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Aia del Mana

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Posts posted by Aia del Mana

  1. I have found the issue:

    There is no map for all coordinates in realm 4 (all locations starting with "4"). There is a map for realm 3 - the very same map.

    Scenes, however, are configured to load the map for their realm.

    This is related to this previous bug noted by Chewett.

    One method to fix this would involve duplicating the map, but this would result in those within the same map but different realms being unable to see each other upon it.

    I am able to create the map and perform of some cartography to place the markers (for Chewett or Mur to upload), but I wonder if this should be resolved along with Chewett's noted issue.



  2. I have noted some murmurs upon the discordant portal with suggestions to alter the creature interface.


    Below is an example of how it presently were (on the left) and what my proposition for change were (on the right).


    I have made a poll; please do vote upon it - if there are any other suggestions, I would that these should be posted within the thread.



    Almost one year hence, I did note of this declaration by none other than the Grand Duke himself.


    On 4/15/2020 at 7:20 AM, Chewett said:

    This will be an annual quest. It is decided.

    Ah; perhaps it were so, but one who wishes not to create of the same quest anew may do so with some differences.

    This year, as with the last, I encourage all to create of tasteful memery. These should be relevant in some method to the realm of MagicDuel, which may also include of events within the realm, and if the event or allusion were subtle, an explanation should accompany - unless the meme doth explain it.

    As in previous years, the scoring system for each post shall go as follows:

    Each "Like" or "Upvote" upon the post shall score a single point for the post in question, with no subtraction of points for "Downvotes".

    I would, as in the previous year, appreciate, for scoring purposes, a single meme in each post (other than to quote previous memery).

    On 4/15/2020 at 1:17 AM, Chewett said:

    One entry per post?


    What, then, were different this year? Very well; here were the schemery...

    One may steal points from another by posting a reply to any meme already posted, at risk of losing points. This shall function as follows:

    If one should post a single meme in reply to another single meme (quoting the original in question), and the reply-meme receives more likes and upvotes than the original, then the reply meme's total point value shall be increased by 1, and the original's shall be decreased by 1.
    However, if the reply should receive fewer likes and upvotes, then the reply meme's total point value shall be decreased by 1, and the original's increased by 1. Of course, the reply must be related to the original in some way, including in referral to the person who created the meme (e.g. person 1 uses person 2 in a meme - much like Chewett did use Ledah in the above meme; person 2 can reply using person 1 in the reply-meme).

    An additional rule: One cannot reply to any specific meme more than once (although a sequential chain is possible, and encouraged.)

    Multiple replies to the same post will each incur their own bonuses and penalties - for example, if a post should have three replies, and two of them receive greater numbers of votes while one receives fewer, then the total adjustment to the final point score of the post shall be -2 +1 = -1.

    Rewards for this quest shall be as follows:

    1 coloured elemental
    1 coloured winderwild
    1 coloured pope
    1 16th anniversary creature

    1st choice: The highest point score, including adjustments from the schemery in a post containing a single original (non-reply) meme
    2nd choice: The highest point score, including adjustments from the schemery in a post containing a single reply meme
    3rd choice: The most untouchable original meme as determined by votes - that is, the greatest difference between unmodified scores between an original and reply, where the reply scores lower
    4th choice: The most savage reply as determined by votes - that is, the greatest difference between unmodified scores between an original and reply, where the reply scores higher

    Additionally, participation rewards (likely plushies) for all will be dependent on total contribution and calculated at the close.

    Exceptional entries may also receive a stat bonus or alteration, potentially related to the content of the entries in question.

    Entries will close at the end of the Anniversary, but are open from the time of this posting, even though the Anniversary has not officially commenced.

  4. I confirm that this creature satisfies the requirement for (3a), and so, Ledah has been granted a wish-point.

    I am also quite impressed; the requirements for ascension of this creature, I had believed, were quite difficult, but mayhap, all were trivial for well-travelled veterans such as Ledah - the creature, at the time of posting the screenshot, was but a single day old.

    The reward inscription reads:

    "For being the first to ascend the Pure Elemental to its final ascension, as part of the Quest of the Apothecary's Delight.

    An incredible achievement, considering both how little time was taken, and the prohibitive ascension requirements of the Pure Elemental. Ledah is a true veteran, and mayhap, one day, will become a master of combat."

    The reward for (1, 2, and 3b) remain available.

  5. A curious moss, is the Apothecary's Delight;
    she who plants it shall be depleted of happiness;
    she who waters it shall lose her beauteous appearance;
    she who tills of its soil shall be barren;
    and she who consumes it shall find delirium.
    It is a parasite, in every regard; and yet, the Apothecary rejoices in its discovery;
    as she who returns it to the endless cycle shall reap of unfathomable felicity.

    ~ Excerpt from Compendia Lorerootia, 16th edition


    A quest I have decided to release afore the commencement of the Anniversary celebrations, as it should allow those of the realm some additional time to complete it. For those that enjoy obtaining and nurturing creatures - this is a quest for thee!

    It appears that the Unholy Guard has requested some samples of this moss; after all, he appears quite curious as to the delirium it should cause, and whether it is possible to recruit of new members to their order, by initiating them with this very moss.
    He is seeking only of completely mature samples - those that have reached their final level of ascension; in return, he has chosen to divulge to myself some secrets in regard to another being, of which I am quite eager to learn.

    I refer to a recent announcement - https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/5153 - this, I believe, were that in question.


    Thy quest, then, were thus:

    1. Obtain this creature, and advance it to the maximal level, using any means necessary.

    2. Transfer me this creature (do send the CTC via Forum PM only - I will receive it to confirm that it is indeed the final ascension) - in return, I will grant thee this other-being (via CTC, as a Forum response); this is thine to keep, but is limited to one per entrant. This other-being is the reward in question. (This other-being is not the Anniversary Creature; it is one that has not yet been released).

    For those that demonstrate of this feat, there are two further - either of which may be completed independently of the other:

    3a. Advance the creature that I do grant thee in (2) to its final ascension, and prove this via a screenshot of the creature in this Forum Thread, with the Creature ID and thine identity clearly visible.
    The first to complete this will obtain one wishpoint, and the victor will be determined by the timestamp of the message containing this. If this is not performed by the completion of the Sixteenth Anniversary celebrations, then this part of the contest will continue until a victor should arise.

    3b. Obtain further samples of the fully ascended Apothecary's Delight, for the Unholy Guard. The one who is able to grant myself the largest number of these on completion of the Anniversary will receive another (unreleased, non-anniversary) creature, also possessed by the Unholy Guard.


    Entries for this contest shall be open until the close of the Sixteenth Anniversary - other than that stated in 3a, which shall be open as long as necessary.


  6. An issue noted upon the Gateway Island.

    When giveitem#item=realityshards;qty=1 is used, the notification states "You have successfully obtained 1". There were no mention of Reality Shards, and the speech-box shall state: {Player} creates - again without mention of the item in question.

    Despite the anomalous notifications, the item shall be correctly given to the player in question.

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