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Aia del Mana

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Posts posted by Aia del Mana

  1. I declare that this quest were completed, and the Unholy Guard, through a series of... unfortunate events, is with us no longer, and so, no further moss may be exchanged.

    Ledah has won the coloured priest, with a total of 12 Witherwraith granted (some, in course, with some rather amusing titles). None other did provide of greater than a single specimen.

    Of note during this contest:
    Nepgear provided a moss with 617 wins (no other moss had more than 10 wins more than the number required for final advancement)
    Six players advanced the moss to the penultimate level and were unable to advance the same moss to the final level: Ledah, Fang Archbane, lashtal, MRAlyon, Sunfire, and Lazarus
    Those that provided a completed moss and received a coloured elemental: Else, Sunfire, Pipstickz, MaGoHi, Fang Archbane, Demonic God, lashtal, Ledah, Nepgear.

    Congratulations to Ledah, who, although he could not win his own combat contest, has won both 3a. and 3b.

  2. I attempted to make this a reality using the Unholy Guard NPC (which had, I believe, an almost ideal ritual for heat-loss; three maxed coloured elementals and three maxed coloured popes).

    The cost for this had been that one would have required a trip to Necrovion. I had previously attempted to add a cost of a round trip to the Trial of Agony, but this resulted in a loss of function of the Unholy Guard (adding a quest-key to the NPC means one cannot also lose heat from fighting it.)

    I would suggest that the cost of the suggested feature should be no more than that of an appropriately heated creature that may be sacrificed. If one were able to purchase a creature with 28000000 points of heat upon it, regardless of the other intrinsic value of the creature, how much should this cost? I would think it were no more than two pieces of gold, and mayhap, far less. I would think one credit would be sufficient for this purpose, and that it would appear in the Shop.

    There were already a purchase quite far within the shop that allows one to lose heat - I believe it were in the realm of 330000 points - which doth function upon an MP3 character, I believe - and so, if such a wish were merely to be brought forward within the shop (or placed in the "temporary boosters" section so that it would be readily accessible in sufficient amounts, maybe 50 or so, which would also make it so that the Rustgold Drachorn cannot be purchased immediately), this would suit.

  3. 39 minutes ago, Clair de Lune said:

    Is it possible to have something from the game to attack, like the shop guardians, but doesn't give you anything from the result - no win / loss or creature / skill gain. This way I could try different combinations of creatures to see how they work together and it not feel like I'm "cheating".

    This were indeed possible, and even when not in isolation from the other ideas within this thread, I cannot see any downside in this, so it shall be a future undertaking of mine.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Demonic God said:

    I'd say that banning the Moss but not the other Aia creation (Berserker I believe - that does aimshot to all allied creature) is a bit unfair. Both are cheesy in their ability to make a ritual lose. One is just more accessible.

    One would think so, but if a certain leader of the Caretakers did happen to possess of such Berserkers, ascended to their highest level, and also did happen to create the rules, mayhap, naught were overlooked?

  5. 7 hours ago, Miq said:

    Well heat transfer of those extra mp fights can be also capped. For example mp3 can never get more than 5k heat from mp4 or 5.

    I would, mayhap, alter this suggestion to suggest that MP3 should not gain more than five thousand points of heat from any single battle, including that against Non-Player Characters.

