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Everything posted by Jubaris

  1. well why not Curiose? One could go rebel just to go bandit, the person could actually make a community within rebel system x) (that would be so cool ) Perhaps maybe adding few faction-differences from those that rebel for a same reason and those they rebel for a different reason, but that can be done by the players themselves and their advertising. But I would like to see some possibility of conflict, of rebels overthrowing a king with their might, or king crushing the rebels with his might (physical conflict Mur said he'll avoid for now tho.)
  2. argh!! You wasted my possesions with that drach trade, if only I knew you were going to sell GG papers... (going directly to GG sometimes is much easier than the boring labyrinth ) If there are no GG bids like you said, will you accept my combined offer of coins and a rusty?
  3. Jubaris


    Grido offers a service of 5 silvers for unbanning but that is his way of collecting the wedding fund... that's what happened to me back when i was in jail during political oppression era x) When he told me it's for dst... He gave me an offer I couldn't refuse
  4. It is known that I relatively recently joined Marind Bell, but from the time I was here, I have only words of praise for you, Lifeline. People mentioned your inactivity, well, people can't be perfect and be here 24/7, but, for me, you held first place in the garniture of kings. You and Emerald Arcanix were a great positive effect for me to join Marind Bell in the first place. Whatever path you take, I wish you the best of luck. I hope you will decide to stay in this realm.
  5. 2 silvers for pimpeds (1 silver each)
  6. Btw, in the spirit of the holidays, I am giving up some early "checkpoint" rewards such as Pimped grassans, and such interesting creatures, but I don't have infinite stocks. If anyone is willing to donate few Pimped Grassans, Imps even, or any creature that has some collectible value so new players can be awarded while the holidays are around, that would be highly appreciated! Nothing expensive, but such non-recruitable creatures.
  7. you just described the system of the privileged. It's perfectly fine if the mum praises those she likes, with them gaining prestige and such, social status, but it's different when mum praises one son fighting his brother, and with a praise, she adds a few extra baseball bats as a reward. That is direct interference in our world. With that, mum also adds an indirect note, something along this way: you can try whatever you want to do as long as you don't mess with my privileged boy's assigned position! Rather than having a certain system, that any brother can go along, and fight for it or whatever with same terms the others have (of course that the older brother has advantage of experience, but that's realistic), you have a system where subjective mum, no matter how cool the mum is, has a privileged son.
  8. but "mum" decides who is the adult? x)
  9. [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1292592396' post='75623'] I think DST and Indyra have said very good points. Though some in their own aggressive way I have found over the past few years of playing MD, that the more you complain about not getting your way, the more you don't get it. It like a child in a store whining for a box of cereal, or some toy out on display. The store puts those things out for the children to see and want, but most mothers don't get that toy because of the child's whining. Now as the child grows up, they learn that if they behave themselves and perhaps hint that the toy sure is a nice one. The mother is much more likely to get that toy out of the child's good behavior and effort to be mature about it. MD is like that store. There are so many more things out in the game to be discovered or re-discovered, should the right maturity and thought process go into it. Mur and now the "secret society" as i like to call them:D, are like the mother. Speaking in Mur terms only, he sees much more then any of us usually think he sees. He waits for you to show the proper criteria that you are ready for the 'gift'. Each 'gift' has its own criteria and you must prove that you are mature enough for such a thing. So usually the more whining done, especially in forums, the more whatever you are looking for is usually delayed. Of course there is a HUGE difference between whining, and constructive ideals, such as the rebellion system. I'm not trying to be rude and call you a whiner, or anyone for that matter. I'm just trying to show an analogy and a reason why MANY people don't get what they are wanting. Just as many children in those stores don't get what they want. [/quote] continuing your analogy for Mur being mother and us being children, perhaps Aysun stated that she would prefer if the system in the game was set like we're 'fresh adults' who are supposed to make their own way in life, and not 'kids' that easily come into the situation to 'whine' cause "mum likes older brother more than me".
  10. Based on old quest of Emerald Arcanix, which was built upon. Prepared for young mp3s, or any player that wants to get more knowledge on basics of Magic Duel. It will be a tutorial of a sorts, that will be continued later on with more quests for advanced stages, which I am hoping for that in the long run, combination of those quests will do great help in helping out new players to integrate. Message me to start the quest, usually, I'll be idling at Wind's Sanctuary. Please, no alts If I find out that somebody is using an alt to take advantage of the coin possibility reward, it will result in disqualifications from all quests made from me, and those that are going to be made. Rewards: Creatures very useful for mp3s, possibility of gaining few coins (total budget 30 silvers, which will be distributed how I see fit at the moment) [b] edit:[/b] extra 1 gold coin (15 silvers) donated for the quest, along with some creatures, from Emerald Arcanix. Thank you! [b]edit, extra info:[/b] I've ask a mod to delete posts of people advertising other quests, since they ruin the ambient and spam the topic, which is reserved to this quest-related posts, such as feedback of players, rewards, asks for donations and such. To make things more practical I'll say it here, in my main post: other quests mp3s are suggested to try by veterans (Asterdai, Grido) is Mya's quest and Burns' quest.
  11. fresh Rusty for sale, accepting coins but will accept anything other that I like (surprise me). if there are decent offers, auction will be looking to close shortly, if not, it will be prolonged (for example, something I would settle with would be a starting bid of 5 gold coins)
