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Everything posted by Jester

  1. Having Jester taken over and humiliated is the worst thing I can imagine happening to me in MD. Magistra has suffered greatly here as well. Having said that, people posting opinions back and forth can't resolve this, so here is my take on what Magistra should do before even being considered for release: 1. Apoligize to Chewett publicly, including WHY she's apoligizing, not just saying sorry. 2. Stating what she is going to do with her time if she's not stuck in jail that would make it worth letting her out. If those two things are adequately accomplished the people involved in the situation could review them and make a decision. This will be my last post on the issue.
  2. Not grab the thief, but accuse them. Enough accusations could give a thief tag with additional penalties. One thing I really like about stealing is that anyone would be able to get any resource, not just people who happened to be given a tool. Stealing should be interesting, but a related possibility is items that take a long, long time and lots of community effort to build up, with a way for different groups to vie for control. The stealing mechanism seems like it could build up to this. I think that not only should you be able to steal resources as they're being harvested, but after more recipes are introduced, you should be able to steal from anyone who has enough resources hoarded up and hasn't used them for anything. Items should NEVER be able to be stolen however. Land based mechanisms that could be used to increase the strength of one land or take away from another could be used as well. Could relate to torches, instead of the annoying AP system it used last time, each land could have items that could be built or destroyed that effect people in the land, reducing or increasing AP cost, giving stat bonuses, being able to push people out of your land... the possibilites are endless. Land affiliation bonuses could be controlled this way too. Reduce your land's AP timer, increase stat bonuses, even control how many alliance seats you have. I think it would encourage a lot more unity amongst the lands and give people a goal to work towards together. Items within a scene could also effect how quickly your land's resources regenerate. Even inner magic could be related to this, being able to use ingredients as a focus for spells or something (if thats how they work, I've never heard of anyone actually using inner magic). Get enough people together and you could cast a spell. A resource that people are given based on Active Days could also come into effect, and be used to support an idea. An interface where people could come up with a new alliance idea or the garden like Rumi could let people put their Active Days in, and once enough support has been gathered, something new could be created. Items with new uses and new recipes could fall in this category as well. Whoops, I got way off track there, sorry. I got really excited. Most of that should probably go in another topic. The way those things are related to stealing is that stealing could apply to things being created, not just resources being gathered I guess. This could revolutonize MD and make the gameplay infinitely more fun, if its implemented in an interesting way. I would probably never stop playing. EDIT: Ok, I'm going to continue my previous ideas and link them to stealing. Things being created could be stolen from the same way resources being harvested could be. While building something up, others could come and take your materials. An example would be lands being able work on building something that would reduce their AP timer, while other lands try to steal the resources from it and use it to build their own. Putting a limit on how many resources could be used per day, as well as allowing those resources to be stolen during that day, would work for this. EDIT 2: Another idea: creating items that work similarly to heads, but that can be used in items. Example: A totem that stores these "heads" and can be stolen from. After stealing the "heads", the person needs to get back to their land without someone attacking them and taking the "heads". After doing so, the heads can be deposited in the item for a special effect.
  3. How productive, whining about each other on a topic meant to introduce a new feature. Thieves should have to be caught. Stealing shouldn't get you a tag, but stealing around enough people could have some kind of "accuse" option (similar to grabbing a fugitive). So if you harvest an item on your own someone could grab it from you, but if you're harvesting at GoE theives would be hard pressed to steal without getting caught, though the invisibility spell could be fun for that. A "reputation" statistic could be interesting too, being accused lowers your reputation, stealing an item back could raise it (though there would need to be the opposite of the "accuse" option) and if your reputation gets low enough you get the thief tag. This would also be really fun because enough theives could accuse someone who was retrieving an item of stealing it, and the retriever could end up with the thief tag. Theives aren't supposed to play fair. I'm getting way ahead of myself here, but items could play a part as well. A chest for guarding a resource while you're gathering it, a set of lockpicks for opening the chest... etc. Bottom line though, stealing has to be harder than gathering, because stealing is more fun.
  4. For what and why?
  5. For Nimzy Whimzy: Nimzy Whimsy is the best Nimzy Whimsy wrote a quest Zesty Westy wrote a poem Zesty Westy couldn't think of a last line for the poem ~Fin~ I will write you a better one soon!
  6. I just jumped on this after not playing for a while, so I might be off base, but what about website links? Forum posts, for example.
  7. "if it is a closed or open system could be determined by knowing if there is such a thing like true randomness or not (in theory)..does anyone understand why i say this?" If its a closed system things would follow a predictable pattern, because nothing could enter or leave. If its an open system things would change from outside variables, introducing randomness, or at least things that appear random until you widen the system. Thats how I see it. Also, I'm not sure where I read this, and it might be outdated, but I remember reading that there was no way to determine which direction something really, really tiny (like electrons or something, I dunno) would spin after splitting and the results seemed to be 50% either way. Perhaps they found a way to determine it, I'm not sure. Personally I believe the only "randomness" in the world is choice. I believe that even if you knew everything single thing about a person you still wouldn't be able to be 100% sure what decisions they would make 100% of the time. I'll have to ponder the whole closed universe and retrocausality thing more before I can make any worthwhile comment.