  6. And herewith, for those who did wish to note the occurrences within Necrovion:


    [18/04/21 16:46] : Nepgear collects Memory stone
    [18/04/21 17:06] :Hedge Munos tamed a Unholy Priest
    [18/04/21 17:06] :Hedge Munos tamed a Unholy Priest
    [18/04/21 19:16] :| Unholy Guard laughs maniacally
    [18/04/21 19:16] Pipstickz:Cleanse yourself!
    [18/04/21 19:16] MaGoHi:oh no not that guy
    [18/04/21 19:16] :Poppi Chullo feels something weird in his stomach
    [18/04/21 19:16] : Nepgear collects Memory stone
    [18/04/21 19:16] lashtal:Behold… Our Guard stirs! And laughs also!
    [18/04/21 19:16] | Unholy Guard:You!
    [18/04/21 19:16] :| Unholy Guard points to Aia
    [18/04/21 19:16] Tamu:but does he dance?
    [18/04/21 19:17] | Unholy Guard:Have you brought... the specimens?
    [18/04/21 19:17] MaGoHi:why is that plural
    [18/04/21 19:17] MaGoHi:i thought its dracoloth
    [18/04/21 19:17] :Fyrd Argentus rubs his head where Pip\'s elbow clipped him.
    [18/04/21 19:17] :*Aia* sits up, disoriented
    [18/04/21 19:18] Ledah:When does the killing begin?
    [18/04/21 19:18] *Aia*:I...
    [18/04/21 19:18] Poppi Chullo:one more jump and i\'ll throw
    [18/04/21 19:18] *Aia*:Lashtal - do honour our agreement.
    [18/04/21 19:19] :lashtal approaches the Unholy Guard, an heavy sack left before his feet.
    [18/04/21 19:19] :| Unholy Guard laughs again uncontrollably loudly
    [18/04/21 19:19] MaGoHi:he will kill everyone but Children of the Eclipse?
    [18/04/21 19:19] lashtal:Quite a collection, your Unholiness...
    [18/04/21 19:19] :| Unholy Guard lifts up a sample of Witherwraith
    [18/04/21 19:20] | Unholy Guard:Excellent. This will do much for our Order.
    [18/04/21 19:21] | Unholy Guard:Here, with the help of this, none shall refuse the delirium!
    [18/04/21 19:21] :| Unholy Guard clears his throat
    [18/04/21 19:21] MaGoHi:i have a bad feeling about this
    [18/04/21 19:21] :*Aia* begins praying fervently, her lips moving in an imperceptibly fast manner
    [18/04/21 19:21] :Pipstickz is already in battle frenzy
    [18/04/21 19:22] :MaGoHi casually walks beind aia to hide
    [18/04/21 19:22] :| Unholy Guard takes the sample of Witherwraith and takes a large bite, swallowing it quickly
    [18/04/21 19:22] lashtal:He took the ripest one, truly a connaisseur...
    [18/04/21 19:22] :| Unholy Guard opens his mouth and begins to mumble
    [18/04/21 19:23] :Poppi Chullo hold his staff tighter
    [18/04/21 20:00] :*Aia* used the Acousticremains stone to increase its Acousticremains spell casts
    [18/04/21 20:00] :[Spell] **audite** Aia


  7. Herewith, the log from the event this day:

    Many thanks to those who did attend, and welcome to Dracoloth, Priest of the Moon.


