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Everything posted by Myth

  1. I could release the following, again. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15655-quest-lucidity/?hl=lucidity Would it be appropriate?
  2. While I'm not a Golemus citizen, I will say that the eventual implementation of a creature will affect the entire realm, not just Golemians, therefore I don't believe that they would be the only ones who should have a say in the matter. Truth be told, I don't believe any of us have a say in this matter. What I see is that you set a goal for yourself. The "feeling" behind such a step is entirely up to how smoothly you can encompass this alliance (and eventually the creature) within MD, in accordance with the history of MD. Without an appropriate and to some degree logical story to back it up, without action on your part, there is a low probablity of success. In any case, even though I'm not a part of Golemus, I will say that the land could probably use another creature to spruce it up a bit. Edit: There are many things you'd need to be ready for. For instance: One thing you should be ready for is the fact that by the time they get implemented, they will not be your hounds anymore, as they will most likely suffer from interference which isn't yours and yours alone. The creators of the drachorn might not have anticipated that their creature might one day be taken and reshaped, to become a Tainted Drachorn. That's but one example. There is much you need to know and plan for, before this can become reality.
  3. ... seen a living, woolly mammoth.
  4. There are a number of occasions one spends exploring points on. - moving around: exploring points are spent every time you visit a scene you haven't visited before - creature purchases - creature upgrade Other than that, nothing comes to mind at this time.
  5. Suggestion: to save our questions until the 13th, as per: For all we know, Sasha might be giving answers to questions we might have by that time, without us actually asking.
  6. More specifically: I've recently learned that using a consumable item (pickle, candy, spell stones etc.) after receiving it from someone causes the line referring to the transfer of that item to vanish. My personal opinion is that it defeats the purpose of the trade log, as it is. Is it intended this way, or bugged?
  7. Then what you're saying is that it's normal in the sense that the bugs are known and already reported. In which case, could I ask for the thread to be merged with the original report?
  8. Tea effect stacks on itself. You can consume it twice for an improved effect. Red Candy doesn't act that way. If they should both act in a similar way, which way should it be?
  9. Then it comes down to: to stack or not to stack. :p
  10. Aaah... tested again, and yes. If you stay idle the entire time, the effect doesn't actually apply. It remains in the trigger box (if you come back from time to time) but the effects don't take place.
  11. Compare the 2 pictures: - first one says I gained 840 VE - second one says I lost 70 VE Those pics represent the same battle...
  12. Tested on Red Candy and no. Consumed, went idle - effect still active; re-logged - effect still active. No idea about Tea.
  13. I'll ask again when he wakes up, but he said that he thinks he is.
  14. There are a few differences between Tea and Red Candy, and I'd like to know if one of them is intended or not. [spoiler]Tea reduces the regeneration timer reset by 3x. Red Candy reduces the regeneration timer reset by 2x.[/spoiler] This effect stacks when consuming Tea, while it doesn't when consuming Red Candy. Is it meant to be that way? Should the effect stack (or not stack) when consuming either of them?
  15. Asthir: - 3 x Barren on Regenerate vs. dying (pow: 70) - 2 x Animated Tree I on Heal vs. dying (pow: 35) - 1 x Root Warrior I on Martirism vs. weak (pow: 70) (all creatures exactly at max VE) Antyvas: - 2 x Dark Archer on Weaken vs. random - 1 x Air Scout on Weaken vs. strong (all creatures above max VE) Attacks page shows: "OUT X X Antyvas -840 0 0 06-03-2015 20:57:51 replay" - that basically says that I gained 840 VE However, I checked my creatures and out of the 6, my Root Warrior was missing 70 VE. The rest had max VE out of max. At the end of the log, 6 creature (3 of mine, 3 of his) regenerate VE, although they didn't lose any. Also, at the end of the log, it says that: "No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward" for Antyvas, which is wrong since nothing was doing damage to his creatures. [log='Combat Log']Loading Asthir creatures Loading Antyvas creatures Applying 0% of Asthir's energetic influence Applying 60% of Antyvas's energetic influence Influences for Asthir ###### Hollow Warrior: doubleantifreeze Animated Tree I gets unfrozen Animated Tree I gets unfrozen Hollow Warrior: doubleantifreeze Hollow Warrior gets unfrozen Hollow Warrior gets unfrozen Hollow Warrior: doubleantifreeze Hollow Warrior gets unfrozen Root Warrior I gets unfrozen Animated Tree I: regenaura Animated Tree I: regenaura Root Warrior I: regenaura Influences for Antyvas ###### Air Scout: poweraura Applying Asthir's Creature Tokens at 100% Hollow Warrior's creature tokens [] Hollow Warrior's creature tokens [] Hollow Warrior's creature tokens [] Animated Tree I's creature tokens [] Animated Tree I's creature tokens [] Root Warrior I's creature tokens [] Applying Antyvas's Creature Tokens at 40% Dark Archer's creature tokens [] Dark Archer's creature tokens [] Air Scout's creature tokens [] Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 5 to -93; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Root Warrior I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 10 to -88; ) and remains with 4000 vitality Antyvas's Air Scout does weaken to strong creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -83 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-83|from 15 to -68; ) and remains with 500 vitality Asthir's Root Warrior I does protect to weak creature(s) of Asthir and: - Protection effect: 70 - Animated Tree I is protected by Root Warrior I with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from -93 to -23; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior does regenerate to dying creature(s) of Asthir and: - Regeneration power: 18, regen. vitality: 70 - Maintaining regeneration, Root Warrior I will regenerate next 2 rounds vitality regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "1" ###### Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-83|from 15 to -68; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 5 to -93; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) protect (round:2 protect: defence=70|from -93 to -23; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 10 to -88; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) regenerate (round:2 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 15 to -83; ) and remains with 500 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from -23 to -121; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Air Scout does weaken to strong creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -83 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-83|from 15 to -68; ) and remains with 500 vitality Asthir's Root Warrior I does protect to weak creature(s) of Asthir and: - Protection effect: 70 - Animated Tree I is protected by Root Warrior I with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from -121 to -51; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior does regenerate to dying creature(s) of Asthir and: - Regeneration power: 18, regen. vitality: 70 - Maintaining regeneration, Root Warrior I will regenerate next 2 rounds vitality regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "2" ###### Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-83|from 15 to -68; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 15 to -83; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from 75 to 145; ) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 145 to 47; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 : regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from 47 to -51; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from -83 to -181; ) and remains with 500 vitality Antyvas's Air Scout does weaken to strong creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -83 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-83|from 15 to -68; ) and remains with 500 vitality Asthir's Root Warrior I does protect to weak creature(s) of Asthir and: - Protection effect: 70 - Hollow Warrior is protected by Root Warrior I with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from -181 to -111; ) and remains with 500 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior does regenerate to dying creature(s) of Asthir and: - Regeneration power: 18, regen. vitality: 70 - Maintaining regeneration, Root Warrior I will regenerate next 2 rounds vitality regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "3" ###### Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-83|from 15 to -68; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 15 to -83; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) protect (round:2 protect: defence=70|from -83 to -13; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 75 to -23; ) protect (round:2 protect: defence=70|from -23 to 47; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 : regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from 47 to -51; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from -51 to -149; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Air Scout does weaken to strong creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -83 - maintains weaken on Root Warrior I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-83|from 108 to 25; ) and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Root Warrior I does protect to weak creature(s) of Asthir and: - Protection effect: 70 - Animated Tree I is protected by Root Warrior I with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from -149 to -79; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior does regenerate to dying creature(s) of Asthir and: - Regeneration power: 18, regen. vitality: 70 - Maintaining regeneration, Root Warrior I will regenerate next 2 rounds vitality regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "4" ###### Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-83|from 15 to -68; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 : protect (round:1 protect: defence=70|from 113 to 183; ) protect (round:0 protect: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 47 to -51; ) protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from -51 to 19; ) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 19 to -79; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 : regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-83|from 206 to 123; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Root Warrior I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 123 to 25; ) and remains with 4000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Root Warrior I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from 25 to -73; ) and remains with 4000 vitality Antyvas's Air Scout does weaken to strong creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -83 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-83|from 183 to 100; ) and remains with 500 vitality Asthir's Root Warrior I does protect to weak creature(s) of Asthir and: - Protection effect: 70 - Animated Tree I is protected by Root Warrior I with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from -79 to -9; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior does regenerate to dying creature(s) of Asthir and: - Regeneration power: 18, regen. vitality: 70 - Maintaining regeneration, Root Warrior I will regenerate next 2 rounds vitality regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "5" ###### Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-83|from 309 to 226; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 117 to 19; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from 19 to 89; ) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 89 to -9; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 206 to 108; ) regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 108 to 10; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 5 to -93; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Root Warrior I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from 10 to -88; ) and remains with 4000 vitality Antyvas's Air Scout does weaken to strong creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -83 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-83|from 226 to 143; ) and remains with 500 vitality Asthir's Root Warrior I does protect to weak creature(s) of Asthir and: - Protection effect: 70 - Animated Tree I is protected by Root Warrior I with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from -93 to -23; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior does regenerate to dying creature(s) of Asthir and: - Regeneration power: 18, regen. vitality: 70 - Maintaining regeneration, Root Warrior I will regenerate next 2 rounds vitality regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "6" ###### Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-83|from 