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Aia del Mana

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Everything posted by Aia del Mana

  1. I suspect this were anomalous by a single day.
  2. Ideally, story-mode scenes should not have any visible chat (to prevent spoilers). However, the Loreweaver's Lock is not a true story mode scene. Should the chat display in this scene be removed?
  3. There were also a small issue with the misalignment of A25 clickies in the A25 editing interface, upon both the mobile Safari portal, and the Brave (or Chrome) portal. The issue were that all clickies which were correctly placed within the scene will appear displaced approximately fifteen pixels horizontally when viewing them in the A25 interface.
  4. Following mine ascension to the throne of Loreroot, I had been notified of a wish for Sunfire to return to the land who once did call him consul. I have had significant discourse with him, and have returned his name to the Lorerootian citizenship record. I am entirely aware of the events of the past which concern the Guardians of the Root, and this decision is not made lightly. He has pledged his loyalty to myself, to Loreroot, and to it's alliances, with full knowledge of the consequences of betrayal. Any who would wish to speak about this are welcome to seek an audience with myself, or, mayhap, Sunfire, if he were willing. I am confident that he will be a boon to our lands, and his experience shall strengthen us; if naught else, he will attempt to atone for the deeds of the past. Below is the brief exchange at the Oak Fort this day. [27/02/22 17:19] Aia:Sunfire, I have been notified of thine intention to return to Loreroot. [27/02/22 17:20] Sunfire: *nods* this is true [27/02/22 17:20] Aia:Although one may consider of events of the past, I believe that Sunfire were not the same as he of several years hence. [27/02/22 17:21] Aia:Although thine actions remain with thee, Loreroot shall offer thee a small amnesty, if thou wilt pledge loyalty to Loreroot, its Queen, and her alliances. [27/02/22 17:23] Sunfire: *kneels before her with his head bent low* i do [27/02/22 17:23] :Aia places her staff on Sunfire's shoulder [27/02/22 17:24] Zetsuei: *blinks as he realises what is going on right now* I came at an opportune time. Congrats Sunfire. [27/02/22 17:24] Aia:Let thy deeds more than atone for the blood thou didst spill, Sunfire. Loreroot welcomes thee home. [27/02/22 17:25] Sunfire: *lifts his head* thank you [27/02/22 17:25] :Zetsuei applauds [27/02/22 17:26] Aia:We also recognise of thy past service to Loreroot this day; let all see thee for the good deeds also. [27/02/22 17:26] :Aia writes Sunfire\s name in the citizenship records of Loreroot once more [27/02/22 17:27] :Sunfire smiles as he stands up [27/02/22 17:28] Aia:I sympathise with the frustrations that thou hast faced in the past; I vow never to be resistant to change when it were best. [27/02/22 17:29] :Zetsuei gives a curt nod to everyone before returning to the aether [27/02/22 17:29] Aia: *motions to the bridge* Afore this is made real, one considers that it should be adequately guarded. [27/02/22 17:29] Aia:I hope thou mightst be of service in nurturing of its new guards. [27/02/22 17:30] Sunfire: *bows his head* i will do my best my Queen [27/02/22 17:32] :Sunfire takes position at the bridge [27/02/22 17:33] :Aia smiles
  5. Were the issue with the tutorial, or with the state of Necrovion as it were presently?
  6. I would specifically limit the reward to non-personal items - that is, if the item were one which were existent in many inventories, or were a shared item without an illustration.
  7. I have recently attempted to add of new mail-labels to the in-realm messaging feature. It doth appear that I cannot alter of any of them after adding or removing of them; clicking upon "Save labels" will revert the list to that which had previously been present. Edit: I have found how to rectify this; but there doth remain an issue. 1. Enable the Message Sorting Cloud feature (if already purchased) 2. Open the Inbox - this will allow a change in the list now. 3. Disable the Message Sorting Cloud feature - this will result in one being unable to alter the labels again.