    [18/04/21 18:55] :Pipstickz looks around, sunglasses falling out of his pockets
    [18/04/21 18:55] Pipstickz:Hey, this place is cool
    [18/04/21 18:56] :Nepgear nods
    [18/04/21 19:00] :*Aia* curtsies to all the arrived guests
    [18/04/21 19:00] MaGoHi:oh right that! go aia!
    [18/04/21 19:00] :Nepgear waves
    [18/04/21 19:00] :Ledah sneezes
    [18/04/21 19:00] Fyrd Argentus: *looks up.* What happened?
    [18/04/21 19:00] Ledah:Too bright
    [18/04/21 19:01] Poppi Chullo: *gasps* Witchcraft.
    [18/04/21 19:01] *Aia*:Ah; apologies, Fyrd; I do believe one must find such travel disorienting.
    [18/04/21 19:02] *Aia*: *nods to Dracoloth* Shall we commence?
    [18/04/21 19:02] Dracoloth:Indeed
    [18/04/21 19:02] :*Aia* stands beside the altar
    [18/04/21 19:02] *Aia*:The realm doth stir.
    [18/04/21 19:02] *Aia*:The balance has shifted.
    [18/04/21 19:03] *Aia*:Look to the skies: she remains ever watchful.
    [18/04/21 19:03] *Aia*:Through night\'s fall remaineth she who were darkness and light in ever dancing cyclicity.
    [18/04/21 19:03] :*Aia* turns to those gathered
    [18/04/21 19:03] *Aia*:The Children of the Eclipse welcome thee, to our Red Service this evening;
    [18/04/21 19:04] *Aia*:within the confines of Loreroot and the protections offered by the Guardians of the Root;
    [18/04/21 19:04] *Aia*:whom we acknowledge as custodians of the land.
    [18/04/21 19:04] *Aia*:As is customary during a Red Service, blood shall be shed in Luna\'s honour; those who wish to engage in combat are encouraged to do so.
    [18/04/21 19:05] :*Aia* checks briefly to see if combat is working
    [18/04/21 19:05] :*Aia* continues, satisfied with the result
    [18/04/21 19:06] MaGoHi:can i please ask if someone will die today?
    [18/04/21 19:06] *Aia*:Let the Moon bless us this day; may she return of balance to the realm, and to its inhabitants.
    [18/04/21 19:06] :*Aia* turns to MaGoHi
    [18/04/21 19:07] *Aia*:She sees all; may she bless thee with prophetic vision.
    [18/04/21 19:07] :*Aia* turns back to the crowd
    [18/04/21 19:07] :MaGoHi looks at aia O.O
    [18/04/21 19:07] *Aia*:May she shelter us as the Night shelters the weary.
    [18/04/21 19:08] *Aia*:This very evening I do introduce one who was once of the Root;
    [18/04/21 19:08] *Aia*:as we are grateful to the Guardians who grant us this land, so also are we for him.
    [18/04/21 19:08] *Aia*:Dracoloth; we have heard of thy pledge; to serve within the priesthood of the Eclipse; to perform of her will and restore of her glory.
    [18/04/21 19:09] *Aia*: *turning to Dracoloth* Wilt thou accept of a solemn pledge to Luna, and to the Queen of Loreroot; to temper justice with mercy; to bring knowledge to the ignorant; to be the strength of the weak?
    [18/04/21 19:09] Dracoloth: *nods* I will.
    [18/04/21 19:09] :*Aia* raises the Moon Chalice and pours pure elemental water into it
    [18/04/21 19:09] Ledah:Don\'t do it!
    [18/04/21 19:10] *Aia*:Look within; see her reflection, and within it; thine own; understand that thou, like herself, must wax and wane; be dark and light; hide and reveal.
    [18/04/21 19:10] *Aia*:Such is our way and her example.
    [18/04/21 19:11] *Aia*:I invite thee to sip from the chalice; Dracoloth; and by imbibing her reflection shalt thou become another reflection of her, in thought, word and deed.
    [18/04/21 19:11] :Dracoloth takes a sip from the chalice.
    [18/04/21 19:11] :Poppi Chullo hold his breath
    [18/04/21 19:11] :*Aia* smiles
    [18/04/21 19:12] *Aia*:Dracoloth has prepared a prayer for us; let him lead us in prayer for the first time.
    [18/04/21 19:12] Dracoloth:Blessings upon the moon, and the darkness she brings.
    [18/04/21 19:12] Dracoloth:Let power allow room for weakness, so all may grow.