352 to 269; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 4 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 5 to -93; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) protect (round:2 protect: defence=70|from -93 to -23; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 : protect (round:2 protect: defence=70|from 117 to 187; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 191 to 93; ) regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from -23 to -121; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 264 to 166; ) and remains with 500 vitality Antyvas's Air Scout does weaken to strong creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -83 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-83|from 269 to 186; ) and remains with 500 vitality Asthir's Root Warrior I does protect to weak creature(s) of Asthir and: - Protection effect: 70 - Animated Tree I is protected by Root Warrior I with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from -121 to -51; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior does regenerate to dying creature(s) of Asthir and: - Regeneration power: 18, regen. vitality: 70 - Maintaining regeneration, Root Warrior I will regenerate next 2 rounds vitality regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "7" ###### Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 347 to 249; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-83|from 395 to 312; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 4 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from -23 to -121; ) protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from -121 to -51; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 : protect (round:1 protect: defence=70|from 313 to 383; ) protect (round:0 protect: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 372 to 274; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 249 to 151; ) and remains with 500 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from 383 to 285; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Air Scout does weaken to strong creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -83 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-83|from 312 to 229; ) and remains with 500 vitality Asthir's Root Warrior I does protect to weak creature(s) of Asthir and: - Protection effect: 70 - Animated Tree I is protected by Root Warrior I with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from -51 to 19; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior does regenerate to dying creature(s) of Asthir and: - Regeneration power: 18, regen. vitality: 70 - Maintaining regeneration, Root Warrior I will regenerate next 2 rounds vitality regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "8" ###### Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 430 to 332; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-83|from 438 to 355; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 4 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 47 to -51; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from -51 to 19; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 411 to 313; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 : regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Root Warrior I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from 553 to 455; ) and remains with 4000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Root Warrior I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from 455 to 357; ) and remains with 4000 vitality Antyvas's Air Scout does weaken to strong creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -83 - maintains weaken on Root Warrior I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-83|from 357 to 274; ) and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Root Warrior I does protect to weak creature(s) of Asthir and: - Protection effect: 70 - Animated Tree I is protected by Root Warrior I with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from 19 to 89; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior does regenerate to dying creature(s) of Asthir and: - Regeneration power: 18, regen. vitality: 70 - Maintaining regeneration, Root Warrior I will regenerate next 2 rounds vitality regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "9" ###### Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-83|from 564 to 481; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 4 : protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from 117 to 187; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 439 to 341; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 553 to 455; ) regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-83|from 455 to 372; ) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 372 to 274; ) Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from 187 to 89; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from 341 to 243; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Air Scout does weaken to strong creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -83 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-83|from 611 to 528; ) and remains with 500 vitality Asthir's Root Warrior I does protect to weak creature(s) of Asthir and: - Protection effect: 70 - Animated Tree I is protected by Root Warrior I with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from 89 to 159; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior does regenerate to dying creature(s) of Asthir and: - Regeneration power: 18, regen. vitality: 70 - Maintaining regeneration, Root Warrior I will regenerate next 2 rounds vitality regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "10" ###### Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-83|from 807 to 724; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 4 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 187 to 89; ) protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from 89 to 159; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 369 to 271; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 553 to 455; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-83|from 455 to 372; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 372 to 274; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from 159 to 61; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 61 to -37; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Air Scout does weaken to strong creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -83 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-83|from 724 to 641; ) and remains with 500 vitality Asthir's Root Warrior I does protect to weak creature(s) of Asthir and: - Protection effect: 