  12. Perhaps, we have to do certain things ourselves. I was thinking to start some events where player has a chance of gaining something, while on the other hand have a risk of losing something, all based on rules agreed upon the start of an event. Something like the AL, but this would be a story all resulted of player's action feedback based on the established rules. I already have a starting plot that would lead to creating others, but I'm having issues finding way how to test has the player accomplished the task or not (for example, if a task is to steal an item from another person, there needs to be certain way without violating the rule for cheating other players, perhaps if players know who are all the participants of the event and they agreed upon the chance to get cheated, but if they know who plays the event, the element of surprise is out). If people are up to something like that, I would like us to start that kind of an event. Only, some help with suggestions is needed
  13. I agree with Aysun, and it's something I've been troubled with for a lot of time as well, and I think many of MD's people feel the same. If there was a possibility of taking certain choices that take risk of you losing something of importance, while there's a chance of gaining something of importance in interaction with others, community would have more action and radical moves, rather than some kind of forced status quo. For now, to gain any feedback you need to be spotted by the "right" people...
  14. well both of the designs have their own charms...
  15. [quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1292385578' post='75468'] I did not choose to rebel for a personal reason what so ever, I have nothing to gain from it, and lots to loose. I have no issue with Jester personally, and only minor issues with his role as King, of which we have discussed and I hope he will perform better. [/quote] that was aimed, not at two people rebelling out of two reasons, but a person using his/her two accounts to rebel in same land, supposedly with each account having different reasons. I don't recall you using two accounts to rebel in Necrovion?
  16. But Seb doesn't have two accounts in same lands. The rule isn't limiting at all, I agree with Jester's idea wholeheartedly. Practically, nobody would make two accounts, and focus on their development, and make both take the same homeland (usually people make alts to experiance different things), second, that kind of conflicts are always taken on personal level. Two alts rebelling out of supposedly different reasons?? And if one alt supports the king while the other one rebels against the king case... you think all would go ok there? that a king would accept the "RP" part?
  17. weird, it's like your last birthday was just a month or two ago... x) Happy Birthday bro!
  18. Jesus showing emotions is understandable, he has both humanly and divine nature, but you see, I didn't know about that part from the Exodus. God shows clear emotions, he also makes 'mistakes', he lets people live, then he decides to cleanse them in few tidal waves, then he decides he won't do that ever again (second thoughts, change of course and such), the reason why I asked "where did you got that from" is that, I think, Church takes god as an almighty, allknowing figure... is that term mentioned in the bible or is it a product of the Church? Cause if the both pictures are mentioned then it is a contradiction.
  19. It's good that you do, I wasn't sure. In difference to you, although I respect when a person follows tradition of its people/culture, I don't respect people of the Church (or any other religion, organization) that blindly follow what was told and do not question what was "lectured", do not question themselves, especially considering that Christian branches do not have clear definitions of their base - God, the doctrines those people preach today are very contradicting and illogical. There is a huge gap between the original idea and modern Church, and people refuse to evolve. Hehe, the feeling is likewise, your ego often steps on my nerves too no hard feelings tho. Perhaps from your perception, I'm not showing respect to you, but I was honest and straightforward from day 1, if you can't respect that, then I don't know what do you respect or want from other people here. that third thing, I didn't realize you actually ever cared about my opinion if we forget that I am already a part of another land, I have no desire (nor I had it before) to join Soldiers of the Inner sun, the alliance is not interesting to me. Don't get me wrong, is it Kelletha alliance, is it SoTIS, that kind of alliances bring great amount of prestige with them, but neutrality creeps me out, or at least partial neutrality... It's not that I don't like being Neutral, I don't like that I ---have to--- be neutral, if you get what I want to say x) (maybe they ain't that neutral, but the alliances are more of an extension of one person's role, which I don't like to adapt to) The reason why I replied in humorous way (it's not a bad joke, it's just the lack of humor in you people... it's pathetic how some people cannot laugh at all - and I'm not talking about you here, for the record) is cause what I WOULD say on the matter was already posted by several people, so I saw no point to post again just so someone could say that I'm copy/pasting. wasn't sure is my goal to get the sign to "zero" (which I was feeling somehow the closest to, Rendril, along with some other people posted that image there) or is my goal to make a counter where the result would be the same strength in opposite direction (another sign, where the result of those two "separate" symbols, would be the first symbol turned upways, if you use the symbols like vectors). Certain people suffer from complexes, or have so depressing periods in their life that they have to spit on every thing they can and demonize something that was supposed to be fun (I'm talking about the neg points, it's not that they affect me, but they signify the profiles of people behind them. A normal person that doesn't like a joke, would simply ignore the post) p.s. I think Sephirah Caelum is supposed to be in that post too (nothing subjective, I just remember her posting a lot with links as well)
  20. This is what I came up with my researches... And please, no rewards needed... I am content with my current homeland/alliance x) [attachment=2329:+++ glupost 1.jpg] [color="#8B0000"][b]Mur: You might have posted this thinking you cant win anything, or that you have nothing to lose...but my reply is this: You are permanently baned from any of the activities i will post from now on related to Tribunal Land. Please do not post anything else in the recruitment topic or future similar topics to follow, and also don't participate to any Tribunal related contests i will post. (In the others you are welcome to). Ignoring this will be considered an offence and will force me to take other measures, so understand by word not by sword.[/b][/color]
  21. here's a tune for my fav bots! x)

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