    [18/04/21 19:12] Fyrd Argentus: *looks up* Somebody call for the ignorant?
    [18/04/21 19:12] Dracoloth:Let knowledge allow room for ignorance, so all may learn.
    [18/04/21 19:12] Dracoloth:Let love allow room for hate, so all may feel.
    [18/04/21 19:12] Dracoloth:There is no good without evil, no life without death, no light without dark. Balance must be.
    [18/04/21 19:13] : All players were summoned to the Way of Cleansing
    [18/04/21 19:13] :Pipstickz plunders ☻2 heads by attacking Fyrd Argentus
    [18/04/21 19:13] :lashtal is a bit puzzled
    [18/04/21 19:14] *Chewett*: (second, checking things)
    [18/04/21 19:14] lashtal:Green voices do lie, I knew it
    [18/04/21 19:14] Poppi Chullo: (Chew you ruined the thrill)
    [18/04/21 19:15] *Chewett*: (Its not my crappy A25 code, Its Murs lol)
    [18/04/21 19:15] *Aia*: (wait, that\'s my code that isn\'t working, how odd)
    [18/04/21 19:15] MaGoHi: (XD)
    [18/04/21 19:15] Poppi Chullo: (okay, tea break I assume)
    [18/04/21 19:16] *Chewett*:Do you need help Ledah?
    [18/04/21 19:23] :Poppi Chullo throw up
    [18/04/21 19:23] Nepgear:Bad way to go.
    [18/04/21 19:23] :*Aia* lands on the ground again
    [18/04/21 19:23] redneck:RIP
    [18/04/21 19:23] Pipstickz:Poor guy!
    [18/04/21 19:23] Ledah:I always need help
    [18/04/21 19:24] MaGoHi:well
    [18/04/21 19:24] MaGoHi:not the first death this week
    [18/04/21 19:24] :*Aia* rubs her head
    [18/04/21 19:24] :*Aia* turns to lashtal
    [18/04/21 19:24] : Else collects Tea leaves
    [18/04/21 19:24] Aelis: *looks around disorientedly* Well that was interesting.
    [18/04/21 19:24] *Aia*:Hast thou... retained of the remaining specimens?
    [18/04/21 19:25] lashtal:Sure thing. Why would one waste such wonders?
    [18/04/21 19:25] *Aia*:Wonders? I think not.
    [18/04/21 19:25] MaGoHi:feed it to mur
    [18/04/21 19:26] *Aia*:They cannot remain within this land, or any other.
    [18/04/21 19:26] :Pipstickz glances between the soppy bag and the altar
    [18/04/21 19:26] Pipstickz:Not my Pipperwraith!
    [18/04/21 19:26] *Aia*:They are a scourge upon us, and so too will be a scourge upon Necrovion;
    [18/04/21 19:26] *Aia*:for our sakes, lashtal, I bid thee to sacrifice them at once!
    [18/04/21 19:27] lashtal:But but... it\'s the perfect dish to bring to a party, better than cake
    [18/04/21 19:27] :redneck sacrificed Withermoss
    [18/04/21 19:27] :*Aia* looks back at lashtal, incredulously
    [18/04/21 19:28] *Aia*:We... have a contract, surely?
    [18/04/21 19:29] :*Aia* sighs
    [18/04/21 19:29] :lashtal considers the situation...
    [18/04/21 19:29] :lashtal recalls that final excerpt from Compendia Lorerootia…
    [18/04/21 19:29] :redneck plunders ☻2 heads by attacking Pipstickz
    [18/04/21 19:29] Poppi Chullo: ( *murmuring* war.. war.. war..)
    [18/04/21 19:29] *Aia*:Luna, let the Death Guard hear thee, and myself; save those present, and the realm thou dost watch over so dearly...
    [18/04/21 19:30] :Pipstickz slaughtered Else and took all ☻42 heads.
    [18/04/21 19:30] lashtal:“he who returns it to the endless cycle shall reap of unfathomable felicity...”
    [18/04/21 19:30] *Aia*:Let us not bear the wrath of the sins of the Unholy Order.
    [18/04/21 19:30] *Aia*:Ah... the Compendia Lorerootia!
    [18/04/21 19:30] *Aia*:Is it... could it be?
    [18/04/21 19:31] *Aia*:Lashtal... I beg of thee...
    [18/04/21 19:31] :lashtal sighs
    [18/04/21 19:31] lashtal:It shall be done.
    [18/04/21 19:31] *Aia*:Make haste, and return them to the endless cycle!
    [18/04/21 19:32] :Else overcame Pipstickz and took all ☻42 heads.
    [18/04/21 19:32] :lashtal sacrificed Witherwraith
    [18/04/21 19:32] :lashtal sacrificed Witherwraith
    [18/04/21 19:32] :*Aia* sighs