  8. To the reader of this invitation; and to all else, I, Aia of Loreroot, cordially invite thee to a ceremony of coronation, to be held at 23:00 Server Time, on the 19th day of February, in the seventeenth year of the realm. Our venue shall be the shore surrounding the Oak Fort. Should there be aught who cannot travel thither, fear not, for there shall be a jump-link; and failing this, one may be rescued with other spells (such as for one who should find herself unfortunately washed ashore upon some deserted island.) I would be honoured if thou dost attend. Although there shall be an opportunity to grant of gifts, thy presence were sufficient, and a small gift shall be granted to all attendees. I hope to see thee there. Blessings
  9. One method to weight votes which would avoid of this (amusing) anomaly would be to make those with a negative score have voting value proportional to their ratio. That is, if a player's votes are 100% negative, their votes shall be worth zero; if the player has 1 positive and 5 negative votes, then the ratio is 1:5, or 20%, so their vote would be worth 20% of the value of a "standard" vote. Players with a "perfect balance" of equal positive and negative votes would have a vote value of 1 (as the ratio is 1:1). Finally, players with a positive net balance would have their voting value increased by the ratio of their score also. A suggested formula for this would be as follows: Voting weight = 1 + (positive votes - negative votes)/(negative votes +1).
  10. I am sure there are some hidden dungeons within the Prison that could be fit for this purpose. One may even stumble upon some treasure within, mayhap.
  11. Mayhap, one should also be too exhausted from combat to alter of their scenery for this duration also?
  12. I shall participate, if it should please thee. I certainly believe such stratagem as detailed above should be prevented. In addition to the wish-point, I will offer a coloured priest or elemental to the victor of this contest.
  13. I have noticed that this is the image when one has no messages: Although the function were quite clear, I believe it would be best to replace the image with one which did correspond to the appropriate background. @Muratus del Mur - one would merely need to replace the image ("nomessages.jpg"); similarly, one finds a similarity when one has no fights. I have sent a message to thee with the replacement images for these.
  14. Were this so? This record would suggest otherwise.
  15. Ah, I had quite forgotten of the poll of citizenship - if Iridian doth wish to initiate of it, then I will certainly be inclined to vote. I do believe the sign upon the forum within Loreroot were absent, but I do confirm that the forum were quite present.
  16. I have not seen Her Majesty Lintara in some years. In her possession were the requisite to grant citizenship, although one must believe that she would wish for Lorerootians to return home. The Eclipse or Woodcutters would also grant Lorerootian citizenship - yet one wonders whether citizenship is retained when one departs of an alliance. Aia of the other-realm has been rather absent of late, but she doth endeavour to return in full. The Lorerootian guards discriminate not - even the Queen shall not pass them without proving herself as all others.
  17. I have not altered of its placement nor of its existence, as its repurpose were yet unclear.
  18. I believe this is not a bug. The Bacon Knight of the Gateway Arena states the following: As the Duke of Malfi, I believe, doth possess of many more than thirty active days, this method to leave the Island were, correctly, unavailable.
  19. A25 users are unable to alter the interface in any meaningful manner, so this will require Mur's or Chewett's amendment.
  20. Apologies to all whom I did cause of distress with this mistake; do let me know if I may do aught else in reparation.
  21. Upon looking at the logs, it appears that I was the A25 member in question who did remove the clicky (without intention to do so). I have recently been plotting map-coordinates for some of the scenes in realm 3, and had been using a temporary clicky to determine the x-y coordinates. It appears that the time at which I had deleted the clicky item15 from the Split Pass Halt corresponds similarly with the time I had deleted the temporary clicky item15 from the map-scene; perhaps I had refreshed the portal after movement causing deletion of item15 from the Split Pass Halt. I have restored the entrance to the Split Pass Halt; I do not believe any further amendments should be made, other than, mayhap, investigation into how I did manage to cause this issue.
  22. Of these, I would believe that (3) and (6) are trivially possible, with the tools that are presently available, while (4) is also possible, and with extensive effort and limitations to the mission, (5). The remainder would require some functionality which were not already present in A25.
  23. I have voted against the alteration, although it were not a strong opinion. I believe such a change will merely serve to accelerate the decline of the realm. I would think that one who were new to the realm may find that such a lack of players appearing on this list would cause them to believe the realm to be inactive.
  24. It did appear that the clicky for the Faceless Ones had gone quite absent. I have restored it, and added a hover-text to the guards also. If the reported issue were persistent after clearance of one's cache, do notify me to amend it once more.
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