If someone is put into jail, they aren't released on the terms "Do you understand you've been naughty? Don't do it again!" they get released  expected to know that if it happens again then the consequences are worse than before.
  7. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Chewett in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    >In an optimal way the jail system should be automated, as in the spell would set a certain amount of time for the ban and after the time is fulfilled user is returned to GoE.
    Did you read the reasons why we request a talk with the person we are freeing? I dont think these can be fulfilled by an automated system.
  8. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Ungod in Guess the scene   
    (This was supposed to run during MB's day, but I had some technical isues and couldn't do it)
    The task is simple: identify the scenes from which the following details are taken and write a list with the names of those scenes, then send it to me(forum/in-game pm). To make it a bit more challenging, I added a lens effect on the details
    Rewards: I deemed this quest to be very easy - one can simply pull out screenshots and solve it (like I will, to check your answers), but you can prove me wrong. So, for now, the reward is 6sc and 1 HW plushie, but if I get wrong answers...the rewards will only increase. You've got one shot at it, no alts allowed.

    I forgot to add there are a max of three winners for this one....also, a very generous sponsor wants to add some crits to the pool
    I'm waiting for lists, don't be shy, everyone can join.
  9. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from DARK DEMON in Dress the AVY   
    I knew you'd do this. Love you, Miq.

  10. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Ungod in MD IRL   
    I don't know if this will be a valid entry, because I had to tinker around that scrap dragon (so it's not really a collage), but there was no other way to do it. All photos are mine.
    (this is not my favorite scene, but it must be someone's)

    And, hey, there's another collage quest around!
  11. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Chewett in Option to hide / unhide creatures from sacrifice interface.   
    There are some plans for some of these things.
    "Favourite creatures" and a "saving of rare creature spirits"
  12. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to dst in Option to hide / unhide creatures from sacrifice interface.   
    Same idea under a different concept:
  13. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Faceless in Option to hide / unhide creatures from sacrifice interface.   
    As the title says, would it be possible to have a tickbox to be able to prevent certain creatures from showing up in the altar sacrifice interface? I'm thinking that this could be something that appears in the creatures tab, next to the heal button of each creature maybe. New creatures would by default be unhidden.
    I always live with the fear that I'll accidentally (and permanently as fork) sacrifice an important critter.
  14. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from MaGoHi in Create a New DQ Drink - Birthday Quest   
    So a picture is not mandatory, from what I understand? Also, from what I understand it has to be something that could be made (and drunk) IRL, and then try to translate that into MD ingredients? 
    If that is the case... then here. My favourite IRL drink (aren't y'all glad you learned something about me today  ):
    Fresh Lemonade:
    Effects? Well... it's alcoholic (in MD) so... gets you drunk?

  15. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Lintara in Dress the AVY   
    I knew you'd do this. Love you, Miq.

  16. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from dst in Dress the AVY   
    I knew you'd do this. Love you, Miq.

  17. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to MRAlyon in Dress the AVY   
    I have an unerring shot:-) Happy Birthday MD!!!

  18. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from MaGoHi in Dress the AVY   
    I knew you'd do this. Love you, Miq.

  19. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Junior in Option to hide / unhide creatures from sacrifice interface.   
    As the title says, would it be possible to have a tickbox to be able to prevent certain creatures from showing up in the altar sacrifice interface? I'm thinking that this could be something that appears in the creatures tab, next to the heal button of each creature maybe. New creatures would by default be unhidden.
    I always live with the fear that I'll accidentally (and permanently as fork) sacrifice an important critter.
  20. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Miq in Dress the AVY   
    I'm not that good at drawing but this is how i picture Aeoshattr bringing a cake.

  21. Upvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to dst in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    Actually they do. It's their responsibility to contact someone that can get the out of jail.
  22. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from MaGoHi in Make a new Cake or Tea   
    From what I'm reading, it doesn't have to be Loreroot themed, right? Feel free to ignore my post, if it does.

    Necrovian Bitter (Tea) - 4 portions
    Mineral Water (x4) Toxic Herbs (x4) Tea Leaves (x4) Solid Stench (x1) Heat Stone (x1) Preparation:
    Warm the teapot with the heat stone. Melt the Solid Stench into the teapot. Hopefully you weren't planning on ever using it for anything else again. Add the toxic herbs. Definitely not to be used for anything else again. Let the toxic herbs simmer in the melted stench. Add the tea leaves. Maybe that will help with the awful smell. Add the mineral water. It has to be cold, to douse the simmering herbs. Wait until completely cold. Serving:
    Serve only if completely cold. Can be had with a pickle. Should always be served with a healthy dose of self-loathing and misery.
  23. Downvote
    Aeoshattr reacted to Nimrodel in To Pull CrazyMike out of Jail   
    Its been long since he has completed his sentence. Too Long infact. Cant he be released? I talked to him recently, He said, that he was still pacing in the jail. And quite active. Since this is the time for jail pardons, I was wondering if he could be released by the mods.
  24. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Jubaris in Dress the AVY   
    Why are colours so difficult... Oh well. Here's my take on Jubaris:
    Can I argue it's very MD-like because it only uses black, white and gold, to compensate for me being inept at colouring things properly? 

  25. Upvote
    Aeoshattr got a reaction from Nimrodel in Queen of Sheba - MD Bday Quest   
    Requested gore:
    You may or may not want to read this depending on how squeamish you are.
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