    [18/04/21 19:32] MaGoHi:go lashtal save us from the witherwraith
    [18/04/21 19:32] :lashtal sacrificed Witherwraith
    [18/04/21 19:33] :lashtal sacrificed Witherwraith
    [18/04/21 19:33] :Pipstickz wails for the lost Pipperwraith
    [18/04/21 19:33] :lashtal sacrificed Witherwraith
    [18/04/21 19:33] :lashtal sacrificed all items to Ledah (Witherwraith)
    [18/04/21 19:33] : Else collects Aromatic herbs
    [18/04/21 19:33] Ledah:Much luck. Wow.
    [18/04/21 19:33] :Poppi Chullo sacrificed Poppiwraith
    [18/04/21 19:33] :lashtal sacrificed Chewett (Witherwraith)
    [18/04/21 19:33] lashtal:RIP Wookie
    [18/04/21 19:34] :*Chewett* chuckles
    [18/04/21 19:34] :lashtal sacrificed all stats to Ledah (Witherwraith)
    [18/04/21 19:34] :*Aia* raises an eyebrow
    [18/04/21 19:34] lashtal:RIP Ledah
    [18/04/21 19:34] :MaGoHi grins
    [18/04/21 19:34] Pipstickz:RIP
    [18/04/21 19:34] Ledah:Fufufu
    [18/04/21 19:34] :lashtal sacrificed a small child (Witherwraith)
    [18/04/21 19:34] :Else destroyed redneck and took all ☻2 heads.
    [18/04/21 19:35] redneck:XD
    [18/04/21 19:35] Ledah:How could you lash?
    [18/04/21 19:35] :lashtal sacrificed all the anime ever (Witherwraith)
    [18/04/21 19:35] redneck:????
    [18/04/21 19:35] Dracoloth: (lmao)
    [18/04/21 19:35] Nepgear:This is getting more sinister by the minute.
    [18/04/21 19:35] lashtal:I feel lighter and ligher...
    [18/04/21 19:35] :MaGoHi feels a little sadness
    [18/04/21 19:35] Poppi Chullo: (okay this is start to scary)
    [18/04/21 19:35] Nepgear: (:D)
    [18/04/21 19:36] :lashtal sacrificed all the bacon EVER (Witherwraith)
    [18/04/21 19:36] Poppi Chullo: (no way)
    [18/04/21 19:36] :lashtal sacrificed free will to Ledah (Witherwraith)
    [18/04/21 19:36] :MaGoHi is enraged
    [18/04/21 19:36] :lashtal sacrificed Granos' invisibility (Witherwraith)
    [18/04/21 19:36] Ledah:Always good to have one spare
    [18/04/21 19:37] :*Aia* attempts to stifle a small giggle
    [18/04/21 19:37] lashtal:Here we go...
    [18/04/21 19:37] :Pipstickz ogles at the noble sacrifices
    [18/04/21 19:37] :lashtal sacrificed Witherwraith
    [18/04/21 19:37] :lashtal sacrificed Witherwraith
    [18/04/21 19:37] :lashtal sacrificed Pipperwraith (Witherwraith)
    [18/04/21 19:38] lashtal:This one was special for sure
    [18/04/21 19:38] :Pipstickz sheds a little tear...and then several more
    [18/04/21 19:38] lashtal:3 more to go.
    [18/04/21 19:38] :lashtal sacrificed all crits to Ledah (Witherwraith)
    [18/04/21 19:38] :lashtal sacrificed Witherwraith
    [18/04/21 19:39] :lashtal holds the last Witherwraith sample above the altar... its shape slightly different from the previous ones...
    [18/04/21 19:39] :lashtal sacrificed Barren Soul
    [18/04/21 19:39] :*Aia* sighs in relief
    [18/04/21 19:40] :Pipstickz can\'t help but laugh
    [18/04/21 19:40] Ledah:...most curious
    [18/04/21 19:40] MaGoHi:hm
    [18/04/21 19:40] lashtal:I think we\'re done here...
    [18/04/21 19:41] :*Aia* nods
    [18/04/21 19:41] Ledah:You feeling lucky, lash?
    [18/04/21 19:41] *Aia*:I am ever grateful to thee, lashtal, as shall the land purged of the curse.
    [18/04/21 19:41] :*Aia* observes the appearance of something a short distance away from the Altar
    [18/04/21 19:42] lashtal:The luckiest in town
    [18/04/21 19:42] *Aia*: (refresh if you can\'t see it!)
    [18/04/21 19:42] lashtal:Stored Heat: 1
    [18/04/21 19:42] :*Aia* walks up to the chest
    [18/04/21 19:42] :*Chewett* Wonders if anyone is silly enough to open an Aia Chest
    [18/04/21 19:42] :Dracoloth looks in the chest
    [18/04/21 19:43] :*Aia* wonders if anyone has seen a chest like this one before
    [18/04/21 19:43] :Ledah is glad he is dead and cannot be tempted
    [18/04/21 19:43] Dracoloth:Odd...