70 - Animated Tree I is protected by Root Warrior I with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from -37 to 33; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior does regenerate to dying creature(s) of Asthir and: - Regeneration power: 18, regen. vitality: 70 - Maintaining regeneration, Root Warrior I will regenerate next 2 rounds vitality regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "11" ###### Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-83|from 920 to 837; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 4 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 159 to 61; ) protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from 61 to 131; ) weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 131 to 33; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 397 to 299; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 : regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from 299 to 201; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Dark Archer does weaken to random creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -98 - maintains weaken on Animated Tree I weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-98|from 201 to 103; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Antyvas's Air Scout does weaken to strong creature(s) of Asthir and: - Weaken defence effect: -83 - maintains weaken on Hollow Warrior weaken (round:3 weaken: defence=-83|from 899 to 816; ) and remains with 500 vitality Asthir's Root Warrior I does protect to weak creature(s) of Asthir and: - Protection effect: 70 - Animated Tree I is protected by Root Warrior I with defence, maintaining protection protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from 33 to 103; ) and remains with 2000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior does regenerate to dying creature(s) of Asthir and: - Regeneration power: 18, regen. vitality: 70 - Maintaining regeneration, Root Warrior I will regenerate next 2 rounds vitality regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality and remains with 4000 vitality Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Animated Tree I cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn Asthir's Hollow Warrior cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "12" ###### Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 1 : Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 2 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-83|from 1116 to 1033; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 3 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-83|from 1025 to 942; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 4 : weaken (round:1 weaken: defence=-98|from 229 to 131; ) weaken (round:0 weaken: effect ended) protect (round:3 protect: defence=70|from 131 to 201; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 5 : weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 229 to 131; ) weaken (round:2 weaken: defence=-98|from 131 to 33; ) Applying temporary effects for Asthir, slot 6 : regenerate (round:3 regenerate: 70) and remains with 4000 vitality ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses ... Antyvas WINS! 0.736842105263% vs 0% Creature Experience reward for Asthir - Losing player Hollow Warrior recovers 90 Vitality Hollow Warrior gains 0 Xp Hollow Warrior recovers 90 Vitality Hollow Warrior gains 0 Xp Hollow Warrior recovers 90 Vitality Hollow Warrior gains 0 Xp Animated Tree I gains 0 Xp Animated Tree I gains 0 Xp Root Warrior I gains 0 Xp Creature Experience reward for Antyvas - Winning player Dark Archer recovers 150 Vitality Dark Archer recovers 150 Vitality Air Scout recovers 8 Vitality No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward Winner gets won fights counter incremented! Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented![/log] I keep trying to reproduce the -840 VE part to take a screenshot, but I'm not having much luck... Reproduced: Outside view of battle (last one) Inside view of battle: The 0.736...% represents the 70 VE (out of the maximum of 9500) missing from the Root Warrior I - as opposed to the 840 VE I apparently gained in the first screenshot.
  16. The image below shows what happens. To clear it up: I'm under the Invisibility effect - Ghost - but when I break a stone to learn a spell, the chat line shows my real profile name. Question is: should it be this way?
  17. I love gambling. I stay away from it in RL, but I don't hold back in the virtual realm. So yeah, I enjoyed it :p
  18. End of February reached. Topic may be closed. Chew, could you hit me up with Mur's response?
  19. Wooden flower - 3s Rock’n’roll pigeon - 3s
  20. Currently, Rainbow Candy breaks into 5 of the 7 colors of the Rainbow. Suggestion: add Indigo and Violet to the "melting" possibilities. Effect possibilities: - Reduces attack cool-down timer by X% for Y minutes. - Gives X Exploring Points. - Poisons consumer, lowering stats A/B/C/... by X(%) for Y minutes. - Doubles the Regeneration timer along with its gains for X minutes. (20 minutes cool down, but you gain double than what a regular reset would yield) Effects can be combined to achieve more balanced ones. Additional ideas are more than welcome. :P
  21. Bought 2 Aramors, 5 mil heat and about 150 days old - 6 silver, total
  22. Myth


    Just made it up; meant nothing at the time, and it still doesn't - just a name - some time later I googled it and found out someone used in some writing, dated after I made it (or at least thought to have made it) - some more time after that, Nim said that it meant something like "volatile" in a language I can't remember - googled it again, only to find that it was added to the dictionary (previous search didn't return this result) (edit: Asthir)
  23. Nope. It was an issue I had when attacking 2 imps with a tree, and the imps were acting as though the tree had no defense whatsoever, doing 90 damage (each) every time they hit. (both player sliders at 0%) But that's a different issue, and I can't remember which post I mentioned it in.
  24. Player A = 1000 attack, 500 defense (osc = 800) with Creature A (Haotic Strike) = 100 attack, 50 defense Player B = 2000 attack, 1000 defense with Creature B = 100 attack, 50 defense 100% slide bar: Creature A = 1100 attack, 550 defense Creature B = 2100 attack, 1050 defense A hits B: - min damage = attack - (osc/2) - defense = 1100-400-1050 = -350 = 1 - max damage = attack + osc - defense = 1100+800-1050 = 850 In any case, now that I look at it again, I don't think that what I was saying matters, because the variance refers to the value of the creature's attack power, not damage dealt.
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