  8. High Jesticar, the Most High, Exalted, Lord Supreme General, Emperor, His Holiness Sir Jester McJesty Jestington the 4th, Esquire, of JesTown, Jestervania, Jestered States of Jesteria, PO Box 69696 Locate Stone, 3 casts AND The One and Only, Cutely Cuddle-able, Awesomely Adorable, Bear Cub (adopted) and First Jestermas Elf, Syrian of Underneath your Bed and Inside your Closet, Boogeyville, United States of Slightly More Cuteness than Creepiness Memory Stone
  9. I wouldn't mind joining you. I can't teach about the ways of GG but I still remember the Illusions test and could talk about that.
  10. Jester


    The following is an important Public Announcement! [u][b]Worshipers will henceforth be known as "[i]Heat Sacks[/i]".[/b][/u] Thank you. You may now return to your regularly scheduled activities. (Disclaimer: this is obviously not an official topic and has nothing to do with Mur.)
  11. Can you post all the stories? I really want to read the other endings. Thank you for making this quest, it was really fun to write a dark story.
  12. Well?!?!?!?!?!?
  13. Name: (The One and Only) Jester Duration of Enslavement: You're stuck with me for at least 8 weeks. You can run but you can't hide! Why you should purchase me: See first answer*. Amount for Treasure Keepers: 10-100%, the winning bidder will have a great deal of input in deciding this number. Special Requests: Only females please, and I will not be someone's slave if they own other male slaves, as I am insanely jealous and I require a great deal of attention. I recommend you do not purchase me unless you're sure you can manage me. Caveat Emptor! (My activity has been somewhat sparce as of late, but if someone actually makes a decent bid on me I can commit to spending at least one hour a day, 5 days a week) *More detailed reasons for purchasing me: -I have a good amount of MD research I'm willing to share -I can tell you about the history of MD and some interesting events I've instigated or been a part of -I can go over the Adventure Log with you and come up with new research, with you getting the credit -I enjoy editing and writing so I can assist with stories, poems and papers -I've spent a huge amount of time on the forum and can link you to difficult to find forum posts -I'm fairly adept at solving quests and willing to help (but not solve them for you!) -I can assist you with creating quests, including editing clickables -I have a fair amount of spell docs I can share the transcripts of -I have no qualms with shamelessly promoting you for anything you want -I will gladly help you find adepts and worshippers and even come up with catchy slogans -I have access to all Necrovion scenes and can work out a way to give you a tour (including Silver Set area!)* -I'm down for pretty much anything -I'll defend you to unconsciousness or possibly even die for you if I grow really fond of you -I'll worship the ground you walk on (not literally), unless of course you wear shoes 1 hour a day is the bare minimum of time I can spend, I'm easily willing to put in much, much more upon request. In fact, if you ask really, really nicely, I might even let you get a word in edgewise! Vote for me! (Important note for people who knew me during my more rough times: I no longer drink.) The reason I only wish to be purchased by a female is because being a slave is completely against my character and I plan on playing it out to the fullest to expand my horizons. Jester's ego won't let him do that with a guy. *Edit: This will prove difficult. Not sure when I can manage to pull this off, so no promises. If I can't get it done during the period you have my leash I'll give you a raincheck.
  14. Happy Late Birthday Valley!
  15. For years I've been working on an idea and recently I've come up with a way to implement it and I'm finally in the right state of mind to pull it off. To this end I need to create an introduction quest. I require assistance in coding and puzzle making. Anyone interested in helping please contact me ASAP. Possibly I will be able to find rewards for your assistance, but I can't make any promises. This Quest is not for profit but is for entertainment, because after all what are games about? If you absolutely need compensation for your work we can discuss payment and I'll find something out of pocket to give you. Thanking you for your time in advance, -Jester
  16. I got a Birthday post?! You guys are the best! Thanks! My birthday is actually March 31st, but due to my time zone being a day ahead of MD my birthday falls on april 1st in MD time, which is absolutely hilarious in my opinion.
  17. [quote name='Laphers' timestamp='1363063387' post='133869'] Just offhand, Why do we have fixed numbers of adepts needed to become a Protector? Why not have the active person with the most active adepts automatically become a Protector? Base the number of Protectors on the number of active players in the game. 1st Protector has the most adepts, 2nd Protector has the next lower amount of adepts, etc active: players who have logged in in the past 7 days. I do think that Protectorship should be more than a popularity contest and would support ideas that would move it in that direction. [/quote] People who didn't want to be MP6 would suddenly become MP6 all the time. The idea behind what you said is sound however, I also dislike that its a fixed number like it is. Perhaps adepts could be waited based on active days, like voting for citizenship? Just a random thought first thing in the morning.
  18. The silent Q of course.
  19. Perhaps the Council should be able to be voted out and a new Council appointed if public opinion drops too far. Either that or do what Phantasm suggested, but make bothering a person about council decisions on their account punishable by something huge. All things to the Council would still have to go through email or whatever else is used.
  20. ...so whats the new color Eagle Eye?
  21. I really like the idea of the Council discussing their plans and why they take certain actions. That seems the best option to me. I believe they have to be anonymous to prevent them getting spammed constantly, but a Council forum account would be nice. And the Council needs to be changed somewhat frequently, with the old members in it being revealed when it does change. Theres no reason for them to continue being protected after they're no longer on the countil.
  22. Tainted White at Dawn All your troubles Gone Tainted White at Night Causes a certain Fright Monster-under-the-bed Green
  23. I was traveling the country and looking for an inn I came across a ranch, and a girl named Herena Staying the night I was awoken by a scream I seem to have accidently burnt down Sienna. Fairy Princess Piss Piss yellow
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