    [18/04/21 19:43] :MaGoHi opened it
    [18/04/21 19:43] Poppi Chullo:It\'s a tuna.
    [18/04/21 19:43] :Pipstickz is silly enough
    [18/04/21 19:43] :*Chewett* opens the chest
    [18/04/21 19:43] :redneck has PTSD from last years chest still
    [18/04/21 19:43] :Nepgear opens the chest
    [18/04/21 19:43] Pipstickz:What a nice gift!
    [18/04/21 19:44] :Hedge Munos pokes lashtal with a toe
    [18/04/21 19:44] Aelis:Birthday luck. *smiles*
    [18/04/21 19:44] :*Aia* smiles
    [18/04/21 19:44] :Ungod opened it because last year\'s prison chests didnt teach him anything
    [18/04/21 19:44] :MaGoHi is surprised that nothing bad happend
    [18/04/21 19:45] Poppi Chullo:Thank you *bows*
    [18/04/21 19:45] lashtal:How lovely, toes are my favorites
    [18/04/21 19:46] Pipstickz:Ah, so those chests in the Prison are...
    [18/04/21 19:46] Pipstickz:Well, then
    [18/04/21 19:47] Ungod:i have a survey for you, and as irl, it won\'t get you antyhing to help me with it. who\'s in?
    [18/04/21 19:47] :*Chewett* wonders if he can find any more chests around in LR
    [18/04/21 19:47] :*Aia* stands up and brushes herself off
    [18/04/21 19:48] Aelis:Sounds like fun, Ungod :P I\'m in.
    [18/04/21 19:49] Ungod:it\'s three questions only, and it\'s a survey to determine something for a quest
    [18/04/21 19:49] :MaGoHi could not find any more chest in LR
    [18/04/21 19:49] Ungod:since at least 1 person is in, i\'m happy
    [18/04/21 19:49] :Pipstickz annihilated Else and took all ☻44 heads.
    [18/04/21 19:49] Ledah:All those fenths!
    [18/04/21 19:49] Ungod:There is this guard in LR, an archer at the gate, which has some information you want from him, regarding one of the merchants in LR.
    [18/04/21 19:50] *Aia*:Ah... a pleasant conclusion, mayhap, to the Red Service; although Luna shall continue to appreciate of the blood-sacrifice this day.
    [18/04/21 19:50] Ungod:How do you get that info from him?
    [18/04/21 19:50] Pipstickz:I can do it if you want, Ungod
    [18/04/21 19:50] : Ungod collects Fenths
    [18/04/21 19:50] Ungod:everyone\'s welcome, PIp!
    [18/04/21 19:50] Aelis:Hmm
    [18/04/21 19:50] *Aia*: *audite* Aia
    [18/04/21 19:50] Ledah:I cripple him
    [18/04/21 19:50] *Aia*: (oops, this again...)
    [18/04/21 19:50] :[Spell] **audite** Aia


  8. On 4/12/2021 at 9:04 AM, Chewett said:

    As Duke of the East I wish to make a statement about the death of Granos.

    Ledah and Mag combined have come together to murder one of my citizens Granos.

    As Ledah is also one of my citizens I will consider this inner land politics and ask all land leaders to let us handle it within the land.

    Granos is free to Murder Ledah as he wishes.

    MaGoHi is a member of dst's alliance and therefore outside of this proclaimation.

    However knowing dst I imagine she would say "MaGoHi is ugly enough to handle his own problems" so I declare Granos is free to also Murder MaGoHi.



    May I clarify these statements?

    As far as I understand them, they do not read: "Granos is free to Murder Ledah one time as he wishes"; or that "Granos is free to also Murder MaGoHi one time."

    I assume this were intentional, and therefore there exist further implications as one would draw from the alternate statements within this post?

  9. The Unholy Guard has advised me that he would like some specimens soon, that he may choose from among them.


    Although the quest dates shall remain unchanged, I would encourage all who have such creatures nurtured and who intend to turn them in by the close of the anniversary to do so in the next two days.


    Tissy, I am sorry that such a creature cannot be levelled at the heat-cap, but this were true of almost all creatures.

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