Shadowseeker, I can easily gain adepts from Marble Dale Park (as I always did... accent on always ) with or without it's management as new sparring grounds (you speak of ownership but I did not want to proclaim dominion over it, I wanted for it to start as a project, made mostly by me and help of number of people of course, but eventually let to be able to take care of itself, based on common sense of the community thanks to the minimization of number of rules that were there - more rules, harder to maintain. The Main idea is to help - yes I know that is hard to believe to many of you people.)
why do you point my mp6 status as an advantage? the spell levels are so bugged, and the strength of the spells are so low (except No Multi and Freeze that I don't use against anyone at all) that people should actually laugh at people trying to become mp6. When I see people trying to become mp6, I ask them - why?
I personally stayed as mp6 since I value creation as most interesting part of the game here, since the structure is still pretty much on the very basis, and I can help in a lot of things as mp6. (mostly in projects like this, but that was the role that I chose when joining the Savelites)
Yes well I would rather mention it in some kind of chatter as an offtopic then approach a person I hardly know with a request to "take over" the Sparring Grounds, especially since I didn't find the need to message someone who, at least in my opinion, left the grounds on its own (meaning that you did a job as long as you could and felt that you should move on to other things, fair enough, but you can't keep things like this in your pocket)
All due respect to your work, but I didn't find the need to message you, since I don't know you that well, my apologizes for that impoliteness. Perhaps you wish to speak with me about this in private then (about those personal issues, our discussion on the grounds can continue here)?
Sadly I do not have WPs to spend. I would gladly use a WP to be able to edit Location tags (I am not entirely sure how it works tho... I spend WP only for one location, right? or for the ability to edit each and every one? )
I kept the name since I didn't want to go back to the name of "Dojo", that would cause some mess I think (like this haven't...), and Sparring Grounds seemed fitting (the location had a tag, what you know )
I should have somehow appreciated your and Calyx's work in public with this, history is something I am careful about anyway, but I didn't, and I am sorry I overlooked that.
I don't like tho your threatening attitude towards Marind Bell, it is unnecessary and very ill-mannered, and I'm sure that was just a moment-mistake.