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Aia del Mana

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Everything posted by Aia del Mana

  1. I declare that this quest were completed, and the Unholy Guard, through a series of... unfortunate events, is with us no longer, and so, no further moss may be exchanged. Ledah has won the coloured priest, with a total of 12 Witherwraith granted (some, in course, with some rather amusing titles). None other did provide of greater than a single specimen. Of note during this contest: Nepgear provided a moss with 617 wins (no other moss had more than 10 wins more than the number required for final advancement) Six players advanced the moss to the penultimate level and were unable to advance the same moss to the final level: Ledah, Fang Archbane, lashtal, MRAlyon, Sunfire, and Lazarus Those that provided a completed moss and received a coloured elemental: Else, Sunfire, Pipstickz, MaGoHi, Fang Archbane, Demonic God, lashtal, Ledah, Nepgear. Congratulations to Ledah, who, although he could not win his own combat contest, has won both 3a. and 3b.
  2. Loreroot and the Prison are complete, and awaiting the second stage of this project.
  3. I will convert Loreroot and the Prison.
  4. It appears from a brief discussion with Mur that the "indoors" map - realm 4 - should be separate from that of "outdoors" - realm 3. As the images would otherwise be identical, I believe the map should be enlarged when one were indoors; I will have to attempt this when I am granted some time, and plot of the new map-markers for it also.
  5. I believe I have witnessed at least one event of this kind.
  6. May I clarify the logic? If "targets=e" doth this refer to the enemy creature targeted by the ability in target_abilities=______ or to the enemy creature who doth possess of the ability? Chewett's "Energy Burnt" post would seem to imply the former, but the latter appears to be the otherwise described logic elsewhere.
  7. Enduring Weakness Description: Creatures weakened in battle will remain weak for the next round. markforcritabilities|mark=superweak;power=10%;duration=1;mustdie=all;targets=e;target_abilities=weaken
  8. Karmic Weakness Description: Creatures who weaken others will be weakened for the next three fights. markforcritabilities|mark=karmicweakness;power=20%;duration=3;mustdie=all;targets=a,e;target_abilities=weaken
  9. Martyr's Resolve Description: Makes all defensive martyrs stronger for the next two rounds, provided they were able to survive the fight. markforcritabilities|mark=martyrsresolve;power=20%;duration=2;mustdie=onlyliving;targets=a,e;target_abilities=martyrism
  10. Ah - apologies, I shall leave the post above as an example of a "new ability", and post an amended version in future posts.
  11. Suicide Pact (Mur: read edits below) Description: When this creature is killed by itself, it will return to the next fight with double the strength. logic means other ability markforcritabilities|mark=p;power=100%;duration=1;mustdie=yes;targets=a,e;target_abilities=martyrism, energyburn
  12. Hail; Karak, I fear we have not met for many years, but it were good to see that our cause remains ever within thee, also. Blessings, Aia
  13. May I inquire as to the browser-portal used to recreate of this issue? I do not observe of any malposition of bottles when using a Chrome-based portal.
  14. I attempted to make this a reality using the Unholy Guard NPC (which had, I believe, an almost ideal ritual for heat-loss; three maxed coloured elementals and three maxed coloured popes). The cost for this had been that one would have required a trip to Necrovion. I had previously attempted to add a cost of a round trip to the Trial of Agony, but this resulted in a loss of function of the Unholy Guard (adding a quest-key to the NPC means one cannot also lose heat from fighting it.) I would suggest that the cost of the suggested feature should be no more than that of an appropriately heated creature that may be sacrificed. If one were able to purchase a creature with 28000000 points of heat upon it, regardless of the other intrinsic value of the creature, how much should this cost? I would think it were no more than two pieces of gold, and mayhap, far less. I would think one credit would be sufficient for this purpose, and that it would appear in the Shop. There were already a purchase quite far within the shop that allows one to lose heat - I believe it were in the realm of 330000 points - which doth function upon an MP3 character, I believe - and so, if such a wish were merely to be brought forward within the shop (or placed in the "temporary boosters" section so that it would be readily accessible in sufficient amounts, maybe 50 or so, which would also make it so that the Rustgold Drachorn cannot be purchased immediately), this would suit.
  15. @lashtal was "defeated" with the use of a Berserker; I am happy to forfeit to him given the change in rules to account for this, or to otherwise attempt the round anew.
  16. This were indeed possible, and even when not in isolation from the other ideas within this thread, I cannot see any downside in this, so it shall be a future undertaking of mine.
  17. One would think so, but if a certain leader of the Caretakers did happen to possess of such Berserkers, ascended to their highest level, and also did happen to create the rules, mayhap, naught were overlooked?
  18. I would, mayhap, alter this suggestion to suggest that MP3 should not gain more than five thousand points of heat from any single battle, including that against Non-Player Characters.
  19. And herewith, for those who did wish to note the occurrences within Necrovion:
  20. Herewith, the log from the event this day: Many thanks to those who did attend, and welcome to Dracoloth, Priest of the Moon.
  21. May I confirm that this declaration is made as Queen of Necrovion, and in doing so, that Necrovion's Queen now has dominion over it?
  22. May I clarify these statements? As far as I understand them, they do not read: "Granos is free to Murder Ledah one time as he wishes"; or that "Granos is free to also Murder MaGoHi one time." I assume this were intentional, and therefore there exist further implications as one would draw from the alternate statements within this post?
  23. I will also likely be present only as a target, but I too shall participate, and suggest to all other fighters to create of interesting defences.
  24. The Unholy Guard has advised me that he would like some specimens soon, that he may choose from among them. Although the quest dates shall remain unchanged, I would encourage all who have such creatures nurtured and who intend to turn them in by the close of the anniversary to do so in the next two days. Tissy, I am sorry that such a creature cannot be levelled at the heat-cap, but this were true of almost all creatures.
  25. I shall participate also, if it please thee.
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